
tomwardillcjwatson: done and pushed08:44
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: yay for symlink hack!09:30
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: good email (re livefs webhooks)09:45
SpecialK|Canonilasc: please make sure ^ go in the weekly!09:46
SpecialK|Canonon the subject of naming things09:46
ilascSpecialK|Canon noted.09:46
SpecialK|Canonone of the things Przemek inherited when we last worked together was a Django/Celery service I'd built to manage webhooks09:47
SpecialK|Canonbecause it...shoots webs09:47
SpecialK|Canon(I'll get my coat)09:47
cjwatsonSpecialK|Canon: I put it in the weekly yesterday09:49
cjwatsonThese days I try to do that as a post-deployment step, because otherwise I forget09:49
Spadsthis reminds me of when I wrote a STONITH mechanism into something, and took great glee in naming everything based on that metaphor.  other_node_to_be_shot_in_the_head = gethostbyname(...)09:49
Spadshead_in_which_other_node_is_shot = IMPI(...).port()09:50
cjwatsonOK, I'm generally not fond of the "shoot in the head" metaphor, but "head_in_which_other_node_is_shot" breaks the unpleasant bits of the metaphor enough to make it funny09:53
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: hah way ahead of me, thanks :)09:55
SpecialK|Canonand agreed re STONITH09:55
ilasccjwatson: thank you for all the help on the webhooks for livefs and for adding it to the weekly!09:56
cjwatsonmy pleasure09:56
tomwardillcjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/376431 is rebased on top of the latest concrete branch and ready for another look when you get chance14:01
cjwatsontomwardill: approved, but a few small comments and one critical one.  Go ahead and land once you've fixed those16:13
tomwardillcjwatson: righto, will do :)16:14
cjwatsontomwardill: (er, by which I mean concrete-oci-recipes, not the next one along yet)16:15
tomwardillindeed :)16:15
tomwardillJust got the email16:15
tomwardillokay,I can go from nothing to 'running' launchpad in one command16:23
tomwardillshame I can't login once it's running...16:23
cjwatsonNot bad though16:24
tomwardillcjwatson: ah, those tests arrive in the next MP (oci-ocirecipebuild)16:26
tomwardillalthough come to think of it, that is missing anything that tests that, as virtualized being inferred is new16:27
cjwatsonRight, so maybe it's quick to just move the relevant bits over16:31
tomwardillyeah, doing tha tnow16:31
tomwardillblergh, the next one has a bunch of rebase fails in it I've just found16:37
tomwardillwee, this is a fun pile of yaks. Currently adding more interface declarations to IOCIRecipe, because I missed the Admin ones16:50
tomwardillcjwatson: does https://git.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/commit/?id=c5e1d572e1ee61ffa33d73abb73cc87b0b67958a look reasonable?17:00
tomwardillhad to backport some more infrastructure from the next MP17:00
cjwatsontomwardill: LGTM17:02
tomwardillcool, will land that, and then rebase/fix the next one17:02
tomwardillcjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/376431 is up I think17:18
cjwatsonwgrant: I fixed up the type naming in https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/373765 (db-bugsummary-statement-triggers) slightly.  OK now?18:16
wgrantcjwatson: Yay!22:50
cjwatsonOK, let's see how long an LP test run takes on my home server now it has an SSD to play with22:58
cjwatsonOlder CPU than my laptop (Ivy Bridge), but seems a bit faster in some situations so we'll see22:58
cjwatsonEr, server is Ivy Bridge, laptop is Broadwell22:58
cjwatsonI tried before but it was too slow to be pleasant on rotating rust22:59
cjwatsonWould be nice to be able to run LP tests somewhere that isn't my laptop22:59

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