
=== jlosito_ is now known as jlosito
jlositocmaloney, is the michigan loco team is active?15:54
cmaloneyDefine active? :)15:55
cmaloneyWe have one gathering a year at Penguicon (which will hopefully be on the program for the 2020 Penguicon)15:55
jlositoi see there's a redirect michigan.ubuntu-us.org to http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-mi/15:56
jlositois this needed anymore?15:56
cmaloneyI didn't know it was there. Not sure if anyone uses that link.15:56
jlositofrom the access logs, i'm going to say no15:56
cmaloneyHonestly are any of the locos active anymore?15:56
jlositogood point15:57
cmaloneyI'm looking at the loco directory for events and the only thing I'm seeing are for south america and a repeating event for Arizona15:57
jlositogoing back a couple of days of the access logs, i only see myself hitting michigan.ubuntu-us.org15:57
cmaloneyer, rather, Europe.15:57
cmaloneySo, um, I just realized it exists, and I'm not sure if anyone uses it. ;)15:58
cmaloneyThanks for checking though.15:59
jlositoty for responding15:59
jlositoi have a bouncer, so i'll just sit in here for a couple of days just to see if anyone objects to the change15:59
cmaloneyno worries. I doubt there will be any objections.16:00
jrwrenbut now we can use it!16:23

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