
fribI think an ubuntu update may be causing me to get this error: error while loading shared libraries: libmpfr.so.400:06
fribBut not sure how to fix it.. anyone know? thanks00:06
frib(it's being requested by qmake for cross compiling with 32-bit minGW00:07
sarnoldwhat error are you getting?00:07
WoCsarnold ok, ty, much more than i thought... ;o00:08
sarnoldWoC: same here :(00:08
Darkchaossarnold: I think I got something, still stuff to figure out, though :D00:38
DarkchaosThe .o file doesn't have the table either, but the LD Flag is "-Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL"00:38
DarkchaosIt shouldn't remove version symbols but only function symbols, I guess, but you never know00:39
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WoCDarkchaos, sounds like the affected libs got updated mid build, maybe make clean and rebuild ?00:42
DarkchaosWoC: "Unfortunately" it's rebuildable. TLDR is: openjdk-lts when built on Ubuntu (NOT Debian) misses the symver section in lib/libjawt.so00:42
WoCgood thing that java is against my religion, thou must not venture there...00:45
DarkchaosWell, my religion brought me that far. Instead of giving up, I tend to dig deeper and deeper into the problem, even if it's really really really frustrating00:46
WoCjava to c++ converter ;)00:47
CarlFKhow can I see saved wifi passwords for an ssid I am not near?00:48
sarnoldDarkchaos: reminds me a bit of The Simpsons, "Son, we are about the break the surly bonds of gravity, and punch the face of God."00:48
sarnoldCarlFK: check /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/00:49
CarlFKsarnold: bingo.  thanks.00:52
nCoV_frenHi frens!00:52
sarnoldCarlFK: yay00:54
eelstreborwhy is bind9-host needed to install dnsutils? not only that, the package manager shows bind9-host as deprecated01:34
sarnoldeelstrebor: Depends: bind9-host | host,  ...01:36
sarnoldeelstrebor: any package that supplies the virtual package depdency on 'host' can satisfy that dep01:36
eelstreborhost isn't a package01:39
sarnoldin some releases, the knot-host package can also provide the host virtual package01:43
yeoji'm seeing the same problem as https://cursos.alura.com.br/forum/topico-ubuntu-bionic-18-04-cloudimg-vmdk-truncated-tar-archive-102757 for the past couple versions of bionic64, but don't seem to have problems with any other images, nor ubuntu/trusty6401:48
sarnoldhmm, https://vagrantcloud.com/ubuntu/boxes/bionic64/versions/20200210.0.0/providers/01:51
sarnoldthat gives a 40401:51
sarnoldah the full url actually works, that's just a redirect farm to https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/bionic/current/bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64-vagrant.box01:52
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pjsany ideas on this weird package install issue: http://dpaste.com/338YFR602:31
pjsSays it can't overwrite a file but the file doesn't exist02:31
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sarnoldpjs: where'd you find a python3.8-distutils package? what's apt-cache policy python3.8-distutils   report?02:36
pjssarnold: http://dpaste.com/0MWTZAA02:37
pjsthat's the output02:37
sarnoldpjs: you'll probably need to ask deadsnakes what the intention for that package is02:39
sarnoldpjs: is the goal to replace all the python packages that ubuntu supplies?02:39
sarnoldpjs: or is this just a bug in deadsnakes' packaging?02:39
pjssarnold: no clue. I just wanted to install python3.8 lol. It used to work just fine. Not sure when it stopped02:40
Bashing-om!info python3.8 bionic02:40
ubottupython3.8 (source: python3.8): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.8). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.0-3~18.04 (bionic), package size 346 kB, installed size 477 kB02:41
sarnoldyour system may be too broken to install the ppa-purge package via apt, but it's worth trying to get it installed somehow, I think it has the best chance of being an easy way to back out of this situation02:44
pjssarnold: Yea, I'd love to get it as we're literally upgrading our app to py3.8 tonight so tomorrow my laptop won't have a supported env hahha02:45
sarnoldpjs: try wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ppa-purge/0.2.8+bzr63/+build/8424921/+files/ppa-purge_0.2.8+bzr63_all.deb && sudo dpkg -i ./ppa-purge_0.2.8+bzr63_all.deb    -- see if this works02:46
pjssure one sec02:46
pjssarnold: installed fine02:47
sarnoldpjs: nice; try ppa-purge ppa:deadsnakes02:49
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pjssarnold: running (sorry got a call)02:54
sarnoldpjs: does it look like it's going in happy directions?02:54
pjssarnold: http://dpaste.com/1C53JHD02:55
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pjsThe mongo stuff has been there.. I just need to remove the sources (or update the key).. I don't use it so I keep ignoring it02:55
pjsbut does specifically mention deadsnakes (removed mongo, re-ran the command, just gives the same output as before minus the mongo sig issues)02:56
sarnoldI wish this thing would just let you copy-paste the URL from the apt-get output. :/02:56
sarnoldpjs: alright, how about ppa-purge -o deadsnakes02:57
pjssarnold: it's telling me things will be downgraded, mostly python3.8 stuff02:58
sarnoldpjs: sweet that sounds like success02:59
pjsthough some 3.7 in there too.. want the output?02:59
sarnoldthat's probably good02:59
pjssarnold: http://dpaste.com/0S82BE002:59
sarnoldpjs: looks good to me03:00
pjsok, so continue right?03:00
sarnoldonce this thing is done, double-check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*list files and make sure they look good -- then a fresh apt update && apt upgrade03:01
pjssarnold: PPA purged successfully03:01
pjssarnold: ok, all upgraded correctly03:03
sarnoldpjs: cool cool :)03:03
pjsit appears distuitls is present in 3.8 now03:03
pjshrmm, though the issue remains.. weird03:04
sarnoldhmm, what are you seeing now?03:05
pjswell, now it's a Python thing (which is what started the whole chase down the rabbit hole)03:05
sarnoldthat's both good news, in that the system python is put back :) and bad news, in that I know next to nothing about virtualenv or pip or similar03:06
pjssarnold: http://dpaste.com/0P5S38203:07
pjsprogress for sure lol03:07
sarnoldpjs: for example, I can't tell if that's success or failure :)03:08
pjssarnold: hah, yea nor I03:08
pjsI install python3.8-venv but I guess I need both03:09
pjsthough it says it's already installed03:09
sarnoldthis is where I get very very confused03:09
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sarnoldbuuut it may be poissible to have a venv of some sort installed in your home direcotry that lets 'import venv' work, but still be missing the python3-venv module03:10
sarnoldI don't know venvs. at all. but I suspect this may be the sort of thing that's fixed by: mv ~/env ~/env.deletemesomeday03:11
sarnoldfollowed by apt install python3-venv03:11
pjssarnold: no because I print the file and it's showing the system path03:17
* gaughen waves at sarnold03:19
sarnoldheya gaughen :)03:19
sarnoldpjs: dang03:19
pjslol yea this is weird.. I never understood why Linux distros rip out core parts of software (ie, python) to separate packages. venv is a core module03:20
gaughenpjs, are you the person running into trouble with the vagrant box?03:21
gaughenif not sarnold who should I pester here?03:21
gaughenI mean offer support to ;-)03:21
sarnoldgaughen: that was yeoj -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bug/186286903:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1862869 in cloud-images "vagrant image is corrupted" [Undecided,New]03:23
gaughenah cool, thank you03:23
gaughenand thanks for the bug03:23
sarnoldgaughen: pjs has an issue somewhere in python venvland that I don't understand03:23
pjsgaughen: no sir :)03:24
gaughenyeoj, I added a comment in the bug offering a suggestion to get you moving again.03:27
sarnoldnice, thanks gaughen :)03:31
gaughensarnold, trying to help. I don't know if it will work for what yeoj's trying to do but hopefully will get them moving this evening.03:32
pjssarnold: sweet.. now no python version works with venv :)03:34
sarnoldpjs: nice, consistency, I like it.03:34
pjsI need a break.. bbiaf03:35
k_szeIs there a way to set the color-depth when using GNOME desktop?03:56
dinkoarunHi, since the last week, a random command has been run by postgres user that his hogging a lot of CPU. It is not showing in the pg_stat_activity. I suspect it is some sort of malware, but I am unable to diagnose it. Can someone help? I am using it on Ubuntu 16.04 server. Postgres 9.504:45
dinkoarunIt is running even when postgres service is stopped.04:45
robertparkerxhow do I restart from command line? shutdown -r isn't working04:51
robertparkerxFailed to parse time specification: –r04:51
Bashing-omrobertparkerx: 'systemctl poweroff' .04:55
dinkoarunrobertparkerx try shutdown -r now04:56
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robertparkerxshutdown -r now worked05:03
jazizDoes anyone have any advice for an interview with Canonical?05:11
pjssarnold: so turns out 'apt-get --reinstall install python3.8-distutils' did the trick and resolved the issues with all python versions.. So weird but, it's working :)05:14
pjsthanks again for the help earlier05:14
robertparkerxI run 'screen -s irssi' as irssi user. How can I makke a systemcmd to run it at startup ?05:30
robertparkerxI've tried to setup a crontab -e05:33
robertparkerx@reboot screen -s irssi05:33
robertparkerxbut it doesn't seem to work05:33
rud0lftry full path to screen maybe05:48
robertparkerxso '/usr/bin/screen -s irssi'05:54
rud0lfseems so05:55
robertparkerxrud0lf can I do this https://termbin.com/m19g05:57
rud0lfi don't know systemd05:57
robertparkerxdidn't workk06:00
rustytacoHello all! I'm running 19.10 on an hp 15ba-078dx laptop. The touchpad is annoyingly sensitive to brushing it with my hand while typing and such. SUggestions?06:06
rustytacousing xfce desktop, but would like an option that fixes it systemwide as there are other users too06:06
AktiveI cant use my monitor sound which goes from graphics card to monitor with display port06:10
Aktivethere comes no sound06:10
AktiveI tried selecting the device, putting mouse volume up06:10
yeojgaughen: thank you!  i just used hashicorp/bionic64 for the moment.  i tried pinning to ubuntu images back in 201909 with same issue.  it's quite possible that i'm doing something wrong, too.  thanks for following up!06:12
de-factoHow can I get debug output from nautilus? Trying to debug a WebDAV problem where it just helpfully tells me: Ops, something went wrong: Unknown Error : HTTP Multistatus06:12
de-factowell Oops indeed...06:12
de-factowhat is something and why is the error unknown?06:13
de-factoobviously it knows more about it since it detected it went wrong06:13
de-factoI tried to debug WebDAV in Nautilus like this, yet its output is not really helpful06:19
de-facto  pkill gvfs; pkill nautilus ; LC_ALL=C GVFS_DEBUG=1 $(find /usr/lib* -name gvfsd 2>/dev/null) --replace 2>&106:19
de-factodav: send_reply(0x55d033fb5ae0), failed=1 (HTTP Error: Multi-Status)06:20
de-factook failed request got "dav:  [/prefix1] webdav: 1, collection 0 [res: 0]" in the logs, while successful  request "[/prefix2] webdav: 1, collection 1 [res: 1]"  (note difference in collection and res06:32
ztanestrange powerconsumption issues with ubuntu 1910 and lenovo t480 laptop07:07
ztanecpu power scaling for example set to lowest and the bottom cover is fiery hot07:08
ztanestarted coinciding at the same time with upgrade to 1910,07:08
ztanefrom 180407:08
ztanenow I need to run windblows to find out if it happens there too07:09
ztanebefore I RMA :d07:09
de-factohow do I tell nautilus to use totem for opening mp4 videos? It claims its not installed for webdav, yet locally it opens such files with it07:31
de-factoits straight a lie...07:31
de-factoDo you want to search for an application? clicking yes just reopens same dialogue in a loop07:32
de-factowhat a buggy mess07:32
de-factois there an option to completely wipe all state from nautilus?07:33
ForzaHello . Is tgt the only iscsi target supported on Ubuntu?07:33
de-factowhere does nautilus store its state?07:36
rustytacode-facto: probably in ~/.config/ somewhere07:37
rustytacoIt appears ~/.config/nautilus/ but i personally have nothing there as i use thunar07:38
de-factoi also cant see any relevant settings in gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.nautilus07:39
de-factosometimes nautilus really makes me want to throw my computer out of the window07:46
rustytacoyea most DEs leave me feeling that way. xfce stays out my way enough that i can make myself use X ;)07:47
de-factoprobably it even is my fault, since i did that debugging for webdav. yet now it remembers a state from somewhere which makes it behave weird07:49
de-factobut why would gnome hide every possible option from its users? this is what i really hate about it07:50
gambl0reanyone can help me with gparted? im trying to format my sd card but nothing im doing is working07:50
rustytacogambl0re: Define not working? DOes it see your device (/dev/mmcblk0 for example)07:51
gambl0rerustytaco: yea i can see it under /dev/mmcblk1p107:52
gambl0rei tried formatting the sd card but the old files are still there07:52
de-factothats the first partition on it07:52
oerheksunlock the sdcard with the flip07:53
rustytacoDoes write protect actually work on that? Mine never has on my dell. windows or linux Lol07:54
gambl0recould anyone help me out?07:54
rustytacogambl0re: did you make sure it was unmounted? If so instead of using gparted, why not mkfs the partition?07:54
gambl0reyes its unmounted07:54
gambl0rewhats mkfs?07:55
rustytacogambl0re: What file system do you want it to be? Linux (ext4 or btrfs) or windows (vfat)?07:55
de-factogambl0re, just make really sure you are using the correct device (formating wipes everything on the target)07:55
gambl0refat 3207:55
gambl0reits a micro sd card im using for my audio player07:56
rustytacoYa mkfs.vfat is what you want. And agreed - make sure you pick the right partition because it'll get wiped07:56
gambl0rei understand that. 100% im on the right device07:56
rustytacoYea you want fat32 for most of those sudo mkfs.vfat /path/to/dev07:56
gambl0refdisk -l shows the sd card as /dev/mmcpblk1p107:56
gambl0reso do i do mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcpblk1p1 ?07:57
gambl0reok i ran the command. it didnt return any errors07:57
rustytacoIt'll put a fresh fat filesystem of the appropriate type (usually fat32)07:57
rustytacoecho $?07:58
gambl0reis that command supposed to wipe the card? cause im still seeing my old music07:58
rustytacoType echo $? - if you see 0 that means succcess. Works with any command07:58
rustytacomkfs.vfat would wiped it yea07:58
gambl0rereturns 007:58
rustytacoWhere are you seeing your old music?07:59
gambl0reon my sd card07:59
gambl0reim just rebooting my computer making sure i didnt wipe out the os08:00
gambl0reyea my computer reboots fine08:00
gambl0reand i still see my old music08:01
rustytacoAre you sure its mounted? (mountpoint /path/to/mount; echo $?)08:02
ducassegambl0re: are there any relevant messages at the end of dmesg?08:03
gambl0rebefore i ran mkfs command the card was unmounted.08:04
gambl0reor was it supposed to be mounted?08:04
rustytacoShould be unmounted before mkfs'ing it08:05
rustytacomkfs should return failure (non-zero) if it couldnt create a fs there. Me thinks its not mounted where you think it is08:06
rustytacoFailing that, something gone wonky :O08:06
oerheksif a sdcard does not format, check for errors/filesystem.. but they have told you that before in #linux or #fedora too, no?08:07
gambl0redmesg output of last 20 lines or so08:09
gambl0re[   57.748908] FAT-fs (mmcblk1p1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.08:10
gambl0re[  103.576271] systemd-gpt-auto-generator[2359]: Failed to dissect: Input/output error08:10
oerheks check filesystem, gambl0re08:10
oerheksyou know how08:10
gambl0recheck filesystem like what08:11
rustytacoshouldnt be having fs errors on a freshly made fs -- but normally you'd run fsck /dev/mmcblk1p108:15
gambl0rewhats vFat signature?08:18
gambl0reshould i remove it?08:18
ztaneyea, my power problem seems to be linux only08:23
ducassegambl0re: what's the output of 'uname -a'08:28
gambl0reok wtf....i manually deleted all the files in my sd card. i ejected and inserted back and the files came back08:31
rustytacoError 519. EUSER - User Error, Replace User.?08:35
dub1t0is anybody able to see what i write please?09:01
ducassedub1t0: please don't use this channel for testing your irc client09:04
dub1t0@Eric thank you09:05
dub1t0@ducasse it's not the case, i wanted to be part of this community but i wasn't sure if my client works :)09:06
ducassedub1t0: it's just that if too many do it it quickly gets really annoying :)09:07
ducassedub1t0: if you have a question you are welcome to ask09:08
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dub1t0@ducasse of course09:27
dub1t0@ducasse i have a question regarding the operating system choice09:27
dub1t0i am working in IT for more that 10 years09:27
dub1t0using several OS09:27
dub1t0such as Windows 98/XP/VISTA/7/1009:28
dub1t0also macos from Snow Leopard09:28
dub1t0and linux from Ubuntu 909:28
dub1t0as well as debian etc09:28
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.09:28
dub1t0today as my current job envolves my in web development i would like to choose an os that is as much as possible close to my needs09:29
dub1t0so basically i need a LAMP or LEMP flexible environment (switgch between php versions) and GIT09:30
dub1t0and the possible usage of photoshop (even under a VM) would be a bonus09:30
dub1t0and yeah a good text editor (my prefered one is visual studio code)09:31
dub1t0if someone may help me please by highlighting the choice that may answer to my need09:34
ducassewhy not go with plain ubuntu desktop? it's a very common platform for web dev09:43
dub1t0@ducasse what means "plain ubuntu desktop" please? is it the default version from ubuntu.com?09:44
dub1t0and is delivered with GNOME 3 right?.09:45
ducassego with 18.04 lts unless you have a reason not to. gnome, yes.09:45
dub1t0ok thank you :)09:46
dub1t0i'll try it asap09:46
dub1t0see you later guyw09:46
dub1t0see you later guys09:46
JustASlackerhello all10:07
JustASlackeris there a way to include debian testing packages in ubuntu ?10:07
tarzeauJustASlacker: sure10:08
tarzeauJustASlacker: with your own reprepro or using a PPA10:09
tarzeauhttps://launchpad.net/~gagarin/+archive/ubuntu/bionic here's my PPA for 18.0410:09
JustASlackerbut can I simply add debian testing in my sources10:09
tarzeauwell you can, but you'll destroy your system10:10
ducasse!frankenbuntu | JustASlacker10:10
tarzeauit's called frankendebian in #debian10:10
ducasse!frankenubuntu | JustASlacker10:10
ubottuJustASlacker: it is usually a very bad idea to mix packages from different releases (or Linux distributions), and it is completely unsupported10:11
JustASlackerso, I guess I want ubuntu20 backports10:13
tarzeauJustASlacker: my offer expires in 30'10:13
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oerhekssoon .. 18.04.4 .. hold your breath ..11:59
bitblitI'm having a weird DHCP issue. When I unplug/plug the physical cable, I get one address, but "dhclient -r eth0; dhclient eth0;" give me a different address. dhclient gives the currently configured dhcp static lease, while physically plugging gives me a previously used static lease.12:53
bitblitalso, the previously used static lease was for a wireless NIC that isn't even plugged in anymore. switched to wired.. so it's not being assigned by MAC.12:59
BluesKajHowdy folks13:02
trakinascan anyone give some help with mariadb? I can't add comments larger than 60 characters, although their documentation says it is possible to add comments up to 1024.13:39
trakinasMy version is 10.4.13:39
ducassetrakinas: which release is this?13:41
fradi need to transfer 160 MiB of data (several pdf files) from a linux computer to a windows based one, without a usb stick. What online solutions could I use?13:42
fradno admin privileges on the windows machine13:42
leftyfbfrad: the pc's aren't on the same network?13:43
fradno leftyfb13:43
ducassefrad: you can upload to transfer.sh and grab them from there13:43
leftyfbfrad: maybe dropbox?13:43
leftyfbfrad: try #ubuntu-offtopic. Your question isn't really a support question but instead asking for opinions of 3rd party online services.13:45
apurkrthi - I am about to update Ubuntu 16.06 installation - is "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade" still the right combination?13:51
pragmaticenigmaapurkrt: There is no Ubuntu 16.06... did you mean 16.04... and when you say update, can you be more specific what your goal is?13:53
apurkrtoops sorry, embarrassed  - 16.0413:53
apurkrtgoal is to update to the most recent versions available for 16.0413:54
apurkrt(I do not want release upgrade)13:54
pragmaticenigmaapurkrt: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" should set you right13:54
oerheksapt update && apt dist-upgrade to get all latest packages13:55
oerheksit does not upgrade to 18.0413:55
apurkrtpragmaticenigma: thanks13:55
pragmaticenigmaoerheks: Did "apt" exist in 16.04?13:55
oerheksgood spot, no.13:55
apurkrtoerheks: thank you as well13:55
apurkrtah ok13:55
oerheksapt-get it is13:55
apurkrtI do remember doing "apt-get dist-upgrade" in the past13:56
oerheksdist-upgrade/full-upgrade, there is a slight difference..13:56
apurkrtwhat is the difference between "upgrade" and "dist-upgrade", while at it?13:56
pragmaticenigmaapurkrt: I've never really been able to tell a difference13:56
apurkrtme neither :)13:56
pragmaticenigmaapurkrt: dist-upgrade is "upgrade" but has additional dependency checking and handling to pull in the newest versions of the package that is available.13:57
pragmaticenigmaapurkrt: I think that means if version x.1 was available at the Ubuntu relase time, but the repos now have y.1, it will pull in the newer version, where plain upgrade would give you x.999 (where .999 is the most recent patch release)13:58
apurkrtthanks, good explanation13:59
* apurkrt looking at "man apt-get"13:59
fradthx ducasse and leftyfb13:59
apurkrtpragmaticenigma: thank you14:00
leftyfboerheks: yes, apt does exist in 16.0414:00
oerheksleftyfb, oh, i remember it was -get14:01
leftyfboerheks: both are available14:01
leftyfboerheks: apt is also available in 14.0414:01
trakinasducasse: 10.4.11-MariaDB-1:10.4.11+maria~bionic14:19
trakinasSorry for the late reply, I was in a meeting.14:20
apurkrtanother basic question: will "apt-get upgrade" upgrade (automatically) also the kernel?14:21
apurkrtor is some manual intervention needed14:21
apurkrt(naturally, you have to reboot the machine, but asking about new /boot/vmlinuz-... and /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:22
ducasse!info mariadb-server bionic14:23
ubottumariadb-server (source: mariadb-10.1): MariaDB database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:10.1.44-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 12 kB, installed size 65 kB14:23
ducassetrakinas: where did you get that - from a third party repo?14:24
trakinasducasse: I have to double check. Wait a minute.14:24
ducassetrakinas: 'apt policy mariadb-server'14:25
trakinasProbably from MariaDB download site.14:27
trakinasAlthough today ther are showing DigitalOcean mirror.14:28
trakinasGonna uninstall this 10.4 and use the 10.1.14:29
trakinasducasse: installing 10.1 and keeping 10.4 too.14:32
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trakinasNow I can't get access to my database, nor see my databases when using skip_grant... I'm switching back to 10.4 and see if the data is still there. Then, start digging why official repo from MariaDB is not accepting comments above 60 chars. =/15:00
apurkrtjust to share what I've found: "apt-get upgrade" won't upgrade kernel - "apt-get dist-upgrade" will15:07
oerheksindeed, and tools/services that require restart15:08
apurkrtso it is advised to reboot the machine after a dist-upgrade?15:10
leftyfbtrakinas: your issue is with packages from mariadb, not ubuntu. Please seek support from mariadb.15:10
oerheksthere is a trick to show if reboot is needed, kernels alway want a reboot15:10
apurkrtyeah of course to get new kernel you have to reboot15:11
oerheksif the file /var/run/reboot-required exist, reboot15:11
apurkrt(to use)15:11
apurkrtthank you!15:11
trakinasleftyfb: I already asked them, but got no answer. So I tried here. ;)15:12
leftyfbtrakinas: we cannot support packages from 3rd party sources15:12
pragmaticenigmaapurkrt: personally, I reboot every couple weeks, always after kernel updates and microcode updates15:17
trakinasleftyfb: no problem. It could be a configuration or smth obvious I was missing.15:18
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friendofafriendSometimes my Ubuntu system gets an IPv6 address when resolving archive.canonical.com and hangs.  What's the best way to completely disable IPv6 so this doesn't keep happening?15:57
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pragmaticenigma!ipv6 | friendofafriend16:09
ubottufriendofafriend: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv416:09
friendofafriendExcellent, thanks ubottu!  I might even disable it twice.16:12
Oolif your ISP give you a real IPV6, it's working fine :)16:16
friendofafriendOol: Nah, some IPv6 things work, some don't, so the problem is IPv6 (again).16:21
ses1984i'm trying to figure it out why when i try to install nginx in 18.04, it's pulling in some modules like `libnginx-mod-http-image-filter` that aren't listed as a dep here: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/nginx16:25
azxis sudo apt install <pkgname> the same thing as sudo apt-get install <pkgname>16:26
ses1984apt is a version of apt-get that's maybe a little nicer to use interactively. it should do basically teh same thing16:27
studentttuhello, can anyone help me sync some music from cd to my iphone on ubuntu?16:27
ses1984re my nginx problem: nginx depends on nginx-core, nginx-core depends on the modules16:27
azxOk, Thanks!16:27
Oolfriendofafriend: do you have inet6 scope global or just fe80:… scope local?16:28
ses1984i think "apt is a version of apt-get" might be strictly wrong. they are both ways of interacting with the package system, they provide almost the same functionality16:28
friendofafriendOol: Both.16:29
Bashing-omazx: See: https://mvogt.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/apt-1-0/ ; http://www.howtogeek.com/234583/simplify-command-line-package-management-with-apt-instead-of-apt-get/ .16:39
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ElliriaHey there, does anyone know how long it takes for changes in Debian to trickle down to Ubuntu?16:53
pragmaticenigmaElliria: Is there a specific package that you're looking for? Have you searched launchpad to see if there is a ticket to integrate it? What kind of update is it?16:55
ElliriaYep. Debian just updated AutoKey to the latest version after a lengthy version freeze in the Ubuntu releases and I'm curious how long it will be before we see that new version by default in the Ubuntu repositories.16:55
oerhekssometimes minutes, sometimes weeks, i bet mostly in between16:55
oerheksif you have a reason for such update, file a !SRU ?16:56
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates16:56
ElliriaThanks. I've noted it and will look into it.16:57
pragmaticenigmaElliria: If it is a full version update, then it likely won't be seen until the next full release of Ubuntu. It's rare for major version updates to be pushed out mid support cycle16:58
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ElliriaThe current version in all recent Ubuntu releases is AutoKey 0.90.4 and the new version in Debian is 0.95.9. Would that be a full version update?17:01
ElliriaYeah, from a quick look at that SRU page, it probably won't qualify since it does work even though it is somewhat buggy.17:01
ElliriaTask Coach, however, would qualify for an SRU and I think I'll pursue that.17:01
oerheksautokey source package in Sid Version 0.95.9-1 uploaded on 2020-02-10 -- ah oke17:03
alkordaGood morning! Does anyone else have trouble connecting to Freenode using Polari? I'm getting a small key icon next to the server name that says "Freenode requires a password"17:18
alkordaUbuntu 19.10, fresh install.17:18
oerhekshmm no polari in this list howto do SASL https://freenode.net/kb/answer/sasl17:19
pragmaticenigma!info polari17:20
ubottupolari (source: polari): Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.34.0-1 (eoan), package size 143 kB, installed size 976 kB17:20
pragmaticenigmaalkorda: If you're having difficulties... you could reach out on their IRC channel: #polari17:21
alkordaThat's a good idea, sorry about that. I'll reach out over there.17:21
alkordaOn another note, does anyone know of a program I can use to insert formatted text? For example, using a key combination like Ctrl + Shift + X to insert a formatted email signature.17:22
ElliriaAutoKey does that.17:22
ElliriaYou can define hotkeys or typed phrases to trigger each one.17:23
alkordaThank you! I'm installing it now.17:23
ElliriaI also just discovered today that you can set any of them to show up in the AutoKey context menu in the tray and you can run them from there with your mouse.17:23
ElliriaIt's a blast to play with.17:24
alkordaAlso, sadly no one is in #polari but me. I'm not sure that that's a valid support room17:24
ElliriaIt also has an active Google Groups forum.17:24
ElliriaThis might be of some use, alkorda: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Polari17:25
ElliriaIt looks like they use a different IRC server.17:26
ioriaalkorda, are you sure is it a polari problem ? have you tried to connect with  xchat ? maybe is about your ISP17:26
joemacI'm looking for some assistance with a synaptics touchpad17:27
alkordaThank you, Elliria. Do you know if the text with Autokey can be formatted? I need to bold some words. Being able to do that is a dealbreaker for using this17:27
ElliriaAs long as there's a key combination that will make it happen in the program you're pasting into, you can do it.17:27
alkordaioria, I'm not sure. I'm using the freenode webchat right now. Would I be able to connect here if it was an ISP issue?17:28
ioriaalkorda, webchat uses other means, iirc17:29
lotuspsychjejoemac: best to ask your specific question into the channel, so volunteers can think along with you17:29
joemacI'm using Xubuntu 18.04.4 and had to upgrade to the HWE kernel in order to fix a sleep/resume issue.  Afterwards, I noticed that I lost tap to click on the touchpad17:29
alkordaElliria, it doesn't look like Autokey supports directly inserting rich text17:30
ElliriaIt doesn't, but if you can press <ctrl>+b to bold the text, then AutoKey can do that.17:30
lotuspsychjejoemac: check touchpad settings in dconf-editor first perhaps?17:30
joemacwill do17:31
lotuspsychjejoemac: if you cant find them there, might be acpi or kernel related perhaps17:31
joemacI can't seem to find anything related to synaptics in the dconf editor.  I might be missing it - where should I look?17:34
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lotuspsychjejoemac: /org/gnome/desktop/periphals/touchpad/tap-to-click is what you need?17:34
lotuspsychjejoemac: sudo apt install dconf-tools first17:35
ElliriaThis is for Debian, joemac, but is if of any use? https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-enable-the-tap-to-click-feature-in-Debian-8-Xfce17:35
joemacThat's probably it - it was toggled off17:35
Bashing-omjoemac: Maybe update the driver ? what shows ' dpkg -l xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-input-libinput ' ?17:36
joemacno packages found17:38
joemactoggled on now in dconf, but does not work17:38
lotuspsychjejoemac: can you pastebin your dmesg please?17:39
joemacnot entirely sure how to do that...17:39
joemacwhat is pastebin17:40
lotuspsychje!paste | joemac17:40
ubottujoemac: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:40
lotuspsychjejoemac: and type dmesg in your favorite terminal17:40
lotuspsychjejoemac: thank you, meanwhile please pastebin the same for what Bashing-om asked please?17:42
Bashing-omjoemac: No driver ? what type touchpad is this : ' egrep -i 'synap|alps|etps|elan' /proc/bus/input/devices ' ?17:46
joemacBashing-om - I will check17:46
J_DarnleyDoes anyone know exactly which commands of apt-cache I can use the --installed option with?17:48
lotuspsychjejoemac: psmouse serio1: synaptics: Your touchpad (PNP: LEN205d PNP0f13) says it can support a different bus. If i2c-hid and hid-rmi are not used, you might want to try setting psmouse.synaptics_intertouch to 1 and report this to linux-input@vger.kernel.org.17:48
joemacBashing-om: It says SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad  (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SWjtmVwbPN/)17:49
joemaclotuspsychje: I don't know what i2c-hid and hid-rmi are, so I'm not sure if they are used17:50
lotuspsychjejoemac: check bug #179487617:50
Bashing-omjoemac: Mo driver is loaded for Synaptics TouchPad. Let's match the driver to the kernel - what shows ' uname -r '?17:50
ubottubug 1794876 in linux (Ubuntu) "Touchpad doesn't work out-of-the-box in Ubuntu 18.04.1 with ThinkPad X1 carbon" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179487617:50
joemacBashing-om: 5.3.0-28-generic17:51
joemacOddly, it did work out of the box prior to switching to HWE17:52
lotuspsychjejoemac: probably kernel version related17:52
joemaclotuspsychje: could very well be17:53
lotuspsychjejoemac: read the bug, and perhaps try a few options they reccomend, or boot into a previous kernel to test17:54
joemacsince it did work in 4.15.0-34-generic.17:54
lotuspsychjejoemac: once you reproduced, you can affect yourself to the bug17:54
joemacI'm seeing reports of it affecting the 5.0.0-25-generic kernel17:55
littlekimmyis there a ipsec implementation package for ubuntu?17:55
joemaclotupsychje: I'm seeing reports in bug 1794876 of  un-blacklisting the i2c_i801 module in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf17:57
ubottubug 1794876 in linux (Ubuntu) "Touchpad doesn't work out-of-the-box in Ubuntu 18.04.1 with ThinkPad X1 carbon" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179487617:57
stealthyjust ran 18.04 from a usb drive and worked OK, installed it to ssd, reboot, getting login screen that keeps putting me back to login17:58
stealthyknown bug?17:58
lotuspsychjejoemac: you can try that sure17:58
lotuspsychjestealthy: wich graphics card are you on?17:59
stealthy1060 3gb17:59
joemaclotuspsychje: That's something new for me.  Is there something more involved than just editing the blacklist.conf file?17:59
lotuspsychjestealthy: try to get in your system with !nomodeset first, then install a latest nvidia driver17:59
Bashing-omjoemac: lotuspsychje Me thinks 5.3.0-28-generic == xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04 .18:00
stealthyany pointers on how to do that? sounda french to me18:00
lotuspsychjeBashing-om joemac sure, can try that first18:00
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | stealthy18:01
ubottustealthy: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.18:01
stealthyty, i'll give it a try18:01
joemacBashing-om: so I should try installing that particular package?18:01
lotuspsychjestealthy: also make sure at login, you login into xorg and not wayland18:02
stealthyi have an option for 'ubuntu' amd 'ubuntu on wayland', neither worked18:03
lotuspsychjestealthy: ok tnx18:03
ses1984why does nginx-core pacakge in bionic have have hard dependencies on a bunch of modules, like `libnginx-mod-http-image-filter`18:03
joemacI installed xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04, but still no tap-to-click18:04
lotuspsychjejoemac: did you try to reboot after?18:04
joemacah, no18:05
joemacrebooting now18:05
lotuspsychjejoemac: dice?18:10
joemacYes indeed - that did the trick18:10
lotuspsychje!cookie | Bashing-om18:10
ubottuBashing-om: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:10
joemacFolks in here are batting 100018:10
joemacFixed my suspend/resume yesterday and a niggling little trackpad thing today - excellent18:11
lotuspsychjejoemac: if you have time and a launchpad account, feel free to add your fix to that bug18:11
Bashing-omyom yom yom chocolate-chip :P18:11
joemacI do have a launchpad account and I will add the solution to the bug.  Thanks!18:12
stealthylol "!nomodeset" the ! threw me off amd didnt work18:13
lotuspsychjestealthy: the ! ?18:14
stealthyyea i had to add "nomodeset" without the ! after the quiet thing for it to work18:15
stealthylets see if i can get the nvidia drivers to install now18:15
Bashing-omstealthy: Later systems also disable secure boot ( driver is 3rd party) .18:16
lotuspsychjestealthy: ubuntu-drivers list, to see wich are available for your card18:16
stealthyi should not get drivers from nvidia18:16
ses1984why does nginx-core pacakge in bionic have have hard dependencies on a bunch of modules, like `libnginx-mod-http-image-filter` -- is there a way i can remove these pacakges so apt doesn't try to fix them and put them back?18:17
stealthythick fingers small phone, sorry im clicking all over the place lol18:17
lotuspsychjestealthy: not reccomended no18:17
Bashing-omstealthy: Nvidia says "Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package.".18:18
lotuspsychjeses1984: perhaps use a pastebin of the whole output, so volunteers can see what apt does exactly?18:18
pragmaticenigmases1984: Try "nginx-light" intead... you have to have the universe repository enabled.18:18
stealthyi see, makes sense18:18
pragmaticenigmases1984: https://askubuntu.com/a/55638218:19
stealthyubuntu-drivers list returns a few, latest being 435, lets see how that goes18:19
Bashing-omstealthy: Let the system choose best ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall' .18:20
stealthythats probably why i failed and gave up last few times, assuming nvidia.com was vest lol18:20
stealthyreboot time18:22
Bashing-omstealthy: Some background on why chhose driver from the repo: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2015-August/004693.html18:23
stealthyawesome, you guys saved me from hours of crap18:23
de-factoses1984, this would be the dependency tree for nginx in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vXCqK3qmd7/18:25
ses1984i guess i want nginx-light, nginx-core depends on modules i dont want18:26
stealthymind linking again Bashing-om? on desktop now, easier to read18:27
Bashing-omstealthy: A long thread but interesting how things came about: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2015-August/004693.html .18:27
Bashing-omstealthy: We aim to please :P18:28
codedmartAny tips for debugging why I can't seem to get synaptics to load? I have tried what the wiki suggested as well as adding a `/usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/mouse.conf` file.18:29
codedmartOh wrong channel18:29
Bashing-omcodedmart: Maybe right as we just fixed a synaptics issue .18:29
stealthy'august 10 2015' , few lines down 'Windows 10', where does time go, didn't realize it's been so long18:30
Bashing-omstealthy: Yeah ! was not that long ago was on (K)ubuntu 9.04 - wow!18:31
stealthyremember when they shipped free cd's?18:34
J_DarnleyWhere can I get kernel debug symbols for 4.15.0-74-generic?18:42
hggdh-msftJ_Darnley: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-unsigned-4.15.0-74-generic-dbgsym_4.15.0-74.84_amd64.ddeb?18:48
J_DarnleyWhy can't I find that in apt?18:48
oerheksthe ~ddebs~ part is not activated18:49
J_DarnleyExcept for the part where I activated it.18:50
ioriaJ_Darnley, it's in bionic-update; maybe you missed that : http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/dists/bionic-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages18:53
J_DarnleyDo I only have "bionic" enabled?  What's the difference?18:54
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ioriaJ_Darnley, in bionic you find 4.15.0-2018:55
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alkordaHello! I'm runing a fresh install of 19.10 and I'm running into an issue. If my display is turned off due to inactivity, waking it brings me to find that my resolution has changed, and that my actual resolution (3440 x 1440) is unavailable. Restarting resolves the issue. Any idea on what might cause this?19:39
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ioriaalkorda, try to lock the screen (Super+l); then resume ; switch to tty3 (ctrl+alt+f3) and back to gui (ctrl+alt+f2)19:55
alkordaIs that to resolve it when it happens?19:56
ioriaalkorda, so it's just sporadic not persistent ?19:59
alkordaI'm 90% sure that it only happens if my screen is locked due to inactivity.19:59
shredshi, last month apt forced chromium to use snap instead. since then I've had a lot of random issues. now I have a new crazy one, chromium's save dialog font is totally borked: http://0x0.st/i-JL.png so my questions are 1) any idea why this is happening? 2) any way of forcing APT to keep using deb version instead of snap? thanks20:00
ioriaalkorda, set the timeout20:01
alkordaI'll try that, thanks20:01
ioriaalkorda, system settings -> privacy20:01
ioriashreds, you can remove the snap and use the ppa ... no ?20:03
shredsioria: apt tells me "chromium-browser is already the newest version (79.0.3945.79-0ubuntu0.19.10.2)" but I've been using ubuntu's default repos, didn't think of trying the ppa! let me try20:04
ioriashreds, are you on 19.10, right ?20:04
shredswhen deb got transitioned to snap I lost all my profile I had to do excavation work to get it back :O20:04
shredsioria: yes 19.1020:04
oerhekshttps://launchpad.net/~chromium-team/+archive/ubuntu/stable?field.series_filter=eoan   is behind..20:05
oerheksoh that pic, have you posted his before?20:05
shredsoh I should use the beta one?20:06
oerheksremove the cache and restart chromium?20:06
ioriashreds, what yoou want20:06
shredsok I installed https://launchpad.net/~chromium-team/+archive/ubuntu/stable20:06
shredsnow let me kill chrome, hoping I can get back all my stuff and tabs20:07
ioriashreds, nope, not the beta, sorry20:07
oerhekschrome or chromium?20:07
ioriashreds, use stable20:08
shredsok got it, now removing the snap pkg20:09
ioriashreds, beat is available for 19.10 but idk this ppa : https://launchpad.net/~saiarcot895/+archive/ubuntu/chromium-beta20:10
shredsI still have that old chromium-browser transition deb20:10
shredsdahhhh reinstalling it triggers the snap install20:10
ioriashreds, really ?20:11
kinghatin config files like /etc/pam.d/sddm does a - in front of a line also denote a comment out like # does?20:11
shredslol it installed a newer chromium version wtf i tried to upgrade and it said there wasn't any like 10 mins ago20:11
shredsioria: yeah, maybe the PPA pkg name is different, I'll figure that part out XD20:11
ioriashreds, try to stop snapd temporary20:12
shredsoh nice that PPA has hardware video20:12
shredsI had a hard time getting it to work, chromium was the first browser I had it working out of the box20:12
shredsioria: that ppa with hw video seems to work :D it's a different package and doesn't trigger the snap thing20:16
shredsioria: WOW! it opened with my old profile prior to snap transition! THANKS SO MUCH20:16
ioriashreds, good job20:16
shredsthat snap version sucked so much I'm so happy to have the standard deb version back20:16
shredsthx :D20:16
shredswoah that version has even better video support, chrome://gpu is all green yay20:18
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gbit86So am I officially in the ubuntu channel now?20:23
gbit86double checking here, I was in unregged earlier..20:23
ioriayes, you are gbit8620:23
gbit86Ah, thanks for confirming it for me lol.. it has been quite awhile since I have logged into irc to ask for some help.20:23
dbristowI got ubuntu 18.04.4 already, torrenting it now.20:24
gbit86I am really hoping to find a xkb expert around here that thinks they know how to remap the Alt+arrow keys to another combination.. Ctrl+arrow keys. I've already successfully mapped Control+arrow keys to stuff like the Home and End keys, but I need to remap alt now..20:25
gbit86I have this project going on where I am trying to make the linux key maps as much like macOS as possible. https://github.com/rbreaves/kinto20:26
gbit86I am pretty close, have partial macOS word-wise support added.. but the alt key stuff I think really does need to remap to the actual Ctrl+arrow combination (without it redirecting to what I am redirecting the actual Ctrl+arrow keys to already)..20:27
gbit86So I guess that's really the challenge. I've seen some people remap Alt to like Hyper and then map back to whatever they really want to do.. but I am not sure I want that or not.. I still want Alt to behave like Alt, except for the arrow keys with Alt.20:28
oerhekswhole topic about this, see https://askubuntu.com/questions/10008/how-to-make-keyboard-work-like-osx-system-wide/1107443#110744320:28
ioriagbit86, really idk what you're doing, but for that stuff usually i edit  /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/<>  or use xmodmap20:30
gbit86@oerheks, thanks I think I have read that thread before but taking another look.20:30
oerheksgnome-tweak-tool comes in handy, i read20:31
gbit86@ioria yea I am editing /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ as well but only in the actual user directory ~/.xkb/ avoiding making actual system changes.20:31
ioriaright, right20:31
gbit86gnome-tweak-tool doesn't really go far enough, hence creating kinto.sh, it is a dynamic keymapper based on the app you are using (terminal apps vs every other gui app)20:32
kinghatdoes a dash, -, comment out a line in a system config file like # does?20:32
gbit86technically I rewrote it a few weeks back to also support more than those 2 binary categories of apps as well.20:32
gbit86also I will avoid autokey at all costs.. last time I used it the lag was so bad. And I really don't want to intercept the keys any ways.. I just want to fix the keyboard layout the moment the application type changes.20:35
cgihow do i remove a service completely from the system? is rm /etc/systemd/system/name.serivce enough20:38
ioriacgi, what service ?20:38
oerheksdisable would be enough20:39
cgiioria, I have some custom services running20:39
oerheksoh, then you know how those 'custom' services are installed20:40
ses1984earlier i asked about removing a package that is a dependency of other packages. the reason is it wasn't a hard dependency and i wanted to a known vulnerability to clear from one of my security scans. the fix for me turned out to be installing nginx-light instead of nginx-core which doesn't have deps on the vulnerable module20:46
ses1984now, i'm trying to get rid of a different vuln. libreoffice depends on libcmis depends on a vulnerable library. libcmis is for sharepoint support and i dont need it20:46
ses1984how can i remove this package in a way that doesn't make package management fubar on the system20:47
gbit86@oerheks that thread led back to github and things I had read several months ago.. the solutions mentioned there would work, but are really more complicated than it needs to be at this point. It doesn't focus on using xkb file to solve the problem, which at this point would be the simplest solution and avoid any need of me needing to use 3rd party tools to intercept key presses.20:47
gbit86xkb files*20:47
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gbit86Also I can avoid any potential sticky key issues if xte was crash or stop running as mentioned in the thread.20:48
gbit86If I use any additional 3rd party tool it will likely be this one here https://github.com/boppreh/keyboard as it'd be far simpler to implement than anything else I have seen.20:51
gbit86yea.. the pure python based solution fails to work too -.-21:06
dbristowAnybody have an idea why ubuntustudio only has 18.04, no updates since then for the 18.04.x series?21:25
dbristowIt's not like it's not being updated, there are 19.04 and 19.10 releases21:27
dbristowand 18.1021:27
badsekturwhen 20.04  comes out, can I upgrade my 18.04  into that?21:27
sarnoldbadsektur: yes; but do-release-upgrade may wait a few weeks before it'll work21:28
Bashing-ombadsektur: Affirmed, direct LTS to LTS.21:29
sarnoldbadsektur: we normally "advertise" the upgrade path from one LTS to the next after several weeks delay to help make sure the early bugs are worked out21:29
sarnolddbristow: if you apt update you'll get all the fixes; and you can install an HWE kernel manually if you wish21:29
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ctrlbreakAny idea why I can't download headers for my current kernel?  I'm confused.21:56
jeremy31ctrlbreak: what is your current kernel?22:03
ctrlbreakI think I've figured it out...22:09
ctrlbreakI'm apparently running Linux odroid 4.14.111-139 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 16 17:31:00 UTC 2019 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linu22:09
ctrlbreakI believe I have to go to HardKernel to get the matching source.22:10
jeremy31ctrlbreak: you would likely have to get the headers from the same site as kernel22:10
jeremy31Might want to find a newer kernel version, that one is 8 months old22:11
TwistedBlizzardHi all, I'm trying to do load balancing across 2 network interfaces - all the tutorials I can find are out of date and do not use network-manager and make reference to the old network interface naming scheme.22:13
DarkchaosDoes anyone know a bit about patches to libc/binutils in Ubuntu (as opposed to upstream at Debian)?22:17
tatertotsTwistedBlizzard: network manager doesn't manage bonded/teamed interfaces22:24
sarnoldtatertots: it can do something along those lines via libteam; but there's more conversation in #ubuntu-server at the moment22:25
tatertotssarnold: ubuntu server default doesn't have network manager ...TwistedBlizzard was the OP/original poster...i have F5 load balancers22:28
sarnoldtatertots: yes, the conversation in #ubuntu-server aimed him towards https://netplan.io/examples#configuring-interface-bonding22:29
TwistedBlizzardtatertots: Cheers, I'm getting help in #ubuntu-server22:29
Casper26network-manager for me in 16.04 has the option to create a bond or team?22:30
Casper26I use bond with two nics and roundrobin as the mode.22:32
Sbur3Don't know for sure if this is the correct chat room ... but I am trying to get libdvdcss.so.2 so I can do something with my Ubuntu 19.10 system. How do I proceed?23:48
Sbur3channel list23:49
Bashing-om!info libdvd-pkg eoan23:51
ubottulibdvd-pkg (source: libdvd-pkg): DVD-Video playing library - installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.4.2-1-1 (eoan), package size 14 kB, installed size 79 kB23:51
Bashing-omSbur3: ^^ this ?23:52
Sbur3Bashing-om: If that helps me rip an encrypted dvd, yes23:53
Bashing-omSbur3: Looks correct - check: ' apt show libdvd-pkg ' .23:54
Bashing-omSbur3: See too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs23:55
Sbur3Bashing-om: Before I can do that, I have a problem.  Type "<!DOCTYPE' is not known ...', followed by "The list of sources could not be read"23:55
Sbur3Bashing-om: How do I fix that?23:56
hggdh-msftSbur3: difficult to help if you do not give us more details/context. Where did it happen? What were you doing? etc.23:58
Bashing-omSbur3: Ouch! .. what have you for sources list(s). Pastebin ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* '.23:58

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