
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
mattfly for some reason my bottom bar and all widgets , including the desktop that now is black, disappeared03:48
mattflyi restarted plasma but they didnt come back03:48
mattfly plasmashell 5.12.903:48
mattflyThe shortcuts still work but i dont see the launcher widget... And alt+f2 work03:48
mattflykubuntu 18.04 lts03:48
mattflywith nvidia proprietary drivers03:48
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> mattfly can you run plasmashell & from krunner?03:51
mattflyi am oppening a terminal and running kstart5 plasmashell and it seems to be crashing03:52
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> I have a problem guys03:58
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> I have org.gnome.Sdk and org.gnome.Platform installed via flatpak and gnome-builder via apt and gnome builder insists in installing them again because they "aren't installed"03:59
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> I specified the sdk and platform in the settings, but now flatpak says something is not initialized and I have to run flatpak build-init04:00
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> But when I do, it says that I have to specify the build path or something like that04:00
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> Can anyone help me?04:01
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I'd love to help but I have very little experience with flatpacks.04:01
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> Me too, I have no idea about that04:01
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> What if I try installing gnome sdk and platform via apt? What would happen?04:02
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I don't see a gnome sdk in the repo's... which packages would you try to install?04:04
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> gnome-builder, gnome platform and gnome sdk04:05
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> i just cant understand it04:05
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I would recommend not install those packages via the repos as they appear to bring everything gnome with it... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JRr2jTNKtF/04:07
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> Gross...04:07
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> wait... "org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264 is not installed"04:09
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> what does that means?04:09
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> If you have test box, you could see how well kubuntu and gnome packages mix, but my experience a couple years ago, that was not too fun - many competing packages trying to manage the same resources (such as network managers).04:09
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> @DarinMiller, I was a manjaro user that used like 3 desktops at the same time by accident04:09
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> i HATED it with ALL my soul. NOT NICE04:10
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> I think i fixed it, i just installed it completely via flatpak, for some reason, it looks like the basic adwaita theme or some thing like that04:11
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> after searching the pastebiin I posted above, there are a few of those packages that are gnome related, the rest appear to dev related.  So it might be OK to install.... but I definitely would try it in a vm or on a test machine first.04:12
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> nah, fixed it.04:18
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> Woah... REAL slow... i shouldnt have been chosen polari :(04:21
kiamoshi moshi04:32
lordievaderGood morning07:14
=== rynot is now known as cart_man
larrygreetings all!09:41
larryis this the right place to discuss issues with kubuntu 20.04 development version?09:42
larryI'm taking a toe in teh water look at it with a view to switching to the real LTS in April.09:43
lordievaderDevelopment versions are discussed in #ubuntu+110:06
=== Sam is now known as Guest10145
SamspiolHello World11:49
t00tieCan anyone tell me if Steam and gaming works on kubuntu? distrochooser says Mint is supported by games companies but doesn't mention the same for Kubuntu which I'd prefer?12:08
IrcsomeBotnotyouraveragepizza was added by: notyouraveragepizza12:15
lordievadert00tie: Not all games work. However, for the ones that have Linux support Ubuntu was the target distro.12:20
t00tielordievader: ty, that's what I wanted to hear12:20
user|64854bonjour tous le monde :o)12:33
lionrouge_hi !12:40
lionrouge_I'm now installing Kubuntu and got interested about encrypted LVM feature12:40
lionrouge_what does it encrypt?12:40
lionrouge_is it adequate foran average user (in case of stolen/lost laptop) ?12:41
lordievaderlionrouge_: You can do this in two ways. LVM over LUKS or LUKS over LVM.12:42
lordievaderLVM over LUKS first encrypts the entire disk and then makes volumes using LVM.12:43
lordievaderLUKS over LVM first makes volumes which are then encrypted using LUKS.12:43
lionrouge_I'm now in installer GUI and it has 3 options: Auto (use the whole disk), Auto (use the whole disk and setup LVM), Auto (use the whole disk with encrypted LVM)12:50
lionrouge_so I was asking about the latter12:56
lordievaderIIRC that is LVM over LUKS.13:13
lionrouge_does it degrade performance a lot?13:18
lionrouge_I care about things like Git and apt, for example13:18
BluesKajHowdy all13:54
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> hiii13:54
rhianybody home?15:26
IrcsomeBot<notyouraveragepizza> ET Phone home16:48
IrcsomeBot<notyouraveragepizza> @lionrouge_, It depends on which ciper you use and which cpu you've got. AES is accelerated in most CPU's these days and on my nvme drive it had 0 performance decrease during the benchmark16:51
BluesKajnotyouraveragepizza, think you got the wrong chat or nick17:04
IrcsomeBot<notyouraveragepizza> @BluesKaj, I dunno I just responded to a convo about full disk encryption in telegram17:12
BluesKajdoesn't telegram show the chatroom names?17:14
IrcsomeBot<notyouraveragepizza> @BluesKaj, Nope only the usernames17:35
IrcsomeBotniksingh710 was added by: niksingh71017:41
mattfly plasmashell doesnt want to start19:08
SamspiolHello Guys\19:13
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest19911
IrcsomeBotTegar 💙💙💙 was added by: Tegar 💙💙💙19:31
IrcsomeBot<Tegar 💙💙💙> http://bit.do/ftGDg19:31
=== Samspiol is now known as sam
=== sam is now known as Samspiol
NazarМожно по русски?22:24
NazarЗдравствуйте,пользуюсь вашей системой два дня.После установки расширания для Plasma  в Discover.При запуске Discover вылетает22:26
bprompt!ru @ Nazar22:26
ubottubprompt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:26
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> @ubottu, More intelligent than most politicians these days...22:27
Nazar!ru @ Nazar22:27
ubottuNazar: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:27
bprompt!russian @ Nazar22:28
ubottubprompt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:28
bpromptthe heck?22:28
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.22:28
bprompt!russian | Nazar22:28
ubottuNazar: please see above22:28
bprompthmmm anyhow22:28
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> That's actually a pretty smart bot right there...  "please see above"...  Nice...  :)22:29
bprompt!cookie @ blooalien22:29
ubottubprompt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:29
RikMills!cookie | bprompt22:31
ubottubprompt: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:31
bpromptright, wrong hmmm separator22:31
bprompt!cookie | blooalien22:31
ubottublooalien: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:31
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> ubottu for President 2020!  Where do I vote?  ("Come to the Dark Side...  We have cookies!")22:32
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> @bprompt, `|` like Linux...  ;)22:33
bpromptblooalien:  I run windows, macOSX and Linux, I've used Solaris and Unix as well before =)22:34
bpromptwell, I've used macOSX, I don't have it on this box, but I have windows10 and kubuntu, I used to run Mandrake 9.2 back in the 90's  and slackware :P22:35
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> @bprompt, Same...  I've used most operating systems over the years.  Still lovin' Linux best.22:37
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> AmigaOS was pretty awesome, too.22:38
IrcsomeBotJames Patel was added by: James Patel22:38
bpromptnever used AmigaOS, but I know some who did, they liked it quite a bit22:38
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> @bprompt, I had an Amiga 4000, and an Amiga 1200 for many years that served me quite well until I gave 'em to a friend.  He still uses both to this day (and has upgraded them FAR beyond what I would have believed possible).22:39
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> There's a surprisingly strong community still surrounding old Commodore hardware.22:40
bpromptpretty sure there's a Museum for it too :)22:41
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> @bprompt, RIghtly so.  That company made hardware so far ahead of it's time...22:42
bpromptyeap, bearing in mind that some companies make this or that, another company surpasses them on their quality, however it's noticeable that the new company is often formed from the older company's crew, different name, same cats quite often22:44
bpromptrecalling a lecture, 3Dfx making videocards was well ahead of anyone on 3D effects, yet nVidia "improved" in quality and left them in the dust, however before any of that, nVidia ended up recruiting several people from 3Dfx22:46
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> I think one of my first real 3D cards was made by a company called "PowerVR" if I remember rightly.  I think I followed that up with a 3Dfx card shortly thereafter.22:48

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