
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: https://www.madhatterboardgames.co.uk/ - fabulously lightweight side-business; limited browsing potential but they seem great for "do you have X please?"14:27
SpecialK|CanonTheir site seems far more featureful on desktop, but still, no real stock list14:28
SpecialK|CanonMeanwhile twom linked me to a _lovely_ ukulele cover of Heal The World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE_ZSTqgv7E14:28
tomwardillI would pay reasonable money for a copy of Agricola All Creatures Great and Small14:29
SpecialK|Canontomwardill: I suggest emailing them then!14:29
cjwatsonSpecialK|Canon: thanks14:47
tomwardillupdated https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/376431 . Will land unless anyone says otherwise :)15:31
tomwardillcjwatson: where did the DB patch that adds OCIRecipeBuildJob end up? I'm completley failing to find the right branch for it.16:06
cjwatsontomwardill: I think maybe I had it in the most recent one I landed but then removed it for now?  If so I haven't resubmitted it anywhere yet16:54
tomwardillcjwatson: yeah, I've found it in an old DB patch that I had a copy of16:55
cjwatsontomwardill: Yeah, removed in 35651746e6218615c1f4259b64f0f0e6c7cbe3ab since it's only useful for doing registry pushes AIUI16:55
tomwardillcjwatson: I think it's a dependency of the next branch (BuildJob), to get towards BuildBehaviour.16:56
cjwatsontomwardill: Why do we need BuildJob to have BuildBehaviour?16:57
cjwatsonA FooBuildJob is a job that runs over a (typically completed) FooBuild; a FooBuildBehaviour is the mechanism for dispatching a FooBuild to the build farm16:57
cjwatsonUsually the dependency is the other way round, if anything16:57
cjwatsonBut only because you can't really have a completed build without having a behaviour for it16:58
tomwardillhuh, well my trivial answer is 'because that's the order I did the branches in', but you are right. I should be able to rebase the buildbehaviour on top of the RecipeBuild16:58
cjwatsonI'll try to work on the registry push DDL soon, but yeah, shouldn't be needed here16:58
tomwardillcool, I'll do that16:59
tomwardillgoing to land OCIRecipeBuild16:59
tomwardillthen Behaviour should rebase on top of master16:59

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