[09:52] What's the easiest way to duplicate my storage settings of one machine to 30 machines? I don't want to walk through all 30 machines again in the GUI to change how they are partitioned [09:53] If i simply read the block device settings from one and write to the other, all the serial numbers etc on the disks will be wrong...even if i could write them via the maas-cli [09:54] or should i change the layout of the default layout somewhere and then tell every machine to use the default layout? [10:28] Bug #1863081 opened: MAAS UI using up 100% CPU, Maximum call stack size exceeded [10:31] Bug #1863081 changed: MAAS UI using up 100% CPU, Maximum call stack size exceeded [10:34] Bug #1863081 opened: MAAS UI using up 100% CPU, Maximum call stack size exceeded [16:59] Bug #1863134 opened: System stuck in Deploying for days [20:23] Bug #1863166 opened: 0203_interface_node_name_duplicates_delete.py raises an exception with unattached Interface [20:32] Bug #1863166 changed: 0203_interface_node_name_duplicates_delete.py raises an exception with unattached Interface [20:38] Bug #1863166 opened: 0203_interface_node_name_duplicates_delete.py raises an exception with unattached Interface