[11:37] the last time i used ubuntu touch, it was a canonical thing on a meizu mx4. that phone no longer boots and when i bought a replacement, i found that i couldnt unlock the bootloader to flash ubports onto it. So now i have a pinephone, and ubports was the first thing i put on it and ... youve removed scopes?! [11:39] scopes were a great idea, i dont know what you were thinking [11:48] robjh, what scope did you like to use? [11:48] Phruis`, I liked the news one as a homescreen, and the music one [11:50] ahh i see. I will see if I can help with that when i get back home. [11:53] i'm interested to see what you'll do now xD [12:31] does the music app play audio by itsself or does it leverage a system service to do it? I'm browsing the source tree but im not seeing the relevent part; https://gitlab.com/ubports/apps/music-app/-/tree/master/ [12:32] i imagine is has to be using a system service because all i see here is javascript [12:40] if it isnt, i want to know how it works. and if it is, i want to see the service's api :) [14:11] does the dialer app support sip? i see an option in the settings to add an online account, but it is greyed out? === losuler is now known as Guest73084 === losuler_ is now known as losuler === losuler_ is now known as losuler === losuler_ is now known as losuler === losuler is now known as Guest6750 === losuler_ is now known as losuler === losuler is now known as Guest45712 === losuler_ is now known as losuler === losuler is now known as Guest4451 === losuler_ is now known as losuler === losuler is now known as Guest67454 === losuler_ is now known as losuler