
* cjwatson looks: I ported most of it in 2012, and a few more bits in 2013/201400:13
cjwatsonIn fact I think I did the shell-to-Python port with an eye to py3 compat in the first place, and just had to fix a couple of minor mistakes in that plan00:14
xnoxuploaded nlopt which fixes alternative python3 extension name. The default one was renamed correctly, but the alternative pythons were not.00:28
dokovorlon: please ignore the missing sagemath/armhf build, not built anymore02:03
dokovorlon: is the vim/i386 autopkg test supposed to fail?02:09
dokowhy doesn't assimp show up in update_excuses? v5 is in proposed04:52
dokoforce-synced odil to get it rebuilt with boost1.71. hope that's all to let boost-defaults migrate05:06
vorlondoko: the vim/i386 autopkgtest has been passing, I don't know why it started to fail05:40
vorlondoko: sagemath doesn't need ignored, it needs the binaries removed from focal-proposed on armhf and s390x (why they're in focal-proposed for a source version that's in the release pocket, I don't know)05:42
vorlondoko: (sagemath removals done)05:42
vorlondoko: it looks like we're down to 4 packages (libreoffice, kopanocore, assimp, link-grammar) so I'm going to shut off autosync for the moment just in case07:17
dokovorlon: ugh, lo and odil already picked up icu, and I now uploaded to first batch of icu rebuilds07:18
vorlonI don't see odil tied to the python3-defaults transition07:19
vorlonlibreoffice, we could roll back to the previous version and force breaking of the libreoffice-gtk stuff07:20
vorlon(but you'd need someone else on the release team to do it, I'm not going to be up late enough to)07:20
vorlonI definitely don't think we should wait for icu07:21
dokoodil is tight to ros07:22
vorlonok, would a rollback be sufficient there also?07:22
vorlonI don't see a ros transition, only an assimp one07:23
dokolet me look, it should up blocking boost-dedaults07:23
vorlondoko: so I'll do the libreoffice rollback and then maybe Laney can force break libreoffice-gtk during your day07:24
dokovorlon: apparmor/ppc64el needs to be addressed or ignored, triggered by kopanocore07:26
dokoand kopanocore fails on armhf07:27
dokoand arm6407:28
dokoI love failing tests without any output07:28
RikMillsvorlon: if you have time today, could you add matplotlib to i386 blacklist please?07:33
LocutusOfBorgvorlon, I can do link-grammar and kopanocore08:01
dokolink-grammar is uploaded08:03
dokowhy does this need to stay like this for 5 days?08:04
LocutusOfBorgdoko, I was busy with some other 20 entangled packages. I spent yesterday fixing something else...08:05
LocutusOfBorgbtw with update excuses showing ton of stuff, I didn't notice they were broken!08:05
LocutusOfBorgI mean, they were blocking08:05
LocutusOfBorg(I still don't get what regressed kopanocore and now magically fixed it btw)08:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: 32 entries have been added, updated or disabled08:53
* Laney peers in09:03
Laneywhat does force break mean in this context?09:05
=== andrewc is now known as Guest70315
LocutusOfBorgapparmor ppc64el test should autoheal in a publisher run apparmor/focal/ppc64el because of evice just built on ppc64el09:19
LocutusOfBorgvorlon, do you think libextutils-pkgconfig-perl [focal/i386] is elibigle for an hint?09:20
LocutusOfBorgI see you also tried it...09:20
dokoLaney: it's build with the missing libreoffice-gtk2 binary package09:53
Laneyif we had a newer britney there's an allow-uninst hint for this :(09:57
apwLaney, sigh09:59
Laneydoko: ok, so when libreoffice-gtk is the only thing listed we can do that I guess10:02
Laneydid someone tell the LO people already?10:02
dokothey are aware, see #u-d10:12
dokoalso gnucash 1:3.8b-1build3 needs to be removed, restored by -1build210:12
Laneyoh ok that's what ubuntu5 was fixing10:13
Laneyyeah, you can do that can't you?10:14
* Laney can't10:14
dokoI can remove -build3, will -build2 still be available?10:14
Laneycopy it back, I think that should work10:14
Laneynot sure if you have to wait for the removal to publish first10:15
dokoI'll wait10:15
apwthey are separate publishing records, so i would think there is no need to wait10:16
Laneyyeah I'd try it anyway, worst case it doesn't work, best case you save a cycle10:16
* doko looks up the syntax again for the restore10:17
dokocopied back10:21
Laneyzsh: /home/laney/bin/ubuntu-archive-tools/copy-package: bad interpreter: /usr/bin/python: no such file or directory10:21
Laneyso it looks like there's sagemath (ipython -> dask failures), ros-rviz (assimp -> assimp failures) apart from the known ones?10:24
dokodask tests are still running, the scikit-learn in -proposed is removed10:30
dokoassimp is a real issue10:31
Laneyis the sync needed for the transition or can it be removed?10:32
Laneylooks like it is10:34
Laneyor could it be replaced by a rebuild of the version in focal release?10:35
dokogames-python2-dev still depends on python-pyassimp10:36
dokoand we have lot of dependencies on the new assimp in -proposed10:37
dokoso somebody needs to have a look ...10:38
Laneyok I'll hint it, Debian report would be appreciated10:38
Laney"it's possible your package is broken on many arches"10:39
dokopyassimp.errors.AssimpError: Could not import file!10:39
dokotrying: /usr/share/assimp/models/invalid/empty.smd10:39
dokoError encountered while loading '/usr/share/assimp/models/invalid/empty.smd'10:39
dokowhy are the trying to load invalid files?10:40
LocutusOfBorgLaney, ipython is fixed10:43
LocutusOfBorgI mean, with doko fixing scikit sadness10:43
LocutusOfBorgdoko, TBH, I spent something like two weeks on assimp, reporting reopening reporting reopening debian rc bugs10:44
LocutusOfBorgall the tests that fails are new tests, at some point we can just ignore10:44
dokoLocutusOfBorg: please can you write that in a bug report, and then point the release team to it?10:44
LocutusOfBorgpyassimp.errors.AssimpError: Could not import file!10:44
LocutusOfBorg** Loaded 264 models, got 54 assimp errors and 4 other errors10:44
LocutusOfBorgError:Invalid token "�" expected "{"10:44
LocutusOfBorgcommand2             PASS10:45
dokoafk now, errand10:45
LocutusOfBorgdoko, http://bugs.debian.org/94474210:45
ubot5Debian bug 944742 in src:assimp "assimp: testsuite regression" [Serious,Fixed]10:45
LocutusOfBorgI did that10:45
LocutusOfBorgmany, many times10:45
LocutusOfBorgalso Debian for some reasons have the same failures with "pass" result10:46
LaneyI did hint it, this seems like not the best use of time to me10:51
rbalintsil2100, could you please review the ec2-instance-connect srus in the unapproved queues?11:22
LocutusOfBorgkopanocore green11:58
LocutusOfBorgso with gnucash publish and libreoffice builds... migration=?11:59
LocutusOfBorgnew britney run in 5 minutes12:43
=== andrewc is now known as Guest43475
Laneylet's see now14:35
sil2100rbalint: looking o/14:56
* doko has 220 [ubuntu/focal] messsages in the inbox \o/15:20
Laneydon't really undetstand how that worked15:26
Laneyit looked like it failed due to libreoffice-gtk as expected, but then they were all accepted anyway15:27
dokobut you overrode that?15:27
Laneyno that happened before my hint15:27
LaneyI didn't notice that it worked15:27
Laneyif you look for "final:" in update_output.txt15:28
Laneyit accepted everything on the basis of an "easy" hint from the auto hinter that looks like it failed15:29
* Laney is confused15:29
dokowhy did I get these emails?15:29
Laneybecause it did work15:30
LaneyI just don't know why!15:30
Laneyperhaps uninstallability trading?15:30
vorlonmarcustomlinson: I don't think libreoffice 1:6.4.0-0ubuntu6 was needed, 0ubuntu5 had already been built against the new icu and I was going to bring that version back into -proposed now that python3-defaults is through16:04
dokovorlon: not on ppc64el16:05
vorlonah ok16:05
vorlonmarcustomlinson: ^^ then nevermind, all good16:05
vorlonautosyncs reenabled, thanks Laney doko et al for getting that transition through16:10
Laneystill unsure how it worked in the end16:10
Laneybut maybe I should let that be16:10
vorlonLaney: ah did you not add a hint? :-) with so many packages migrating and a non-zero number of prior uninstallables, it's possible britney made a trade16:19
Laneyvorlon: Nope. Trading's the only thing I can think of, but not sure what the situation was like before16:22
vorlonit was probably a trade that fixed one of the packages doko had made uninstallable recently with removals :)16:23
Laneysomeone needs to set infinity loose16:23
* doko doesn't feel guilty about debian-med removals16:24
doko$ python16:24
dokoCommand 'python' not found, but can be installed with:16:24
dokosudo apt install python3         # version 3.7.5-1ubuntu1, or16:24
dokosudo apt install python          # version 2.7.17-116:24
dokosudo apt install python-minimal  # version 2.7.17-116:24
dokoYou also have python3 installed, you can run 'python3' instead.16:24
dokoto be fixed too ...16:24
vorlonxnox: reminder that rdkit is on you to fix16:37
vorlonxnox: also cegui-mk2 IIRC16:38
xnoxi ignored them until after python3-defaults migrates, which it did now16:39
xnoxtaking them16:39
rbalintsil2100, how do you like it? :-)17:10
sil2100rbalint: uh, my terminal window got lost somewhere and I forgot about it! Sorry, too much going on again ;)17:25
sil2100Finding it now17:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ibus [amd64] (focal-proposed/main) [1.5.21-5ubuntu1] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist, input-methods)17:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: blis [s390x] (focal-proposed/universe) [0.6.1-2] (no packageset)17:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: blis [ppc64el] (focal-proposed/universe) [0.6.1-2] (no packageset)17:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: blis [armhf] (focal-proposed/universe) [0.6.1-2] (no packageset)17:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: blis [amd64] (focal-proposed/universe) [0.6.1-2] (no packageset)17:56
xnoxvorlon:  did you complete the icu uploads? i don't think i see any for virtual provides/depends17:56
xnoxotherwise i'll do them once i'm back17:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: blis [arm64] (focal-proposed/universe) [0.6.1-2] (no packageset)18:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted blis [amd64] (focal-proposed) [0.6.1-2]18:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted blis [armhf] (focal-proposed) [0.6.1-2]18:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted blis [s390x] (focal-proposed) [0.6.1-2]18:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted blis [arm64] (focal-proposed) [0.6.1-2]18:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted blis [ppc64el] (focal-proposed) [0.6.1-2]18:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ibus [amd64] (focal-proposed) [1.5.21-5ubuntu1]18:25
vorlonxnox: I ^C'ed because it was wrongly trying to pick up libreoffice, I'm continuing now that there's been a publisher cycle so that I'm not re-uploading all the things I already uploaded18:30
bdmurraysil2100: I've update the meta-release files for 18.04.418:30
sil2100bdmurray: thank you o/18:31
vorlondoko: why did you remove the gnucash that you uploaded for icu?18:37
RikMillshow often does the rdepends service update nowadays?18:58
tumbleweedtwice a day: 7   9,21 * *   *19:03
vorlonxnox: bombono-dvd> lol failed rebuild against boost because of python3-incompatible scons, enjoy19:05
rbalintsil2100, vorlon could you please merge this for systemd? https://code.launchpad.net/~rbalint/britney/hints-ubuntu/+merge/37916819:07
vorlonrbalint: done19:11
RikMillstumbleweed: thanks!19:24
locutus_can I sync ocaml?19:28
locutus_doko, your delta seems to be not applicable anymore... :/19:28
locutus_after a ton of bothering to remove hint htslib/s390x, I got an upstream fix, and uploaded it back :/19:34
locutus_ocaml syncd, lets see what happens19:39
vorlonlocutus_: that wasn't very long to wait for objections19:40
vorlonwe're in the middle of rebuilds for the icu transition, might've been nice to let that finish first19:40
locutus_actually I asked months ago for ocaml...20:01
locutus_and pinged here from time to time, and FFe is approaching...20:01
locutus_in any case I don't want to issue rebuilds today or tomorrow20:01
locutus_for sure not before icu20:01
vorlonyes, but the icu rebuilds are still /in progress/, so ocaml revdeps can get entangled20:01
vorlonanyway, we'll deal with that if it happen20:02
locutus_I wasn't aware of entangling between icu and ocaml...20:02
locutus_if you look e.g. here https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/ocaml.html20:03
locutus_there is no icu mention20:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ocaml [amd64] (focal-proposed/universe) [4.08.1-8] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu)20:03
vorlonI wouldn't expect 'icu' to be in the names of the revdeps there20:03
vorlonanyway it's possible there's no entanglement20:03
locutus_btw I'm already doing the haskell icu part...20:04
locutus_something you did ftbfs20:04
vorlonwell, those were no-change rebuild20:05
locutus_btw please libextutils-pkgconfig-perl/i386 hint if possible?20:22
vorlonlocutus_: done20:34
vorlonLaney, juliank: fwiw I was trying to launch an adt vm on lgw01 to debug vim/i386 and was hitting memory quota; nova list showed 6 adt-prepare VMs running for 12days+ which I've now nuked20:58
juliankThanks vorlon21:01
vorlonLaney, juliank: also, the thing I'm debugging is that vim/i386 autopkgtest failed, then started to pass, now fails again due to wanting to install vim-tiny:i386 and remove vim-tiny:amd64 + ubuntu-minimal.  do you know of anything that would've changed on autopkgtest infra to explain why apt would flip-flop on this?21:02
juliankNo idea sorry21:03
sil2100_rbalint: ok, I got completely side-tracked again21:32
jdstrandvorlon: hey, so, iptables 1.8.4-2 is... let's just say problematic21:32
jdstrandvorlon: you should see autopkgtests for ufw fail21:33
sil2100_rbalint: seeing that vorlon did the previous review, I would anyway opt for you to reach out to him and see if he's okay with the new version now21:33
sil2100_rbalint: if not, I can take a look at it on Monday21:33
jdstrandvorlon: I tested the patch added to 1.8.4-3 this morning and all ufw tests pass with it. Please merge or cherrypick https://git.netfilter.org/iptables/commit/?id=8e76391096f12212985c401ee83a67990aa27a2921:34
jdstrandvorlon: actually, that is only with the nft backend and the ufw autopkgtests don't try both nft and legacy, so the upload will probably make it. but as soon as someone uses iptables-restore-nft, they are in a world of hurt with 1.8.4-221:38
* jdstrand makes a note to adjust the autopkgtests to do both21:39
jdstrandvorlon: though, 1.8.4-1 drops the /sbin -> /usr/sbin compat symlinks (on fresh installs iirc) so ufw will die there as well21:40
jdstrandvorlon: I have a ufw upload read for that, but was waiting for all the upstream fixes to flow into iptables. that happened this morning with 1.8.4-3 (also, check your email if you want to help a maintainer out ;)21:41
jdstrandvorlon: if you need me to do the iptables merge with 1.8.4-3, let me know21:50
vorlonjdstrand: please go ahead and do the iptables 1.8.4-3 merge, since you know what's up22:14
RikMillsvorlon: could you please action LP: #175781522:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1757815 in qt-assistant-compat (Ubuntu) "Please remove from focal archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175781522:20
RikMillsalso #1757816 #175760022:23
RikMillsLP: #175781622:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1757816 in qarecord (Ubuntu) "Please remove from focal archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175781622:24
RikMillsLP: #175760022:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 1757600 in autopilot-qt (Ubuntu) "RM: Please remove from focal (Qt4 removal)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175760022:24
vorlon"'Dead upstream for ~10 years' but the last upload was in karmic, karmic wasn't 10 years ag.... oh."22:37
RikMillsvorlon: called 'flogging a dead horse' I think22:38
vorlonRikMills: all done22:39
RikMillsvorlon: thanks! I will go though more qt4 things left tomorrow if no-one else does. I guess if we get down to just a few that 'might' get an upstream solution on next 2 months, we could bump those to proposed?22:42
vorlonthey should be removed from release pocket and from -proposed, and if an upstream solution becomes available they can be reuploaded22:43
vorlon(or resynced)22:43
RikMillseven better22:43
xnoxvorlon:  hey, i think i have done waf conversion to python3 before. Unpacked/repacked waf (btw still my favourite build system) and then they had custom plugins i'm like "if 2to3 -w works, i'm uploading it"23:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: golang-ginkgo [s390x] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.12.0-7] (no packageset)23:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: golang-ginkgo [ppc64el] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.12.0-7] (no packageset)23:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: efl [i386] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.23.3-7] (i386-whitelist, ubuntustudio)23:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: golang-ginkgo [amd64] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.12.0-7] (no packageset)23:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: efl [s390x] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.23.3-7] (i386-whitelist, ubuntustudio)23:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: golang-ginkgo [armhf] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.12.0-7] (no packageset)23:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: golang-ginkgo [arm64] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.12.0-7] (no packageset)23:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: python-cassandra-driver [amd64] (focal-proposed/universe) [3.20.2-1] (no packageset)23:35
xnoxvorlon:  i hope you enjoy my justification on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bombono-dvd/+bug/186318523:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1863185 in bombono-dvd (Ubuntu) "RM RoM bombono-dvd" [High,Triaged]23:47
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: efl [ppc64el] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.23.3-7] (i386-whitelist, ubuntustudio)23:49

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