=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === MANIAC is now known as Guest52193 === ultra is now known as ultra_ === ultra_ is now known as ultra__ === InspectorCluseau is now known as BlindMellonChitl === BlindMellonChitl is now known as BlindMellon === rynot is now known as cart_man === lordievader is now known as Guest32376 === Guest32376 is now known as lordievader === ultra is now known as ultra__ === ultra__ is now known as merka [11:04] Hello, pip returns some errors. Can someone help me please? [11:05] hi heloooo [11:05] Hi [11:05] what is your error [11:06] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SDnJgCbxJk/ [11:10] Hello I would like some help with IP's, more specifically ipv6, it seems that using the command `ip a` shows me I have 3 ipv6 addresses is there a reason why? https://hastebin.com/luwukojito.rb [11:55] viewer|72: You have a privacy-extensions address, a (more or less) static one and a link-local address. [11:56] heloooo: What are you trying to do? === cc is now known as Guest77929 === Guest77929 is now known as cylek === cylek is now known as cylis [12:30] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ylRY2lw0/file_23617.jpg [12:30] when closing laptoplid, then after reopening the filenames r shown like on the picture [12:31] how can i fix that graphics problem === cc is now known as cylek === cylek is now known as Cylis [12:38] Kris Tjan, try switching TTYS (ctrl+alt+f2 && ctrl+alt+f7) === Cylis is now known as cylis [13:44] Howdy folks [15:08] I just installed Kubuntu on a Lenovo yoga 2 pro and it's working great except for touch capabilities and screen rotation. Does anyone know the best way to get those items to work properly? [15:31] What's happened to kubuntuforums.net? I get an error 503 notice for a few days now. [15:33] Bings-M, it is up, hit F5 .. happens here too sometimes [15:46] Refresh doesn't work but I found I can view it with a web proxy. [15:55] Hello I got a problem installing sudo -H pip3 install libev, does someone have an idea please? [16:34] 18305725461 was added by: 18305725461 === kubuntu is now known as Guest89379 [17:06] hello [17:06] the kubuntuinstaller really needs text input where I can test my keyboard when choosing layout [17:07] also the picture of the keyboard for norwegian - norwegian is the same as for norwegian - norwegian (win keys) which is incorrect. The latter has more keys [17:09] @Alang59, i am using it on pentium laptop... 5.16 was little slow... but 5.17 and 5.18, its working awesome.... … Optimizations are too good... Many many thanks to KDE team [18:02] Hey world [18:02] I am proud user [18:04] Samspiol, congrats! [18:07] I like this OS [18:07] I really do [18:08] I wish i could do somethin [18:08] is anyone else having trouble adding apt-key's? [18:08] I'm trying adding LLVM's, but it doesn't work [18:09] both through shell and Software Sources [18:10] tosemusername, sdd LLVM ppa? [18:10] adding* [18:11] yep [18:11] the stable branch key [18:11] which ppa exactly? there are more than one [18:11] https://apt.llvm.org/ [18:11] stable branch [18:12] llvm-toolchain-eoan-9 main [18:13] weirdly enough, I get an OK when doing through the shell, but when I list them, it's not there. And when doing through Software Sources, when I click on Import key file, nothing happens. [18:13] wget -O - https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key|sudo apt-key add - [18:15] again, same thing [18:15] I get an ok, but apt-key list shows it's not there [18:16] Here's the list output: https://pastebin.com/FbRd4vgs [18:16] Yes, I have a problem with that too tousemusername === MANIAC is now known as Guest56481 [18:18] i see the key there [18:18] lmao true [18:18] it's there [18:18] line 14-15 [18:18] yep [18:19] ty [18:19] :-) === tosemusername is now known as nvmd [20:13] :-) === nvmd is now known as tosemusername === mike_ is now known as Guest79057 [23:29] are there any fullscreen widgets-galleries that cover the whole wallpaper but still show everything else (like icons, other widgets etc)? [23:30] huh? [23:30] oh okay, I forgot that you can't have different widgets on different virtual desktops [23:43] okay I have a workaround - I'll make a Wallpaper folder with a single wallpaper and a Slideshow Wallpaper pointed at it, and whenever I'll change the virtual desktop I'll switch the wallpaper according to some switch case stuff [23:43] and it'll be automatically updated and now I won't have to use activities