
nyhi eveyone, Accept my appologize for bad english , i used LTS 18.04  i can not fix sound issues, when i try open or close  a thing about sound  "video,mp3 etc" come a bas voice always. What i can do?00:11
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t00tiehi, is there a program like https://www.hwinfo.com/ for kubuntu? I want to see temps and fan speeds for cpu and gpu especially01:27
=== rodrigo is now known as Guest88928
IrcsomeBot<Muhammad Fariduddin Aiman Bin Kamarudin> there's widget for that maybe06:05
alterjsivegoogle drive stopped working with online accounts :/09:14
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RikMillsalterjsive: yes. google made changes that stopped it working with kde. one of the 2 KDE bugs to fix this is done, but the other is still waiting for a fix09:18
alterjsiveRikMills: yeah maybe it's time to dustoff my nas and use owncloud :-)09:28
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> @alterjsive, OwnCloud/NextCloud is totally the way to go.  Add a WireGuard VPN and you can access it from anywhere securely.09:30
alterjsivesounds great =)09:32
RikMillsif kde kio-gdrive is not fixed soon, it is going to get removed from the ISO/default install for 20.04 LTS. :(09:36
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> I'm personally workin' on replacing all my Google reliance with self-hosted stuff as much as I'm able.  Well worth the efforts.09:38
IrcsomeBot<notyouraveragepizza> @blooalien, Ohh another thinfoil hat wearer :P. I still haven't found a solution for email myself so if you stumble upon something please let me know 😁. The most important part for me is to have the emails stored on an encrypted drive (so the plaintext ones and the encrypted ones) but I don't think protonmail for example is the solution as their backend is still closed source. I was thinking about setting up a pi as ema09:52
IrcsomeBotserver but then I've got the problem that the eletricity at my home is unstable..09:52
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> @notyouraveragepizza, Has nothin' to do with conspiracies or anythin'.  Just sick of relying on unreliable companies for services that quite literally can vaporize all your online "cloud" files at any given moment (and rightly so, bein' it's on their infrastructure).  On my services, I know my files will be there when I need them (as long as I keep my bills paid up).09:54
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> @notyouraveragepizza, Re; email, that's the tough one, because I ain't willing to waste the rest of my life fighting an endless war against spammer scum.  I'm mostly solving it by simply not using email at all except when utterly absolutely necessary, and ignoring it the rest of the time.09:56
IrcsomeBot<notyouraveragepizza> @blooalien, I use disposable accounts for everything aswell but it's giving me trouble with official things because I NEED email for that lol09:58
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> @notyouraveragepizza, Ya, I think I'll prolly keep my GMail account just for such needs (and so that I still have a login to use for my Android devices).09:58
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> I just really don't like relying on Google (or any other corporate entity) all that much anymore unless I really have no other option.10:00
IrcsomeBot<notyouraveragepizza> I've nuked my device with Nanodroid. I don't even have a google option in my system settings anymore 😄10:05
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> @notyouraveragepizza, Nice10:07
IrcsomeBotvalueerror was added by: valueerror10:54
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> hello everybody! i'm new to this channel but definitely not new to the linux world ... but still there are many open questions when it comes to kde and i hope i'll find some answers here... thx in advance10:55
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> question #1:    is there a way to refresh the plasmashell (and or specific widgets) with a qdbus command...  i couldn't find one but i can't believe it's not possible... … all i want is to trigger F5 on plasmashell from a terminal window or shellscript.. … qdbus org.kde.plasmashell … gets me nowhere 😞10:57
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IrcsomeBot<valueerror> (oh.. and i know about other ways to do it .. with xdotool for example.. i'm specifically interested in using "qdbus" because this should allways be THE way10:58
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IrcsomeBotIdagisa Isao Ammari was added by: Idagisa Isao Ammari11:09
IrcsomeBot<Idagisa Isao Ammari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pEFxJ1MkVY11:09
heloooHello everyone, may I have help to install a software please ?11:10
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> which software?11:10
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> the github page says you need to install some dependencies  … sudo apt install libpcap-dev libev-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libnl-route-3-dev11:14
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> and then build it  … cd <OWLDIR> … git submodule update --init … mkdir build … cd build … cmake .. … make … sudo make install11:15
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> did you try that ?11:15
heloooat the step cmake .. I got an error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gN4yx52jQf/11:16
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> puh.. i just checked that and my folder googletest definitely contains a CmakeLists.txt file11:20
helooohttps://github.com/seemoo-lab/owl/archive/master.zip  this one is empty11:21
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> (Photo, 242x515) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/WJtGXEyh/file_23690.jpg11:21
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> you should clone it again11:21
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> git submodule update --init11:22
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> this line fetches the googletest folder11:22
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> if it's empty something went wrong with the clone process11:22
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> git clone https://github.com/seemoo-lab/owl.git … cd owl/ … git submodule update --init … redo those three steps11:23
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> sorry... need to go11:23
heloooWorked with git11:25
helooonot worked when downloading zip11:26
heloooIt says devices couldn't be put in monitor mode11:38
heloooI see that my wifi card is available do you why?11:38
IrcsomeBot<valueerror> not every hardware is able to switch to promiscious mode...  lookup your network card on the internnet and figure out if it is even possible with this networkkard...  most cheap notebook networkcards do not allow to switch mode to accesspoint or promisc mode..11:43
helooooHello everyone after following a tuto to activate monitor mode, my wifi isn't working. What should I do please ?11:47
BluesKajHiyas all13:21
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sialechiif i do an nmap scan on localhost, one of the ports open is unknown service and it changes after every reboot. any idea what it could be?14:45
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IrcsomeBot<princeofclay> @RikMills, What if we include DGrive from elementary OS16:15
IrcsomeBot<princeofclay> @RikMills, How about VGrive16:21
magic_ninjaif I do something like ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 user@remotemachine can other people on my network connect to that port on my machine?16:58
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IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> I'd update rollback a thing I can access through TTY ?can't boot into log in page now after updates :/17:55
tomreynmagic_ninja's question was discussed in #ubuntu.18:24
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