
guivercmy `chromium-browser` isn't accepting any text input into page/url/window... i've logged out, restarted but no difference. `snap refresh --beta chromium` to try a different version; no change. any clues appreciated05:33
oerheksguiverc, clear the cache of ~/.cache of chromium-browser11:23
guivercthanks oerheks ... `rm`ing now...11:24
guivercthat just increased disk space .5GB !  (2.2gb free increased to 2.7gb)11:27
guivercalas starting chromium didn't fix issue  11:29
oerheksoh :-(11:31
oerheksone could clear the ~/.config folder too, but then you loose all settings/bookmarks/plugins/malware11:32
guivercthanks, I'll give it a go (the malware sounds interesting...)11:34
guivercno change, and nothing lost - maybe cause it's a snap; it's stored elsewhere..11:34
oerheksi had this once .. https://www.dropbox.com/s/eakrho2sfpgdvbw/virusaanval.png?dl=011:35
guiverci do have a ~/snap/chromium/ folder so looking there.11:36
oerheksoops, yes, my bad, snaps store their malware there 11:36
oerhekserr config11:36
guivercyeah a windows security alert doesn't quite have the same effect when we're not using windoze11:37
guiverc:) on malware err ..11:38
oerheksstill looking for my C: drive..11:39
guivercmy ~/snap/chromium/common/.cache/chromium/Default/Cache looks huge too, you've given me loads of disk space back here too11:40
guivercwhat was 2.2gb free is now 3.3gb11:41
guivercno keybd yet with cache,  next is the malware i guess11:42
oerhekshow about the logfiles?11:42
oerheksif they growing fast too..11:43
guivercnope; (I omitted Code Cache)  .. no go, looking for config11:44
guiverclost malware, but still no keyboard input :(  (but only plus site; 3.6gb of space in $HOME instead of 2.2)11:54
guivercoerheks, success !!!  (my continual re-load of chromium must have re-introduced issue whatever it was (into cache possibly), I redid some of prior commands (rm cache) & now it's working)...   Thanks HEAPS !!  (x2; problem solved & I have more disk space to fill!)11:58
oerheksgreat. still i like to find out what happens so often with chromium browser, is it because of the snap confinement?12:00
guiverci have no idea, and too tired to look tonight..  (I'm adding back privacy.badger, ublock etc)12:02
guivercI can't say I like snap; on reboot so often I find it reporting "Restore session?" & it returns to what it was a ~week prior  (and never as I close down with a single window; always 4-5 windows)12:03
oerheks"Privacy Badger blocks spying ads and invisible trackers. " nice12:03
guivercthanks heaps oerheks, nice to have silence with box besides me now off (where I was browsing sites I use chromium with)12:12
=== leden_ is now known as leden
adrian_1908Hello. Do I see it right that 20.04 LTS won't be defaulting to Wayland? I only found various news articles, so I wasn't sure how authoritative that is.16:53
tomreynadrian_1908: (as already discussed on #ubuntu) it won't.17:10
tomreynhttps://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=No-Wayland-Default-20.04-LTS is maybe not the best source, you *may* be able to find a better source on blog.ubuntu.com17:12
adrian_1908tomreyn: Sorry, the large response drowned out your early "no". Yeah, that's one of the articles I read. Was just looking for an informed opinion, as those tend to be more current than articles on some topics.17:15
tomreynadrian_1908: FWIW, the daily builds don't default to wayland (except for gdm), and i've seen ubuntu developers confirming it won't be defaulting to wayland for gnome-shell.17:19
adrian_1908tomreyn: Nice. I have an Nvidia GPU and need to use proprietary drivers for feature/perf reasons. If the upcoming LTS defaults to- and support X, then I know I have a solid workhorse for the forseeable future. In a few years I can then consider new hardware or a different distro if need be.17:23
tomreynnvidia'S driver situation is probably a major reason why the default isn't changing, yet. sooner or later X will die, though.17:25
tomreynit's already pretty much in bugfix only mode upstream17:25
tomreynwhere 'already'  is ~ 50 years ;)17:26
tomreynactually more like 35#17:26
tomreyn33 for X1117:27
elhoirhello folks, i have a trange behavior in Synaptic20:49
elhoirit doesnt let me to uninstal packages due to "broken packages"20:49
elhoirbut i have no broken debs!20:50
elhoircan anyone help me?20:50
oerhekstry first: sudo apt install -f20:52
oerheksthen run sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade20:52
oerheksthen try again to remove? 20:52
oerhekselse; run sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade20:53
elhoiroerheks, i did - system is clean20:53
elhoirwwell i run sudo apt full-upgrade20:53
elhoirits the same thing, isnt it?20:53
oerheksthat is oke20:53
oerhekscan you paste the output when you try to remoe?20:53
elhoirwhth synaptic?20:54
oerhekstry from terminal?20:54
elhoirok, well i dont know theexact package name... i try to use * (wildcard) but terminal doesnt seem to allow them20:55
elhoirhttps://pastebin.com/4vkW3UiX (its in spanish)20:56
oerheksno visit pastebin, thanks20:57
oerheksit needs js20:57
elhoiroh sorry20:57
elhoirhere you are - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5VTktysBhF/20:58
oerheksthat is not the way to remove a kernel20:59
elhoirwell i did that with previous versions ans no  problem20:59
oerhekssudo apt-get purge linux-image-x.x.x-x-generic 21:00
oerheksthen run update-grub21:00
oerheksafter reboot, autoremove21:01
elhoiri have just made it, tried to remove 5.4.0-12 ... and kernel image is still in /boot21:01
elhoirfew days ago i triedreinstalling packages && purging, no success21:05
* oerheks lost interest due to bad language21:06
elhoirfew days ago i tried reinstalling packages && purging, no success21:09
nmrp3so because I love to try out new things I did an do-release-upgrade to 20.421:55
Bashing-omnmrp3: Welcome :D21:56
nmrp3cheers :)21:56
nmrp3so essentially everything works so far except my kde plasma workspace didn't start up - I have a blank desktop with no task bar or anything21:56
nmrp3I can start processes with alt-f2, and tab through them, but windows have no borders21:57
nmrp3they can be dragged around though - so I have a functioning window manager I guess21:57
nmrp3the only other minor thing is that my wireless mouse stopped working, but the wireless keyboard it came with works - go figure21:58
nmrp3Running "kstart5 plasmashell" prints out a lot of warnings and errors22:03
Bashing-omnmrp3: Await here for one who has KDE experience - not me, see then :) 22:08
nmrp3I think "/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session" may perhaps be to blame? It's got a bunch of error/warning entries in systemctl22:13
Bashing-omnmrp3: the log file .xsession-errors on your /home may have some hints ?22:16
nmrp3mm, loads of "could not connect to relay relay://******" messages22:18
nmrp3I'm going to try sddm and see if things boot with that - back in a couple of minutes22:18
nmrp3going to try with clean .cache .confg .local and try again ...22:27
nmrp3ok - so that hasn't fixed things22:34
nmrp3I@m wondering if I should drop down to a terminal, uninstall everything gnome and kde, reboot, then re-install?22:37
Bashing-om!Info kubuntu-desktop22:38
Bashing-om!info kubuntu-desktop22:39
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.394 (focal), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; ppc64el)22:39
nmrp3ah ... that wasn't installed any more somehow22:39
nmrp3so let's try that then22:40
Bashing-om!info ssdm22:40
ubottuPackage ssdm does not exist in focal22:40
Bashing-om!info sddm22:40
ubottusddm (source: sddm): modern display manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.18.0-1ubuntu2 (focal), package size 612 kB, installed size 1870 kB22:40
nmrp3ok -- going to reboot after installing kubuntu-desktop -- fingers crossed22:43
nmrp3hi - that's fixed it I thinl22:49
nmrp3so the version upgrade somehow lost the desktop pacakge22:49
Bashing-omnmrp3: :D Strange things can happen.22:50
nmrp3ain't that the truth23:28

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