
DalekSeczx2c4: I wanted to wait until the Debian upload so we can get the new reload stuff.00:47
zx2c4DalekSec: yea id like that too00:50
zx2c4Has dkg finished that?00:50
DalekSeczx2c4: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/wireguard-linux-compat/commits/debian/master shows nothing, don't see any merge requests either.01:10
DalekSecHah, Debian #951157 sure is useful. :P01:10
ubot5Debian bug 951157 in wireguard-dkms "wireguard-dkms: DKMS make.log for wireguard-0.0.20200205 for kernel 5.3.9-sunxi (armv7l)" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/95115701:10
zx2c4DalekSec: issue is with his kernel headers package01:11
zx2c4The included tools were compiled for the wrong platform01:12
zx2c4Or not included at all01:12
DalekSecI figured, but man that bug body is pretty poorly done. >_<01:12
zx2c4Thats a dkms thing and not a wg thing01:12
DalekSecGeez, between this and the guy from the other day that had a 5.5 kernel on Ubuntu compiled with gcc9 or something..Stick with distro kernels. >_<01:16
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zx2c4DalekSec: dunno, distro kernels are pretty out of date often so i dont assign too much blame there20:36
zx2c4speaking of which, wanna do the debian bump for dkg?20:37
zx2c4or did you want to wait for him to [someday] fix the broken module reload behavior?20:37
DalekSecI'd be waiting on the module reload stuff, yeah.21:35

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