[21:40] LeoNerd: is there an upstream repository for e.g. https://metacpan.org/pod/List::UtilsBy ? [21:41] There's my bzr repo.. I don't tend to really publish it as such, or people might actually rely on it [21:42] But it's on public http(s) if people happen to be curious [21:43] Whyso? [21:50] LeoNerd: just curious - trying to find matching upstream repositories for a number of packages in Debian [21:51] Ah hmm [21:52] Unsure then what you might want to do... I guess it partly depends what users think those are for [21:54] they're mostly meant for package maintainers - https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamMetadata [21:55] Could you use the CPAN location of it..? [21:55] As that's the sort of official "upstream" [22:57] jelmer: aww, debian only has breezy 3.0.2.. so no rebase for me [22:58] but it's OK; I'm only one commit ahead. I'll do the "uncommit; shelve; pull; unshelve; commit" dance [23:06] LeoNerd: I'm planning to push for 3.1.0 soonish, once nested trees and rename tracking work [23:06] 🙌