
gbit86_Anyone know of a c program example of using gdbus to grab a simple property value and/or subscribe to changes to it?01:47
gbit86_I really want to write something fairly quickly, but in C and haven't yet found a good example that I can get up in running in a few minutes.01:47
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=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
joelkraehemannhi all09:51
joelkraehemannsorry, that I am asking again. Does it require any special action?09:51
ginggsjoelkraehemann: looks like libinstpatch needs removal on i38609:56
ginggsjoelkraehemann: i suggest ask in #ubuntu-release for that09:56
mitya57locutus__: hi, can you look at Debian #943101 please? It is one of the few remaining blockers for removing Python 2 support from sip.10:24
ubottuDebian bug 943101 in src:libserial "libserial: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/94310110:24
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LocutusOfBorgmitya57, will do10:51
sarnoldmapreri: hey :) thanks for the poke, please say hello back to tsimonq2 :) I've got concerns with these profiles, feel free to hold off for a bit19:44
sarnoldmapreri: oh :( bummer, no way to open issues for these on the github site..19:44
mruffellDoes apt work on focal for anyone? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dGfDts8hvT/21:02
mruffellsegfault is from apt version 1.9.7, and I see 1.9.9 is in -main. This was from a fresh daily server installation, built on 2020-01-24 09:49, which I suppose has a bad apt package21:39
mwhudsonmruffell: it's working for me right now21:42
mwhudsonalthough i have 1.9.9 apparently21:43
mruffellmwhudson: I think the daily-current server image I downloaded is very out of date. Dowloading the new daily-pending release now21:43
mwhudsonmruffell: also the server installation runs apt a few times so hmm21:44
LocutusOfBorgvorlon, please haproxy and libapache2-mod-perl2 i386 hints?21:51
mruffellmwhudson: apt works just fine on daily-pending server timestamp 2020-02-16 08:18. The bug is fixed in 1.9.9 it seems. No need for concern21:52
mruffellMaybe a new desktop and server iso should be moved from daily-pending to daily-current though21:52
mwhudsonyeah i wonder what the hold up is with that21:53
mwhudsonit might be that the ci was broken by python2 removal things21:53
mruffellcould be the case21:53

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