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AppAraat[m] | `PA - Connection refused. Trying to reconnect.` - Getting real tired of your shit, PA. This is after a reboot too -_- | 09:54 |
AppAraat[m] | ...https://paste.debian.net/1130807/ | 11:41 |
Fred20 | Hi there | 15:12 |
Fred20 | Does someone use FreeMI (upnp server)? | 15:13 |
Fred20 | i've upgraded ubuntu studio and can't make it work... | 15:14 |
Eickmeyer[m] | !language | AppAraat | 15:30 |
ubottu | AppAraat: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 15:30 |
AppAraat[m] | sorry, feels got the best of me. Have a week off to jam with a buddy of mine but stuff isn't working :( | 15:32 |
Eickmeyer[m] | The key in your log is "Daemon already running." Do you have a ~/.pulse directory? | 15:34 |
AppAraat[m] | * `PA - Connection refused. Trying to reconnect.` - Getting real tired of your poop, PA. This is after a reboot too -_- | 15:35 |
AppAraat[m] | I do not. Last time this happened was before reboot, and I tried to stop / start PA by doing `pulseaudio --kill`, but when I started it again it always said that daemon was already running. | 15:37 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Is Jack running? Check Ubuntu Studio Controls. | 15:40 |
AppAraat[m] | I *do* however have `~/.config/pulse`. Should I try killing the `/usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog` process? | 15:40 |
AppAraat[m] | yes, Jack is running. | 15:40 |
AppAraat[m] | (with driver: ALSA) | 15:40 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Stop Jack. We might have a ghost process going on. | 15:40 |
AppAraat[m] | done | 15:41 |
Eickmeyer[m] | And yes, delete ~/.config/pulse | 15:41 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Weird pulseaudio configurations can cause this. | 15:41 |
AppAraat[m] | This were the contents of `~/.config/pulse`: https://paste.debian.net/1130830/ | 15:42 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Yeah, just delete it. We want to get your system back to stock. | 15:42 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Once that's done, reboot. | 15:43 |
AppAraat[m] | For the record, this is what's in my `/etc/pulse`: https://paste.debian.net/1130831/ - and these are all systemwide changes currently: https://paste.debian.net/1130832/ | 15:50 |
AppAraat[m] | If I'm not mistaken all of pulse stuff is stock, but I'll reboot and brb | 15:50 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Yeah, I'm not worried about those things. You'd have to go out of your way to modify /etc/pulse and we don't touch it with Controls. | 15:51 |
AppAraat[m] | yeah I try to stay away from PA config as much as possible :p | 15:53 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Same. The defaults are pretty sane. | 15:56 |
AppAraat[m] | All right, rebooted and everything seems ok (for now). I've noticed that after deleting `~/.config/pulse` I could `killall -9 pulseaudio` and then started it with `pulseaudio --log-level=debug 2>&1 | while IFS= read -r line; do printf '[%s] %s\n' "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" "$line"; done` (which is a basically way of starting things and timestamping the output) and that seemed to work as well. However, I did | 16:29 |
AppAraat[m] | reboot just in case. | 16:29 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Perfect. Yep, seems like there were some weird configs going on there that overrode what Controls does.\ | 16:31 |
AppAraat[m] | thanks a lot :) | 16:41 |
AppAraat[m] | Do you think it's safe to just kill PA next time and start it the way I described? Saves me a reboot. | 16:41 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Yeah, should be. I was just being overly cautious. | 16:46 |
AppAraat[m] | cool, ty. | 16:51 |
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sakrecoer[m] | Welcome back OvenWerks ! :) | 18:26 |
AppAraat[m] | OvenWerks: re: qjackctl dark theme: I've started some "inquiries" and apparently the new version (0.6.1) has theme support, but Ubuntu Studio 18.04 is still rocking v0.4.5! So I'm going to try to update it to latest via rncbc's own PPA: https://launchpad.net/~rncbc/+archive/ubuntu/bionic | 22:36 |
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