[00:00] It's hella easier than it used to be back in the old days tho. Really really pretty much plug'n'play (other than the part where you format the drive and copy your data to or install to the new drive). [00:01] No fiddling with jumpers or weird configuration options like back when I first got into all this... :) [00:03] thanks for all the help. I made some notes and I will further investigate / google. [00:03] thanks all of you [00:03] @henk_, Nice nice. Here's wishing you a smooth and effective upgrade. You'll LOVE having an SSD... :) [00:04] :-) take care and thanks once again [00:04] It's one of those upgrades that'll make a night and day visibly noticeable speed difference, even on older hardware. [00:04] @henk_, Be well. [00:05] i will make a uwu kernel [00:06] henk_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWFcHgN36vc <----- just a funny video [00:07] @darltrash, I think last time I built a custom kernel was when I was still heavy into EverQuest, and I built a really tweaked gamer kernel for my specific system at the time purely for that one game to squeeze every last little FPS I could get outta WINE. :) [00:07] video not available [00:08] henk_: that's because you're using IE in windows7 maybe =) heheh [00:09] henk_: try in chrome or a chromium-based browser [00:09] Hey, quick question for you IRC folk. What's the IRC bridge here in Telegram do on the IRC end if I edit a previous message here? Nothing? No update at your end? Or does it do something helpful/useful? [00:09] got it now [00:09] @bprompt, Bad monkey. You should totally use Edge! [00:09] IE is dead. [00:10] ie should die [00:10] wait, it is already dead! [00:10] (Seriously tho, everyone switch to the current or newest Firefox if you're not already using it. It's the best. Really it is.) 😬 [00:11] i like brave more [00:11] @darltrash, Ya, Brave's a good one, too. I won't lie. [00:11] builtin adblock, chromium based, open source, you win money only for using it, etc [00:11] blooalien: MS edge per se is dead btw, as of January 15th this year, the Stable version of Chromium-Edge is being shipped over the windows updates, they have been shipping over the updates the Beta version since last September, on Jan 15th it went stable, https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4501095/download-the-new-microsoft-edge-based-on-chromium <--- yes, Microsoft went chromium [00:11] that what i call a big difference [00:12] @bprompt, Yep. LOL [00:12] what is the best irc client for kubuntu? [00:13] @darltrash, The built in standard one `Konversation` is pretty decent, but there's other options even fancier if that's what you need. "Best" is such a subjective thing... [00:13] darltrash: best is relative, Quassel works, QT-based, Konversation works, KDE-based, Hexchat is fine, I use it, is Mirc-like, some folks like IRSSI, there's also KVirc, I think is also QT-based [00:14] Could always set up a znc IRC always-on connection. [00:14] Quassel has a similar capability, too. [00:14] KONVERSACIONES PRIVADAS [00:15] KWHY KDOES KEVERYTHING KDE KSTARTS KWITH K? [00:15] KVirc is quite similar to the old mIRC if I remember rightly. Really featureful. [00:15] @darltrash, Branding? [00:16] s [00:16] darltrash: not everything, amaroK, reKonq :P [00:16] @blooalien, weird branding [00:16] @bprompt, oh. [00:16] bye and thanks folks [00:16] bye bro [00:16] @henk_, Have a good one. [00:17] He gonna be so shocked at how much ridiculously faster his machine gonna be after he gets hisself an SSD in that thing. [00:17] i want to buy a fucking ssd so haaardddd [00:18] I remember my first experience with a shiny new SSD. OMG... SO fast compared to spinning magnetic platters. === john_ is now known as john78 [00:19] it isn't just the speed, you also don't have a vibrating machine, buzzing and humming while at it, runs very quiet === john78 is now known as john_hdsi [00:19] @darltrash, First thing comes up on a search for "solid state drive" on ebay is 240 gig for $39.95 USD. [00:19] on a mobile machine, a laptop, it uses less power from the battery [00:20] @bprompt, O hell yea, the silence is super sweet. And the battery drain. Ya, lotsa reasons to love SSDs. [00:20] @blooalien, in ebay? no no no! i found really cheap ones in my city [00:21] May use an SSD with my next Raspberry Pi build, too, come to think of it. Get me a USB enclosure for it and mount both the board and the drive inside? :) [00:21] i dont care if it is just 200 gb, i would use my hdd for my code and files and my ssd for my os and programs [00:21] @darltrash, Always better to buy local if you can. [00:21] I'm unaple to instsall updates. [00:21] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qj4W4vfcbb/ [00:21] @blooalien, yeah, is faster [00:21] @darltrash, This is how I do it, too. SSD for the system, and my 6.5TB external platter drive for data. [00:22] @blooalien, also i use really low disk usage [00:22] so maybe i will gift my hdd to my nephew [00:24] I look forward to when SSDs are as cheap per gig as current hard drives are now. :) [00:24] darltrash: a little close to what I do, yes, I do HDD for storage, they're terrific, hell 2Tbs of space and they're cheap, but the OS runs on the SSD, since it does lots of I/O, if you're low on RAM, the system starts to use virtual ram, or namely hard drive storage for ram, however since the hard drive storage is on SSD, you get SSD speed for virtual ram, so the system I/O is faster and vram runs faster as well [00:26] @bprompt, I rarely thrash virtual memory anymore, but I recently did some tweaking to my system to fix ezzactly that issue. Installed an OOM killer, set to murder and revive a couple processes I know to be RAM eaters occasionally, etc. :) [00:26] @bprompt, niceeee [00:26] SSD TIME THEN [00:26] i only need money and time :) [00:27] @darltrash, SO worth it. Just about one of the easiest and hugest upgrades you can give pretty much any computer. [00:27] yeah, my gamer cousin showed me how different the performance was with hdd and ssd [00:27] @darltrash, It really is night and day, innit? [00:28] it took like 10 fucking seconds to boot and load the entire thing, wtf [00:28] it is waaay faster than hdd [00:30] @darltrash, The real shocker is how slow platter drives feel after you get used to running an application from SSD and insta-loading everything you touch... :) [00:30] yeah, my cousing was opening and closing stuff real fast looking at me saying: "impressed? pathetic." [00:31] @darltrash, Yea, now sit him in front of a system with normal platter drives inside and see how long it takes him to get annoyed. ;) [00:31] 3...2...1... RAWR! I'm goin' back to my system! [00:32] lol [00:32] I regularly run about 15 windows or so, about 2 browsers with a few tabs, on SSD due to the I/O speed, I can do the window switching without any delays, on HDD you'd notice that flushing a window and loading cached data from GDI takes a noticeable amount [00:33] @darltrash, Ya, booting from SSD, the bottleneck is often various hardware initializing. Network 'n stuff... :) [00:33] Next step! buying an ssd, then 8 gb of ram more and uhhh..... what else? [00:33] @darltrash, Graphic card. [00:34] my pc is basically a laptop disguised as a desktop pc with a case [00:34] i cant add graphic cards :( [00:34] Do all them upgrades and you prolly added another 5 years of usefulness to your system. :) [00:34] @darltrash, Brutal. :( [00:35] yeah, i cant even change the processor unless i change it for a worse one [00:35] hp and shit. [00:35] Ouch [00:35] Dell here. Same situation. Still, RAM and SSD will make SO much difference. [00:35] i hope i make a good game and monetize it, so i can buy a switch or a decent computer that doesnt explodes. [00:36] @blooalien, nice! my computer isnt absolutely useless! :D [00:36] so, it will live for 5 years more with better ram and a ssd [00:36] Blender + GIMP + Inkscape + Godot engine is my current learning stack (besides Python). [00:37] @blooalien, ME TOO! [00:37] I use piskel + love2d + lua + c too [00:37] Figure that way, anyone what wanna modify anything I build can easily. [00:38] Not well versed in LUA or any variant of C yet. Can build other's code in most languages, and can read most of 'em fairly well. Just not a good fit for my brain to write. Python's more my speed. [00:38] yeah, love2d doesnt "compiles" code, it just zips it. [00:38] Just something about the logic of how Python works makes real good sense to my brain. [00:38] so it is your work to encrypt your code, but is useless, hackers are too good in the things they do [00:39] i like python, nice lang [00:39] Meh... Encryption isn't for code. It's for data. ;) [00:39] @blooalien, Yeah! I'm stupid, i meant compilation/obfuscation [00:39] Obfuscated or encrypted code is useless to me. :) [00:40] @blooalien, yeah, is just dumb it just makes your code slower. [00:40] It's one of the reasons I'm notta fan of proprietary software. I like to know what my machine is up to... Skynet must not rise! ;) [00:40] i love opensource code [00:41] my heart feels so good when i make something to help people [00:41] @darltrash, For sure. Easy to learn from, easy to modify and improve... What's not to love? [00:42] @darltrash, I'm makin' stuff that I think shoulda been made ages ago. So much that computers could be doing for us, rather than us wasting time with trivial BS the computer is entirely capable of handling on it's own. [00:42] what license do you use? [00:43] I'm honestly leaning toward BSD or something super-permissive, except I'm kinda also leaning toward the GPL series... Haven't entirely settled yet. [00:43] Mostly having issues with distrust of corporate entities. [00:43] i use mit, i like helping, but i dont like code stealers. [00:44] @darltrash, THIS! [00:44] when is a lib, i use wtfpl, if is a game, i use mit [00:44] mit: do what the fuck you want, but NEVER delete this license … wtfpl: fuck you, is yours now, do whatever you want, i dont care. [00:45] Don't like code thieves and don't like my efforts bein' used to further greed or other evils of that nature. (Tho I know it's unavoidable.) [00:45] @blooalien, it is. [00:45] mit license. [00:45] Ya, but you'll always have scammers and scumbags that don't read a word of any license and just do as they please. [00:46] @blooalien, if that happens and you see it, you can do a lawsuit [00:46] or report the code. [00:46] and prove your code is identical or similar [00:46] no code is the same, unless is copypasted [00:47] Speaking of lawsuits, you read about that photographer lady that's suing Getty images for $1B? [00:48] @blooalien, what the fuck? really? [00:49] Apparently they tried to bill her for use of one of her own images (which she's actually donated to the Library of Congress), and because they're a serial offender for such things, apparently she's got the option to sue for some ridiculous amount. [00:49] :/ [00:49] that is plain dumb [00:50] is just some photos, you can make more, taking photos is easy [00:50] Ya. Getty, of all folks... You wouldn't expect they'd be stealin' famous images and tryin'a bill folk for using them. [00:51] @darltrash, Ya, but this lady is like a super famous photographer and the set of images has been donated to the Library of Congress by her. Getty's not even got any copyright rights over those images at all. [00:51] i like how brainless some millionares are [00:52] Greed at work... Gotta love it. [00:54] People exploitation! Gotta love it! [00:54] It's a weird world we live in, that's for sure. [00:55] The best way to escape is just making the things you like and making money out of it, [00:55] like music, coding, etc [00:55] To think... Most of it was science fiction or fictional horror when I was a kid. Now it's just the Nightly News... [00:56] And who'd have ever thought the comedy movie "Idiocracy" would turn out to be a "Future Documentary"? [00:57] "Weird goo starts showing at beaches!", "New virus coming from China is going to kill us all!", "Facebook and google know you down to your last atoms!". it all sounds like something straight from a dystopian world [00:58] @darltrash, Dunnit tho? I used to play VIDEOGAMES like that... Now it's nearly real life? WTF? [00:58] and all of it is true. (except the coronvirus thing, only 15% of the infected died but it was because of no treatement whatsoever" [00:58] @blooalien, It is real life. and is scary [00:58] we are trapped here. [00:58] @darltrash, Also, folk are panicked like cattle over it when we've seen very few cases outside China itself. [00:59] It's like there's gotta be some new panic every single day, or it's not a "normal" day... [00:59] yeah, and they dont just die, also they already made experimental cures that are working quite well, in some months, we would already get a easy and peasy cure [01:00] @blooalien, all days are weird here in planet earth [01:00] @darltrash, It could almost be a great idea for a situation comedy TV series, if it weren't already the nightly news... [01:00] @blooalien, yeah lmao [01:01] We already live in a dystopia, and it is getting worse, trust me, [01:02] I was actually a little shocked watching the cartoon "Our Cartoon President", how eerily accurate a portrayal of folk in D.C. it was. [01:03] Politics just in general (not just here, but everywhere around the globe it seems these days) is just a total three-ring-circus sideshow. [01:03] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c66w6fVqOI watch the entire video please. [01:04] And yet SO MANY folk put SO MUCH faith in those nutjobs to save us from the problems that those very politicians and corporations CREATED for humanity. [01:06] "Join your neighbors, your family, your god", "there is nothing to fear" [01:06] "this message will repeat until there are none to read it." [01:06] @darltrash, LOL [01:07] is an arg i found, it haves all kinds of weird stuff, like real life references and weird stuff happening [01:07] Gets my thumbs up. :) [01:09] it is about the moon, the light of the moon, a lot of references to frequency theory and light theory, but you need to watch really really concentrated to get the references and the meaninf [01:10] The creepy thing about that last video there is that I could totally imagine the "Illuminati"-type folk actually planning to wipe out most of humanity, thinkin' they'll somehow survive simply because they're insanely rich. [01:11] is something weirder. [01:11] is the moon, the light and the frequency of the sounds in the exterior, like injecting brainwaves. [01:12] I mean, if there's actually people that truly believe the earth is flat, who knows what other kinda madness people are willing to entertain in their sick little minds? And if those folk are rich enough and insane enough? What then? [01:12] there is a video meant to delete your hability to recognize faces, by brainwashing you into making you unable to dream or recognize people [01:12] @blooalien, they like to see people suffer because they get rich with suffering [01:13] they put you tags so you need to fight towards other tags [01:13] "YOUA RE CHRISTIAN SO YOU NEED TO ATTACK GAY PEOPLE, GAY PEOPLE BAD." [01:13] I'm genuinely convinced that a large portion of humanity (and worse still, mostly the ones in charge) are literally insane to some degree (some more than others). [01:13] @blooalien, We all are insane in different ways. [01:14] france made pedosexuality a thing, [01:15] Mebbe we're the "galactic looney bin"? Welcome to Earth! Don't mess with the humans. They're dangerous. [01:15] I mean, if there really were any other intelligent life "out there", why the hell would the actually contact us? [01:18] "Humans?! these guys suck dude, they are just dumb animals" [01:19] LOL @ ``` … Alien1: how do we get the humans to die? … Alien2: what if we just told them to kill themselves … Alien1: THATS GENIUS``` [01:19] The comments on that video are hilarious. [01:19] @blooalien, I dont think aliens are bad, they are better than us and to make a society as good as theirs, you need to delete egocentrism and hatred towards other people [01:20] we are always like: "Hahaahah you suck, imagine doing *thing1* instead of *thing2*! lmao hahahah" [01:21] We'll surely never escape this planet alive as long as greed and hatred rules every thought humans have. [01:21] love and cooperation makes everything stronger, remember, you are billions of cells cooperating to get into a simple goal [01:21] @blooalien, yeah, we suck [01:22] I promise the planet is well capable of surviving way longer than any life form it hosts. [01:22] @blooalien, What if humans didnt evolved from apes? [01:23] what if we evolved from a more cooperative and organized species? like bees or ants? [01:23] What if we're not even the first humans this planet has hosted in it's long history? What if other past humans wiped themselves out so thoroughly that we've not yet found any traces they ever even existed? Like we prolly will? [01:24] @blooalien, what if mars had the exact same story we are living, so they sent a capsule containing human dna into the earth to save the species? [01:24] mars was like the earth [01:24] WAS [01:25] @darltrash, Just never know when you're talkin' cosmic timescales of history. There's just so much yet undiscovered. [01:26] And it'll stay undiscovered if humanity don't grow up in a right big hurry. [01:26] i think humans were made by some alien implanting some mutagen thing into the earth, but only the apes were able to get it [01:26] and dolphins, they have HUGE brains [01:27] Dolphins are a trip. Did you know that they're able to communicate with other dolphins nearly telepathically? (Not quite ezzactly, but they can send entire sonar images representing things they want to convey to another dolphin.) [01:28] Can you imagine if humans could communicate in ways that simply were impossible to misunderstand? [01:28] @blooalien, they talk using unaudible frequencies and cientists are like what the fuck [01:29] i would like to talk to a dolphin, they technically could be civilized (and they are!) [01:29] Civilized enough that they've been known to save humans from death on more'n one occasion. [01:30] really? woah [01:30] I mean, would YOU fight a shark to save a dolphin? A dolphin might to save YOU, believe it or not. [01:30] wait really? woah! [01:31] How many "wild" animals you know of that'll fight an apex predator to save a human from death? [01:31] There ain't many, I can tell ya... [01:32] obviously [01:34] but dolphins have something called an advanced frontal lobe, they can understand abstract concepts like a human, they can understand a lot of things and they can start thinking in a higher level of consciusness [01:35] theoretically, if you give a advanced frontal lobe to a dog, it could start trying to communicate and it would be able to get existential crises [01:36] in fact, Bigger brains arent better, it all depends on the "technology" [01:37] @darltrash, Dogs are already way smarter'n most humans give 'em credit for. Horses are, too. [01:37] like a 1941 computer compared to a today's iPhone, the iPhone is CLEARLY supperior and is CLEARLY ligher [01:37] @blooalien, they are, but they are smarter in their own ways [01:38] Is like code, you can code a calculator in 100 lines, or a pong, or a breakout game, or a cli tool, etc [01:38] True, true. But like for one example, it's been recently discovered that both dogs and horses understand most common human facial expressions. (Pet and horse owners have been well aware of that for ages before the science guys figured it out.) [01:39] @blooalien, yeah, their brain's "code" is meant for that, they already have it in their "kernels" [01:40] in fact, you can make a squirrel with a cognitive power of a human and a iq of 200 points, but it all depends on the brain architecture or how well written is the "code" [01:41] but that would be real hard, like creating a smw clone in 200 lines, that would be haard aass fuuuckk [01:50] This could be some good news for humanity. Hydrogen can be useful stuff... [01:50] Fwd from Science Updates: Researchers find way to use the entire spectrum of sunlight to transform solar energy into Hydrogen … [Read Full Article](https://fuelcellsworks.com/news/ohio-state-university-researchers-find-way-to-entire-spectrum-of-sunlight-to-transform-solar-energy-into-hydrogen/) [02:00] @blooalien, what the fuck that is useful! [02:13] please stay on topic and remember that this is a family-friendly channel [02:14] there is #kubuntu-offtopic for chat [02:14] called Kubuntu-Cafe in Telegram [02:15] @darltrash nerdario.bin @blooalien [02:16] @Valoriez, whoops bro! [02:16] okay, im going to kubuntu cafe then [02:25] huh, "bro" [02:25] that's hilarious [02:26] @Valoriez, WHOOPS BRO [02:26] Im going to stop doing that [02:27] I'm a grandmother, lol [02:28] waiT, OH SORRY [02:28] I feel so bad now. [02:28] on the internet, everyone is a cat [02:29] on the internet, everyone is cool [02:32] pretty sure I'm not cool [02:33] you are ;) [02:57] 19792798166 was added by: 19792798166 [03:23] hey all [03:23] hi [03:29] how r u' [03:31] dead === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [05:02] ok [05:02] why [05:05] no [05:53] MASRE Kipas was added by: MASRE Kipas [05:53] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slCGA6uWtGI [05:55] @MASRE Kipas, IS A SPAM BOT [06:13] Spammers should be declared "officially sub-human" and "valid targets"... === rebecca is now known as Guest16573 [07:05] Good morning === MyNick is now known as Guest94577 [08:04] test [08:05] @Guest94577, What are we testing? === MANIAC is now known as Guest67112 === architect is now known as Guest62055 [10:29] Is thier a way to package to use with adequate to fix mismatches? [10:29] Is thier package to use with adequate to fix mismatches? [10:37] geon meot fjdlkgjmr sassd eofg michal arch [10:39] anyone awake yet [10:40] exiting === rynot is now known as cart_man [11:23] Hi folks [12:22] Anyone use snaps here? [12:22] Can you install cantor via Snap Store, run /var/lib/snapd/snap/bin/cantor, and then tell me if it works for you and what Ubuntu version do you use? [14:30] Deva X was added by: Deva X [14:30] Fwd from Tesla: https://youtu.be/YnnnFvh8QjI === mugebjgd is now known as gebjgd [15:36] where is the kvantum local themes folder [15:37] Hii [15:37] hi erfan [15:38] oops [15:40] where is the kvantum local themes folder? [15:45] locate kvantum or which kvantum might show it? [15:47] nah, i already got it [15:47] .config/Kvantum === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [16:37] Hello, it possible to upgrade to Plasma 5.18 LTS on Kubuntu 18.04.4? === il is now known as il_with_echo === teward_ is now known as teward === il_with_echo is now known as il === lordievader is now known as Guest68591 [18:27] does kubuntu use "Discover" like KDE Neon? [18:30] sigNeon, yes, it's the default kde/plasma gui package manager [18:31] does it search for snaps too? or do you have to manually "snap install packagename" ? [18:32] dunno, never tried installing snaps or much else with discover [18:32] I'll just install this app that I am looking for with snap [18:32] thanks BluesKaj [18:33] sigNeon, i use muon if I want to install or reference pkg info [18:34] thanks I'll look at that [18:34] using a gui thatis, but i mostly use apt in the konsole [19:21] Hi, I heard about this kubuntu focus laptop and I wonder where I find details about their nvidia card, how did they make it work with all these famous nvidia optimus issues? [19:21] does it work with wayland? [19:21] or the same issues we face in every laptop [19:27] edgy: [19:27] https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=kubuntu-focus&num=1 [19:29] sigNeon: I can't find any details there, is the situation of the driver now better or they did something in the hardware like disabling the intel card from the bios? [19:31] sigNeon: the problem I normally face is the intel card drive the LCD and the nvidia drives the external HDMI, so a problem happens when connect a laptop to a projector [19:31] have you had it working with any other linux distribution? [19:51] sigNeon: No, and I don't know what's the correct approach to solve it and which drivers or packages should be installed === lordievader is now known as Guest773 [21:22] 12097327149 was added by: 12097327149 [21:22] <12097327149> How's everything with you? [21:26] huh? Ő¿Ő [22:52] how far behind is kubuntu vs. kde neon? I know neon gets them first, but how long usually does kubuntu wait for the latest kde packages? [23:35] sigNeon: hmmm dunno myself