
tomwardillcjwatson, wgrant: I'm running into a problem trying to get an OCI build (in ocirecipebuildbehaviour.extraBuildArgs) to have the Universe component enabled. The OCIRecipeBuild doesn't have distro_arch_series, so none of the tooling in archivedependencies appears to fit. Any suggestions for workarounds?16:50
tomwardillI need Universe as that's where the Docker package lives16:50
tomwardillif I'm understanding this right, we'd need that infrastructure even if it was in a PPA though16:52
wgranttomwardill: I haven't thought it through in full detail, but this sounds somewhat analogous to TTBs, where the series is implicit (or configured at the system level). Except in this case you select the DAS based on OCIRB.processor rather than nominatedarchindep19:16
lifelessyay bug 723:53
mupBug #7: Need help for novice translators <lp-translations> <verification-needed-eoan> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by danilo> <Launchpad Documentation:Fix Released by matthew.revell> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/7>23:53

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