
CDSmithhey folks … having an issue installing04:13
CDSmithinstaller gets to "Installing bootloader" and freezes around 81%\04:13
CDSmithafter while goes thru and then errors out04:13
wxldid you check the hashes of the iso?04:14
wxland check the installation media for efects?04:14
CDSmithno sorry …. checking now04:15
wxlsince i have no idea what version you're talking about that means little04:15
CDSmithgoing to try 18.0404:18
wxlthat is good04:18
wxldid you check the installation media?04:18
CDSmithyeah... its good04:18
wxlwhat's the error then?04:18
CDSmithlong error message … will try 18.04 and come back ….04:19
wxli wouldn't suggest 18.0404:19
CDSmithI have since closed the message04:19
wxlsupport ends relatively shortly and the transition to 20.04 will not be easy04:20
CDSmithis there a better distro ?04:20
wxlwe don't support upgrades from 18.04 to anything and would suggest a fresh install04:20
wxlthere's a perfect option: 19.1004:20
CDSmithcan I upgrade from 18.04 to 19.10 ?04:21
CDSmithnvm … read above04:21
wxlthe same way we'd suggest upgrading 18.04 to anything: a fresh install04:21
CDSmithhmmm ….04:22
CDSmithI am using Rufus to load the install to a bootable thumb drive04:23
wxli've not heard of this error you're talking about so something's not right, which i'm sure will become apparent with the actual error message04:23
wxloh man yeah i've seen things not work right with rufus04:23
wxlhow did you check the install media for defects?04:23
CDSmithi'm not great with the technical side of this just yet....04:24
wxlwell when you boot it there's a "check disc for defects option"04:24
wxldo that. you probably have a copy error (i.e. blame rufus)04:24
CDSmithis there a better option to rufus ?04:24
wxli don't use windows, so can't tell you :/04:25
CDSmithtrying with different media creation tool04:40
CDSmithUniversal UBS installer04:40
wxlmake sure to do that "check disc for defects" thing04:40
CDSmithon it now04:41
CDSmithno errors found04:41
wxlok give it another shot04:42
CDSmithfilling up file systems04:46
CDSmithpart of the install04:47
lubot<tbs61> try balena etcher04:50
lubot<tbs61> to create bootable usb04:50
lubot<tbs61> and i dont have problem with installing lubuntu but i had smilar problem with kubuntu04:51
CDSmith81% currently …. this is where it stalls for a few minutes04:52
CDSmith"Install bootloader"04:52
lubot<tbs61> yeah, i understand u, i had smilar error with kubuntu and tried 3-4 times...04:53
lubot<tbs61> well, u can try balena etcher before next trying if u want :)04:54
wxlthat's not the issue04:54
wxlis it dead?04:54
lubot<tbs61> what u mean by dead?04:55
wxli'm asking CDSmith04:55
CDSmithits not "dead" but its not doing anything currently either04:56
CDSmithdoing the install.... eventually gives error message04:56
wxlgive it some time04:56
CDSmithstill at 81%04:57
CDSmith6 minutes now at 81%.....04:58
lubot<tbs61> it s just there but u dont get error?04:59
CDSmithno error yet04:59
lubot<tbs61> ahh, u should wait :D maybe ur harddisk is slow05:00
CDSmith90% now05:01
wxlso what is the exact error?05:01
CDSmithboost.Python error in job "packages".05:01
wxlthe whole error05:02
CDSmithone sec05:02
CDSmithtried to copy and paste and it didn't work ….05:11
CDSmithhave to go thru the process again05:12
wxlyou can always use pastebinit05:14
CDSmithBoost.Python error in job "packages".05:32
CDSmithCommand 'apt-get --purge -q -y remove ^live-* calamares-settings-lubuntu calamares hunspell-en-us zram-config cifs-utils' returned non-zero exit status 100.05:32
CDSmithReading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... Package 'live-initramfs' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-config-sysvinit' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-build' is not installed, so not removed Package 'livecd-rootfs' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-boot' is not05:32
CDSmithinstalled, so not removed Package 'live-boot-doc' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-boot-initramfs-tools' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-build-cgi' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-config' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-config-doc' is not installed, so not removed Package05:32
CDSmith'live-config-systemd' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-manual' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-manual-epub' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-manual-html' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-manual-odf' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-manual-pdf' is not installed, so not removed05:32
CDSmithPackage 'live-manual-txt' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-tools' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-wrapper' is not installed, so not removed Package 'live-wrapper-doc' is not installed, so not removed Package 'livemedia-utils' is not installed, so not removed Package 'lives' is not installed, so not removed Package05:32
guiverc!pastebinit CDSmith05:32
guivercplease use pastebinit CDSmith05:33
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit05:33
wxlwhy on earth are they not installed?05:33
wxlthere should be a log at ~/.cache/calamares/session.log05:34
wxlyou can open a terminal and `pastebinit -i ~/.cache/calamares/session.log` and share the resulting uri here05:34
CDSmithnot sure where to see that log05:37
CDSmithI am looking now05:37
wxljust open a terminal and enter the command and it will do the rest05:37
CDSmithpermission denied05:38
lubot<tbs61> root05:39
wxlare you sure you typed it right?05:39
CDSmithyeah … checked twice permission denied at root.... this is off the thumb drive remember05:39
wxlwait a minute05:41
wxlyou pulled the usb and put it in somewhere else?05:41
CDSmithI entered the command … no result yet05:43
CDSmithno uri05:43
wxli literally just did this05:44
CDSmithits working but its not going05:44
wxlit takes a few seconds05:44
wxlbut no more than 1005:45
CDSmithjust gives me a blank space underneath the command I entered05:45
wxlare you SURE you checked the disc for errors?05:47
CDSmithgot it05:47
CDSmithhave to head to bed.... will be back at this tomorrow …. I will leave myself logged in here until then05:51
mykul_hello all06:59
lubot<tbs61> @mykul_ [<mykul_> hello all], hi07:17
lubotDevice Green was added by: Device Green08:21
lubotZhubad Islahudin😁 was added by: Zhubad Islahudin😁08:36
lubotdanielhs33 was added by: danielhs3309:04
truckeri want to make a lubuntu boot disk with the pre-installed utility from lubuntu "boot disk make" but i can't see my dvd+rw disc that i haven put in my  machine10:34
guiverctrucker, the lubuntu manual (https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.2/booting_the_image.html) has a link on burning a dvd from ubuntu, refer https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/tutorial-burn-a-dvd-on-ubuntu#1-getting-started  (You didn't specify a version of Lubuntu, the manual page I gave was for latest 19.10)11:17
trucker@guiverc, i have read the manuals and i have found the problem. the tool i use Startup Disk Creator can only make live usb stick and not live dvd's i will install Brasero and try that11:26
truckerthe iso is now burning on the disc11:30
lubotD3W4CH was added by: D3W4CH12:01
truckerthanks guiverc, i have succes full burn the iso12:21
nmzmhello everyone. Are there any limits on how large can be shell script?13:39
nmzmLike 1000 lines maximum or something like that13:39
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CDSmithanyone have any ideas on this failed install ???? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HNwJM5rytm/18:28
CDSmithdoes it matter if the install medium is NTFS or FAT3218:30
tomreynCDSmith: https://askubuntu.com/questions/765946/can-not-write-log-is-dev-pts-mounted-openpty-in-ubuntu-on-windows20:29
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide20:29
CDSmithreplaced the HDD and it installed without issue.... thanks to those that assisted me with this21:32
wxlso what was the problem?21:32
CDSmiththe HDD in the old PC21:32
CDSmithonce I change the HDD it worked like a charm21:32
lubot<tbs61> ahh21:32
wxloh yeah i forgot to explain linux can't fix broken X''''D21:32
lubot<tbs61> did u try uefi install?21:33
CDSmithhaha for sure21:33
CDSmithyes I did … and the system still wouldn't install all the way... kept getting error21:33
CDSmiththink the drive was corrupt21:33
lubot<tbs61> if its about drive, maybe u should have format ur drive to gpt first...21:33
CDSmithpossibly... either way the new drive has about 420 GB more space.... lol21:34
lubot<tbs61> when i first try to install linux, that was the problem i couldnt understand and make me reinstall 20 times...21:34
CDSmithcurrently updating the install21:35
lubot<tbs61> glad to hear u could install really21:35
lubot<tbs61> i also like lubuntu21:35
lubot<tbs61> are you new at linux or?21:35
CDSmithjust had an old PC that really needed a lighter OS in it....21:36
CDSmithnew to Linux21:36
CDSmithmight turn into a new plex server here21:36
CDSmithany suggestions ?21:37
lubot<tbs61> there s one suggestion from me cuz it was helpfull, if u want set some apparance things to lubuntu first try its menu for that but also check pling app, u need to find lxqt in its menu for themes ofc21:37
lubot<tbs61> ahh, there s another suggestion :D if u want format usb, install mintstick, i also like "ice" app for seperate browsers21:39
lubot<tbs61> also if u want transparent panel u need to active "compton" from settings, i like it.21:41
lubot<tbs61> that s all for now :D21:41
lubot<tbs61> good night, sleep well guys21:41
CDSmithhow do I set a password for my nickname ?22:03
kc2bezCDSmith: or here on freenode?22:04
CDSmithhere … lol but thank you that was coming next22:05
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.22:05
CDSmithand there we go... all passworded up and registered22:14
wxlwelcome to the big time22:14
CDSmithhahaha for sure22:15
david__Lubuntu works Fine22:21
david__But I have had problems with Nvidia drivers and I wonder why Linux allows Nvidia I find if there is a 64 dpi 1360X768 resolution problem after a proprother driver installation. then after the Nvidia graphics driver installation everything is terribly small. Why Nvidia is not prohibited22:42
david__Greetings David22:42
david__opensorce graphics driver goes great22:42
wxldavid__: i agree with you but there's a bunch of folks that do not, especially given that with nvidia a lot of features are not revealed with the reverse engineered open source driver. for gamers or others making heavy use of their gpu, this becomes a concern.22:47
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MasterKingHey!!! Can I install Lubuntu on a 8GB thumb drive?22:56
CDSmithhow do i get gnome working in lubuntu ??? I installed the extension for chrome22:58
CDSmithand some misc. other commands in the terminal22:59
CDSmithor how do i open it in my system ?22:59
wxlso let me get this straight, you typed a bunch of random stuff and it's not working? XD23:00
kc2bezGnome extensions will only work in Gnome.23:01
CDSmithok ... take it easy on the new guy23:01
wxlit's always best to approach any problem from the perspective of what you're trying to accomplish23:01
CDSmithlets say I am trying to install Dash-toDock23:01
wxlyeah that's for gnome and so if you want that you get alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of the bloated gnome desktop to go with it23:02
wxlat that point, you might as well just use ubuntu23:02
CDSmithits gives me a .ZIP file and I dont know what to do with it23:02
kc2bezWe don't have a dash so you can't dock it.23:02
CDSmithsee .... there we go....23:03
CDSmithI didnt know that .... baby steps here23:03
wxlthere are docks out there23:03
kc2bezMasterKing: you might want to look at mkusb https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb/persistent23:03
MasterKingI know how to install it; I want to know if it fits on a 8GB drive23:04
kc2bezI think it should, you may be a bit tight on extra storage but the base system will fit.23:05
CDSmithI was basically looking at a " just intalled lubuntu... here are 20 things you should do..."23:06
MasterKingok thanks; i'll give it a try then23:06
kc2bezI might be the wrong person to ask :P CDSmith I don't really do much.23:07
CDSmithno worries .... I guess I am looking for guidance on how to work with lubuntu at an entry level ... want it to function like a PC but obviously with a little more of a challenge23:09
kc2bezCDSmith: if you are looking for a dock a few come to mind. Cairo, docky, plank, and latte dock all come to mind.23:10
wxlhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/kdocker ?23:10
kc2bezTIL ^23:11
CDSmithi just dont know how to install them I guess.... I am a quick learner ...23:11
kc2bezIf they are in the repo you can find them and install them using muon or discover.23:12
kc2bezOur manual has some on using them https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/4/Installing_Updating_and_Removing_Software.html23:13
david__OK I know that you have to edit the script xsetup to get it to work, but I'm thinking of a new syncronization script or program that automatically fixes this problem. I know that it means a lot of work for Linux, but it would get around that Linux developers would try to do it Fix small bugs at KDE, XFCE, Lubuntu23:17
david__the modified xsetup script has to look like this xrandr --64 dpi then the picture looks good again.23:17
david__Otherwise, I really don't see anything under Linux. You get a lot more freedom than under Windows. I've been away from Windows for 2 years. I don't regret it.23:17
david__Very good work23:17

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