
tarzeaui run python and i get Command 'python' not found, but can be installed with: stuff13:23
tarzeauwhy is there no more /usr/bin/python ?13:23
oerheksi think python2 is out, python3 is current?13:24
tarzeauyes but i want /usr/bin/python13:25
tarzeauoerheks: i didn't ask for python2, anywhere, or did i?13:25
lotuspsychjethere was that python3 bug recently right13:25
tarzeauin python3-minimal ?13:26
tarzeausid is fine, but focal is broken13:26
lotuspsychjelemme look it up13:26
lotuspsychjenot sure if its related tarzeau but, bug #186292813:27
ubottubug 1862928 in python-crypto (Ubuntu) "python-crypto (i386) needs rebuild in Focal (python 3.7 -> python 3.8 dependency refresh)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186292813:27
lotuspsychjemaybe they gotten things straight yet with python13:28
lotuspsychjenot yet13:28
* tarzeau looks bugs through of python3-defaults and python2-defaults13:37
tarzeauerr python-defaults13:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1862537 in python-defaults (Ubuntu) "No /usr/bin/python or `python` package is provided on focal" [Undecided,New]13:37
tarzeauthat's the one! LIKE IT!13:38
diddledanalso see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3-defaults/+bug/186353214:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1863532 in python3-defaults (Ubuntu) "Invoking "python" brings inappropriate response from command-not-found when python3 installed" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:56
lotuspsychjetarzeau: ^15:25
tarzeaugreat hoping for a fix15:30
lotuspsychjeconfirmed & affected15:40
trippehAV1 codec video decoding is not working too well in 20.04 - ffmpeg is built only against libaom which is just too slow. dav1d would be a better option for playback, and is supported in ffmpeg 4.2+ upstream (but not enabled in focal)15:40
trippehI have a Ryzen 3700x and even a 1080p 25fps video is too much for libaom on it.15:40
lotuspsychjetrippeh: want us to test something? you got a bug for it?15:40
trippehI probably should write up a bug for it, yes :)15:41
lotuspsychjetrippeh: before you do, could you explain a bit more what does what15:42
trippehlibaom -> AV1 video implementation. it is basically the research implementation for AV1. it is good but very, very slow.15:43
trippehdav1d is a much faster implementation, that is now used by web browsers and the like, developed by VideoLAN15:44
trippehffmpeg gained support for it in ffmpeg 4.2, but it is not enabled in Ubuntu, as far as I can tell15:45
lotuspsychje!info ffmpeg15:46
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:4.2.2-1build1 (focal), package size 1417 kB, installed size 2006 kB15:46
trippehffmpeg (the libraries it provides) is also used by a bunch of media players.15:49
trippehsorry, work is requiring my attention. will get back to this later15:56
trippeh(quick note: I suppose not much will happen until this debian ITP bug is resolved: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=916333"16:04
ubottuDebian bug 916333 in wnpp "ITP: dav1d -- fast and small AV1 video stream decoder" [Wishlist,Open]16:04
lotuspsychjetrippeh: there's a dav1d snap16:20
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