
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:29
dufluMorning oSoMoN07:13
didrocksgood morning07:15
dufluHi didrocks07:20
didrockshey duflu07:20
oSoMoNhey duflu, salut didrocks07:30
didrockssalut oSoMoN, bon week-end ?07:31
WimpressMorning o/08:30
seb128gooood morning desktopers!08:30
seb128hey Wimpress, how are you? had a good w.e?08:30
dufluMorning Wimpress and seb12808:31
dufluGood holiday?08:31
didrockssalut seb128, bonne vacances ?08:31
didrockshey Wimpress08:32
seb128hey duflu, didrocks08:32
seb128yes! was nice, sunny and relaxing!08:32
seb128we also managed to shake out our winter bugs/colds :)08:32
didrocksglad to hear that :)08:32
WimpressGlad you had a good time seb12808:33
WimpressI like the sound of some warm weather :-)08:33
WimpressGood weekend here. Making Lego robots with my daughter during the day.08:34
WimpressMATE 1.24 in Debian Unstable and Focal during the evening.08:34
WimpressHelped fixed a thing for GunnarHj too :-)08:35
jameshfyi: if you run into text entry problems in snapped desktop apps on 20.04, it is due to a change in the ibus socket path in the last update08:37
jameshthere's a fix in master, and it should be back ported to snapd 2.43.x08:38
Saviqhey all, did you guys ever see keyboard input randomly going away from snaps?08:38
jameshSaviq: see two lines up :-)08:38
Saviqjamesh: d'uh!08:38
SaviqI was about to say I felt like it's ibus-related08:39
Saviqjamesh: known workaround?08:39
Wimpresspopey: FYI: See above08:39
duflubug 186325508:39
ubot5bug 1863255 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Programs installed in Snap format do not detect the keyboard " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186325508:39
jameshSaviq: "snap refresh --edge core" might be a good short term fix, but you'll probably want to switch back afterwards08:39
jameshor try pinning to the old ibus version08:40
jameshhttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8139 <- here's the snapd change fixing the problem08:40
gitbotsnapcore issue (Pull request) 8139 in snapd "interfaces/{desktop-legacy,unity7}: adjust for new ibus socket location" [Simple 😃, Closed]08:40
seb128jamesh, that's in this focal upload right https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/2.43.3+git1.8109f8 right?08:43
jameshseb128: looks like it, yeah.08:44
Saviqnot sure if related, but I randomly started getting08:49
Saviqlibgtk-3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:49
Saviqi.e. snaps losing the gtk runtime (?)08:49
oSoMoNSaviq, for the chromium snap, a workaround is to delete ~/snap/chromium/common/.cache, not sure about other snaps that are affected08:55
marcustomlinsonmorning oSoMoN duflu didrocks Wimpress seb128 jamesh and Saviq :)08:55
seb128lut oSoMoN, hey marcustomlinson08:56
oSoMoNdidrocks, très bon week-end, my mom was visiting so we walked around Barcelona, that was nice08:56
seb128oSoMoN, is that a workaround for the libgtk missing? why is the cache getting in that state/creating that problem?08:56
oSoMoNsalut seb128, hey marcustomlinson08:56
didrockshey marcustomlinson, all good?08:56
didrocksoSoMoN: nice :)08:57
marcustomlinsonall good thank you :)08:57
dufluMorning marcustomlinson08:57
jameshSaviq: you could try running "sudo /usr/lib/snapd/snap-discard-ns $snapname" and try starting the app again08:57
oSoMoNseb128, the workaround is for the ibus change that broke keyboard input in snaps, I haven't had time to look into it further, it was suggested by someone on a duplicate of the bug report08:57
jameshSaviq: see if there is anything interesting on the console08:57
seb128oSoMoN, ah ok08:57
marcustomlinsonhow you didrocks?08:58
oSoMoNnot sure whether it would work for other snaps, but given that there is a proper fix already merged and being backported, I don't feel like spending too much time on this08:58
Saviqoi! marcustomlinson08:58
oSoMoNgot plenty on my plate of the week already…08:58
seb128oSoMoN, a new snapd was just uploaded to focal with a fix for ibus, unsure if with that version removing the cache is still needed, if that's the case we probably need to force a cache refresh08:58
seb128jamesh, ^08:58
didrocksmarcustomlinson: quite fine as well, thanks :)08:59
oSoMoNseb128, I'll test but I'd expect/hope that removing the cache wouldn't be needed with the new snapd08:59
Saviqjamesh: that did the trick https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/yZNy7mNjrv/08:59
Saviqon that note, is gdk-pixbuf-loaders.cache only generated once? I had to manually generate it having recovered `snap/firefox` from a backup09:01
seb128Saviq, looks like a topic for #snappy09:01
seb128you probably want zyga around09:01
Saviqbut… but… jamesh is fixing all my issues here! ;)09:01
Saviqbut yeah, will let zyga know09:02
seb128thx :09:02
WimpressMorning marcustomlinson o/09:02
jameshSaviq: any time you need to use snap-discard-ns is probably a bug09:03
SaviqI'm sure09:03
marcustomlinsonhey Laney09:03
didrocksmorning Laney, good week-end?09:03
oSoMoNmorning Laney, Wimpress09:03
WimpressoSoMoN: o/09:04
marcustomlinsonpopey, Wimpress, Laney: no flooding by you I hope?09:05
WimpressYep, flooding here.09:05
WimpressWe're fortunate. On a hill.09:05
seb128hey Laney, how are you?09:05
WimpressBut we can't leave our road, because the bottom of the hill is 4 feet deep.09:05
Laneyhey marcustomlinson didrocks oSoMoN Wimpress seb128!09:06
Laneywas a nice weekend, mainly hid inside from the storm though09:07
Laneyno flooding here, not really near to any rivers09:08
Laneyalthough once the drains were blocked up with leaves and the next road along became a river09:08
Laneythat was amusing09:08
Laneyseb128: feeling rested?09:08
seb128Laney, yes, holidays were great, thanks :)09:08
Laneyheading south is the way09:09
jameshif you head far enough south, you'll hit summer09:09
seb128indeed :)09:10
oSoMoNseb128, I confirm that installing snapd from focal-proposed is enough to fix the keyboard input problem with chromium, no need to delete the cache, it's just a useful workaround until the snapd update is available to everyone09:12
jameshI wonder why deleting the cache changed the behaviour?09:12
seb128oSoMoN, great, thanks!09:13
oSoMoNit could be that chromium doesn't even try to use ibus in that case09:14
oSoMoNseb128, I'm sure you have plenty to catch up with, but could you suggest someone who could review https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/software-properties/+git/software-properties/+merge/379239 ?09:15
seb128oSoMoN, didrocks or Laney maybe if they can spare some cycles for review09:21
seb128oSoMoN, I will try also to have a look once I'm done catching up with things, might not be today though09:21
didrocksit’s quite large and I still have plenty to catchup, but I’ll try later this week, like on Wednesday09:22
didrocks(if nobody beats me to it)09:22
oSoMoNthanks, I appreciate it! there's a PPA with test packages here: https://launchpad.net/~osomon/+archive/ubuntu/software-properties/+packages09:26
didrocksoh nice! thanks for publishing this09:27
* didrocks adds that next to the list of ETOOMANYMIRs to review09:28
* seb128 hugs didrocks, thanks for taking some for the team :)09:28
seb128hopefully those MIRs are easy enough09:29
* didrocks hugs back. I didn’t look yet, I think 2 of them are needed before FF and the GameMode one can be post-FF as less important?09:32
seb128yes, I think it's a fair statement (unless Wimpress disagrees and would like to push to get gamemoded in earlier rather than later)09:34
seb128the gedit ones are just split of existing code and glib/gtk libraries09:34
seb128so shouldn't be too complex/security sensitive/...09:34
didrocksyeah, I plan that as well for Wednesday09:36
WimpressI don't mind when Gamemode lands, so long as it features in Focal :-)09:36
didrocks(meaning: done by Wednesday at most)09:36
seb128brb, changing location09:38
Saviqjamesh: FYI: edge core (16-2.43.3+git1659.8fa09ac) didn't help with the ibus issue - downloading ibus did09:49
SaviqoSoMoN: FYI ↑09:51
amurraySaviq: the other option would be running something like:09:53
amurraysudo sed -i 's|/tmp/ibus/|/home/*/.cache/ibus/|' /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap.gnome-calculator.gnome-calculator09:53
amurraysudo apparmor_parser -Tr /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap.gnome-calculator.gnome-calculator09:53
amurraybut next update to the affected snap you would need to re-run it - but at least it will get you going for now09:53
amurray(and replace gnome-calculator.gnome-calculator with firefox.firefox or whatever snap in question)09:54
Laneyyeah can probably look at some point10:03
* Laney returns from the caves of mozjs10:04
* duflu likes the sound of that10:10
dufluAlso good morning Laney10:10
dufluAnd good night10:10
* duflu is already cooking10:10
Laneyhi & bye duflu10:10
Laney...and now the tests are even running10:20
jameshSaviq: I wonder if it is re-execing to the copy of snapd from the core snap?10:34
jameshSaviq: "sudo ls -l /proc/$(pidof snapd)/exe" would probably prove that one way or another10:34
Saviqjamesh: looks like it, yes:10:36
Saviqlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 lut 17 11:36 /proc/1928/exe -> /snap/core/8712/usr/lib/snapd/snapd10:36
ricotzhello desktopers :)11:50
seb128hey ricotz, how are you?12:06
ricotzseb128, hi, coould be better ;), did you have some nice holidays?12:10
seb128ricotz, oh, I hope things get better then!12:11
seb128ricotz, I had nice holidays yes, relaxing :)12:12
ricotzseb128, thanks, nothing serious though12:13
ricotzseb128, great to hear that12:13
seb128k, good then :)12:14
seb128ricotz, I saw your vala commits on #debian-gnome, do you need sponsoring for the update?12:16
ricotzseb128, oh, of course, that would be great! there is libgee-0.8 update too12:17
seb128ricotz, I will have a look12:17
ricotzseb128, I guess pushing vala to unstable would be possible?12:18
seb128up to you, you are the maintainer :)12:18
seb128but seems fine to me yes12:18
ricotzI think I saw some GNOME 3.36 beta releases landing in unstable already12:18
seb128if you are confident it's ready/isn't going to create too much issues12:18
seb128right, apps without major changes are usually fine for unstable/testing users12:19
seb128but as said, you know the package better so I will trust you if you believe it's ready for unstabl12:19
ricotzit should be fine and it is one of the toolchain packages which should land early in unstable12:19
ricotzso please target unstable for 0.47.9112:20
ricotzfyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nodejs/+bug/186346314:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1863463 in nodejs (Ubuntu) "Firefox 75 requires nodejs >= 10.19" [Undecided,New]14:13
seb128tkamppeter, hey, http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/c/c2esp/focal/amd64 seems like it could be a real issue, it failed on all archs and a retry didn't make a difference, could you investigate the issue?14:27
xclaesseHi there. Every time I get a kernel update on 20.04 I see those messages: https://pastebin.com/Rf9vVVBM. Not sure if that's harmless or not.14:47
oSoMoNseb128, I forgot to mention this morning: I prepared debian updates for tepl and gedit, merge requests are up for review on salsa14:49
seb128oSoMoN, ah nice, I will have a look14:49
seb128xclaesse, hey, no idea about those, maybe #ubuntu-kernel has a better clue?14:50
tkamppeterseb128, I am having a look into this.14:58
seb128tkamppeter, thanks14:58
xclaesseseb128: ok thanks :)14:59
xclaesseseb128: while you're there, I think you should consider getting that gtk patch: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/merge_requests/135615:00
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 1356 in gtk "GtkSearchEngineSimple: Disable recursive search" [Merged]15:00
seb128xclaesse, thanks, that probably makes sense to get yes, I will keep an eye on it and backport if there is no release before the end of the cycle15:01
xclaesseseb128: and it would also be nice to make nautilus recommend tracker instead of depend. atm trying to uninstalled tracker also uninstall nautilus and ubuntu-desktop :(15:02
xclaesseI get that tracker gets installed by default, but personally I don't need my CPU to be at 100% for several hours each time I clone or move a git repo :p15:03
xclaesseand tracker does not even have a UI to set the dirs to ignore15:03
seb128xclaesse, I saw your report, I need to check how is nautilus behaving without tracker. Upstream insisted some cycle ago that tracker was a depends and some of the nautilus core features wouldn't work without it installed (like favorite files, batch renaming, ..)15:04
xclaesseor maybe just a way to disable/uninstall miners would do the trick15:05
xclaesseseb128: thanks a lot ! :D15:05
seb128xclaesse, you can configure the tracker folders in gnome-control-center/search/files no?15:05
xclaesseseb128: I don't see how. I can only move "files" up and down15:06
seb128otherwise gsettings :p15:06
diddledangit clone into a place other than ~/Documents :-) I put all my git stuff in dirs below ~/Development and don't get any tracker shenanigans15:07
xclaesseit's supposed to ignore folders with .git, but it doesn't seems to work. or maybe it was using CPU for something else... dunno15:08
xclaessethe point is for me tracker is totally useless and I saw it at 100% CPU a few times15:09
xclaesseoh, I see in dconf I can disable index on battery, that would already help to mitigate my biggest issue with tracke :p15:10
xclaessethat definitely MUST be disabled by default15:10
seb128xclaesse, there is a 'search location' in the headbar of the search settings page15:10
seb128we know buttons in headerbar are not the most obvious thing :/15:11
diddledanthe toggle in the header bar is worse than having buttons IMO :-p15:12
seb128xclaesse, but yeah, disabling indexing on battery might be a better default ... https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker-miners/issues/115:13
gitbotGNOME issue 1 in tracker-miners "tracker-miners should not be running while on battery" [Opened]15:13
xclaesseseb128: oh, indeed that hearder button is what I was looking for I guess. There is no way to add exclude directories, but I can disable $HOME completely there15:13
diddledanthat toggle should either be on the left menu list where you can choose the `search` option. or in the search pane itself above the list of apps15:13
xclaessethat will do the trick, thanks :)15:14
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336
tkamppeterseb128, the problem with c2esp is that it is the only driver needing CMY CUPS Raster data (all the others use RGB) and Ghostscript segfaults on this format, at least for some input files. So it is a Ghostscript bug.16:22
tkamppeterseb128, I will report this to Ghostscript but until we get a fix it can take some time. What is affected in real life are the rather rare Kodak printers (never got a bug report about one not printing, are they still on the market?).16:23
tkamppeterseb128, should we perhaps add an exception to the autopkg tests so that this package gets skipped or ignored to keep CUPS updates getting through to the release quickly?16:24
=== teward_ is now known as teward
oSoMoNhave a good evening everyone17:14
tkamppeterseb128, Ghostscript bug reported: https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70213317:43
ubot5bugs.ghostscript.com bug 702133 in CUPS driver "Ghostscript does not correctly create CMY CUPS Raster and often crashes" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:43
* Laney squeals17:44
Laneysome snaps have started spamming with apparmor denials17:44
Laneygnome-shell does NOT do well with hundreds of notifications17:44
tkamppeterseb128, c2esp problem seems to be solved. When Ghostscript did not segfault the output was messy and I found an older bug fixing this (but was not yet in our GS 9.50), https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=701625. I added the fix to our Ghostscript and this fixed also the segfault. It is uploaded now and I hope this makes all working.19:04
ubot5bugs.ghostscript.com bug 701625 in CUPS driver ""cups"/"pwgraster" output device: CMY output is messed up" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]19:04
seb128tkamppeter, great, thank you20:27
xclaesseIs it intentional there is no more "python"20:49
xclaesseI only have python2 and python320:50
mwhudsonxclaesse: yes21:14

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