
lordievaderGood morning07:06
ducassegood morning07:14
lordievaderMorning ducasse, how are you?07:24
ducasselordievader: all good, thanks, and you?07:26
lordievaderDoing good here07:26
lotuspsychjegood noon to all10:46
oerhekshi lotusw lordievader ducasse12:18
lotuspsychjehey oerheks12:21
lordievaderHeho oerheks12:32
lordievaderHow are you doing?12:32
oerheksjust testing some cantor tool.12:33
oerheksfunny request from #u12:33
=== teward_ is now known as teward
Bashing-omUWN618 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue618 :D21:03
pragmaticenigmadamn, in all the time the blender has spent on this today... he could have found a monitor for that thing and been done and installed already22:16
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: he's homeless22:19
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: but I did suggest going to a somewhat local makerspace and asking for help22:20
pragmaticenigmaguess I will need to read up on why this is a priority for them22:23
daftykinschallenging circumstances?22:23
pragmaticenigmanot being insensitive... but if it were me... I'd be more focused on trying to find a job and a place to live. Then setting up a computer22:24
oerheksit can be a good way to stay out of trouble22:33
pragmaticenigmathat's true22:34
daftykinsyeah we know someone like that in another channel, he'd speak of getting external monitors to game on and stuff whilst living in some kind of shared accomodation... seemed to keep breaking his laptops every month or three22:48
pragmaticenigmagofio or something?22:50
daftykinsusername? nah22:52
pragmaticenigmagofio always seemd to be trying to make some acient computer come back to life with Ubuntu22:53
pragmaticenigmaat least that's what I'm thinking of22:53
pragmaticenigmamaybe combining two personas22:53
daftykinshehe, urgh true necromancy22:54
oerheksi have more issues with fedora 31 users lying about running ubuntu22:57
daftykinsi'd love to see the response when given an APT command23:00
pragmaticenigmaThey think they can translate... but you really can't23:11
daftykinsalways fun when they out themselves though :)23:16
pragmaticenigmatime for dinner and tv...ttfn23:20

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