
Eggspurtelijaxapps problems?01:59
aloiniI am having some issues with ubuntu (server edition), where that when I try to startup the server, the network interface does not get brought up on boot, and then from there it just causes a looping issue where the system never fully boots. I am not sure what the cause of it failing is and I don't see anything in /var/log/syslog, or any other log files.02:30
bajsmannenhow do I install Linux?02:44
Bashing-om!install | bajsmannen02:46
ubottubajsmannen: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate02:46
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aloiniThis is what I eventually see if I wait long enough for the startup to fail: https://imgur.com/HW4ozvM02:49
leftyfbaloini: you wait 5 minutes for it to timeout. Then you can login and see what is going on. I can tell you though, it's more than likely a network issue. As in, probably not on the ubuntu side. Probably the cable isn't plugged in or it's plugged in the wrong port or you just don't have dhcp running on that subnet02:51
aloiniIt's in a guest VM, the network cable is plugged in on the host esxi machine leftyfb I also left it running for ~3 hours, and it just constantly cycles through this process.02:51
aloiniThe issue is specific to this guest, as my other VMs (that are also Ubuntu) are running without problem.02:52
leftyfbaloini: ok, then you don't have networking setup properly on that guest02:52
aloiniI did, before a restart occurred.02:52
aloiniI have not personally touched any files relating to network management that would have caused there to be an error in the .yaml file that configures networking either.02:53
leftyfbtried recovery mode? Did you do a kernel update that might have broke it's networking?02:53
leftyfbtry booting to the previous kernel02:53
aloiniThe previous kernel (5.3.026) does not seem to resolve it either.02:54
leftyfbtry older than that02:55
aloiniThose (for whatever reason) are the only two I have installed.02:55
leftyfbmaybe a 4.15 kernel02:55
swift110hey all03:00
jayjoI have a desktop machine that has a SSD that is 100GB, and then two additional HDD with 250+GB... I'm now getting some notifications that I'm running low on disk space. Are there some recommended ways to keep multiple drives like this? What files are the most important to be on the SDD vs the HDD?03:00
leftyfbjayjo: more info please. What partition/drive/directory is running out of space? How do you have things mounted?03:03
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jayjoleftyfb: what's the best way to inspect that on a running installation?04:11
leftyfbjayjo: df -h  , mount , lsblk04:11
blenderartist18I have a computer with no display. It boots up with Ubuntu 19.1 installer on a usb. But it won't boot up with Ubuntu 19.1 installed on a usb. How can I get the installed usb to work?05:27
tomreyn!YY.MM | blenderartist1805:28
ubottublenderartist18: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle05:28
tomreyni.e. there is, was, and will be no "Ubuntu 19.1"05:29
tomreynunless maybe this refers to Ubuntu Core?05:29
blenderartist18Sorry, Ubuntu 19.1005:29
raubblenderartist18: do you mean you want to have an automatic install of ubuntu, i.e. from USB it will end up with a working system without you having to intervene?05:30
blenderartist18That would be nice. Especially if I could get openssh-server with it.05:31
blenderartist18I need to configure it to use an external usb monitor05:31
blenderartist18I'm using an hdmi dummy plug, before it would not boot with the usb installer stick.05:32
tomreynit'll be good to have some way to access the logs of the failed boot so that you can tell why it failed to boot.05:33
blenderartist18how can a person do that?05:33
tomreynone way of doing so would be moving the stick to another computer and accessing the logs from there. another way would be by logging in to the system on the network while it's running an openssh server, yet another way would be a serial console, and in the end you could also attach a monitor.05:34
raubblenderartist18: this might be old but should get you started: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Enterprise/WorkstationAutoinstallPreseed05:35
tomreynnetconsole would be yet another way05:36
raubtomreyn: I was assuming he wanted to run everything off the usb disk05:37
blenderartist18I can run things from a usb but I also have a ssd I'd like to use. Really I just want it to work.05:38
tomreynraub: does this rule out any of my suggestions? i don't see why,05:38
blenderartist18Usually I just install Ubuntu on a drive and pop it in another computer and it just works. Not this time.05:38
raubtomreyn: I stand corrected then05:39
blenderartist18Is it possible to get a live usb installer going with openssh-server, connect to the server and install to a ssd via a client laptop?05:40
tomreynor i may be totally misunderstanding the approach taken - this happened before, will happen again. ;)05:40
tomreynblenderartist18: if you can provide input and receive output from the system in question, sure.05:42
blenderartist18@tomreyn so there is a command line Ubuntu installation?05:42
Armageddonblenderartist18, when you talk about servers, this can be done using the server interface (IPMI or such) that gives you access to the server and the ability to mount remote iso's or USBs05:43
tomreynblenderartist18: there's ubuntu server installer, there's preseeding, and there is debootstrap05:43
Armageddonif you're not talking about such systems but a VPS as a server, the provider should provide images or provide you a way to do so yourself05:44
tomreynblenderartist18: maybe you can describe what hardware you have there, and what your use case is, and we can provide a more specific recommendation05:44
raubArmageddon, tomreyn: I ASSumed baremetal, possibly home setup, so no IMPI or PXE boot server05:45
blenderartist18ok, I'll get the specs05:45
Armageddonraub, hehe, it happens :) not a big deal but the question is very broad05:46
blenderartist18Here is the headless computer specs: https://icecat.ch/en/p/msi/cubi-251us/cubi-pcs-workstations-Cubi-251US-36534534.html05:46
blenderartist18I think it's a nuc knock off05:47
tomreynso that's hardware which isn't meant to be run headless, but you probably still can due to the hdmi dummy05:48
blenderartist18I don't have a monitor but I have a hdmi dummy plug to help.05:48
Armageddonblenderartist18, I found your solution, it's easy, drive down to the datacenter05:48
blenderartist18Wheres the datacenter? I'll go now!05:49
tomreynblenderartist18: so attaching a monitor temporarily is out of the question (why?)?05:49
raubblenderartist18: so you do not have physical access to the box?05:49
blenderartist18I have physical access05:49
Armageddonblenderartist18, you need a monitor and keyboard05:49
blenderartist18I have keyboard but no monitor. Well take that back... I have this one...05:50
raubOr slap hard drive to another machine, install OS there, and then slap back to this nucalike05:50
Armageddonblenderartist18, then get yourself a monitor :P05:50
Armageddonraub, what if any of the drivers don't work ?05:50
blenderartist18The drivers work on my laptop with Ubuntu 19.1005:51
raubArmageddon: I thought ubuntu is pretty good at running on most computers, specially if all you want is for it to start with openssh and say dhcp on a single ethernet port05:52
blenderartist18@raub I tried installing and setting up everything on my laptop. I took the hard drive out and put in the Cubi, didn't work. Wouldn't boot.05:52
Armageddonraub, I have seen my fair share of hardware, I always lean towards failures05:53
raubArmageddon: fair point05:53
blenderartist18It boots with the dummy plug with Ubuntu 19.10 install usb. The mac address for the wifi shows up and everything. So why shouldn't the installation on a usb do the same?05:54
Armageddonblenderartist18, it might totally work, from end to end05:55
Armageddonthen it's up to you to figure out the ip it got05:55
raubblenderartist18: have you checked if your nucalike can do console through its USB port, or it has serial console connector?05:56
ArmageddonI generally don't search for servers by IP in my network, nmap spread to find all servers on a subnet, then try to figure out what's what05:56
blenderartist18@raub I'm not familiar with doing console through usb? Do you mean ssh?05:57
raubblenderartist18: tmux, screen. As tomreyn and Armageddon said, you might be better off finding how to slap a monitor to it05:58
raubI dunno your comfort level05:59
lalitmeeHey Guys, I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and I want to disable my screen saver which comes after inactivity of some time. How do I do that? Actually it takes a little bit of time to come back on. So that's why I want to disable it.06:00
tomreynblenderartist18: amongst the first things i suggested was to reconnect the usb stick to the other computer and inspect the logs files, to understand why it failed to boot. also, howe do you actually know it failed to boot (since oyu had no moitor)?06:00
blenderartist18oops, cafe closing, this sucks, I have to go. @tomreyn I say the wifi06:01
blenderartist18I saw it's wifi06:01
tomreynokay, see you.06:01
tomreynlalitmee: ubuntu 18.04 LTS doesn't have a screen saver other than the screen lock by default, you mustz have a custom configuration you haven't discussed, yet06:03
raubTime for me to ask an easy question: if I have a variable var1='V (m/s)' how can I feed it into sed so it does not try to regexp the hell out of it?06:03
raublalitmee: I do not know what you mean by 'it takes a little bit of time to come back on'06:05
lalitmeetomreyn: Actually I have no other configuration. And my screen lock setting is also OFF. https://i.imgur.com/SwGk7Yx.png06:05
lalitmeeraub: Actually I am using joining display settings with my Laptop and external screen. So laptop is fast for coming back on but the screen takes a lot of time. I am thinking it will not happen if I can disable the automatically light off thing.06:06
tomreynlalitmee: you have a non default color and icon scheme there, di you customize those? are you sure you're running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS?06:06
lalitmeetomreyn and raub it doesn't lock simply it lights off. because when I move my mouse or press any key it directly open without putting any password or anything06:07
lalitmeetomreyn: Yeah I am using Ubuntu community theme. thats why its looking like that06:08
tomreynso which screensaver are you using?06:09
lalitmeeno screensaver.06:10
lalitmeeI am not using any screensaver06:10
tomreynthat's the opposite of what you said initially, though: "I want to disable my screen saver which comes after inactivity of some time"06:11
tomreynmaybe you're saying that after a period of inactivity, the screen turns black, and there is no screen saver nor screen lock?06:12
tomreynwell, i have to leave for now, but be sure to describe it moe precisely for others to help.06:13
lalitmeetomreyn: my bad. actually that's not any screensaver. So I will explain clearly now. What happens is this. If I leave my system for 5 minutes it goes in the mode where Ubuntu 18.04 show lock wallpaper and then you have to press or scroll to go to the user login screen but in my case, after inactivity of 5 minutes it goes to the lock wallpaper but when I press any key or scroll it doesn't asks for user login. That's what I meant to say06:14
lalitmeetomreyn: So I was asking to set that inactivity time to never setting.06:15
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linelevelHi, I ran `do-release-upgrade` (via ssh) on my AWS instance which was/is running Ubuntu 16.04. The upgrade failed fairly early - I can't see the error message because it exited the `screen` session it was running in. However, it did already update my sources.list to all the 18.04 sources, so now I can't run `sudo apt upgrade`, but I also can't run `do-release-upgrade` again because it thinks there are uninstal06:36
linelevelled updates.06:36
linelevelAny suggestions?06:36
linelevelI'm not sure how to proceed, nor how best to troubleshoot the problem.06:37
linelevelI can still `ssh` into the instance, and I can confirm that it still reports version 16.04 upon ssh login.06:37
linelevelEverything on the server still seems to be running properly. I just can't install anything new or update packages. Obviously I could just manually edit the sources.list back to 16.04 sources... but that might leave other things in an inconsistent state.06:46
linelevelI'm not familiar enough with the release upgrade procedure to know what else I should check.06:46
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sparrMy Settings > Bluetooth has just changed from showing functioning toggleable bluetooth to saying "No Bluetooth Found". In between the computer suspended and woke and I don't think anything else of note happened. I have a Dell XPS 13 running Ubuntu 19.10, how might I investigate the sudden lack of bluetooth recognition?08:15
c|onemanjust turn the computer on and off again08:23
c|onemanhardware switches suck08:25
Armageddonsparr, I have the same setup08:28
Armageddonbut I don't have the proper drivers in the first place cause I got no dkms kernel yet08:28
rajrealistically, how many of you use a passphrase for ssh?08:37
EdFletcherT137raj: I do08:39
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
cousteauHi!  Is there a way to associate a proxy to a network connection, so that whenever I connect to "Work ethernet" it uses that proxy automatically without me having to change it under Network?10:53
cousteau(the ethernet at work requires a proxy to have internet access; it's not that I want to bypass their security)10:54
cousteaualso, is there a way to have a system-wide option that will get updated immediately for all apps whenever I change my proxy in Network?  Apparently what that does is change an environment variable ($http_proxy), but that doesn't affect apps and terminals that are already open10:56
BluesKajHi folks11:23
RhondaWhat's the best way to get an 5.4 kernel onto an 18.04 system, in a way that it is a security team supported kernel?12:05
evilscrewmouse pointer disappears when using vga out but is fine on dvi out12:06
scxAnyone use snaps here?12:09
scxCan you install cantor via Snap Store, run /var/lib/snapd/snap/bin/cantor, and then tell me if it works for you and what Ubuntu version do you use?12:10
oerheksRhonda, not, 5.4 is in mainline, just for testing https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/12:16
oerhekswait for 20.04, that will give 5.4.x12:16
oerheksscx, there are 4 versions on https://snapcraft.io/cantor, and you better ask this in #kubuntu12:18
Rhondaoerheks: Hmm, yeah, 20.04 is still two months away unfortunately. :/12:18
oerheksyou could test it today12:18
ubottuUbuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) will be the 32nd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for April 2020 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule ). It will be a long-term support release. Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.12:19
scxoerheks: I just need to know if package is broken, or snapd in my distro is outdated12:22
oerheksthere are 4 packages, which one?12:24
scxdefault (stable)12:25
scxoerheks: ^^12:25
oerhekswell, i am not running kde, and their homepage stated: Contact the authors Report a bug IRC: #kde-edu12:26
oerhekstrying 'stable' now12:26
oerheksoh, that is an older version .. and why starting it from comandline?12:27
scxoerheks: because without it nothing shows up12:28
oerheksthere are 2 icons in my menu, gnome3, one does not do anything indeed,. but with the icon works fine12:29
oerheksthis  /var/lib/snapd/snap/bin/cantor  is of no use12:29
oerhekswhich cantor : /snap/bin/cantor12:30
oerheksand that works fine here12:30
scxHave you tried to run "cantor" in cli?12:31
oerheksyes, see /snap/bin/cantor12:32
oerheksyour path is unusable, what linux are you on?12:32
scxDo you have any errors when running /var/lib/snapd/snap/bin/cantor?12:33
scxRHEL, but Fedora has the same version of snapd.12:33
oerheksagain, that is not on my system12:34
oerhekstype which cantor, and you would get the right placeholder12:35
scx$ which cantor12:35
scxthe /snap directory doesn't exist12:36
scx$ file /snap/bin/cantor12:36
scx/snap/bin/cantor: cannot open (No such file or directory)12:36
oerheksoke, then fedora does it differen12:36
oerheksjoin #kde-edu  for this?12:37
scxoerheks: yes, but didn't get any response12:39
oerhekstry the latest 19.08.3 perhaps?12:40
scxdoesn't work neither12:43
blenderartist18Good morning. Got my coffee. Got Internet. Got Ubuntu. What a great way to start the day.13:27
sixwheeledbeastIt's all downhill from there then...13:30
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rocketeer99Hello friends I just upgraded from ubuntu 16 with Unity 7 that was working really well for me and I have not enjoyed the gnome desktop so far13:51
rocketeer99I have a fresh install of 19.04 with gnome13:51
rocketeer99I have tried several extensions and they do not repair this well13:51
rocketeer99any suggestions? I hear unity 7 is basically no longer supported, I've tried MATE, Cinnamon, KDE, and stock Gnome 3 and nothing seems to come close to the old Unity DE13:52
sixwheeledbeastwhy 19.04? I would say either 18.04 or 19.10 would be the current options.13:52
rocketeer99sorry I have 19.1013:53
EriC^^rocketeer99: supposedly unity is still found in the universe repo?13:53
sixwheeledbeastMATE with Munity is the closest I can think of to the Unity style at the moment13:53
legreffiergnome3 should work as an unity replacement13:53
legreffierwhat is it missing ?13:53
EriC^^!info unity eoan13:54
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.5.0+19.10.20190924-0ubuntu1 (eoan), package size 1652 kB, installed size 7140 kB13:54
EriC^^rocketeer99: it seem unity is still in the universe repo13:54
rocketeer99Eric^^: I could still install it, but from what I've read it's buggy and not updated, so I have to get off it at some point13:54
EriC^^rocketeer99: i think there's some unity being maintained etc as a community project, that's what was said initially13:55
rocketeer99that's yunit, based on unity 813:56
rocketeer99that I know of13:56
rocketeer99I will give munity a try13:57
blenderartist18I'm trying to install Ubuntu 19.10 on a temporarily headless MSI mini pc Cubi https://us.msi.com/Barebone/Cubi-Mini-PC-Kit/Specification13:57
blenderartist18The mini pc has only two ports for display: hdmi and MiniDisplay. I do not have a monitor for these ports. I only have a USB external Monitor, Asus ZenScreen (usb external monitor): https://www.asus.com/Monitors/ZenScreen-MB16ACE/specifications/13:57
blenderartist18I have a laptop to assist in this matter. I also am using a usb wifi adapter to assist as well (it will light up if network-manager brings it up).13:57
blenderartist18I've tried installing Ubuntu 19.10 on an sdd and installing the sdd into the headless but the boot failed. I test booted this new installation on my laptop and it boots fine.13:57
blenderartist18I was able to boot the headless fully with a usb stick with the Ubuntu 19.10 installer live image on it. (The usb wifi adapter lights up). But when I install Ubuntu 19.10 on a usb stick the headless does not boot up (The usb wifi adapter lights up).13:57
blenderartist18Does anyone have any idea what's special about the live install image that get's it through the boot process on this headless whereas a full Ubuntu 19.10 install on a usb does not make it past the boot? I believe if I can get match the live usb installer configuration I can get the headless to boot. Any ideas?13:57
rocketeer99legreffier: I miss the HUD, the fact that I had locally integrated menus in the title bars, that merged with the system panel when I maximized, the fact that the windows/super key gave me an actual launcher rather than "overviews", I miss search that actually worked, I miss the excellent theming options I had, I miss min/max/close being in the14:00
rocketeer99corner when maximized, I dislike the hotcorners, I miss grid virtual desktops with good trackpack gestures to move left/right/up/down, and I am generally sad about having to learn a new interface14:00
blenderartist18I have a correction for the above: the wifi adapter does not light up when I try to boot from the usb with the full Ubuntu 19.10 installation.14:01
rocketeer99I miss that the browsers and other applications respected my scaling options, without throwing a giant accessibility thing into my panel, and that they respected my system theme instead of doing their own thing14:04
rocketeer99then there's a thousand tiny quality of life things that are hard to articulate and may just be my resistance to change14:04
sixwheeledbeastrocketeer99: It's in MATE Tweak > Panels > Munity14:06
rocketeer99currently just using Gnome14:06
rocketeer99with gnome-tweaks14:06
sixwheeledbeastI never like Unity in the first place so MATE is homw for me.14:07
rocketeer99I am one of those poor idiots who genuinely liked Unity a lot14:07
pragmaticenigmablenderartist18: I'm not finding anything recent with installing Ubuntu without some sort of display attached. There were projects from 2008, but that's way out of date. Preseed might work, but you have to know a lot about the machine upfront. Also, it's very possible the wifi adapter requires proprietary drivers, so I would recommend setting this up with ethernet, no wifi14:08
blenderartist18My wifi adapter is supported14:08
pragmaticenigmablenderartist18: you missed the entire point14:09
blenderartist18@pragmaticenigma, Since the installer image boot from a usb, then couldn't I respin it with openssh-server and install over command line via ssh from my laptop?14:11
blenderartist18Or is command line installaton possible?14:11
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=== Wolfer is now known as Jwwoods
pragmaticenigmaUbuntu server image might be able to do that out of the box14:12
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leftyfbit won't connect to wifi out of the box. It doesn't even have wpa_supplicant installed out of the box14:13
blenderartist18I did need to use a dummy hdmi plug to get the live installer usb to boot, won't boot without it14:14
pragmaticenigmablenderartist18: that would indicate that the computer in question is not capable of running headless regardless if you get Ubuntu installed or not14:15
blenderartist18but it did with the live installer14:15
blenderartist18network-manager turned on the usb wifi adapter14:16
blenderartist18There is something about the way the live installer is configured that gets it to boot with the dummy plug14:16
blenderartist18If I knew what that was, I would configure the installed version the same way in hopes that it would also boot14:17
blenderartist18I've been wondering if it's secure boot, proprietary drivers, uefi, etc.14:18
blenderartist18hanging up the installed version where the live installer boots all the way14:19
vielfarbigHello, with Ubuntu 18.04 on a ltsp 2019 client, a segmentation fault is thrown if i type 'sudo echo "Test"' and than CTRL-C. On the Ubuntu Host, it does not throw a segmentation fault. I've spoken to the dev of ltsp 2019, but he says that this does not have something to do with ltsp 2019 directly but rather with ssh(fs) or sudo (or nfs). This does not break something up, but I think it could be a potential security risk. I've tried to14:22
vielfarbigdebug it with gdb, apport-bug and strace, but I had no success with them. Strace does not even throw the segfault. Does somebody know where this comes from?14:22
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EtherManIs it just me or is Bionic REALLY behind for glusterfs? 3.13, while it's up on 7 something O_o14:44
blenderartist18Is it possible to connect ssh via ethernet cable to a headless computer booted with Ubuntu 19.10 live installer?14:46
pragmaticenigmablenderartist18: possibly if you're using the Ubuntu server image14:53
pragmaticenigma!latest | EtherMan14:54
ubottuEtherMan: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:54
blenderartist18@pragmaticenigma, so after install can I just plug in the ethernet cable and go from there?14:54
EtherManpragmaticenigma, it wasn't that it wasn't the latest, but rather just how far behind it seems to be.14:54
pragmaticenigmaEtherMan: Really think about what you just said14:55
Priceyblenderartist18: suspect you'd need to roll your own livecd with keys/passwords for that.14:56
pragmaticenigmablenderartist18: possibly... I really have no idea as I have never done this before... I always use a monitor to get the system up and running... then pull the plug14:56
blenderartist18yeah, I'm in an unfortunate situation. I'm homeless and cannot carry around desktop monitors.14:57
EtherManpragmaticenigma, I don't see anything wrong with what I said... Are you suggesting there's no difference between running say 1 or 2 major versions behind, and 5 major versions behind?14:58
blenderartist18I have the live Ubuntu 19.10 cd opened up to respin. I'm in the chroot. I installed openssh-server, but how do I turn it on?15:06
blenderartist18sudo systemctl status ssh does work nor enabling it.15:07
blenderartist18*does not work15:07
trippehhm. AV1 playback doesnt seem to be very useful in Focal/20.04. ffmpeg is still using libaom, which is just too slow and not multithreaded.15:09
trippehdav1d (which is much faster) is supported in ffmpeg 4.2+15:10
trippeh(supported upstream, not in ubuntu, that is.)15:11
BluesKajtrippeh, I'm running 2.04 focal and the default ffmpeg version here is 4.2.215:14
trippehBluesKaj: yes, but it is still built against libaom in ubuntu.15:14
BluesKajwhat's your problem with AV playback?15:14
trippehlibaom is not fast enough to play back even 1080p 25fps video on a modern CPU, so it stutters and drops frames.15:15
BluesKajodd I haven't noticed that, which player are you using?15:16
trippehmpv. playing back AV1 encoded files.15:16
trippehfiles encoded with other codecs are working fine, h264, hevc etc.15:17
trippehit's only AV1 that is a problem, due to using libaom as the decoder.15:18
BluesKajok, do you have an example i could check ?15:18
trippehBluesKaj: if you have youtube-dl, try youtube-dl -f399+251 k2qgadSvNyU and playing back the resulting file15:20
trippehit gets worse further out in the video15:21
trippehif you have a cpu that boosts to like 5Ghz, it might be able to eke by with libaom based ffmpeg, I suppose15:23
BluesKajok , gotcha it's obviously dropping frames15:23
BluesKajand when youtube-dl finished there was this message: [ffmpeg] Merging formats into "Dua Lipa - New Rules (Official Music Video)-k2qgadSvNyU.mkv"15:25
trippehyeah, thats just merging in the audio track15:25
trippehvideo and audio is stored in separate files on streaming services these days15:26
ioriatrippeh, are you sure the stock  ffpmeg binary is build against  libaom ?15:27
BluesKajtrp i'd suggest you ask in the #ubuntu+1 chat, it's for non official releases ubuntu flavours of 20.0415:27
OY1Ri installed windows 10 on a system with xp and ubuntu, now, how do i get back the grub boot manager ?15:27
OY1Rsystem boots straight to windows 1015:28
trippehioria: yep.15:28
sixwheeledbeastuse a live image to check for your boot partition.15:28
trippehah, +1, thanks for the tip15:28
ioriatrippeh, ldd /usr/bin/ffmpeg  | grep aom15:29
trippehioria: ffmpeg reports DEV.L. av1 Alliance for Open Media AV1 (decoders: libaom-av1 ) (encoders: libaom-av1 )15:29
trippehas well as ldd reports libaom.so, yes15:30
ioriawell, not on bionic trippeh15:30
trippehI doubt AV1 is a thing on bionic :)15:30
oerheksOY1R, see the restore grub factoid15:33
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:33
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ioriatrippeh, i'd try  vlc    (=> 3.0.8 should have  AV1 playback capability)15:45
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blenderartist18I'm trying to do a no questions asked server install of Ubuntu 19.10 by editing the preseed file according to this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cobbler/Preseed15:49
blenderartist18Seems things have changed. There is a folder on the iso called preseed with three binary files in it. Which one is the one I use for the preceed text describe in the link above?15:50
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blenderartist18I'm trying to do a serial console install according to the answer here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/250869/how-can-i-install-ubuntu-on-a-device-without-a-screen-nor-a-keyboard/260469#26046916:03
blenderartist18but there is no file: syslinx.cfg16:03
blenderartist18on the usb16:04
blenderartist18What file should I bee looking for now with Ubuntu 19.10?16:04
blenderartist18There is also no: text.cfg16:05
lotuspsychjeblenderartist18: see also #ubuntu-server16:06
blenderartist18@lotuspsychje, ok16:06
charolastrain the process of an LTS -> LTS upgrade it stoped at the question of a modified file and the options to keep it, view difference, etc. but then didn't take any input anymore. dpkg process is still running and i see a process called 'xenial'. how to best debug the current situation? just kill dpkg?16:13
JwwoodsI would upgrade, but it says my python is corrupted16:13
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | charolastra could try this perhaps16:16
ubottucharolastra could try this perhaps: Upgrade from 16.04 to current 18.04 is now available, if you do not receive the upgrade window try update-manager -c16:16
charolastrawell, it's a CLI session on a headless server and the upgrade is currently hanging16:18
lotuspsychjecharolastra: see #ubuntu-server16:18
mra90I try to install companion app for firefox extension, I did it by auto installer but afterwards the add one still claims it was not installed16:36
mra90any idea?16:36
JoelAnyone know of something like trello, but ideally for the desktop? NOT SaaS16:41
sixwheeledbeastBeing in #ubuntu launchpad springs to mind.16:45
oerheksmra90, companion app? it has issues https://support.mozilla.org/fr/questions/1233853?&mobile=0 --- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/video-downloadhelper-q-and-a/lk0NDSEMFb416:54
oerheksi think it is a blocked npaapi thingy16:54
lotuspsychjeJoel: software reccomends, try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss16:55
oerheks.. or snap firefox.16:56
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RougeRanyone had issues on ubuntu 18.04 with displayport?17:29
RougeRi dont actually know if the port works on this laptop tbh17:29
lotuspsychjeRougeR: ask your specific question to the channel please17:29
RougeRbut no easy way of testing17:29
RougeRIm trying to get my dell monitor working with a mini-display port to dvi adapter. It is not being recognized in ubuntu 18.04, ive just been and checked both cable and monitor work by plugging them into a thinkpad t440 with windows 1017:30
RougeRive never actually used the displayport on this system, but have no reason to believe it has any issues17:30
radenis there anyway to restart netplan and change IP without rebooting17:31
lotuspsychjeRougeR: is your graphics card driver installed on ubuntu?17:31
RougeRgood question17:32
pragmaticenigmaRougeR: Check with non-conductive tool (wood or plastic toothpick) and make sure there is no dust in the port. It doesn't take much for the contacts to become dirty17:32
RougeRpragmaticenigma, aye ill try a quick clean too17:33
RougeRgot a cleaning brush for soldering stuff i use17:33
RougeRhmmm no such luck with a clean17:34
RougeRlotuspsychje, what is the best way of checking/updating graphics driver17:35
RougeRive run lspci17:35
lotuspsychjeRougeR: sudo lshw -C video17:35
RougeRjust getting VGA compatible17:37
RougeRvga does work btw17:37
lotuspsychjeRougeR: driver=i91517:37
lotuspsychjeRougeR: can you: journalctl -f and plug out/back in your cable to see potential errors?17:38
RougeRsorry was in wrong chan17:42
RougeRwas going to say i dont see graphics drivers in my sources17:42
RougeRill try what you said hang on17:42
RougeRgood ideal with journalctl17:43
RougeRhad to google, but can understand the logic with it17:43
RougeRno errors17:43
RougeRim tempted to just quickly reboot17:44
RougeRthe laptop was woken from sleep17:44
ioriaRougeR, what's the display manager in use ?  cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager17:45
RougeRioria, /usr/sbin/gdm317:45
ioriaRougeR, try with lightdm and se it as default :  sudo apt install lightdm17:46
RougeRioria, i will17:47
RougeRwas going to ask before i do that17:47
RougeRhow can i very my intel driver is up to date for graphics17:47
ioriaRougeR, and reboot after17:48
ioriaRougeR,  what's your kernel ? uname -r17:48
RougeRthis a pretty out the box ubuntu 18.04 install17:49
RougeRwith updates etc17:49
ioriaRougeR,  sudo apt full-upgrade17:49
RougeRyeah will try it17:50
RougeRi have run updates since install ofc17:50
RougeRbut ill run it17:50
RougeRalso here is lspci17:50
RougeRshould i see something for display port?17:50
RougeRrunning full upgrade17:52
RougeRwill reboot after17:52
ioriaRougeR,  then you should have and not  5.3.0-2617:52
RougeRrunning 5.3.0-28-generic18:01
RougeRrunning apt-get update and full-upgrade again18:03
RougeRstull upgrading18:04
veegeefancontrol has a horrible configuration syntax18:28
veegeeis there any way I can provide it a custom source for the temperature sensor that it uses to determine fan speed?18:28
veegeeFor example, a script that that takes the hard disk temperature from a bunch of SCSI disks and outputs the average18:29
leftyfbmave_: btw, it looks like they're trying to get openssh 8.2 into Ubuntu 20.0418:48
mave_that's good news!18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1863447 in openssh (Ubuntu) "openssh outdated by 8.2" [High,In progress]18:50
mave_high importance18:51
mave_i like that :D18:52
blenderartist18Is it possible to ssh through ethernet?19:30
blenderartist18I have a headless computer with openssh-server. I have ethernet connected to my laptop I'm using now. The laptop has openssh-client.19:31
EriC^^blenderartist18: yeah19:32
blenderartist18easy to explain?19:32
blenderartist18I want to get it updated and configured for a usb monitor19:33
blenderartist18but I can do all that, just need help with ssh19:33
EriC^^blenderartist18: do you know the ip or hostname of the headless computer? ssh username@host/ip19:34
blenderartist18The host name is msi19:34
blenderartist18But I don't have the ip19:35
blenderartist18I guess I could plug the drive into my laptop and get it.19:35
blenderartist18Is there another way through the cable?19:35
RougeRrunning 5.3.0-40-generic now19:41
blenderartist18What is the easiest way to create start up script, that will run ip a?19:42
EriC^^blenderartist18: use ssh user@msi19:42
blenderartist18@EriC^^, ok, but don't I need slash ip?19:43
oerheksBut I don't have the ip .. nmap is a tool to scan for it19:43
oerheksor check the router leases/connected devices19:43
blenderartist18nmap can scan for an ip of a headless computer plugged together with an ethernet cable?19:44
blenderartist18Don't have router19:44
blenderartist18I'm using public wifi19:44
blenderartist18I'm getting 'connection failed' messages from the ethernet19:46
oerheksthis issue cannot be solved by ubuntu weird, question19:47
oerheksyou must walk to that 'server', turn on the screen19:48
EriC^^blenderartist18: try ssh user@msi.local19:48
oerhekson a public wifi?19:49
RougeRim going to try with lightdm19:49
EriC^^no he said he has them connected via ethernet19:49
blenderartist18ssh: Could not resolve hostname msi.local: Name or service not known19:49
RougeRnice to see linux is still not quite there for casual users -__-19:49
oerheksRougeR, sure it is, just too new hardware might need attention.19:50
blenderartist18Sorry, I mean I have the computers physically connected with an ethernet cable, but just physically, no software connection that I know of19:50
EriC^^blenderartist18: when you connect the ethernet on your laptop, what's the ip you get for the laptop?19:50
blenderartist18@EriC^^, Where do I check for that?19:51
EriC^^what os? ubuntu?19:51
blenderartist18Ubuntu 19.1019:51
EriC^^type "ip a"19:51
EriC^^look next to inet19:51
blenderartist18Both are computers19:51
blenderartist18inet ?19:52
EriC^^it should be under enp.....19:52
EriC^^link/ether .... something inet19:53
blenderartist18inet6 fe80::f9a:902d:c167:49f2/6419:53
EriC^^is there no "inet" one?19:53
blenderartist182: enp2s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 100019:54
blenderartist18    link/ether 68:f7:28:ca:90:6f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff19:54
blenderartist18    inet6 fe80::f9a:902d:c167:49f2/64 scope link noprefixroute19:54
blenderartist18       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever19:54
blenderartist18The others are lo and my wifi19:54
EriC^^blenderartist18: can you check the ethernet settings and see if ipv4 is enabled?19:56
EriC^^cause that's the ipv6 address19:56
davr0sgot my cpu spiking use randomly since an update (ubuntu) - i have a cpu use bar chart on my panel - ive seen 'gnome-system monitor' which can sort processes by cpu load but is there  a way to see which one is spiking (eg i'd need a graph of individual process load?)19:57
blenderartist18its on automatic dhcp for ipv419:57
blenderartist18I put it on link local and now I have inet19:58
EriC^^blueingress: ok what's the inet address20:00
blenderartist18169.254.194.230/16 brd
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fribI'm using fluxbox as window manager but UTF-8 japanese strings in window titles are garbled. Anyone know how to fix that? Thanks20:01
blenderartist18inet brd scope link noprefixroute enp2s020:01
blenderartist18       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever20:01
EriC^^blenderartist18: ok, you can install zenmap and try to see which laptop responds to port 2220:02
EriC^^blenderartist18: if you want you could do "for i in {0..255}; do telnet 169.254.194."$i" 22 & echo $i; done"20:03
EriC^^it'll go through them quickly, if you scroll up after it's done you might see a "connected to <ip here>" that's your headless ip20:04
blenderartist18I installed zenmap20:04
EriC^^try doin a scan on
blenderartist18do you know the args for zenmap?20:05
EriC^^you dont need them it'll fill them up by itself20:05
EriC^^put as the host and choose ping scan or so20:05
blenderartist18I have a gui that popped up20:06
EriC^^or try "" as the host20:06
blenderartist18I did a scan, but it says no targets were specified20:07
EriC^^did you put as the host20:07
blenderartist18no, trying to figure out how to get that in a field20:08
blenderartist18do I type that in somewhere?20:08
EriC^^in "target"20:08
EriC^^for profile choose a ping scan20:09
blenderartist18ok got that going20:11
annoyed-phoneUbuntu 19.10, I can see wifi networks, but can't connect. I don't have the ability to plug into hard line.20:12
blenderartist18Is it doing something in the background? I pressed scan but see no activity20:12
EriC^^blenderartist18: it should say that it started a scan in the white box20:12
blenderartist18Should I get a cup of coffee?20:13
EriC^^itll be around 3mins i guess20:13
leftyfbthere a much easier way of doing all this20:14
blenderartist18ah, now I see an activity widget next to the Detail Button20:14
leftyfbblenderartist18: https://www.cesariogarcia.com/?p=61120:16
leftyfbotherwise, you're not likely to get an ip address on the other side20:17
blenderartist18@leftyfb, the server is headless and I don't know the ip20:29
leftyfbblenderartist18: if you setup the connection sharing from the instructions I posted, you'll be able to see the ip your laptop gave the headless server20:30
blenderartist18ok, is that the ip I would use to ssh with?20:30
leftyfbblenderartist18: journalctl -xef  # run this a terminal when you plug in your server. You should see an ip given out, I think by dnsmasq20:30
blenderartist18@leftyfb, ok, not it changed the inet to
leftyfbblenderartist18: is the ip on that shared network of your laptop20:36
leftyfbnow you'll have to get the ip of the server when you plug it in and turn it on20:36
leftyfbblenderartist18: it'll probably be .2, but not definite20:37
blenderartist18the server is on20:37
leftyfbblenderartist18: watch that log20:37
leftyfbblenderartist18: try rebooting the server20:37
blenderartist18@leftyfb, rebooting20:38
blenderartist18max@lenova:~$ ssh max@
blenderartist18ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host20:39
leftyfbblenderartist18: did .2 show up in your log?20:40
leftyfbblenderartist18: did .2 show up in your journal log?20:40
blenderartist18@leftyfb, I don't know where the journal log is.20:41
leftyfbblenderartist18: would you like help?20:41
oerheks journalctl -xef ....20:42
leftyfbblenderartist18: ok, then you're going to need to follow instructions as they are given20:42
leftyfbblenderartist18: turn off the server20:42
oerheksplugin, and read20:42
leftyfbblenderartist18: let me know when the server is powered off20:42
blenderartist18I couldn't do that because it's headless unless you mean I can do it on my laptop?20:42
leftyfbblenderartist18: you have no way of powering off your server?20:43
blenderartist18leftyfb, yes, I did power it down and booted it.20:44
leftyfbpower it off20:44
blenderartist18ok down now20:44
leftyfbblenderartist18: can I ask though, is there a reason why you can't hop down to Best Buy and get an adapter to plug a monitor and keyboard into your server?20:45
blenderartist18@leftyfb, yes, i'm homeless, so I can't lug around desktop monitors20:46
blenderartist18I do have a lightweight zenscreen that I have plans for this headless20:46
leftyfbblenderartist18: ok, in a terminal run:   sudo journalctl -xef20:46
blenderartist18When you stated that earilier I thought you meant that it must be done on the server, sorry20:47
leftyfbblenderartist18: that is going to read and follow your system logs realtime. You're going to watch the bottom of that while you turn your server on and watch for a 10.42.0.X ip address to pop up20:47
leftyfbblenderartist18: now turn on your server20:47
blenderartist18it's on and I'm watching20:48
leftyfbblenderartist18: what type of hardware is this server?20:49
blenderartist18specs to headless: https://icecat.ch/en/p/msi/cubi-251us/cubi-pcs-workstations-Cubi-251US-36534534.html20:51
leftyfbblenderartist18: how do you know anything is running on this server?20:52
blenderartist18I installed the Ubuntu 19.10 installer onto a usb. The headless booted with it. I put in another usb. To install you only have to press enter and tab and type in user name and password.20:54
blenderartist18I took snapshot of an install to let me know where I was at while it installed.20:54
blenderartist18Snapshot of a real install.20:54
blenderartist18I tested the installation usb by booting my laptop with it. Works fine. So I installed openssh-server20:55
leftyfbblenderartist18: so you don't actually know it's running on the headless server20:55
leftyfbblenderartist18: here's what I would suggest ...20:57
blenderartist18Well, it makes it to network-manager because my usb wifi adapter lights up only when that occurs, and it did20:57
leftyfbblenderartist18: https://urbanworkshop.net    that's a makerspace near you. I would see about dropping in and see if they can help you get a monitor and keyboard on that thing to get it up and running20:57
blenderartist18Ok, it's 4 hours north.21:02
leftyfboh, your ip puts you in Garden Grove21:03
leftyfbwhat city are you in?21:03
blenderartist18San Diego21:04
blenderartist18Hey I have another idea... How about I take the usb of the headless, create a persistant hotspot and ssh through that?21:05
blenderartist18When the server boots up it should have a hotspot I can ssh through. Maybe21:06
leftyfbblenderartist18: you need to get a monitor and keyboard on it21:06
blenderartist18I have a keyboard.21:06
blenderartist18The monitor I have for it is a DisplayLink ZenScreen, but of course that should explain why I want to get inside via ssh21:07
leftyfbhttps://www.opensourcemakerlabs.com unfortunately, it's in Vista21:07
blenderartist18@leftyfb, hey those places sound pretty cool thanks for letting my know about them21:10
blenderartist18There was a really cool place that had a lot of Ubuntu guys and it was free in Portland Oregon21:11
leftyfbblenderartist18: they're makerspaces. They tend to be pretty welcoming. Technically they require a membership, some some of them are nice enough to help someone out from the community21:11
blenderartist18Well, I have to shutdown because I'm going to create a hotspot on the headless drive and boot it back up again and try to ssh that way.21:12
leftyfbtomreyn: even better, though it looks like they would have to wait till March for the next meeting21:12
blenderartist18be right back21:13
tomreynyes, looks like. though they got a mailing list, maybe someone would meet seperately21:13
white_magiccan someone recommend a good way to swap CAPS and CTRL ? I tried doing so via 'gnome-tweaks' but it's very buggy (just doesn't work)21:38
white_magicdamn I was wrong, it works just fine via gnome tweaks21:47
white_magicpraise Ubuntu!21:47
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blenderartist18@leftfb I finally ssh'd into the headless22:05
leftyfbblenderartist18: how?22:06
blenderartist18I took out the usb drive of the headless  booted it up on the laptop and created a persistent hotspot22:07
blenderartist18put it back in the headless and connected, now I have the ethernet address22:08
blenderartist18i did ip a22:08
leftyfbblenderartist18: via the 10.42.0 ip address?22:08
blenderartist18So will that help with connecting with ethernet? because I need to free up my wifi to get internet22:08
leftyfbblenderartist18: login and see what is has for ip's22:09
blenderartist18Well I can't because my laptop (I'm using now) has the wifi card set for Internet.22:10
white_magiccan anyone recommend a music player that has a good, modern UI? The old school ones like Clementime are very very ill-suited for high resolution displays22:11
leftyfb!ot | white_magic22:11
ubottuwhite_magic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:11
white_magicleftyfb: sorry I thought that wasn't off topic22:11
leftyfbblenderartist18: so you can't leave it connected to wifi while your laptop is on wifi?22:11
leftyfbwhite_magic: it's not a support issue. There is no problem with ubuntu. If you want opinions on software, go to #ubuntu-offtopic22:12
white_magicfair point22:12
blenderartist18I don't know how to do both hotspot and wifi, I'll check though22:12
leftyfbblenderartist18: ok, nevermind, that's not likely22:12
jeremy31blenderartist18: search for create_ap22:12
leftyfbjeremy31: he's only got 1 radio on the laptop22:13
jeremy31leftyfb: create_ap will work with one, doesn't work the greatest but it does work22:13
leftyfbjeremy31: if he gets any of that wrong, he could lose connectivity to the server and internet on his laptop with no means of getting help with either22:14
blenderartist18ok, I'm not seeing anything, and what I read up on it seems a bit involved for me22:15
blenderartist18I have the link/ether for the headless ethernet device, would that help?22:16
blenderartist18It's what is listed when you issue: ip a22:16
leftyfbblenderartist18: get connected to the server with ssh -X <server_Name> . Then run nm-connection-editor   # a window for networking for the server should pop up on your laptop. Setup the ethernet connection to connect.22:19
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blenderartist18I have the ethernet connected for local only22:31
coXZistgood evening folks.. question.. Is there a way yo have a cd/dvd mount automatically when inserted. All the info I've found is only relevant when using a GUI. I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 Server. I was only able to achieve this using a script.. but is there a native way ?22:38
pragmaticenigmacoXZist: Does the scrpit involve monitoring udev?22:39
chris349Currently I get the error E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend22:39
chris349Is there any way to have apt-get wait for the lock instead of abort?22:39
pragmaticenigmano, that would be a feature request that you would have to submit to the developers in charge of the application22:41
coXZist@pragmaticenigma.. No, its pretty hacky, just a cron script to check /dev/disk/by-label for a link every few secs.. not really practical22:41
RougeRi eat my words22:41
RougeRmy fault22:41
RougeRlayer 8 issue22:42
RougeRand slight design issue tbh22:42
pragmaticenigmacoXZist: I'd look up for udev... I believe you can setup triggers for specific actions. I've similar for inserting a USB to automatically mount and and execute a file command22:42
coXZistpragmaticenigma ok cool will research that...thanks22:43
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davr0sjoin #linux23:55
davr0si just did an update and "lsb_release -d" is showing me "Description:Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch)",23:57
davr0si now have a stuttering problem with nvidia drivers (everything was fine before the update) ; i tried going back to nvidia-driver-340 and the situation was the same23:57
davr0s(stuttering - 'top' shows xorg and nv_queue taking 20% cpu even when sat doing nothing. the desktop pauses periodically eg every half second. )23:58
davr0sis there a way to ask it to go back a version ?23:58
davr0si'm about to do a fresh install on another drive, but there might be a less extreme solution23:59
davr0sanyone else had similar problems?23:59

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