
Kyle142@sigNeo, you may find this read interesting https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs (it talks about various updates and maybe you'd be interested in a KDE ppa instead?) as for being behind Neon - it's actually the other way around, Neon is based on ubuntu LTS and could be up to 2 years old, Neon however has a rolling and up-to-date mechanism to keep Plasma current.02:46
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> is meee04:45
darltrashi am here04:45
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> and here04:46
IrcsomeBotMehari Typing...... was added by: Mehari Typing......05:00
IrcsomeBot<Mehari Typing......> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywzsLiYYdRE05:00
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> @Mehari Typing......, SPAMBOT05:01
IrcsomeBot<blooalien> Welp, that didn't work.05:19
Guest773Good morning07:02
=== Guest773 is now known as lordievader
christianhujerI want to build a custom Kubuntu. It should install easier than the regular Kubuntu (timezone, language, and keyboard layout predefined, no user created (see later)), install on the first SSD with encryption but with a swap the same size as the RAM instead of 1GB, have a different set of packages pre-installed plus some other software (IntelliJ IDEA) preinstalled, run a specific script (connect to JumpCloud), customized08:26
christianhujerwith different background images for SDDM and the KDE Desktop. Where is the best place to ask such questions, this channel or a different channel? Should I look into Ubiquity? I guess no, because with all the defaults, there's nothing left for the user to set up. Should I look into d-i instead?08:27
christianhujerPlus another question: When choosing defaults, the Kubuntu installer creates a swap partition of 1 GB. What is the preferred way of increasing the swap size? Repartition to create a bigger swap partition, or adding a swap file of the preferred size after the installation?08:33
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest42941
IrcsomeBot<Alessandro> Hi guys, today upgrading kubuntu 20.04 (dev branch) it removes kubuntu drivers manager, is that normal or maybe I have something strange on my system ?10:01
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @Alessandro, No, that was intended10:03
IrcsomeBot<Alessandro> @RikMills, Okay Rik, thanks, I was worried about it 😉10:04
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> The "additional drivers" tab of software-properties-qt does exactly the same thing, so the entry in systemsettings should launch that now10:05
=== rynot is now known as cart_man
IrcsomeBot<Alessandro> @RikMills, In fact I checked and it does 👍, many thanks Rik10:08
jsphillips86How do I add back my panel if I removed the last one?11:02
BluesKajHowdy folks11:25
konradosHi BluesKaj11:28
konradoshello everyone. Where should I ask about this weird things that I can hear some music on my headphones but can't locate the source?11:29
BluesKajkonrados, check ksysguard/system monitor for a music player then terminate or kill it by sending a signal11:33
BluesKajand hi konrados :-)11:35
konradoshi :)11:35
konradosworking on it, but... it actually, sec...11:35
BluesKajit might be the default music player "elisa"11:36
BluesKajtype it into the search field11:37
konradosBluesKaj, nope, here you have the full list: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/c0340c8e63724b0c959988c678098efa11:38
konradosbesides it sounds like a radio11:38
BluesKajI see mpd is active11:39
konradosShould I kill the animal?11:39
konradosFor tests?11:39
konradosnope :(11:41
konradosis this possible that my sound card is doing something stupid?11:41
konradosit's a cheap somethin put into an usb11:41
konradosAre there such "cards" on the market, which do something like this? Without questioning put something on the cables?11:42
BluesKajit's possible that it's rectifying radio signal from an outside source like a radio in the area11:43
konradosdo you know such cards?11:44
konradosright, but I believe it's right, it's a card's fault, thanks! And have a good day!11:45
BluesKajok, you too11:45
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest22797
hatgorevetybody! I've faced a very strange issue with a new laptop - Razer Blade Stealth / Intel Core i7-1065g7 / No discrete GPU. I've installed Kubuntu 19.10 (Kernel 5.3) and Steam for Linux, but each time I tried to launch any game via Steam my laptop freezes and I have to reboot it. After reboot the screen starts flickering and I had to reboot the la12:23
hatgorptop 3-4 times - each time after reboot the flickering  decreases. The most weird detail is that the screen keeps flickering even in BIOS! Please advise what is the reason of this issue.12:23
jsphillips86How do I add a panel if I have deleted the last one on screen?12:35
BluesKajjsphillips86, right click on the desktop>add panel12:36
jsphillips86Ah. I had changed the right click behavior and that is why I couldn't find it. Thanks!12:37
IrcsomeBotAkondi Miftahuddin was added by: Akondi Miftahuddin13:06
IrcsomeBot<Akondi Miftahuddin> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGmwgGHCbVA13:06
=== arseny_ is now known as octothorp
=== kubuntu is now known as testerdeluxe
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest97195
memeemeeeI use a dock for my laptop and switch between a multiple monitor setup and a single one. Every once in a while, one of my plasma panels (always the same one) dissapears. It seems to depend on how I shut down. The strange thing is it still seems to exist (if I recreate it the widgets report already being extant) I've tried google, but cant figure out how to word the inquiry, can someone help?18:18
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest56549

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