
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
lubot. was added by: .03:09
lubot<.> Hello, who can help with Csplit command?  … I have a huge file, and I need to break it into smaller ones by the entry "Rar!". … There are a lot of topics on Stackoverflow, but I drowned in reading them, I'm a newbie. Could someone write a ready command, please?I am not a Linux user, but I have Loubunta installed. I would reboot into it to s03:18
lubotplit the file, but I need a valid command … plied many RAR archives into one file, 350 GB. It must be divided into separate, where "Rar!" - the beginning of a new file should be03:18
lubot<.> Hello, who can help with Csplit command?  … I have a huge file, and I need to break it into smaller ones by the entry "Rar!". … There are a lot of topics on Stackoverflow, but I drowned in reading them, I'm a newbie. Could someone write a ready command, please?I am not a Linux user, but I have Loubuntu installed. …  I would reboot into it t03:20
luboto split the file, but I need a valid command. … Namely my trouble is: many RAR-archives are cobined into one file, 350 GB. It must be divided into separate ones, where "Rar!" - the beginning of each new file should be.03:20
joe498how do i remove the network folder from the desktop? i move it to the trash bin and it keeps re-appearing on the desktop03:32
guivercjoe498, https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.5/desktop.html?highlight=desktop%20icons  (see Advanced tab - there is a checkbox for Trash)  (you didn't specify a release so that's 19.10)03:46
joe498guiverc: great...found it...thx03:50
lubot<tbs61> @CDSmith [<CDSmith> i just dont know how to install them I guess.... I am a quick learner …], u should also know about the big differance between old and new lubuntu, only last lubuntu is new and uses lxqt, others are using lxde and old, if u watch a video for lxde it ll probably lead u wrong, lxqt uses xq apps like kde plasma desktop,04:07
lubotlxde (old one) uses gtk apps like gnome and xfce and cinnamon, u can search about this at this telegram chat and internet if u want, i suggest u to do before installing apps if even 100mb ram s importand for you04:07
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest95293
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @teward001 remember the sudo issue from the containers? Any updates on that?17:07
The_LoudSpeakerone sec. let me dig it up.17:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1857036 in sudo (Ubuntu) "`sudo --login --user USERNAME` throws `setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE): Operation not permitted` error when run inside a container." [Undecided,Confirmed]17:10
The_LoudSpeakerhere you go.17:10
wxlyou know as much as i do. i've seen it, too, and just ignore it. also i wouldn't call that a lubuntu support issue.17:12
The_LoudSpeakeryeah not lubuntu support issue. I just asked here coz teward is easily available here.17:13
wxlhe is elsewhere, too!17:13
lubot<heysoundude> I don’t know if I should post this here or on reddit, but I’ve gone from running 19.10 on a thumb drive to installing on a brand spankin’ new SDD on the same machine in ~20 mins.19:28
lubot<heysoundude> Next up, updating the install - terminal is best? … sudo apt update && upgrade, or apt-install or apt-get ???19:30
lubot<heysoundude> *make that SSD19:31
lubot<lynorian> There are many ways to upgrade but if you know terminal it will woork well19:43
lubot<heysoundude> Is it apt or apt-get?19:43
lubot<lynorian> either works still but apt is less characters and slightly different syntax19:43
lubot<heysoundude> Ok.19:44
lubot<heysoundude> Thanks19:44
lubot<heysoundude> Yes, this is an improvement over 18.04.21:09

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