
=== franklin is now known as XequeM4te
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=== franklin is now known as XequeM4te
lordievaderGood morning08:16
afx_Hello everyone! Is there a way I can configure task manager to show tooltips of grouped windows on-click and and not on-hover ?09:07
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AlexMyCrushHello, People. I downloaded Kubuntu 19.04, and when i loaded it, it crushes10:32
AlexMyCrushWhat should I do?10:32
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @AlexMyCrush, Hi! Please do not install Kubuntu 19.04. It is out of support. If you want the latest and greatest, install 19.10 instead! Have fun with Kubuntu!11:29
BluesKajHowdy folks12:58
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saifurHi there<18:28
saifurI  want to install this ibus-avro18:28
saifurafter install ibus preferrence is not opening18:29
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=== hs1974g is now known as hector_
genii!info ibus-avro19:15
ubottuPackage ibus-avro does not exist in bionic19:15
genii...weird, it comes up on my apt-cache search19:15
genii!info ibus-avro universe19:16
ubottu'universe' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, focal, focal-backports, focal-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial19:16
genii!info ibus-avro bionic universe19:16
ubottuPackage ibus-avro does not exist in bionic19:16
genii!info ibus-avro bionic-backports19:17
ubottuibus-avro (source: ibus-avro): IBus engine for Avro Phonetic. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-3~ubuntu18.04.1 (bionic-backports), package size 503 kB, installed size 7815 kB19:17
* genii wanders back to the coffeepot19:17
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> hi there20:05
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> general issue20:05
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> how to fix kernel panic20:06
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> kernel panic not syncing exit code 0000000720:06
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> @carolinaaeh, tried livecd boot repair20:07
geniiWhat do the lines immediately above the kernel panic line indicate it's doing when this happens?20:12
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> @genii, I have boot info file could that help20:13
geniiPossibly, if you put it in a pastebin somewhere and give us the URL for that20:13
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> (Photo, 2560x533) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/iNSMfqwT/file_24046.jpg20:15
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> I gotta say... I've been using KDE for 20 years now... pretty hard to believe... and you guys and the KDE group have really rocked it with Kubuntu and the LTS release.   … I'm using Kubuntu 18.04.4 with Plasma 5.12.9 and its unbelievably fast, flexible and solid.  Flatpak and Snaps give me access to all the latest applications. … I really don't know what more i need.... Its running like a dream.  Thanks for all your guys work. â€20:15
IrcsomeBotSharing with you a screenshot.20:15
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> The planning of releases and schedules and concept for LTS is just awesome.20:16
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> @genii, sure20:20
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> https://pastebin.com/6RKMHaMr20:24
geniiWhat partition did you install to?20:26
genii( because sdb1 is filesystem vfat but labelled LINUX MINT20:27
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> @genii, it’s installed at sda320:28
* genii goes to get coffee #5 first20:28
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> @IrcsomeBot, Ill upload the kernel panic image20:32
oerheksmint has its own issues20:32
geniiNot sure if it's booting from syslinux or grub at this point20:45
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> @genii, what do you mean20:46
genii"14 => Syslinux MBR (5.00 and higher) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb."20:46
genii..also, 45,46 "Boot sector info:  Syslinux looks at sector 16408 of /dev/sdb1 for its second stage. The integrity check of Syslinux failed. "20:48
oerheksThe boot files of [Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia] are far from the start of the disk20:48
oerhekswipe and reinstall?20:49
geniiWeird, nowhere in that mess is the contents of the fstab file of the installed OS20:54
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