[20:16] apw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1856539 anarchy [20:16] Ubuntu bug 1856539 in linux (Ubuntu) "wireguard package doesn't work on ubuntu eon" [Undecided,Incomplete] [20:16] im now directing people toward our PPA [20:16] breaking network servers that rely on wireguard for access and then not doing anything about it for lots of days doesnt sit too will with users [20:19] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wireguard/+bug/1862413 [20:19] Ubuntu bug 1862413 in wireguard (Ubuntu Eoan) "wireguard-dkms 0.0.20190913-1ubuntu1: wireguard kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,In progress] [20:22] zx2c4: indeed [20:23] what if you guys bricked people's ethernet cards by accident [20:23] and then didnt roll out a fix for a while... [20:23] apw: [20:23] zx2c4: a miss labelling of a tracker let that out, a fix is in play but you moaned it wasn't up to date enough [20:23] anyway, im going to start actively recommending people stay far away from ubuntu+wireguard until april [20:23] you guys have the ability to trivially bump packages to be up to date easily [20:24] no build changes required [20:24] do what you must [20:24] i mean can you blame me? [20:24] do i have anohter option here? [20:24] i really want ubuntu to be the easy recommendation, because its the os people already know how to use, but when it results in things like this regularly, what am i expected to do? [20:24] "sorry i recommended this to you" is about all i can concede [20:30] the kernel was released in error about 48 hours ago, the fixed packages failed dry and were sent to be respin, and I have spent half of the time since on a family emergency, sometimes these things happen [20:30] I will get something sorted today [20:31] if this had been and lts it would have had more.focus [20:32] 48 hours? its been a week ive been getting emails from people [20:33] https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/wireguard/2020-February/005044.html [20:34] good to know about the LTS priority [20:34] i'll advise folks to stick to the LTS releases if they want to use wireguard on servers [20:37] we endeavour to treat them well but lts' have much larger user bases [20:38] yea makes sense [20:38] priorites are priorities [21:34] apw: okay looks like you pushed the wrong version? [21:35] i am unimpressed [21:35] 21:23:34 zx2c4: a miss labelling of a tracker let that out, a fix is in play but you moaned it wasn't up to date enough [21:35] 21:23:56 you guys have the ability to trivially bump packages to be up to date easily [21:36] zx2c4, be unimpresed, that is a working version which is tested with that kernel [21:36] zx2c4, that is something i can sru in 1 day in an emergency, a version which has not [21:37] zx2c4, even been tested by us with a developement kernle is not appropriate for an SRU let [21:37] zx2c4, alone an emergency sryu with no dwell [21:37] zx2c4, trust me i know how our sryu process works [21:37] zx2c4, i will then expect tomomrrow to go and make the one in focal new [21:38] zx2c4, and that can be sru'd at a more normal non-emergency pace which fits within [21:38] zx2c4, the sru criteria, and therefore is allowed [21:38] gotcha so youre saying that whenever 20.04 gets the new version, youll put that into 19.10? [21:38] yes i am saying that, if debian does it before tommorro that will be better, if not and i get a chance [21:39] i will try and do it myself, the first time is less easy as i have not changed that package myself so far [21:40] gotcha. DalekSec ^ relevant