
brandonkalMy ansible task loops through a list with mode: 0644, state: link, and force: yes. That worked for files but not when I added a folder. I suppose it should just be 0777.00:02
sarnoldbrandonkal: heh, my chmod(2) says that the AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW support is currently not supported. that probably just leaves you with removing the symlink and creating a new one in its place with the correct modes00:04
Prolachi, how can I create symbolic link in my home dir to a directory from another user home dir00:04
sarnoldProlac: take a look at the output of ln --help | head to see how the various ways you can invoke ln00:05
brandonkalInteresting sarnold. macOS has a `chmod -h`. I've changed it to 0777 in the task though the symlink itself shows as 0755 now. Without an explicit mode, Ansible creates a symlink with the same permissions as the source file (i.e. 644) which breaks on macOS. This way should be more portable across macOS and Ubuntu.00:28
sarnoldbrandonkal: aha! nice, thanks so much for reporting back :)00:29
sarnoldbrandonkal: did it actually fix the issue?00:29
sarnoldbrandonkal: the 0755 might be easy enough to adjust if you can stuff a 'umask 0000' in before creating the symlinks / files00:30
sarnold(though this may leave other files *too* open)00:30
brandonkalYes. It's interesting. It appears macOS still uses the source file permissions as the ultimate source of truth but some tools still read the permissions of the symlink first.00:32
Betalwhen I search on firefox (default google as search engine plugin) all works, if I do the same on firefox nightly then google blocks giving the uncommon traffic webpage asking for captcha, any idea what can cause this?00:32
brandonkalBetal usually blocking HTML5 canvas in Firefox causes problems like that.00:33
sarnoldBetal: wild-guess territory, perhaps an API key for google's search is embedded in firefox only in release builds, not nightly builds00:34
Betalbrandonkal: this? "privacy.resistFingerprinting"00:35
Betalsarnold: tested with addons disabled and same00:37
Betalsarnold: this API key you say is the big string on search engine plugin?00:38
sarnoldBetal: I'm not sure how it is exposed, if at all -- I just know firefox is paid some money for bringing search results to google, ubuntu is paid some money for bringing search results to google via firefox, etc, and those are probably done by something very much like an API Key00:40
pragmaticenigmamore likely... Google sees an unfamiliar User Agent string, and assumes it might be a bot or some nefarious user and throws a captcha your way. If you don't like it, I'd recommend switching search providers to one that doesn't fingerprint and data mine user data00:41
fHDhrSZPYea! finally got through to where the people are. I hope. Anyone feel like helping me with a dependancy problem? I can't run python without glibc 2.25, which apparently isn't in xenial.01:34
sarnoldfHDhrSZP: wow, you've got a *crazy* problem... how'd you get in this situation? :)01:35
sarnoldI don't even see that we've ever published a 2.25 glibc https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+publishinghistory01:36
fHDhrSZPNo clue. First warning I had was python refusing to run. I didn't THINK I'd done anything that crazy. I've installed steam, chrome, and that's it (as far as unregistered repositories go.01:37
fHDhrSZPI've even removed (with dpkg) python, and that didn't fix it. Maybe I need to remove all pythons dependancies too?01:38
fHDhrSZPThe only thing I can figure is that I somehow got an off version of SOMETHING in there SOMEWHERE, but I've no clue where.01:38
fHDhrSZPsarnold: Yeah, I checked and there's no version past 2.23 in xenial. Which is why this is weirding me out so much.01:39
sarnoldfHDhrSZP: what does 'which python' report? is that file owned by a package or is it from something else?01:40
fHDhrSZPDo you perhaps no how to poke an installed library to see where that version was installed from or something? I incanted 'strace -e open python'...01:40
fHDhrSZPsarnold, you're a genius.01:40
fHDhrSZP"where does the python invoked actually live?" was indeed the correct question, it pointed at an odd version and removing has fixed my problem.01:41
sarnoldfHDhrSZP: woot!01:42
sarnoldfHDhrSZP: so, that leaves putting your system back together :)01:42
fHDhrSZPdeleting one file is lots simpler that resolving umpteen dependancies to backport glibc!01:42
fHDhrSZPActually, I successfully resisted the impulse to just take things appart, and already backed out of all the changes I'd made.01:43
fHDhrSZPSo yah! for me too I guess.01:43
superbootHi all. Does anyone know of a way to archive all email in thunderbird? I have several subdirectories under Inbox in over 10 accounts I want to archive. I'd rather not have to ctrl-a (select all) in every directory in every account. Hints?01:44
fHDhrSZPjust fyi, it pointed to a 4.4M binary in ~/bin . Still no idea why that was there, but it's not anymore, so time to hand this computer back over to my daughter. Many thanks, goodbye!01:45
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sarnoldfHDhrSZP: oh nice! I was afraid that it'd take a while to undo everything done in the middle :)01:47
pragmaticenigmasuperboot: Can you explain your end goal with archiving? Are you changing clients? Are you just trying to reduce the number of messages in the Inboxes?01:59
superbootpragmaticenigma: I'm changing email servers, and I want to archive the mail and start fresh with the new service.02:01
superboots/servers/service providers/02:02
HelenahHi, I did pip install google, however Python claims it can't find the googlesearch module. What do I do?02:06
pragmaticenigmasuperboot: Just because you're changing providers doesn't mean you need to overhaul your thunderbird. When you add a new mail account, thunderbird segments the new account into it's own set of files and folders in the profile02:07
pragmaticenigmaHelenah: First, you should not use pip unless in a python virtual environment. Python's pip can conflict with Ubuntu's preset libraries and cause your system to have issues.02:08
HelenahBut there is no Ubuntu package.02:08
pragmaticenigmaHelenah: Correct, however pips can have dependencies that will affect packages ubuntu manages through apt02:09
SynopticCan anyone point me toward some instructions on how to create a .deb package ? I would like to recompile ffmpeg with some custom settings but have the new coompilation packaged as a .deb so I can still manage it with apt or dpkg.02:09
HelenahSo therefore I'll need a virtual env, right?02:09
pragmaticenigmaSynoptic: Perhaps try asking in #ubuntu-app-devel02:09
pragmaticenigmaHelenah: It is recommended02:09
Synopticpragmaticenigma : ok thx, will go there02:09
pragmaticenigmaHelenah: as for why it is not currently working, if you ran pip, that is linked to Python 2.7... if you're running Python3 for your application, you need to use pip302:10
pragmaticenigmasuperbot... does that make sense? ... The other option is to create a new thunderbird profile. Which will separate the old and the new. You can revisit the old profile, or new profile at your choosing. The mail in each will be kept completely separate02:11
qwertuttytygrep -R . /sys/module/zswap/parameters02:18
qwertuttyty/sys/module/zswap/parameters/compressor:lzo but arch say this lz4 https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Zswap what it is better?02:21
enychrrm looknig around for  any ubuntu cinnamon  channel,  may not yet be official flavor but likely to become ??02:23
sarnoldqwertuttyty: lz4 may be slightly faster than lzo; you can give it a try and see how it works out02:27
pragmaticenigmaenyc: We are all volunteers here, we only know what we can find via google. You may find Ubuntu-MATE a very close, and supported flavor, to what you seek in Cinnamon.02:29
pragmaticenigmaenyc: Also, flavors are really just presets for Desktop Environments. "cinnamon-desktop-environment" is available in the universe repository02:30
GCM14Does anyone know how to get seamless mode working with Ubuntu guest in virtual box that has no X11? Is it even possible? I've tried install virtualbox-guest-additions packages from the repos as well as the non X11 packages.02:30
sarnoldGCM14: isn't that mostly about getting video resizing and copy-paste to work?02:31
sarnoldwhat would it do for X-less sytem?02:31
pragmaticenigmaGCM14: Guest additions is intended for GUI installations. Without X, there really is no purpose to seemless, simply click on the window to give it focus02:32
GCM14It's just so that you can resize the virtualbox window and it automatically ajusts the screen resolution to match.02:32
GCM14Yeah that's what I thought02:32
sarnoldwould you be better suited to just ssh into the thing? then you can resize your terminals all you wish02:33
GCM14I have a lecturer making us user ubuntu server in virtualbox who is convinced that we should be installing guest additions to resize the resolution.02:33
GCM14It's just a school thing. I did try to explain this to the lecturer02:34
GCM14Anyway just wanted to check thanks02:34
sarnoldaha :)02:34
sarnold"the old cranks on IRC said it wasn't helpful" :)02:34
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sarnoldunless it also does some filesystem stuff to let you 'easily' move files between guest and host02:35
sarnoldbut it'd probably still be easier to just ssh in and do things, or rsync files in and out02:35
pragmaticenigmaGuest Additions could make it easy to share a folder between host and guest potentially02:35
pragmaticenigmaIt's possible that Guest Additions might add an entry during TTY setup to determine the initial window size on boot. But I have my doubts on that one02:36
GCM14Yeah it's a pointless exercise in a sea of pointless exercices. No one in industry would be using virtualbox anyway, we should be using vmware but oh well02:36
pragmaticenigmaGCM14: If you want industry... virutalizing isn't done with either02:37
pragmaticenigmabut thats a topic for #ubuntu-discuss02:38
GCM14All good. I'd better get sopme real work done. Thanks for the responses =-)02:38
elnegrohi, i'm trying bochs (compiled from last sources) and i get the following message: >>PANIC<< eth_linux: could not open socket: Operation not permitted, the config line is the following: ne2k: enabled=true, ioaddr=0x300, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:00, ethmod=linux, ethdev=enp0s25, script=none, bootrom=none, i think, it's a permissions problems as the message states, any clue how to make this02:41
elnegro(is this maybe related to predictable network interface names?)02:43
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pragmaticenigmaelnegro: This channel only supports software obtained through official Ubuntu software repositories. Compiled programs are not supported here, you will need to contact the developer for support or find a community forum or channel that supports that software. You can use !alis to search for a channel on that topic.02:45
elnegroops sorry, i'll try that, thanks02:47
qwertuttytyLook like lz4 loads the CPU more than lzo. This is the first not accurate impression. The load on the CPU may be more important to me.02:48
jakesylHow do I sed only the first n occurences in a file?02:56
pragmaticenigmajakesyl: maybe this will help: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/41790103:01
jakesylyeah, had looked at that. The g number prefix didn't help. My guess is I'm misunderstanding the mechanics of the selector03:03
jakesyldoesn't look like there's any man pages around sed03:04
pragmaticenigmajakesyl: it honestly feels like it's the wrong tool for the job you want to complete03:04
pragmaticenigmaor perhaps only part of the what you need03:05
pragmaticenigmaqwertuttyty: that is not allowed here03:05
jakesylDon't know of a better way to do it. Basically, I've got protocol buffers being generated from cmake. The #include paths are wrong so I'm trying to replace the first N occurrences.03:06
jakesylCmake doesn't have a ton of good tooling beyond a custom_command so if you've got something in bash you think would be better, that'd be awesome03:06
qwertuttytylz4 decoding speed 1720 or 1570 MB/s03:06
pragmaticenigmajakesyl: I don't, but you might have better luck asking in a channel with a topic more inline with development... as I'm sure they'll have a better solution03:08
sarnoldqwertuttyty: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TmFPsyDfsV/ isn't your lz4 vs lzo comparison03:08
jakesylgot it03:09
sarnoldjakesyl: the sed language doc is in info format. info --vi-keys may help make that tolerable03:09
qwertuttyty7day url03:09
pragmaticenigmaqwertuttyty: There is no "best" ... what is best for one person maybe different for someone else. You need to do your own research and determine what works best for you. If one command performs the way you desire better than the other, then you should use that. If I had to guess, lzo is probably single threaded and lz4 is able to make use of more processors cores.03:13
pragmaticenigmaqwertuttyty: You're going to need to do more research on your own to figure out that part03:14
qwertuttytySee table this done in 2015 in url. "The ZSTD decode rate is approximately 500 MB/s per core of the Intel Core i5-4300U processor (1.9 GHz) at 200 MB/s" Probably the rest was tested on this CPU.03:16
qwertuttyty"The ZSTD decode rate is approximately 500 MB/s per core of the Intel Core i5-4300U processor (1.9 GHz) at decoding speed 200 MB/s"03:20
qwertuttytysorry: zstd coding 200, decoding 50003:22
qwertuttytyLZ4 HC r127: 26 MB/s coding,  but LZ4 r127 coding 370 MB/s03:28
qwertuttytyWhich one is the LZ4 in Ubuntu?03:30
qwertuttytyYou can translate the article yourself if you need.03:33
qwertuttytyi can use for zswap zstd? Or only lz4 or lzo?03:42
sarnoldqwertuttyty: I believe anything that is supported by the crypto subsystem03:47
qwertuttytyyes i can use zstd for zswap grep -R . /sys/module/zswap/parameters03:54
qwertuttytykernel 5.5.4 ubuntu-mate 20.403:57
qwertuttytyvirtual machine ram 2500 mb hdd os + ssd 4GB swap partition controller sata2 Host windows03:59
qwertuttytyhost ram 4 GB03:59
qwertuttytyI 'll see what 's best for me: zstd, lzo, lz404:03
qwertuttytyHumor: tar?04:05
brandonkalmacOS has color tags as extended attributes. Does ubuntu have this? I'd like an `ls` to show this info.04:08
qwertuttytyI ~ 1.5 years have not used zswap + ssd. I forgot that there is zswap.04:33
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gendarmewhat provides libncurses.so.5?04:49
anonhow do i in general, redirect the output of ls | grep filepattern (a list of files) to a command and get it to process each file?04:50
gendarmeI installed libncurses5-dev and the program still complains about missing libraries04:50
anoni know for zip i did something like ls | grep keyword | zip file.zip -@04:50
anonand have used find before but found syntax complicated04:50
gendarmeanon, use find -exec instead04:50
anongendarme, how would i do that with a pipe like ls | grep04:51
anonnot just a single command04:51
gendarmefind . -type f -exec zip {} \;04:51
gendarmepiping ls is not good, etc etc04:51
gendarmeoh wait04:52
anonwouldnt that create a million zips04:52
gendarmenot sure what you want04:52
gendarmefind a keyword in current dir and zip the file?04:53
anongendarme, i mean i have like 5 different files that match a pattern04:54
anoni just get the list with ls | grep filepattern04:54
anonthen zip them all up in one zip04:55
gendarmemaybe grep "keyword" -Hs | zip04:55
gendarmefile names?04:55
gendarmegrep finds stuff IN files04:55
anonim just going ls | grep *.jpg i see all jpgs04:57
anonoh wait maybe i dont04:57
anonoh damn these files contain the keyword by concidence lol04:58
tomreyndon't parse "ls" outout, use find instead04:58
gendarmewhat do you want to do?04:58
anongendarme, i just want one zip so add all files to single zip all files that patch a pattern say *.jpeg in my current directory04:58
anonsend them to a file called pictures.zip04:59
gendarmethat just looks like zip *.jpg pictures.zip04:59
anon(or tarball idc)04:59
anonoh damn nice04:59
gendarmeyou can do this in a file manager...04:59
anoncan all commands do that?05:00
anonif i give a file pattern as first arg05:00
tomreyni think it's the other way around, archive name first, then compnents to add to archive05:00
tomreynso: zip pictures.zip  *.jpg05:00
gendarmeah yeah05:01
gendarmeanon, it depends on the command05:02
gendarmehow do I search for library files with apt?05:02
anonwhats the {} \ do after exec in find?05:04
anon(stupid question i know but never understood this part)05:04
gendarmeit is a place holder for input files05:04
gendarme\; is the terminating sequence05:04
tomreynin the command you have find exec(ute), {} will be replaced by one of the matching file system objects ("files") the search produced.05:06
tomreyngendarme: about libncurses.so.5: libncurses5-dev would provide headers to build software and link it against ncurses5. -dev packages won't usually contain the .so's (a compiled library). So libncurses.so.5 shoould be in package libncurses5 (not libncurses5-dev)05:10
tomreyngendarme: you can (install and ) use "apt-file" to find which package of your installed ubuntu release provides a given file.05:10
gendarmeah, thanks05:10
gendarmewhat about the arch05:11
gendarmehow do I now if I need a 32 bit so or 64 bit?05:11
tomreynwell that depends on the bitness of the software that'll make use of this library05:11
gendarmehmm, I figure that out using file I guess05:12
gendarmethanks tomreyn !05:15
tomreynobjdump -t /path/to/command      would also work to detemrine bitness05:16
tomreynyou're welcome.05:16
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tomreynTrickSol: please...05:20
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gendarmeah what profiles apt-file? I don't have it?05:27
gendarmeapt install apt-file got it05:27
littlekimmyhow do i mount or connect android08:09
littlekimmycan  i get notification outside the box08:11
littlekimmyin settings08:11
NitrigaurSince yesterday my Ubuntu 19.10 machine does not boot fully to my Gnome3 DE. The last boot message I get is "Removing Stale Ext4 Metadata"08:19
Nitrigaurnor journalctl -k nor journalctl -p 3 -xb shows anything out of the ordinary, when rebooting I get the same situation. The strange thing is that none of my drives have been formatted with ext4, I use only btrfs08:22
makarahi. I notice a device is mount to my home folder. I traced the mount to /dev/loop16 but that still doesn't tell me who/how it got there. Any ideas?08:23
indyZlittlekimmy: what exactly are you trying to do? mount an android phone like a usb drive?08:24
indyZmakara: loopback device is usually a disk image08:25
Nitrigaurmakara, are you using a live-image to boot from, like a USB stick or an optical drive?08:26
makaraNitrigaur: there is nothing plugged into my machine08:30
makaraok, I tried to eject it now. It says theres an Atom snap using it08:31
makaradamn snaps08:31
rajguys, does this option refer to the current sudo apt-get upgrade I'm doing or all future sudo apt-get upgrades too? https://i.imgur.com/z0TA6qc.png08:31
rajI would be fine if it currently does all the restarts but I don't just want automatic restarting on future upgrades08:32
Nitrigaurmakara, you can find out what processes are using your home drive with lsof | grep '/home/'08:34
makaraNitrigaur: thanks08:44
Nitrigaurmakara, no problem. Can you describe what you did before your home drive got mounted at the loop16 device?08:45
makaraNitrigaur: sorry, it was in /media/08:49
Nitrigaurmakara, if you execute  sudo grep '/home' /etc/fstab  do you see the same loop device, or another one? Please note: the line(s) returned by that command might contain sensitive data.08:52
y1dsim reading about snap, and im wondereing, a pakache installed by snap, where does it get its updates from?09:07
y1dsubuntu repos? of repos defined in the snap package?09:07
lethlielHi. How do I submit a package to Ubuntu Backports repo?09:17
zambai'm battling with keyboard shortcuts in my current ubuntu installation.. after upgrading some packages, ctrl + alt + t no longer works to launch a new terminal.. also, i'm not able to bind alt + f6 to switch to workspace 6.. there's also the confusion between using settings in the applications menu and dconf-editor to adjust keyboard shortcuts.. what should be used?09:42
zamba... rebooting is out of the question, this is linux09:45
littlekimmywhich is the general way to remotely control android and linux09:47
freakynlzamba: well rebooting would cause the new libs to be loaded, but you can switch to a console and restart X/wayland/window manager/whatever. If there were kernel updates reboot is desired nonetheless tho'09:47
NitrigaurSince yesterday my Ubuntu 19.10 machine does not boot fully to my Gnome3 DE. The last boot message I get is "Removing Stale Ext4 Metadata"09:48
littlekimmyssh has some firewalling issues  , is there a app like GSconnect that does this by avoiding firewalling issues of iptables as in ssh. to remotely control android from linux and vice versa09:48
Nitrigaurnor journalctl -k nor journalctl -p 3 -xb shows anything out of the ordinary, when rebooting I get the same situation. The strange thing is that none of my drives have been formatted with ext4, I use only btrfs09:48
zambafreakynl: yeah, a reboot fixed it.. but still.. a bit annoying09:52
zambawhat about slimming down the titlebar?09:52
littlekimmyhttps://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-connect-your-android-device-to-your-linux-desktop/  where do i click to open that Fig A09:53
littlekimmyi dont want to use ssh, as i prefer devices , so in order to send data without ssh, just knowing ip address, what's the way to use the kernel provided facilities which are used anyway by the apps like ssh.10:18
gareppadoes anyone have problems of graphicsl glitches/artifacts/triangles logging in? i have with my thinkpad t420 with intelhd3000 graphics card, since today's updates. maybe the graphics drivers pa i the culprit?10:28
IonutVan_should I install docker-ce or docker.io on Ubuntu 18.04LTS?10:38
janjoh74Hello!  Soooo, i have a (to me) strange issue with Ubuntu 18.04, libvritd networking and bridging. I have guests on a bridged interface. No problem there, they get DHCP from our DHCP and everything. But... i just noticed that when these guests access the internet our gateway sees the physical address of the ubuntu host, not the adresses of the10:39
janjoh74guests.  So, it appears to be a NAT.   But, i can access the guests from other systems (web, ssh, etc) and as i already mentioned they obtain addresses via DHCP, so it can not be a NAT.   So, why do i not see the IP of the guests in our gateway?10:39
janjoh74The reason for. my question is that our gateway needs to route traffic from these guests into various VPN-tunnelse, identified by source ip.10:39
Triffid_Hunterjanjoh74: MAC address will be the bridge's interface, but IP should be per guest with a bridge10:44
Triffid_Hunterjanjoh74: and 'physical address'usually means MAC10:44
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janjoh74Triffid_Hunter: I agree there. But, this is not the case. if i for instance launch a openvpn-client on one gues... My firewall sees a connection from (physical ubuntu box ethernet):60865 -> Externalopenvpnserver:119510:47
janjoh74But, again, the same firewall serves the guest with a DHCP-address without any issue10:48
janjoh74Triffid_Hunter: And yes, the MAC of the guest is present in the arp table of both the physical host as well as the firewall/gateway.. Never seen this behaviour before. :)11:01
NitrigaurSince yesterday my Ubuntu 19.10 machine does not boot fully to my Gnome3 DE. The last boot message I get is "Removing Stale Ext4 Metadata"11:09
Nitrigaurnor journalctl -k nor journalctl -p 3 -xb shows anything out of the ordinary, when rebooting I get the same situation. The strange thing is that none of my drives have been formatted with ext4, I use only btrfs11:09
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NitrigaurSince yesterday my Ubuntu 19.10 machine does not boot fully to my Gnome3 DE. The last boot message I get is "Removing Stale Ext4 Metadata"11:50
Nitrigaurnor journalctl -k nor journalctl -p 3 -xb shows anything out of the ordinary, when rebooting I get the same situation. The strange thing is that none of my drives have been formatted with ext4, I use only btrfs11:51
tomreynNitrigaur: how do you run journalctl if the system doesn't boot? does it boot to recovery then?11:53
tomreynthe message you qoute does not seem to exist exactly as given. there is a somewhat similar message, "Remove Stale Online ext4 Metadata Check Snapshots", is this what you'Re seeing?11:55
tomreyn"lsblk" should list known file systems and their types, see whether any ext* file systems are listed there.11:56
e01is there way to set nice or priority to specific daemon, i means for docker daemon12:02
mave_question: the 'openssl passwd' command asks for a password but should give an output which it doesn't12:13
mave_any ideas?12:13
mave_ubuntu 18.0412:14
Nitrigaurtomreyn, it does boot, but does not continue to gnome312:15
Nitrigaurtomreyn, indeed, the message you mentioned matches12:16
NitrigaurRemove Stale Online ext4 Metadata12:16
Nitrigaurcheck snapshots12:17
mave_oh wow, i found the solution12:37
mave_'openssl passwd' only works with a password of 10 chars or less12:38
Nitrigaurtomreyn, please don't be confused by the IRC client I'm using. It's my laptop running popos, but it's not my main desktop that I'm troubleshooting12:40
Kali_YugaHello how do you install graphics card drivers for AMD? I've never used amd only nvidia so I'm confused what to do...?12:47
pragmaticenigma!amd | Kali_Yuga12:49
ubottuKali_Yuga: Open drivers for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). AMD has a closed driver named amdgpu-pro that supports the same cards as amdgpu, but it is generally unnecessary. FGLRX is not supported in any current Ubuntu version or in this channel. For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units12:49
Kali_Yugawhy unnecessary? the games I'm trying to get running over steam don't work?12:54
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: They are "generally unnecessary" meaning they aren't needed for everyone... doesn't mean they aren't needed12:57
BluesKajHowdy folks12:58
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: AMD open sourced their entire Radeon drivers recently. There is very little difference between amdgpu and amdgpu-pro. The amdgpu-pro drivers enable the ability to use non-graphics rendering functions of the cards12:58
Kali_Yugaso I checked do I need to install like xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu-hwe-18.04 package or something idk. AMD is alien to me12:59
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: No12:59
pragmaticenigmaYou should install "amdgpu" and the appropriate xserver required packages will be installed if necassary13:00
Kali_YugaOk will try...13:00
Kali_Yugathx btw13:00
Kali_Yugapragmaticenigma: says unable to locate...:(13:01
pragmaticenigmawhat says unable to locate?13:01
Kali_Yugamaybe the xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu package ?13:02
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: I don't know... you didn't tell me what created the message13:02
Kali_YugaUnable to locate package amdgpu13:02
Kali_YugaI looked under apt-cache search amdgpu and it only gives me the xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu package13:03
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: What is the output of "lsb_release -d"13:03
Kali_YugaDescription:    Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS13:04
oerheksKali_Yuga, what AMD card exactly?13:05
Kali_Yugaoerheks: I guess an old Radeon HD 6870 listed under lspci | grep VGA13:05
oerheksi think that card is fully supported with the openradeon driver?13:09
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: The amdgpu drivers are not required for that card. It is old enough that the openradeon drivers are all that will support it. (The card is not listed on the release notes page found here: https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-radpro-lin-16-40#faq-AMD-Product-Compatibility)13:13
Kali_Yugaoerheks: ok so what exactly needs to be done? I find a lot of AMD/ATI Radeon display driver13:14
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: Read my last message to you13:14
oerheksnothing, you should already have the openradeondriver13:15
pragmaticenigmaIt means there is nothing to do. If you're seeing your desktop, then ubuntu already detected the card properly and is using the appropriate driver for that card13:15
pragmaticenigmaIf steam games are not working, it is probably because the card is too old to support the requirements of the game13:15
pragmaticenigmaor the games are not supported on linux13:16
Kali_Yugapragmaticenigma: oerheks: okay if you guys say so13:17
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: That card series was released 10 years ago, and everything I have told you was based of a few web searches and looking up the documentation on that card from AMD, Wikipedia, and Ubuntu's own community support pages13:20
Kali_Yugapragmaticenigma: okay yes, steam game works under windows apparently on linux it says cannot find compatible vulcan driver.. So vulcan is not supported on this card correct?13:24
pragmaticenigmaDo you mean Vulkan?13:25
Kali_Yugapragmaticenigma: yes I guess so13:25
oerhekshence the difference between windows, osx and linux.13:26
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: correct, that card is not supported by Vulkan13:27
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulkan_(API)#Compatibility13:27
oerheks'some' games want vulkan, not sure what games are playable13:28
NitrigaurSince yesterday my Ubuntu 19.10 machine does not boot fully to my Gnome3 DE. The last message I get is " Remove Stale Online ext4 Metadata check snapshots"13:29
Kali_Yugapragmaticenigma: And no way to play those games without vulkan huh? i guess steam says no then in linux to that game...13:30
pragmaticenigmaKali_Yuga: Steam didn't make the decision... the game developer did13:30
Kali_Yugapragmaticenigma: yes or that13:30
oerhekshi MannyPlayzs13:33
MannyPlayzscan somebody help me with ubuntu cuz i have one old pc and also im newbie ?(i just started)13:34
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: try booting a previous kernel13:34
pragmaticenigmaMannyPlayzs: Welcome to the Ubuntu Support channel. If you have a support related question for Ubuntu, please go ahead and ask it (as much detail and say everything on one line if you can)13:35
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, I tried, with the same results13:35
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: so, what happens exactly after that message?13:35
MannyPlayzscan someone help me with simple question?13:37
oerheksask, wait and see13:37
zambaMannyPlayzs: i guess that depends13:37
pragmaticenigmaMannyPlayzs: Don't ask to ask... just ask the question13:37
lotuspsychjezamba: hows that useful to say to users?13:38
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, I can't really tell, but I can switch to a different terminal. that's how I could start journalctl13:38
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: you cant boot, but you are gonna use a different terminal?13:39
pragmaticenigmalotuspsychje: Nitrigaur can boot, just can't get to the GUI... I'm guessing the TTYs are available13:40
MannyPlayzsi just try to install ubuntu 18.04 (on my old laptop) with the program unetbootin and try to install it without usb/dvd, when i am on the loading screen i choose unebootin and then the option for installation, but i recive a massage "this kernel requires and x86-64 CPU but only detected an i686 cpu - unable to boot"13:40
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, I can boot, but it does not continue to graphical mode13:40
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: did you try booting previous kernel with a recoverymode yet?13:41
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, yes, I did.13:41
leftyfbMannyPlayzs: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-updates/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso13:42
NitrigaurPretty much the same results. now I do get some errors though: Failed to Start Music Player Daemon and ... Failed to Start Dunst notification daemon13:42
leftyfbMannyPlayzs: you'll need to use that iso for installation. It will require the internet to install. More than likely, an ethernet cable plugged into your laptop13:42
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: you recall wich kernel your system did still work?13:43
leftyfbMannyPlayzs: or you install 16.04 32bit like you're trying to do and then upgrade to 18.04. That will be a bit of work and could potentially fail and need manual intervention to fix13:43
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, that would be the latest kernel before the update, 5.3.0-2913:43
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: and you cant get in there neither?13:44
MannyPlayzsleftyfb i have an older version 12.04 can i try to update it to 18.04?13:45
leftyfbMannyPlayzs: no13:45
leftyfbMannyPlayzs: that is way too old and end of life13:45
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, well, the curses interface launches just OK just as you would expect when going to recovery mode13:45
MannyPlayzsleftyfb ok i ll try with the 16.04 cuz from some time i live in germany and i am not aware of the cable connection settings13:46
leftyfbMannyPlayzs: to be clear, the default ubuntu desktop probably isn't going to run very well on that hardware. A $35 raspberry pi would work better.13:46
NitrigaurI've tried fsck and it does reset the dirty bit, because I was forced to reboot using the three-finger salute13:46
leftyfbMannyPlayzs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.6-desktop-i386.iso13:47
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, oh, dear, LVM state: Physical Volumes: not ok (BAD), Volume groups ok (good)13:48
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: reading above logs, did you mention you are not using ext4, but btrfs?13:49
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, yes, I did13:49
MannyPlayzsleftyfb can i use some other free linux system for begginers?13:50
MannyPlayzsleftyfb some that will run good and i can run some win apps?13:50
lotuspsychje!btrfs | Nitrigaur13:50
ubottuNitrigaur: Btrfs is a filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is not recommended by default, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs13:50
leftyfbMannyPlayzs: ubuntu is fine for beginners. But you are free to try whatever distributions you like. We cannot help with anything but Ubuntu.13:51
leftyfbMannyPlayzs: you're not going to be running "win apps" very well or at all on that hardware.13:51
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, until now, I haven't got any issues using btrfs, maybe I've just been lucky until now...13:52
MannyPlayzsleftyfb thank you verry much for the support when my download is ready i'll try what i can do :)13:52
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, then again, I might be running into this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/friendly-recovery/+bug/1790468   , if that still applies to 19.1013:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1790468 in friendly-recovery (Ubuntu) "system-summary shows wrong physical volume state" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:55
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, I can continue to graphical mode in recovery mode, but not using the normal sequence, also the display shows up as Unknown Display, resolution 1024x76813:58
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: as user, you have the choice to do with your system what you want, personally, i would choose LTS and ext4 for my machine13:58
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: is there a specific reason you want btrfs?13:59
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, I love the snapshots13:59
NitrigaurWhen I choose a 4.x kernel in normal boot mode, I get a kernel panic14:00
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: you can always be the trendsetter on the community and start testing btrfs bugs if you want14:05
lotuspsychjeNitrigaur: bug #1776005 for example14:06
ubottubug 1776005 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "kernel instability with BTRFS filesystem as rootfs" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177600514:06
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, well, I have rebooted and started journalctl -f . pulseaudio complains about not being able to start Bluetooth14:06
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, which seems a bit weird to me, since I have not installed any Bluetooth device.14:08
Nitrigaurlotuspsychje, it did reach the Main User target, the last unit to start up successfully is the hostnamed-service, after that nothing. My main terminal's last line is still Remove Stale Online ext4 Metadata Check Snapshots14:11
zambai have a bit of a catch-22 here.. i need to update /etc/fstab with a new UUID for the / system.. but i can't modify /etc/fstab since / is in ro and i can't mount / rw since the UUID entry is wrong14:23
zambaso what to do?14:23
tomreynzamba: you need to fix it from recovery or chroot from a live system14:26
gareppasince todays updates in ubuntu i have triangle artifacts everywhere. i don't think its the 3d card, because i can plau quake3 no problem. usng emacs/terminals is ok without artifacts. i have artifacts when i try to maximize windows or use gnome windows maager. also, i cannot start gzdoom14:26
tomreynzamba: just editing fstab won't be neough, though, you'll also need to regenerate (or edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg) and probably run update-initramfs, too (and the latter will likely require the chroot)14:28
tomreyngareppa: "todays updates in ubuntu" is not very specific. there are several supported releases, multiple architectures, gazliions of possible configurations.14:29
tomreynalso discuss which graphics hardware you have and use there,14:30
gareppalol right 19.10, amd64. seems a gnome problem, also i have tracker-extract at 100% now4i have intel hd300014:30
gareppaholy shit, i just solved. i disabled this gnome extensions: gsconnect, openweather14:34
tomreyn3rd party gnome extensions are the tool of choice if the goal is to break things uncontrollably14:36
gareppaits incredible, now it came back14:36
C0nundrumAny one know of a tool that lists the read  / write rate of files being accesses by the os ?14:45
tomreynC0nundrum: iotop lists it by process, but not by file14:49
C0nundrumAre there no third party libs that do it ?14:51
rapidwaveWhat is the command to check which version of ubuntu I have?14:55
leftyfbrapidwave: lsb_release -ds14:57
tomreynC0nundrum: maybe perf and lsof can be copmbined to provide this information. but what are you trying to achieve there, and why?14:58
oerhekssystemsettings > details14:59
pragmaticenigmaC0nundrum: nmon can show you the overall Disk I/O and transfer speeds. I don't know of any program that can monitor individual file transfer speeds, if that is what you are looking for15:03
C0nundrumwell i know windows show i/o by file. was hoping linux had something similar. Trying to see when the pain points are in terms of disk utilization15:04
pragmaticenigmaC0nundrum: try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic or your best bet is to continue searching the web15:06
Triffid_HunterC0nundrum: perhaps that's one of the reasons that file I/O is some 20× faster in linux than windows ;)15:08
C0nundrumHa lol15:08
Triffid_HunterC0nundrum: https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/873#issuecomment-425272829 if you want to read more about that15:15
pragmaticenigmaNice find there Triffid_Hunter ... very helpful!15:17
polarrexhi, i'm new15:20
polarrexis this where the cool kids hang out15:20
pragmaticenigmapolarrex: I think you want #ubuntu-offtopic ... unless you have a Ubuntu support question, then you're in the right place15:22
leftyfbpolarrex: this is a support channel. What can we help you with?15:22
polarrexah, sorry, i'm rather new to irc15:22
rapidwavelsb-release only exists in /etc and has no executable15:23
pragmaticenigmarapidwave: lsb_release is the executable ... note the underscore15:24
rapidwaveI'm using 19.04, is this version no longer supported?15:26
pragmaticenigmarapidwave: correct, that reach EOL15:26
rapidwaveWhat is the proper command to upgrade?15:26
pragmaticenigmarapidwave: sudo do-release-upgrade15:27
rapidwaveIt says to do all upgrades first, apt upgrade leaves libocdb1 back15:28
rapidwaveleaves libodbc1*15:28
pragmaticenigmaI'm out of my depth on that one... I don't know how to overcome those... did you "pin" the version on that package?15:31
paxisapt autoremove (18.04.4) wants to remove "efibootmgr libfwup1 sbsigntool secureboot-db". Are these safe to uninstall?15:38
denningsrogueCan someone help me resolve this problem:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:15:38
denningsrogue fish : Depends: fish-common (= 3.1.0-1~bionic) but 3.0.2-1~bionic is installed15:38
denningsrogue fish-common : Depends: fish (= 3.0.2-1~bionic) but 3.1.0-1~bionic is installed15:38
denningsrogueI've tried uninstalling fish but I get an error message which again refers to unmet dependencies15:39
lotuspsychjedenningsrogue: did you add external ppa's to your system?15:41
pragmaticenigmapaxis: what did you do prior to receiving that message? specifically what apt commands have you recently executed?15:42
PaddyFhello, ubuntu 2020.04 is 2 weeks before feature freeze, right?15:43
paxispragmaticenigma: "apt install -y libncurses5-dev" to temporarily build some software, and when i was going to autoremove that, i noticed the other stuff, too15:43
lotuspsychjePaddyF: come join #ubuntu+1 for the schedule15:44
pragmaticenigmaPaddyF: This is a support channel, run by volunteers. We don't know anymore information than what is publically released.15:44
paxispragmaticenigma: i sometimes run "apt update && apt dist-upgrade", but the os is usually updated with auto-updating15:45
pragmaticenigmapaxis: I have no idea if those are safe to remove... efibootmanager makes me nervous about what other packages have been removed15:45
tomreyndenningsrogue, paxis: can you run this and post the output?   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog15:46
tomreynthis wont change anything, just give us a better idea of the current state of apt on your systems15:46
denningsroguetomreyn: here is the output:  https://termbin.com/yocl15:48
tomreyndenningsrogue: this seems to be a problem related to the fish-shell PPA you have installed.15:50
rapidwaveUpgrade couldn't be calculated because of PPAs, it said to use ppa-purge, but that package isn't found15:50
denningsroguetomreyn: Should I just remove the PPA and run again?15:50
tomreyndenningsrogue: use ppa-purge to remove it.15:51
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:51
tomreynrapidwave: can you run this and post the output?   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog15:52
tomreynthis wont change anything, just give us a better idea of the current state of apt on your systems15:52
lotuspsychjedenningsrogue: fish is also on the ubuntu repos by the way, no need for a ppa15:54
MindSparkhey, can someone enlighten me with how snap works? I installed a package that created multiple files in /snap/bin which turn out to be nothing but links to /usr/bin/snap... I am a bit confused as to how they work15:55
leftyfbMindSpark: maybe try #snappy15:56
denningsrogueI can't seem to install ppa-purge -- I get the same error message about unment dependencies15:56
MindSparkleftyfb, ah thanks!15:56
leftyfbdenningsrogue: you need to remove fish and it's ppa repo15:56
paxistomreyn: https://termbin.com/mb13 i have these PPAs: flatpak, chrome, and system76-dev (this is a system76 desktop)15:56
tomreynpaxis: hmm well you'll probably want to keep efibootmgr if you're uefi booting with grub16:00
tomreynbut if this is a system76 system running popos and not ubuntu then you are probably not doing that. and then you're also not running ubuntu.16:01
tomreyndenningsrogue: so what lefty is saying is you need to remove those manuaklly first before you'll be able to install additional software such as ppa-purge (and clean up more, if needed)16:02
denningsrogueI just did that and it seems to be working.  Thank all for your help16:03
paxistomreyn: i'm using ubuntu, not popos. i'm just going to leave it alone. it's not a big deal, and maybe it'll fix itself some day. thx for the help. :)16:06
tomreynpaxis: these packages are offered for removal because all other packages depending on them have been removed. so you'll have removed grub-efi-amd64-bin. but if you're uefi booting you'll depend on this package to keep booting. i.e. your next boot will probably go nowhere if you'll not fix it.16:10
tomreynpaxis: you can review which decisions you took regarding packages by looking at /var/log/apt/history.log16:10
=== tehaugz is now known as augz
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/16:14
PaddyF5 years no project activity :( what did i do all this time16:15
paxistomreyn: i don't see anything related to either grub or efi in /var/log/apt/history.log. i installed all updates about 24 hours ago and rebooted for the new kernel immediately after.16:17
paxistomreyn: this is a somewhat fresh install, so the history only goes back to 2020-02-0516:19
tomreynpaxis: there may be more similarly named files there in case you installed before 2020-02-05. but it would seem likel ythat whatever caused it to be offered for removal happened recently.16:20
tomreynpaxis: how are you booting then? and is grub-efi-amd64-bin indeed removed?16:21
paxistomreyn: "dpkg -l|grep grub-efi-amd64-bin" returns nothing, and "apt search grub-efi-amd64-bin" doesn't indicate it's installed16:25
paxistomreyn: the last time i ran apt autoremove was 2020-02-13, so whatever caused this happened after that16:27
tomreynpaxis: echo -n 'This system booted via: '; [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS16:38
limboIs there a backup system that's less of a pain to set up than bacula on an ubuntu server machine? The plan is to back up everything from 4 macos, two windows, and two linux machines to a on-premisis server. Then back the data on the server up to two offsite locations. My problem is, even the quickstart guide is long and meandering. Anyone else do backups that aren't just cronjob+rsync?16:39
C0nundrumis it possible to see the i/o of tmpfs mounts ?16:41
paxistomreyn: "This system booted via: BIOS"16:41
tomreynpaxis: so you don't need uefi grub16:42
tomreyn(nor efibootmgr)16:42
tomreynlimbo: backup systems which cover multiple mbackup mechanisms on multiple OS are going to be complex, don't expect those to be simple.16:43
paxistomreyn: ok, thanks. some day when i have enough time to recover from a potential problem, i'll remove them16:44
someQuestion: How do I get fbi to read .pdf file from a tty terminal? Ubuntu forum is not much help. Is there a way to do this without editing "/path/to/grub.file"? program opens file and doesnt doesnt draw the pdf...exits with "Error ppm parser failed"16:55
pragmaticenigmasome: Is imagemagick installed?16:57
somepragmaticenigma: no16:58
pragmaticenigmasome: from the documentation: fbi  displays  the  specified  file(s)  on the linux console using the framebuffer device. PhotoCD, jpeg, ppm, gif, tiff, xwd, bmp and png are supported directly.  For other formats fbi tries to use ImageMagick's convert.16:59
pragmaticenigmapdf is not natively supported by fbi, so you must install ImageMagick to work with PDF16:59
somepragmaticenigma: okay. will install and try16:59
C0nundrumis there a way to look at i/o of a tmpfs volume ?17:02
oerheks less <name>.pdf   works great17:02
oerheksjust no pictures17:03
oerheks!crosspost | C0nundrum17:05
ubottuC0nundrum: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.17:05
C0nundrumo sorry didn't realize17:06
somepragmaticenigma: no worky...am getting differnt error msg now though17:10
oerhekssome: less <name>.pdf   works great17:11
oerheksunless text is captured in a picture17:11
someoerheks: tried that...file is picture17:11
somepragmaticenigma: program is working for images .jpg and .png17:12
someadeiu...i will keep working the problem.17:20
ptah8stellarium gives error cant find module StelUI when loading. I cant it in the *.ini files where is it located? i already fixed other errors stars_0_0v0_1.cat:17:29
oerheksptah8, what linux version? and what stellarium version?17:33
NyleHello there, my ubuntu 18.04 laptop said it is not having more space to install or update packages17:39
NyleI did 'sudo ncdu' in / directory and I am looking at things.17:39
oerhekssudo apt autoremove17:39
NyleIt says 12gb inside /usr, and /shar has 5gb, and /lib has 4.8gb17:40
EriC^^Nyle: also sudo apt-get clean17:40
NyleWhen I had installed the OS, I made 2 partitions, 20gb for /, and 80gb for /home17:40
NylePerhaps I should have allocated more to /17:40
Nylealias clean='sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove'17:41
NyleSure, I've done all that. I've looked and removed orphans using deborphan. I've listed out packages that have the largest space taking on disk17:41
EriC^^/lib and /share seems kind of big17:41
NyleThat is also what I wondered EriC^^. Is that normal?17:41
EriC^^/lib for me is 1gb17:41
NyleI don't have much installed, but I might.17:41
EriC^^i dont have a /share17:42
NyleIt's Kubuntu 18.04 with custom compiled Xmonad WM17:42
EriC^^do you mean /usr/share and /usr/lib ?17:42
EriC^^/usr/lib seems about 4gb for me17:42
NyleI have a lot of -dev packages installed as I build/backport/ and run a sid chroot for latest package buildilng17:42
NyleYeah, peeking through ncdu now. BRB17:42
Nyleyes, that's what I meant EriC^^17:43
EriC^^then it's normal i guess17:43
Nyle 1.2 GiB [##########] /texlive17:43
NyleOh... wow! No way. I use Tex for my resume, using TexStudio17:43
EriC^^what's /var look like17:43
NyleHoly moly. 1.2 GB? Good googa mooga (that's /usr/share/texlive17:43
NyleI will get to var here in about 2 min hang on17:43
NyleI will remove tex packages, resume is done.17:44
EriC^^Nyle: how many kernels do you have installed try "ls -l /boot/vmlinuz* | wc -l"17:44
Nyle/usr/share/locale has 500mb. That's okay? I only need english? Does english alone take that much? or what else is in here? How to reduce?17:44
NyleUno momento17:44
NyleI usually remove all kernels, so only one should be there.17:45
NyleSays 3 for now. I think I didn't remove the old kernels fromt he last time I updated.17:45
NyleThat's fine, it's not that much.17:45
EriC^^/var might be the culprit17:46
Nyleso /usr/share/locale has all the languages in it. Do I need all those? Is there a way to remove all but English US?17:46
NyleOh darn, I accidentlly hit q and exited ncdu. It takes a minute to scan. Hang on17:46
EriC^^Nyle: try 'sudo du -sh /var'17:46
NyleI could, but then I'd have to dump out each direcotry I want to view, hence ncdu, not much typing. Requires a bit of patience17:49
Nylevar is 3.4g17:51
EriC^^ok, that's normal17:51
Nyleand then /lib has 1.9gb17:51
Nyleyeah, seems fine17:51
NyleLet me see, list packages installed by size17:51
EriC^^are you using lvm? you could move space around easily17:52
NyleWow! TEx takes too much. Then Haskell compiler takes almost another gb17:53
NyleI am not, unfortuantely.17:53
NyleSorted in Ascending by size installed packages on system.17:54
NyleI need ghc for Haskell daily, but I don't need tex fonts. I can get rid of code, silly horrible editor, I use netbeans. mame can go. I have a retroarch core that works. I don't use docker. I can get rid of wine, open office (use google docs), yeah, wicked. I think I have just too much crap installed.17:55
NyleI hvae 3 linux headers. I guess I don't need the older ones17:56
Nyleand lot of linux image generic packages, I'm guessing those are proxy packages17:57
NylePerhaps you can advise about which linux-modules/headers/image etc. packags I should be able to safely remove17:58
oerhekssudo apt autoremove # would do what you want17:59
oerheksit keeps current and 1 previous kernel stuff18:00
NyleOk awesome18:01
Nylealias clean='sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove' I have a cron that runs this alias, I wonder if it's not running or what18:02
Nylehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5B2tq4HM5N/ here is output of 'clean' alias I pasted above.18:05
NyleDid this just remove virtualboxy stuffs?18:05
oerheksyes, seems so18:06
NyleWhat is interesting... is that I just launched an XP machine VM and it works. Booted into win XP18:07
sarnoldNyle: it removed kernel modules for nvidia and virtualbox for kernel version 4.15.0-74-generic -- use uname -a to find out what kernel version you're running now, and dpkg -l 'linux*' to see which kernel packages you've got installed18:07
NyleI see18:07
Nyle4.15.0-76-generic #86-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 17 17:24:28 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:08
sarnoldgood good18:08
sarnoldalso it looks a bit like wine is gone. hope that's fine. :)18:08
NyleI made wine go away18:08
NyleI have vbox with xp now. It was for Diablo 218:08
Nylehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PVGvS3j9nc/ \o/18:10
Nyleapt update is giving issues18:10
Nylesecurity.ubuntu.com file fetching is failing18:11
Nyle64 bytes from secondary.danava.canonical.com, seems to ping fine18:11
Bombois it normal that i don't have /var/run/utmp? on 19.04? who and w ar not working (not showing users, no errors)18:12
NyleIt worked after trying to update 5 times!18:12
NyleWhat is happening in the Ubuntu world? Am I on crazy pills?18:12
NyleI see this in logs more now. security ubuntu fails a lot. Takes a while for it to be resolved. I've a major ISP in USA and I also use google DNS so why ...?18:15
NyleHey nice, we freed up 7gb. /dev/sda2        25G   17G  7.7G  69% /18:18
NyleThank you :)18:18
NyleSystem is updated to latest and stuff removed. I should also remove open ofice or libre office18:18
NyleAfter this operation, 331 MB disk space will be freed. That's not much.18:19
NyleHow do you guys feel about swap file or partition on SSD?18:19
NyleI currently have a 2GB /swapfile and current swap use is 4%, total 8GB of RAM18:20
tomreyn!19.04 | Bombo18:20
ubottuBombo: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html18:20
Bombotomreyn: hm.18:21
NyleYessir. I stick with LTS only.18:21
sarnoldNyle: is apt working for you yuet?18:24
sarnoldNyle: ah good18:24
sarnoldNyle: re swap, I always ran with swap but in the last ~month with -devel I've had problems :(18:25
johnfg_hi guys18:25
sarnoldNyle: I always thought the "turn off swap" crowd weren't making sense, but now I've seen it myself :(18:25
rapidwave Having trouble installing package::::php7.2-mbstring : Depends: php7.2-common (= 7.2.19-0ubuntu0.19.04.2) but 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.19.04.2 is to be installed18:25
johnfg_Just getting ready to install 19.10 on a new (to me) toughbook that has win 10 on it.18:25
NyleIF you turn off swap, and you run out of memory, that's trouble/bad18:26
NyleIt's probably wiser to keep a minimal swap space for old pages18:26
johnfg_Does 19.10 allow you to choose lvm?  As of now, the 500 gb ssd is totally given to win 10.18:26
sarnoldNyle: hey, are you using apt-cacher-ng?18:26
NyleI am not. Never heard of it.18:27
sarnoldI had nearly identical problems when using it..18:27
sarnoldI wonder if your ISP is doing some stupid invisible caching proxy?18:27
sarnoldISPs love doing stupid things like that18:27
NyleI think I should be using google DNS, not ISP, I can check18:27
sarnoldNyle: it's unrelated to the DNS you use18:28
NyleI think I'm using dnsmasq18:28
NyleOh right, it's probably my fault.18:28
NyleI'm using dnsmasq + dbab for ad filtering.18:28
sarnoldis dbab a caching http proxy?18:28
NyleDNS based ad blocking. It could be adding some resolution time or something or another. I'll test with it off18:28
NyleIt shouldn't be.18:29
tomreynit resolved properly18:29
tomreynhere's how you can test the download: cd /tmp; curl --resolve security.ubuntu.com:80: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-security/main/dep11/Components-amd64.yml.xz > Components-amd64.yml.xz; sha256sum Components-amd64.yml.xz; echo f0a091835786ecb5f56d9b88f5690c4a5808c7e9b855ed7654fd78987678077418:29
sarnoldrapidwave: are you still running 19.04? support for 19.04 ended last month18:30
Nyletomreyn: in the errors I did not paste, which happened earlir, it was unable to resolve a few times. Then after resolving it said, file/byte size wrong etc.18:30
rapidwaveI upgraded18:30
rapidwaveI thought I did18:30
sarnoldrapidwave: it's php 7.3 in 19.10 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.318:30
rapidwaveNevermind. Upgrading now18:31
sarnoldaha :)18:31
tomreynNyle: okay, but when it resolved properly, the file size was off, and the dns based ad blocker provides no explanation for this.18:31
johnfg_Is lvm available for 19.10?18:33
johnfg_i.e., to install it?18:34
mikunoshi guys how have I to downgrade the MySQL 8 to the older 5.7 on Ubuntu?18:34
sarnoldjohnfg_: sudo apt install lvm2 ?18:35
sarnoldmikunos: you could use lxd to run an older ubuntu release in a container18:36
johnfg_Would I have to do that in an install tty?18:36
johnfg_So, not the install screen, but a cli in a tty?18:37
mikunossarnold ?18:37
mikunosis there a fast solution?18:37
sarnoldjohnfg_: if you're in the installer shouldn't it just be an option?18:38
sarnoldI mean it's been years since I've seen the desktop installer, but I thought for sure lvm was easily available there18:38
sarnoldmikunos: you could look around oracle's website to see if they offer pacakges of the older mysql version packaged for your version of ubuntu. if they have them, you could purge your currently installed one, configure their repository if one exists, and then use that18:39
mikunostoday I have upgraded the ubuntu to the latest one18:39
johnfg_sarnold: Are you just installing then, when/if you do, with the alternative server installer?18:40
mikunosbut I have not thought about the mysql server18:40
mikunoshow have I to remove it?18:40
mikunosor uninstall18:40
sarnoldjohnfg_: depnds on the machine -- the laptop I booted into a live image and then used debootstrap on it, to get zfs on root a year before that was officially supported; the two server machines I've used the alternative installer and the new installer, and the rpi3b+ I used the preinstalled image..18:41
mikunosany help?!18:43
sarnoldmikunos: you have to decide what it is you want. If you want to run an ubuntu-packaged version of mysql that's older than what is running on your system now, you can either install an old ubuntu in an lxd instance or a VM18:44
sarnoldmikunos: if you want to run an oracle-packaged mysql then you can purge the ubuntu-supplied one and configure the oracle deb repository18:45
mikunossarnold I would like to purge from my pc18:46
mikunosand install the mysql 5.718:46
mikunosis it complicated?18:46
ioriamikunos, it wont be easy (or reliable)18:46
sarnoldmikunos: oracle has provided instructions here that look sane enough https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-apt-repo-quick-guide/en/18:46
ioriamikunos,  really, if you need a stable/production 5.7  ver, install bionic in virtual machine18:47
mikunosI prefer to downgrade only the software and not all the pc18:48
mikunosI have already upgraded the distro18:48
ioriamikunos,  i said ' virtual machine'18:48
ioriamikunos,  not the host18:48
mikunosI prefer to use the pc and not the VM18:48
ioriamikunos,  ok, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1199495/is-it-possible-to-install-mysql-server-5-7-on-ubuntu-19-1018:49
johnfg_sarnold: gotcha, thanks.  I had to use an alternative, a while ago, for zfs as well.18:51
mikunosioria thanks18:52
=== rgrizz is now known as RGRIZZ
sarnoldjohnfg_: were you able to find lvm through the desktop installer?18:53
savantgardeCan someone recommend a Docker image scanner? I tried trivy, but it finds lots of vulnerabilities in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and I'm not sure if it's precise19:03
leftyfbsavantgarde: try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-security or #docker19:05
sarnoldbtw it's #ubuntu-hardened not #ubuntu-security19:05
leftyfbsarnold: thank you19:07
tomreynioria: this askubuntu post guides through installing mysql from bionic repos on 19.10, suggesting to remove the repo afterwards, which means users end up with no security updates.19:07
tomreynunfortunately mikunos has since left.19:08
ioriatomreyn, http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu19:10
tomreynioria: yes, that exists (but only provides mysql 8.0 for eoan)19:11
ioriatomreyn, http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu/dists/bionic/19:11
tomreynioria: right, those are packages for bionic (18.04)19:13
ioriait's the only way19:14
rapidwaveI'm trying to upgrade to 19.10, but it complains about PPAs saying to install ppa-purge, but ppa-purge doesn't exist19:14
tomreynioria: my point was that i would not recommend installing (ubuntu) release incompatible packages even if they (seem to?) work.19:15
ioriatomreyn, i suggested a vm, but the guy was persistent in his quest19:17
sarnoldrapidwave: apt install ppa-purge  to get it19:17
oerheksrapidwave, odd, add-apt-repository -r would do the same19:17
tomreynioria: right, i know. maybe i should not have brought it up. let's end this chat, it doesn't belong here (but you're not in -discuss so i posted here)19:19
tomreynrapidwave: it does exist, though. maybe you don't have universe enabled?19:20
rapidwaveHow do I get a list of PPAs?19:28
sarnoldrapidwave: apt policy   will show you what's currently configured on your system19:29
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:30
tomreyn^ looking for a ppa?19:31
rapidwaveWhere is the directory where I can remove PPAs manually?19:37
sarnoldusing the ppa-purge tool is better because it'll try to fix up packages where it can19:37
sarnoldppas should be configured in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ or /etc/apt/sources.list19:38
rapidwaveIt's not working...I removed three, but apt is still trying to update them19:38
leftyfbsarnold: they can't get ppa-purge installed. ...19:38
leftyfbrapidwave: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:38
leftyfbrapidwave: if you're upgrading to a new release, you need to remove all PPA's and all packages installed from them19:38
leftyfbrapidwave: also check /etc/apt/sources.list for any other 3rd part repo's19:39
johnfg_sarnold: I'll get back to you, but thanks for asking.  Gotta run.19:39
sarnoldleftyfb: oh bugger :(19:39
EriC^^rapidwave: can you type 'apt-cache policy <package apt is tryng to update>" and pastebin the outout?19:47
rapidwaveFor one, it cannot find package for system7619:49
rapidwaveALso...it cannot find universe it says...19:49
tharkunIs the Letsencrypt rootCA certificate embeded in ubuntu?19:49
sarnoldtharkun: yes19:49
tharkunsarnold: Thanks19:50
tharkunsarnold: The usual suspect /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ?19:51
rapidwaveI removed some PPAs manually...do I need to clear a cache?19:52
EriC^^rapidwave: after removing the ppa's you need to run sudo apt-get update19:53
sarnoldtharkun: /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/ISRG_Root_X1.crt  -- that should get bundled into that crt with all the other configured certs19:56
tharkunsarnold: I knew I was screwing thing up. Thanks for the clarification and your time.19:57
sarnoldtharkun: hehe it took me a bit to try to find it, and I eventually just gave up and .. https://letsencrypt.org/certificates/  :) there it is20:00
tharkunsarnold: I am using msmtp and it seems that the file you mentioned is not good enough for it. I have to go now. I will highlight you later on if you are interested on the solution. Thanks again for your time.20:01
sarnoldtharkun: indeed I am curious -- normally things ought to just work20:02
sarnoldtharkun: take care :)20:02
rapidwaveI tried add-apt-repository to add universe and it worked..but, I still get this::: Err:13 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-universe Release20:06
ioriarapidwave, i suggest to check your sources.list20:09
leftyfbrapidwave: yes, disco-universe will fail. Why did you enable it?20:12
rapidwaveDoes EOL mean all but main repository is non-existent?20:12
leftyfbrapidwave: yes, and pretty soon the entire repo.20:12
leftyfbrapidwave: where are you right now with your ability to upgrade to 19.10?20:13
rapidwaveProbably a bug...when Synaptic reloads, it can give error dialog with so much text that you cannot get to the button(s) below20:13
tomreyn"disco-universe" never existed, though20:13
rapidwaveI am at 19.0420:13
ioriarapidwave, then use the old-releases.ubuntu repos20:14
oerhekssee !eolupgrade20:14
tomreyn19.04 is still on archives.ubuntu.com20:15
leftyfbioria: that won't be necessary. The repo's for disco are still live. For now.20:15
tomreyn* archive.ubuntu.com20:15
ioriareally ?20:15
leftyfbioria: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/20:15
ScriptonautI'm on ubuntu 18.04, trying to change the number of files nginx processes can open. I set fs.file-max=50000 in /etc/sysctl.conf, and put nginx soft nofile 10000, and nginx hard nofile 30000, in /etc/security/limits.conf. Ran sysctl -p, however nginx is still giving me errors about not being able to open anymore files20:15
Scriptonautcould someone help me up the limit20:15
tomreynrapidwave's sources.list just contains a syntax error,20:16
ioriaas a matter of fact, maybe not20:16
rapidwavetomeryn: Nah...that's not it20:16
tomreynrapidwave: well, "Err:13 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-universe Release" suggests so20:17
leftyfbrapidwave: remove universe from your sources.list. Remove all non-disco repo's from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* and /etc/apt/sources.list , then apt update20:18
tomreynor just remove the dash between "disco" and "universe"20:19
ioriarapidwave, also can help purge /var/lib/apt/lists and rerun apt update20:20
rapidwaveGot it! I had to disable/remove most of my PPAs20:23
rapidwaveGoogle chrome, Steam, Handbrake, VirtualBox...none of them have PPAs for eaon20:23
leftyfbrapidwave: no, you need to remove all of them20:24
rapidwaveWhere do they keep getting these names for versions anyway20:24
rapidwaveOh sheesh. It would help if I were spelling the version right20:24
ioriahandbrake has a ppa for eoan20:24
oerheksjust be patient, EOAN is not released, give ppa owners some time20:25
rapidwaveWeird. do-release-upgrade just updated cache, calculated changes...then exited20:25
rapidwaveIsn't Eoan 19.10?20:25
tomreynit is, and it's released.20:25
rapidwaveWhy is oerheks saying it isn't?20:26
oerheksOj, fossa.. my bad20:26
* oerheks is still on Bionic LTS20:26
tomreynrapidwave: if do-release-upgrade didn't offer the upgrade then you probably removed too many apt sources20:28
UndefinedIsNotAFIm looking for on cozycloud docker installation , where i can go? thanks20:28
UndefinedIsNotAFMy /list -re is broken :/20:28
tomreyn!alis | UndefinedIsNotAF20:29
ubottuUndefinedIsNotAF: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:29
UndefinedIsNotAF /msg Alis help list20:29
UndefinedIsNotAF"/msg Alis help list"20:29
tomreynnot here please20:29
oerhekscozycloud is not in our repos?20:29
UndefinedIsNotAFoerheks: ubuntu repo sux, they are outdated20:30
leftyfb!latest | UndefinedIsNotAF20:30
ubottuUndefinedIsNotAF: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:30
UndefinedIsNotAFI always use docker/snap/flatpak instead of apt when I can20:31
leftyfbUndefinedIsNotAF: try #docker20:31
sarnoldUndefinedIsNotAF: btw this is handy https://netsplit.de/channels/20:31
UndefinedIsNotAFleftyfb: thanks20:31
UndefinedIsNotAFI found it20:31
UndefinedIsNotAF#cozycloud(107): Here we talk about Cozy, personal data20:31
UndefinedIsNotAF                 │                      | and distributed web. For news and discussion, check the20:31
UndefinedIsNotAFthanks guys20:31
leftyfbUndefinedIsNotAF: ok, good luck20:31
UndefinedIsNotAFI love you guys, see ya. Ubuntu is awesome!20:32
UndefinedIsNotAFleftyfb: i know the lastest is not the best option everywhere. But a lot of time i choose the lastest stable to be able to report bug easily20:32
* UndefinedIsNotAF love <3 Ubuntu20:34
mannyplayzsCan somebody help me for ubuntu 16.04 wifi poblem? I have up right the icon for wi fi connection, i have allowed the driver use but i dont know how to set up the connection21:19
oerhekspretty easy steps , https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-connect.html.en21:21
mannyplayzsOerheks i dont have this the  2nd step21:25
mannyplayzsWhen i press on the internet icon i have onlie - "ethernet network" "disconected" - i cannot press on them and "vpn connections" "enable networking" "connection information - i cant press it" and "edit connections"21:26
mannyplayzsSorry lost connection, im back21:28
mannyplayzsOerheks did you recive?21:28
mannyplayzsCan you help me?21:31
mannyplayzsThis is what it show me21:35
EriC^^mannyplayzs: type "sudo rfkill list"21:35
EriC^^mannyplayzs: what does it say about the wireless soft and hard locks21:36
mannyplayzsI just started with linux... and dont know21:36
EriC^^mannyplayzs: open a terminal and type "sudo rfkill list | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link it gives you here21:36
mannyplayzsOk moment21:37
EriC^^mannyplayzs: do you have ethernet connection right now? you;ll need an internet connection for that command21:37
EriC^^if you dont have, then just type "sudo rfkill list" and see under Wireless what it says about softblock and hardblock and report back21:38
mannyplayzsAfter the nc terbin it says nc: getaddrinfo: temporary failurr in name resolution21:40
mannyplayzsO i see soft blocked no hard blocked yes21:42
EriC^^mannyplayzs: the wireless is hardblocked, meaning it's blocked by hardware not software, there might be a switch on your keyboard to turn it on, on my hp it used to be f9 i think21:43
guntbertmannyplayzs: 1) you should type the  complete command in one line 2) you had a typo - its   termbin   not terbin21:43
EriC^^mannyplayzs: or maybe some switch on the side of the laptop for flight mode or something21:43
mannyplayzsI have switch but its not worki g now21:43
EriC^^mannyplayzs: other than that maybe you have to enable the wireless in the BIOS21:43
EriC^^mannyplayzs: was it working on windows?21:44
mannyplayzsIt was working21:44
EriC^^i guess not BIOS related then, must be the switch21:44
EriC^^try to switch it, and then try 'sudo rfkill list' again to see if anything changed maybe21:44
EriC^^mannyplayzs: another thing you can try is maybe to turn the pc off, remove the battery, then hold the power button down for 5-10secs and then put it back and see if anything changed21:45
mannyplayzsOk, now says its not blocked21:46
EriC^^mannyplayzs: ok, try typing "iwlist scan" in a terminal21:46
mannyplayzsDoesent support scanning21:46
EriC^^mannyplayzs: what does "sudo lshw -c network" show for wireless?21:49
mannyplayzsA lot of massages21:50
EriC^^mannyplayzs: what did "iwlist scan" show, did it have anything like wlp3s0.... or so?21:50
EriC^^i see, it didnt try on the wireless to scan21:52
jeremy31mannyplayzs: Have you installed firmware-b43-installer?21:53
mannyplayzsThink not21:53
jeremy31mannyplayzs: does that computer have an internet connection?21:53
mannyplayzsNormaly on hp it have21:53
GoodTimesImmorthello room21:54
EriC^^mannyplayzs: does "ip a | grep wl" show anything like wl3ps0........21:54
jeremy31mannyplayzs: can you use USB tethering to a smart phone?21:55
mannyplayzsThink yes21:56
jeremy31mannyplayzs: get it tethered to a phone, then in terminal do>  sudo apt update && sudo apt install firmware-b43-installer21:56
rgbmtHello, I plan to buy a PC soon, it's good idea to install ubuntu 20.04 and keep it untile stable release is done? or is better to use 19? thank you!21:56
mannyplayzsOk ill try21:57
jeremy31mannyplayzs: or you can use the Software & Updates and use Driver Manager tab to install the firmware21:57
EriC^^rgbmt: if you want best stability use 18.04 or use 20.04.1 if it's released before you get the pc21:58
EriC^^rgbmt: 20.04 should be fine i guess, it really depends on your preferences and what you're looking for22:01
EriC^^mannyplayzs: try restarting the pc, maybe now that it's not softblocked it will set itself up the wireless interface and stuff22:02
jeremy31EriC^^: Not without the b43 firmware22:02
EriC^^jeremy31: right now it's using b4322:03
EriC^^https://ibb.co/hd5XZD9 next to driver=22:03
jeremy31EriC^^: the b43 modules, that doesn't mean the firmware is there, likely an error in dmesg that says some /lib/firmware/b43/ucode-5.bin is missing22:04
mannyplayzsIm updating now22:04
mannyplayzsI think im ready wih installation22:08
jeremy31mannyplayzs: reboot after the firmware installs22:08
rgbmtEriC^^: thank you! :)22:09
EriC^^rgbmt: no problem :)22:10
=== mrinfinity is now known as Delvar
mannyplayzsI reboot but the same22:11
EriC^^mannyplayzs: try to hook up the tethering to get internet to troubleshoot using | nc termbin.com 999922:11
mannyplayzsNothing change, nothing writes me back22:14
EriC^^try "ip a | nc termbin.com 9999"22:14
jeremy31mannyplayzs: what about>  dmesg | grep ucode22:17
mannyplayzsDmesg show lot of stuff, grep nothing22:20
jeremy31mannyplayzs: what about>  lsmod | grep cfg22:20
mannyplayzsI write them and nothing  than try to close the terminal ad say its process runinf22:22
mannyplayzsI opened new terminal and enter lsmod what i need to look for,22:23
jeremy31mannyplayzs: lsmod | grep cfg22:23
jeremy31mannyplayzs: that should list wifi modules loaded22:23
mannyplayzsLsmod show me lot of things, make a picture?22:24
jeremy31mannyplayzs: sure22:24
jeremy31mannyplayzs: bingo>  sudo apt remove bcmwl-kernel-source22:29
=== monkeystance_ is now known as monkeystance
mannyplayzsStill waiting to remove22:32
mannyplayzsIts ready22:33
jeremy31mannyplayzs: reboot again, it should work this time.  That package blacklist the modules you needed for wifi and ethernet so they won't load like they should22:34
mannyplayzsOo now i understand22:35
mannyplayzsAnd yes its ready22:35
mannyplayzsThank you all!!!!!!22:35
mannyplayzsJeremy31 do you know some site for newbies?22:36
jeremy31mannyplayzs: I am a forums moderator on ubuntuforums.org and forums.linuxmint.com  I also post on askubuntu.com22:37
mannyplayzsThank you verry much!22:37
jeremy31mannyplayzs: enjoy22:41
jayjoI've been having trouble with a pair of bluetooth headphones on my desktop the last couple of months. I know ubuntu is known to be a struggle with this stuff. I'm willing to really get my hands dirty. Can someone point me in the right direction to deal with this properly, if it can be dealt with? On a fresh installation, do I need to add driver for my bluetooth dongle? Can I inspect if it's working22:45
jayjoproperly? Are there tools to look at bluetooth connections at a low level?22:45
jayjoOnce I establish a bluetooth connection (have to learn more about what that even is really), how does the OS determine its an audio connection? Does it have to register as an audio device?22:46
jayjolsusb shows the device as Broadcom Corp. BCM20702A0 Bluetooth 4.022:48
CarlFKhow do I get to the grub menu on boot?  I thought it was hold down a shift key22:51
_Sym_CarlFK, try esc22:53
CarlFKjayjo: https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/stacks/bluetooth/bluez/docs/  - It has been like 5 years sense I messed with BT, but I remember that doc helping22:53
sixwheeledbeastShould be holding Shift. Also F8? been a while and I have enabled timeout=menu on my machines.22:57
=== metnel_ is now known as metnel
jeremy31jayjo: some of those broadcom bluetooth need firmware23:00
EriC^^CarlFK: sometimes Esc works23:00
CarlFKah - bios was trying to boot from the wrong drive.  derp.  never mind :p23:01
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=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus

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