
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest63459
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lordievaderGood morning07:30
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dyle71#!/bin/hi *- I've just installed Plasma 5.18.1 as published recently on my Kubuntu 19.10. I'm now search for the new kuserfeedback app new to Plasma 5.18. But I couldn't find it.09:06
dyle71Has it been removed?09:07
viktor01330Hi All. I want to set a keyboard shortcut for opening a new activity, but i don't find this specific shortcut in settings and I can't figure out the command. Anyone can tell me?11:10
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IrcsomeBotabdalah jhsys was added by: abdalah jhsys11:49
nessubisomari tu me vois ?12:03
nessubdiogene laerce tu me vois ,12:04
nessubcomment fonctionne ce truc ?12:04
nessubexiste t-il un accueil s.v.p ,12:05
viktor01330il exist un channel en francais (je assume)12:14
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:14
viktor01330nessub, t'es encore là?12:15
BluesKajHi folks12:19
viktor01330I want to set a keyboard shortcut for opening a new activity, but i don't find this specific shortcut in settings and I can't figure out the command. Anyone can tell me?12:25
BluesKaji just use the activity pager widget in the panel12:26
viktor01330BluesKaj, was trying to minimize mousing, but it's not so important12:29
BluesKajviktor01330:  there are some KB shortcuts that just aren't available12:30
viktor01330BluesKaj, I know, you can set them yourself but you need the command. I'm actually not certain "new activity" even has a command? *)12:30
BluesKajviktor01330:  I don't use KB shortcuts at all due to my reliance on the mouse over the yrs12:32
viktor01330BluesKaj, I'm beginning to find more keyboard is faster, but to all their own preference of course12:33
Guest_29Hello, so I am currently trying to get AF_XDP running (using kernel 5.3). Somehow it is not quite working yet, so the first thing I tried was to update the LLVM compiler. The llvm-package is llvm V6. I install the package `llvm-9` but unfortunately the compiler is not accessible via the `llc` command12:37
Guest_29So basically what I want is to upgrade from Ubuntu-default llvm (which is version 6) to llvm (version 9)12:38
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IrcsomeBot12078056739 was added by: 1207805673914:46
IrcsomeBot<12078056739> What's going on?14:46
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uesleiI've been experiencing some issues with Kwin today (kubuntu 18.04), can anyone help me?23:06
valorieperhaps if you say what the issues are....23:09
uesleii couldn't change windows, it was like they were static, alt+tab also didnt worked23:11
uesleionly got back to normal when i rebooted23:11
valoriesounds like it was frozen23:14
valorieglad that rebooting fixed23:14
uesleiyes, at the time i could open htop and everything was running fine but i still curious about what had caused that23:16
valorieueslei: you might want to talk to the devels in #kwin then23:20
uesleiok, thanks23:20
=== ueslei is now known as turridous

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