
lotuspsychjegood morning02:29
lordievaderGood morning07:30
nedRlotuspsychje, haha i said all i needed to say at this point.. just icewm is awesome... didn't try lxde/xfce which is whole window manager.. oh ya another correction.. last week i believe i i said benchmarks showed lxde as having high input lag and xfce as low..  i got it mixed up.. lxde is the one with low input lag... but icewm seems to be even lower15:28
nedRlxde xfce is *whole desktop environment15:28
lotuspsychjenedR: did you install preload & haveged aswell?15:28
lotuspsychjeand stacer15:29
nedRlotuspsychje, err no.. why?15:29
lotuspsychjeto boost your system even more15:29
nedRlotuspsychje, oh no yeah you did mention... i forgot.. no i will check those out definitely thanks again15:31
nedR"preload, haveged, bleachbit, stacer, tweak startup items, tweak system services," is what you said15:31
nedRso many tools to look up, hehe, its exciting.. already know bleachbit tho15:32
nedRAnother persistent problem in linux is that filled ram causes a crash at all in the first place...  i have allocated 7gb swap space but it barely uses that.. usually when systems goes below 50mb free, the whole system locks up with little to know recourse15:42
nedRseems a long-running bug... or does it just happen to me15:42
daftykinshow much RAM are we talking? never once seen someone have issues15:44
nedRdaftykins, very low - 4gb ram15:44
daftykinshmm not sure why you would do that to yourself :D15:44
nedRmaybe ppl with high ram don't notice the bug15:44
lotuspsychjenedr is a linux gamer daftykins :p15:45
daftykinsnot on 4GB you're not15:45
nedRlinux lowspec gamer... i tux on hard mode :D15:45
daftykinsthat swap is definitely turned on, right o015:45
daftykinsplease say it's not an HDD install too?15:45
nedR5400 most likely.. 10 year old laptop running core2duo intel gma15:45
daftykinswhy keep using it?15:46
nedRold pc died , between situations currently15:46
nedRall you guys are about saving the planet and greta thunenberg and all that but when some one tries to use 10 year old pc the question 100% of time is why15:47
lotuspsychje10y old pc's consume alot of energy :p15:47
oerheksi think it is good to use old hardware, i run a vista-capable desktop15:47
daftykinsyep, gotta cut out inefficiency15:47
nedRits a laptop... seems to be a regular old adapter.15:47
lotuspsychjeask an ssd for your birthday nedR15:48
nedRu know very well that most of a electronics items lifetimes co2 happens during manufacture and shipping.. stop justify buying new crap all the time!!15:48
nedRlotuspsychje, haha yeah .. but need a new computer overall anyway15:49
daftykinsyou come in here with problems on decade old equipment, i'm going to state what i believe in15:49
oerheksto save €2/month by buying new low energy hardware, no15:49
daftykinsplease don't bring up an attitude in here15:49
daftykinsit's about a hell of a lot more than that, intel abandoned the core 2 range from getting any microcode fixes for the big design issues revealed over the last couple of years15:50
nedRlol ya i was half-joking, but maybe other half not so much.. actually been using linux on off over 10 years.. linux is not exactly power-efficient15:51
oerheksif i was scares, i would jump to Ryzen15:51
nedRdoesn't linux version get the patches?15:51
daftykinsoerheks: from core 2's? that doesn't make any sense15:52
daftykinscore 2 didn't get microcode mitigations at all, nor the first 2 or 3 generations of core series15:52
nedRthis is from 2010 i think ... might be the last of them.. will google15:53
* oerheks runs Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 530 @ 2.93GHz × 415:53
daftykinsit's not important15:54
nedRbut ya over 10 years... ppl always say buy new hardware, chuck your junk... but os should be about 'do more with less ' not other way round15:54
nedRthis laptop actually works better than my previous 'better' nvidia optimus ones lol15:55
daftykinswell if you want to try and begin a one-man fight against all developers to try and undo their ways of making new things chunkier, go for it - but i don't think you have a chance :)15:55
daftykinshybrid graphics ones were always a pain to deal with under Linux yeah, not a lot of surprise it's easier to manage15:56
nedRgnome does quite well actually on this hw all things considered... not complaining on that front...15:57
daftykinsi think people have wildly different perceptions of what running well is, i bet a single youtube browser tab brings that thing to its' knees :)15:58
daftykinsanyway i suppose i should feel lucky that you're not trying to fight for 32-bit in here15:58
nedRwell since i game on linux, i did fight for that before lol.. when ubuntu tried to ditch 32-bit support16:00
daftykinsslightly different16:01
nedRdaftykins, not really.. u would be surprised.. its not that bad.. i do have to close and open firefox/chrome if the ram dangerously approaches full.. hell vlc allows me to play x265 videos without issue even :D (seeking may take some time though)16:01
nedRSo does noone have the ram/swap bug? or do you not face it because your ram never gets full?16:02
daftykinsno there's no way a core 2 is playing HEVC content fine16:02
nedRi guess my eyes must be lying to me then... :DD16:02
daftykinsi really think something is wrong with your swap setup, it should take the pressure off that surely16:02
daftykinsunless it's a super low resolution HEVC file :P16:03
nedRi had this issue on my previous laptop too... so i dont think its just me.. u r saying that ur system uses swap fine? mine barely uses 10-20% at  the most... right now i am at 85% ram used, 2% swap used for example16:03
nedRdaftykins, 720p mostly, i think i have had 1080p high quality files too but bit longer to load i think.. vlc really is amazing... initilaly even my previous newer laptop had issues with it...16:05
lotuspsychjetry smplayer its even lighter use16:05
daftykinson a c2d you'd be stuck at software decode only for HEVC so that'd be pretty taxing16:05
nedRwill check it out thanks... ofc hw acceleration for x265 is key..16:06
daftykinsmaybe some processes aren't the kind that can be shifted into swap, or maybe the vm.swappiness variable should be checked16:06
nedRi dunno how vlc does it.. i think it buffers longer to make up for slow cpu.. cuz seeking is slow depending on file ... couple of seconds16:06
daftykinsprobably just slower to sync from the previous keyframe16:07
nedRwhat is ur average swap usage? does it go above 1gb swap used say?16:07
daftykinsi'm not on a Linux desktop today16:08
nedRah ok.. searching online ppl do complain of this problem.. but i dont know if its for everybody (which i suspect) or just few users..16:08
daftykinssee the reference to vm.swappiness as i mentioned above16:11
nedRmy swapiness is default 6016:11
oerhekswithout HW specs, that post is pretty .. useless16:11
daftykinsoerheks: my thoughts too16:11
oerheksond the golden rule of thumb: if you cannot recreate the issue with a fresh install..16:11
nedRi had this issue on previous laptop too.. and i always setup swap when installing ubuntu...16:12
nedRit was fresh install16:12
nedRshall i try swapiness of 10.. ? recommending by ubuntu wiki?16:13
lotuspsychjenedR: dont tweak swappiness on a spinner and 4gb ram16:13
oerheksthere are no white-spot issues anymore to do that.16:14
nedRlotuspsychje, ok.. ya it seems not the issue.. i dunno i used windows before on previous craptop.. but windows never seems to get itself to point of 100% non-responsiveness due to full memory16:15
lotuspsychjenedR: can you pastebin an inxi -F of your system?16:15
nedRok will do...16:16
nedRlotuspsychje, https://pastebin.com/vWqGE1ga .. removed some info if u dont mind : https://pastebin.com/vWqGE1ga16:23
lotuspsychjeintel mobile graphics oof..16:27
nedRimagine gaming on that :D16:27
nedRhttps://askubuntu.com/a/1045919 I think this might the problem and solution... the way it happens to me.. linux seems to wait until way too late to swap out stuff then gets stuck in endless loop of swapping in and out of RAM/HDD ... sometimes waiting 10-20 minutes allows enough responsiveness to manually kill some process..16:29
lotuspsychje!swap | nedR16:29
ubot5nedR: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:29
nedRi am aware of what swap is.. but way i experience it... once ram goes below 50mb there is very little chance of system recovering... and by then 90%+ of swap is completely one used.. just my feeling on matter.. i will try out the fix16:30
nedRswap is completely *unused16:31
nedRi can play cs 1.6, terraria (now), stardew valley, gta 3 , games like that on linux16:32
lotuspsychjegta3 on intel mobile graphics?16:33
daftykinssure, it came out on the PS2 originally16:33
nedRyep.. gta 3 is like the first 3d gta16:33
nedRgta games of that era are very optimized for low-end systems, vice city, san andreas..16:34
daftykinsnot a term i would use xD16:34
nedRwhich term?16:34
daftykinsoptimisation on PC ports :D16:36
nedRhaha.. i dunno.. either way, those games always used to run decently on underpowered systems16:36
daftykinsspeedruns of those are pretty amusing if you've not checked them out16:38
nedRYou know its not just me and my craptop though... gamers are always looking for that extra edge... if linux can provide extra fps to them.. then gamers will seriously consider linux.. rocket league gamers break their back to get extra fps (and lower latency) on their top-end systems16:42
nedRmajority of  DEs though seem to be not as good as windows on average though for input lag/fps from the benchmarks i have seen , anyway16:43
nedRgnome , lxde seems to do well16:44
pragmaticenigmanedR: that statement completely ignores the archetectual differences between platforms16:44
nedRpragmaticenigma, true.. but my statement is  based on a rough survey of different benchmarks from different ppl running different platforms16:44
nedRthere is definitely huge variability in results, but some overall patterns/trends can be noticed16:46
pragmaticenigmaI think you're also forgetting ... PCs where designed to be productive, not entertainment. Linux comes from a long line of distros that have had the focus on productivity and serving. Entertainment is secondary and an after thought. Therefor, with a GUI, the purpose was driven more towards an office worker, not a gamer.16:49
pragmaticenigmaNewer GUIs are attempting to make bridges to increase productivity by allowing actions that normally would require launching an entire program, to be contained in something smaller16:50
pragmaticenigmamost of what you have said so far is completely anecdotal. Also, the games your looking at were written to work with a Windows based PC... you're going to take a performance hit running it in Linux, because there are compatibility layers written to get it to execute. With that, there will always be reduced performance just from the way the game is being run. Not even considering the desktop gui being used.16:52
pragmaticenigmanedR: There is a reason that Steam choose Debian 8 over Ubuntu for their Steam OS platform... I'd start your researching there16:53
nedRpragmaticenigma, well ya obviously windows games are expected to run better on windows... i was comparing linux native to windows native..16:56
nedRhttps://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/cii545/linux_input_lag_analysis_v26des_windows_10_1809/ https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel-8400-desktops&num=5  https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/c0ly6b/linux_input_lag_analysis7des_tested_windows/ These are some examples i was talking about16:56
nedRThis one is more mixed, KDE vs gnome seem indistinguishable : https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=bionic-kde-gnome&num=416:58
nedRThis one completely flips it tho : https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=gaming-desktop-eoy2018&num=2 .. seems wayland has gotten very good recently.. and differences between DEs is almost indistinguishable16:58
nedRYeah, my point was with steam/proton linux has a really chance to attract desktop users, since linux is so configurable... we just need linux devs to give more attention.. and new benchmarks seem to indicate that they are16:59
pragmaticenigmaAll of these are generalizations16:59
nedRwell yeah, surveys and benchmarks and overall opinions are generalizations.. individual results will be different17:01
nedROn this "Newer GUIs are attempting to make bridges to increase productivity by allowing actions that normally would require launching an entire program, to be contained in something smaller" ... don't want to get into this but, i felt i could do more with older DEs gnome 2 , unity than i do today but thats my 2 cents :)17:02
nedRdon't want to start a war there :D17:03
pragmaticenigmaI don't like the paradigm of DEs today. I hate when the DE tries to employ a feature that I used a program in the past for17:04
nedRpragmaticenigma, preach bro17:04
nedRi have felt that way with ubuntu over 10 years...  everytime i update my distro i feel a need to change my workflow :/ it can be pretty stressful...17:06
Ussatwhats a DE :) all of my nix systems are servers with cli only17:06
pragmaticenigmaI plan on giving GnomeShell a shot here... but I'm tempted to just keep moving more toward LXDE17:07
nedRlotuspsychje, but its a huge mental load.. relearning shortcuts , commands.. and if the changes were one direction for the better i could understand.. but it feels very schizophrenic overall17:07
nedRubuntu will swap from rhythmbox to clementine.. then back again..17:08
lotuspsychjenothing a purge cant fix17:08
nedRyou mean purge like install or purge like the movie... if the latter , i agree :D17:08
pragmaticenigmanedR: That's just the default set of apps being installed... nothing prevents you from installing the application of your choice and removing what you don't want17:09
lotuspsychjeyou can tweak any Os the way you like17:09
daftykinsif you can't adapt to change in your OS, i have bad news for you xD17:10
pragmaticenigmaand if having all that installed by default is a problem... it's why I intall via mini.iso... get the base Ubuntu going first... then install the DE, and programs I desire17:10
Ussatso much that17:10
nedRpragmaticenigma, yeah in that case i was like "rhythmbox - weird- okay i will try it out" , "oh clementine fine i will give it a shot, maybe its better" "Rhythmbox again... sonofabi..."17:11
nedRi just use vlc now17:11
oerheks"ubuntu looks bloated"  .. i laugh when i read that17:11
nedRwhich file managers do you guys use...17:12
lotuspsychjegood ol nautilus17:13
oerheksnautilus and some plugins17:13
nedRnautilus - recursive search on type ; thunar no recursive search (and the extension is annoying)... is there anything with sane defaults that does both like nautilus used to in gnome217:13
nedRoh is there something that brings back the old search behaviour of gnome2 nautilus?17:14
oerheks'sane defaults'...?17:14
oerheksyou make things up, what is wrong with nautilus in gnome3?17:14
nedRfor me that would be nautilus on gnome 217:14
lotuspsychjesome progress over the years17:18
lotuspsychjeearliest was on an amd 3200+ with 4gb ram and ati x80017:23
nedRi properly started out on ubuntu 10.04 (or was it 11.04?) the last one with gnome2.. everything felt just perfect on that, battery life better than windows, ui better than windows, just better .. then unity came and for some reason and some major kernel regression coupled with optimus woes that caused my laptop to overheat and die (i had one of those faulty nvidia gpus that would die on overheating, yay)..  unity was laggy and broke lot of stuff but17:31
nedRover time i l really liked the ui innovations and by the time i learnt to love unity,   then ubuntu went ahead and killed that too :(17:31
ducassenedR: unity is still available in the repos, although it's in a sort of maintenance mode17:33
nedRducasse, ya, i know, it seems more trouble than its worth at this point to get it up and running.. especially on my current laptop...17:34
pragmaticenigmaunity was okay... I didn't understand it's purpose, and even less now that it's on the community to support it17:36
nedRpragmaticenigma, i liked the menu bar thing a lot... the way it saved vertical space.. and typing to search menu commands too..17:37
pragmaticenigmaunless I'm mistaken... Gnome-Shell has the same features17:37
nedRvia extensions u mean? i dunno i had some issues with that when i looked into it before.. does anyone use them now?17:38
pragmaticenigmaI guess I don't know what you define as "menu bar"17:39
nedRi mean the title bar, menu bar, and the top unity bar were all combined into 117:39
nedRand you could search commands by typing alt17:39
nedRmenu commands17:40
nedRlotuspsychje, is that what the top bar is called? yeah17:40
lotuspsychjeunity had the choice to see menu items in window or the panel, is that what you mean?17:41
pragmaticenigmanedR: the merging of the application menu into the top bar of the DE was a gnome-shell feature first. It was later dropped because app developers didn't appreciate their menu's being stripped out of the applications where people where accustomed to finding them17:41
lotuspsychjeor you mean gnome2 style panel with items on?17:42
pragmaticenigmathe same argument the developers are using in asking DEs to stop skinning their icons17:42
pragmaticenigmalotuspsychje: He's talking about the top bar, where the time and notifications are displayed.17:42
pragmaticenigmaWhen you launched some applications, the "File, Edit, etc" menu drawers were relocated into to the DEs top bar17:43
nedRyes.. everything on 1 bar instead of 4... really appreciated that feature ,  especially on firefox17:45
nedRand also the alt + type menu command... you could do a lot with gui applications without taking hand off keyboard17:46
nedRi will try again to get those gnome extensions if they're there now17:47
nedRUnite gnome extension seems to do this...17:49
nedRnot as well as unity tho... sigh17:51
nedRok i gonna keep searching.. thanks for putting up with my talk/rant17:52
oerheksno no i love a good argument17:54
lotuspsychje1 or 100017:55
UssatWell.......lets see, politics/religion/chocolate & penut butter or penut butter and chocolate17:55
Ussatcoke or pepsi17:55
lotuspsychjeforbidden Ussat only ubuntu here :p17:55
Ussatapt or apt-get :)17:56
oerheksa snap that transforms appimage/flatpak17:56
sarnoldpeanut butter and chocolate, good idea18:45
TJ-Can anyone recommend a known-good dual-band 802.11a(c) mini PCI-e that uses fully open drivers (presumably Atheros or Intel) for upgrading an old (2007) laptop? Chipset model code is what I'm after20:24
leftyfbAtheros aren't open source20:26
oerheksi would standard say intel, https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005511/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking.html20:26
oerheksgood list, with supported kernels20:26
TJ-I've had a lot of issues with bugs in the iwlwifi drivers over the last 2 years or so with various different Intel chipsets so considering an alternative20:29
TJ-leftyfb: The ath9k driver is fully open-source and doesn't require a firmware blob , e.g. AR5BXB112 (AR9380)20:32
leftyfbTJ-: ah, not the ath10k20:33
TJ-leftyfb: right; we've got a bunch of 2007 Asus laptops I just want to add 802.11a (5GHz) access to (currently 2.4GHz only)20:34
TJ-I'm hoping to order a sample tonight so it arrives tomorrow and if it works we can buy a bunch of them20:34
oerheksoh, one without firmware..20:36
TJ-I'm trying to confirm the ath9k driver is the one required for the AR5BXB112 chipset so I don't trip up :)20:36
TJ-oerheks: "without firmware" isn't essential but would be nice to have since my experience with Intel's that require FW is that's often where some of the weird bugs are manifesting20:36
TJ-We're going to operate these laptops for Community/Maker Space guests and I'm setting a 5GHz only rule to avoid typical 2.4GHz band congestion20:38
TJ-So our APs will only use 802.11a band20:38
daftykins2007 :(20:39
TJ-daftykins: with SSDs they fly20:39
TJ-perfectly usable20:39
daftykinslaughable :)20:39
TJ-If software is so bloated it cannot function satisfactorily on these, it simply doesn't get installed/used/site-visited or whatever.20:41
TJ-I'm not here to pander to dev's who don't know how to tie their own shoe-laces20:41
TJ-I took my apprentice on a visit to the Science Museum, and National Museum of Computing this week, and he was blown away by the still-working pre-digital and first digital-based computers running on analogue, or basic valve tech, filling large parts of a room. Made him realise what is possible with good engineering. Then his father sent him a message asking "...but can it run Facebook?" :D20:43
daftykinsi've pointed out youtube before as an example you forget, but you disregard it because you don't use it personally20:46
TJ-daftykins: I ban it20:46
TJ-signal to noise ratio is too low20:46
daftykinsmaybe in a work context, yeah20:47
TJ-In all20:47
sarnoldbut so many good conerts20:48
sarnoldconcerts, too20:48
TJ-sarnold: so much time wasted20:48
TJ-what a video takes 500MB to convey, can be done in text + photos in 5MB or less, and is easier to digest and disect20:49
daftykinssarnold: there we go, you're only allowed to download the sheet music at TJ-'s place ;)20:49
daftykinswhy not -ac over -a too?20:49
TJ-ac isn't essential ... main requirement is using the 802.11a band... also MIMO considerations and the number of antennas20:50
sarnoldheh, my favourite concerts are apparently in the 1.1 to 1.3 gb range :)20:51
TJ-sarnold: concerts are for attending, not videos :)20:52
sarnoldTJ-: that is better, yes :)20:52
TJ-as in "shared experience" not passive consumption20:53
TJ-One of our innovation/maker-space activities is to simulate the 1990s Internet connections (56/64K modems) to educate our folks on how not to waste bandwidth and to focus on a decent signal to noise ratio in content design and transmission20:55
sarnold"why is my reaction gif taking twenty seconds to load?"20:56
sarnold"you could use this time to tell osomeone why you dislike their idea"20:57
TJ-The flip-side is, optimising for this means in current applications your application/service/site will absolutely FLY compared to most others, and users notice the seemingly incredible reaction speed and lack of spinners and delays in reacting20:59
TJ-The problem being, shallow knowledge in many devs mean they shovel abstractions and frameworks and 3rd part libraries into their applications without any consideration for performance... often because the dev's get to use the latest fastest powerful systems and don't consider what a fair number of their target market might be using.21:01
sarnoldthat reminds me of navigating around projects hosted on https://sourcehut.org/21:06
sarnoldit's *so* responsive it's incredible21:06
oerheksuh oh https://thehill.com/policy/technology/483750-trump-administration-backs-oracle-in-supreme-court-battle-against-google23:26
daftykinsoh dear :(23:27
oerhekscould well be a push that helps Oracle loose :-D23:28
jeremy31Like an overdose of exlax?23:28
oerheksi think both are right, google should have created their own api structure and names. oracle should not prevent such api.23:29
jeremy31I don't think shrinking the Windows install from Windows is needed anymore.  The Ubuntu installer should handle it fine23:40
oerheksi would avoid alignment and antivirus issues by doing so.23:45
oerheksi hope he moves it to the end :-D23:45

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