[03:11] Hi all. freenode is currently experiencing network-wide spambot activity. If you spot it in any of our channels and need assistance with it, feel free to yell in here. [03:12] I've discussed with staff, their best suggestion at this time as far as channel modes is blocking unidentified users, which would be +q $~a (to mute them) or +r (to block them). #ubuntu-meeting and #canonical-sysadmin are currently getting spambot visits and are both +q $~a, I'm not aware of any other Ubuntu-adjacent channels. [03:12] [My usual note on #ubuntu being +r blocking nonsense like this applies ;)] [03:26] (apparently there's PM spam too, so that's fun) [03:44] good morning to all [03:46] one of the volunteers made a stats collect of #ubuntu of last years with the difference -R and +R if you would just take a look at it please and think how we could bring #ubuntu back to life again? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nWHDts6YTy/ [03:48] 1. does "lines" there mean messages or all lines (including joins/parts)? [03:48] 2. considering that freenode got its worst spamwave of the year literally just today (and it's ongoing), this is mildly amusing timing [03:49] we understand its not easy with the trolling, the botnet spamers and the registered nonsense dax.. [03:49] (or was ongoing 20 minutes ago, looks like they wandered off for a bit) [03:49] dax: the lines collected are only spoken lines, no joins & parts [03:49] thanks [03:49] thank you ; ) [03:50] If anyone wants to discuss it go for it, I'll stay out of it 'cause my thoughts are well known. [03:52] i saw what unregged had in it, so my thoughts have also been made known [04:16] sorry, it's late for me... was trying to use pastebin but it mistakenly sent to channel, please unquiet... [04:16] bn_work: it automatically unquieted, you should be okay to talk now [04:20] thanks [12:00] In #ubuntu, littlebit said: ubottu: really? amd vega graphics is exceptional?.=