[01:09] why does unattended-upgrades freeze up sudo apt dist-upgrade with lock files? [01:10] apparently unattended doesn't finish what it is doing, or something [01:10] how long does it take? [01:10] normally it's just a few seconds [01:10] a really long time. I just kill -9 it and run the next command [01:10] but I may be missing vital stuff by doing that [01:11] I'm guessing it'll cause your updated packages to be left in an unknown state [01:11] sometimes without consequence [01:11] and who knows when i'tll be bad [01:14] .. or takes some time more, building a kernelmodule.. [01:16] maybe a nice piece for OMGUBUNTU; in updates there is a setting 'download and install automatically' ... change that to download only [01:16] so you need to decide when you run updates [01:16] pls no we want folks to get the updates installed :) [01:17] well, with this warning [01:17] sarnold, yeah, you are right [01:18] don't get me wrong I've been annoyed by turning on a machine to check something and finding that I can't do the thing I wanted because unattended-upgrades was chonking away.. but it's usually just ten seconds or so for me [01:19] 2nd option : display immediatly comes in handy [01:19] you mean, some way to show that another instance is already running, and show output? I'd *love* that :) [01:20] yes, it is there [01:21] and 'when there are other updates' also display immediatly [01:21] sounds like doable together [01:37] Hello [01:37] killall does not kill my app [01:37] is there any other more effective way? [01:37] vscode got stuck trying to save a file on an ftp share. Now I can't terminate it [01:39] gnome-system-monitor (?) does not work as well [01:40] hm... unmounting ftp solved it [01:41] I think this is a bug [01:41] might be an xubuntu bug [01:44] vscode.. might be their snap/deb .. or the file just took a long time. [01:50] I am using Ubuntu with GNOME. But I heard that GNOME needs lot of resources. So I want to try out other environments. Is it possible to install another one and decide at reboot which one to use? [01:53] Ublx: yup it is! and you don't even need to reboot to do so, just log out and back in [01:55] Oh cool, EdFletcher. So, I can just install one and try out if I like it? [01:56] I want to improve the usage of resources. [01:56] Ublx: +! ^ but be aware there may exist DE conflicts and duplications - and reverting is a real chore. Maybe consider looking at the flavors from liveUSBs ? [01:57] Okay, so to try out on another test system would be better, Bashing-om ? [01:59] Ublx: Better is a per user use case :) YMMV installing additional desktops is doable, but there could be repercussions. [01:59] Thanks you both!! [01:59] note that a live instance may not be the best indicator of resource use [02:00] but it'll let you know in a hurry which ones you can't stand and which ones are worth a real try [02:00] ok, understand [02:04] !flavors [02:04] Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [03:02] how do I run .desktop files? [03:03] donofrio: double click on them [03:03] opens up in editor ;( [03:04] most desktop environments have an explorer.exe clone that lets you click or double-click on things to launch them [03:09] this is daily ubuntu [03:10] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8YP5df8Fqb/ [03:12] file .desktop: a /usr/bin/env xdg-open script executable (binary data) === Dominionionion__ is now known as Dominionionion [04:02] donofrio: seems like it's a binary [04:03] donofrio: if you're absolutely certain it's trustworthy, you could try doing chmod +x /path/to/file.desktop and just type "/path/to/file.desktop" to run it [04:04] or "./file.desktop" if you're in the dir it's in [04:09] hi, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, changed /etc/network/interfaces to a different IP + gateway and updated /etc/resolv.conf but when I `systemctl restart networking` I still see the old IP on eth0, why? [04:10] note, this isn't multihomed, single NIC [04:11] bn_work: what does your interfaces file look like exactly? [04:14] # lots of other comments [04:14] # this dir is empty vvvv [04:14] source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* [04:14] # The loopback network interface [04:14] auto lo [04:14] iface lo inet loopback [04:17] !paste | bn_work [04:17] bn_work: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [04:18] tds: sorry, hit wrong button and it got sent to channel VS pastebin, redacted but you get the idea: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/vYKh32CZ/ [04:19] it's late for me here [04:19] hmm, with auto in there, systemctl restart networking should do the right thing [04:19] tds: like currently it has 2 IPs on eth0 [04:19] if you've got access to a console, you could try manually taking the interface down and back up, ie `ifdown --verbose eth0; ifup --verbose eth0` [04:20] yeah, did that earlier w/o verbose, no effect, can try re-running it with it though [04:20] oh right - the easy solution there is probably to just manually drop one of the IPs [04:20] ideally, you want to ifdown on the old config so it reverts things properly, then swap to the new config and ifup [04:20] tds: how? [04:20] oh [04:20] `ip address del dev eth0` should do [04:21] bn_work: is that a pastebin typo or? it says "satic", i think it should be "static"? [04:21] if you regularly make networking changes like that, you might want to look at ifupdown2, it can properly diff the running state and config and apply changes live :) [04:22] EriC^^: weird, I copied it from the channel paste (which got blocked) [04:23] EriC^^, ** (nautilus-autorun-software:9362): WARNING **: 20:22:10.143: Unable to find device for URI: Containing mount for file /home/donofrio/Downloads/file.desktop [04:23] ;( [04:23] I think that's just an issue when I was trying to mass line cleanup other stuff that copied from the channel paste [04:35] tds: sorry, one other question, how to flush dns resolver on Ubuntu? [04:35] cache [04:35] that depends on your exact version [04:35] > 16.04 LTS [04:36] what's in /etc/resolv.conf? [04:36] but there's a decent change `systemd-resolve --flush-caches` will do [04:36] tds: `systemd-resolve: unrecognized option '--flush-caches'` [04:37] i'd first check resolv.conf - see if you're using resolved in the first place [04:39] tds: it's just basically `domain foo / search foo / nameserver bar / [bunch more NS-es] / options rotate` [04:40] if those nameserver lines refer to external resolvers, you likely don't have a cache [04:40] you might want to check the hosts line of /etc/nsswitch.conf to make sure queries aren't being forced to resolved over dbus - but I don't think that's a vaguely standard config on 16.04 [04:43] tds: hmm, thanks, I wonder if I'm mistakenly concluding DNS resolution cache is at fault, I'm assuming it was that because Cassandra kept picking up an old FQDN when it started up [04:55] tds: ok, that was the clue, C* hardcodes the IP it's conf file [04:55] one machine down, 9 more to go 😂 [04:56] tds: this other machine's conf files look different and resolv.conf mentions "resolver(6)" [04:57] interfaces are all set to DHCP and don't mention any staic IPs [04:57] static === someperson is now known as Some_Person [05:28] whois LutherianX [05:28] clear [05:28] list [05:32] what is global.keybindings? https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/master/doc/user-docs/UsingJsonSettings.md#adding-copy-and-paste-keybindings [05:34] nm [06:11] How to extract a .tar file? I can't find it. It's tar x? [06:13] tar -xf filenamehere.tar [06:14] ok [06:14] I am going through man page, want to extract to output directory, without using any gui programs you know [06:14] search the man page for string 'output' and no luck [06:15] neither can I find 'dest' [06:15] Maybe you can save me time, how can i extract that to a certain output/destination directory? [06:16] tar -C /destinationhere -xf filenamehere.tar [06:16] online says it's -C [06:17] Ubuntu 18.04, running lightdm as my login manager. I'm trying to change the monitor where my login prompt is, and I honestly have no idea how. Keep reading online to look for a "lightdm.conf" file but all I could find was /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d directory, not sure what to do [06:17] Tyvm [06:17] I know the monitor that I want to change the login screen to: DP-4 [06:20] guys, I'm wholly confused about my prompt colors, all I want to do is make the CWD path's blue color to be lighter, would someone mind helping? echo $PS1 --> \[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ [06:20] The only way I've found out how to do it is to run a greeter-setup-script with an xrandr command, but I don't know where to put it. I keep seeing things like /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/40-pantheon-greeter.conf and /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf but I'm not on pantheon or unity, I'm on gnome 3 (Ubuntu 18.04) [06:21] maybe there's a site that can convert it from me where I select colors from a gui? [06:22] Do I just create the lightdm.conf file myself in /etc/lightdm/ ?? [06:23] because there's currently no lightdm.conf file there.. [06:26] actually, I see that 01;32m is apparently light blue, but it's still too dark for me to read in the terminal… any way to make it lighter? [06:30] nm [06:49] lol this isn't a 16 million color palette you're working with here [06:51] hey, has anyone else noticed this? I have a number of machines and recently all of them started displaying the grub2 boot menu for about 10 seconds upon boot. They didn't do that before. [06:51] (all running ubuntu) [06:52] malestorm: wich versions of ubuntu? [06:53] I'm not sure about the other two, but the current laptop has 19.10 [06:54] malestorm: did you check your /etc/default/grub yet to see how it changed? [06:55] It doesn't seem to be modified [06:55] malestorm: can you pastebin it please? [06:57] https://pastebin.com/p5ucRiWe [06:58] the changes were done by me during OS installation, but the file appears unmodified since === The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman [06:59] malestorm: hmm not sure, style says hidden and timeout 0 indeed [07:00] malestorm: this is persistent every boot? [07:01] yep, seems to be [07:02] Could it be because I use dual-boot? [07:02] malestorm: tryed a sudo update-grub yet? [07:02] malestorm: yes, that could be related [07:02] malestorm: how do you normally set your boot option? [07:02] I use the UEFI boot menu to select what OS to boot [07:03] maybe grub got updated sometime to override the countdown when there are multiple OS's present [07:03] malestorm: perhaps check your dpkg logs too, to see what could have triggered this in your updates [07:04] brb [07:04] I bet I could revert this behavior to previous state with a proper configuration change [07:05] I'll do some reading the grub docs [07:06] hmm [07:06] GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true [07:22] how can I make all blue colors shown in ubuntu server into a lighter blue? [07:23] I just can't see it, whether at the prompt or in vim or anywhere else [07:28] raj: some terminal emulators allow you to adjust the colours in their preferences [07:32] guess not the one I'm using, unfortunately [07:32] WSL [07:33] aha, so you're accessing the shell through cmd.exe's terminal? [08:29] malestorm: did you find whats going on yet? [08:35] lotuspsychje: It's probably this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/879881/how-can-i-get-my-grub-menu-to-be-hidden-and-have-the-shift-or-esc-keys-show-the [08:36] malestorm: but your grub file wasnt uncomented # right? [08:39] the /etc/default/grub doesn't seem to be the problem, it's the /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober [08:39] ah [08:40] malestorm: did you find grub updates or uefi things in your dpkg logs? [08:40] male cause you said, you had this on several machines? [08:41] some package was probably updated causing grub to update its config and introduce the delay in the menu [08:42] yeah, it happened on several machines, but then again all those machines are dual-boot [08:43] malestorm: yes, but if it happens on several, that could prove its update related and worth a bug [08:44] malestorm: can i see your dpkg log plz? [08:45] /var/log/dpkg.log? [08:45] malestorm: yes [08:46] check the most recent dates === pinpox- is now known as pinpox [08:49] https://tmpfiles.org/download/40057/dpkg.zip [08:52] Hi guys, I have to downgrade my mysql 8.0 to the 5.7 and I have followed these steps https://www.pastiebin.com/5e4e484ef0c8d [08:52] I'm not sure, if this is a bug or intended behavior, but there seems to be an old bug report here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1273764 [08:52] Launchpad bug 1273764 in grub2 (Ubuntu Vivid) "Grub ignores TIMEOUT options on /etc/default/grub" [Medium,Triaged] [08:53] malestorm: im looking between the recent grub2 bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=0 [08:53] now if I check the version is the mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.29, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper [08:53] but the MySql Server doesn't start [08:53] I have included the error in the pastie link [08:53] https://www.pastiebin.com/5e4e484ef0c8d [08:54] , [08:54] Hello all! [08:54] any idea? [08:56] malestorm: im at 20 january and didnt find grub updates yet in your logs [08:57] hi, I am trying to find find what regression 4279-1 caused and 4279-2 fixed === narindergupta is now known as narinderguptamac [09:04] malestorm: this looks interesting: bug #1827532 [09:04] bug 1827532 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "GRUB boot menu displays after running system-update.target" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1827532 [09:04] malestorm: and your dpkg logs show also fwupd and systemd updates recently [09:05] !usn | bd [09:05] bd: Please see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates. [09:06] I wonder... [09:06] malestorm: this started to happen today? [09:07] malestorm: 2020-02-20 08:18:59 upgrade fwupd-signed:amd64 [09:08] no, the 10 second timeout started happening a while ago, don't know what date exactly [09:10] malestorm: ok, more mystery then [09:20] I think I found out the culprit [09:20] edited my /boot/grub/grub.cfg file directly [09:23] yep, I commented the line "set timeout=10" in the config section between lines ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ### and ### END /etc/grub.d/30_OS-prober ### [09:23] now system boots directly without showing the grub menu [09:24] apparently this started happening after the second OS was installed on my PC's after linux [09:24] so the dates on individual machines may vary [09:27] thing is next time grub gets an update it will likely overwrite the config file [09:28] sudo chmod a-x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober [09:44] somebody highlighted me? === JerryXia1 is now known as JerryXiao [09:52] any idea why I'm getting `gpg: can't open '–': No such file or directory` when I run `curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add –` as per Step 3 here: https://geekflare.com/docker-installation-guide/ [09:53] raj: – is a unicode character, you want ascii - instead [09:54] lol, great, I'm in a ubuntu server terminal that uses UTF-8 [09:55] any way around this without reconfiguring the terminal? [09:55] just type the - instead of copy/pasting it from that guide [09:56] great, now you've embarrassed me in front of everyone, but on the bright side that worked perfectly, thank you =) [09:59] heh, reminds me of the headaches I've had while copying some shell scripts from a browser into a text editor and pulling my hair out while trying to get them to work after failing to realize some characters were UTF-8 replacements for ASCII [10:00] remind me of that admin who was too good to run unit test, and typed a nbsp in a dns zone file. [10:01] ugh, that sounds nasty [10:06] lotuspsychje: thanks, but that was what I already read and I can not find any information what the regression was [10:14] lotuspsychje: looking at the package source: git diff applied/7.0.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.11..applied/7.0.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.12 I can see removing CVE-2015-9253.patch. [10:15] bd: for security related issues you can also try #ubuntu-hardened === Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray [10:26] Hey. I'm having a bit of an issue here with getting a tap device to work. I've loaded the tap module, but I still don't get any tap device in /dev :/ (18.04 HWE). Is there anything else I need to do after loading the module? [11:14] hey guys. got unlogged (??) in the middle of a do-release-upgrade. this wasn't done trough ssh so the process have not been screened. any way to get it back in my term? [11:15] i can still see that in the ps "/usr/bin/python3 /tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-irp8cdqf/eoan --mode=server --frontend=DistUpgradeViewText" [11:17] Hello... I've changed my ip address editing the /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml file, and now I have both the old and the new IP on the same interface. I don't have any dhcp server and I've rebooted already. Any suggestion? [11:35] my bad for wanting to use this joke of OS inproduction [11:39] vlanx: this is not the complaints channel [11:39] lotuspsychje: alrightie [11:40] Hi all, what can I check to figure out which sleep mode (S0, S1, S2 or S3) my laptop (XPS 9360) just woke up from? [11:41] hello [11:49] hi people i have installed ubuntu on my askrock a300. all went well but I get a black screen after logging in [11:51] Hi All. Just wondering if someone an answer some questions about modifying, building and installing a kernel 'The Ubuntu Way' [11:54] hello all, so my system is randomly hard shutting down. ive looked at /var/log/syslog, and kern.log and i dont see anything obvious thats wrong. i thought it might be hardware so i had my providers replace the entire machine execpt hdds and the new system is still doing the same thing. operates for a few hours, sometimes even as much as 10+hours but then will just randomly shut off/crash [11:55] could it be the one or more the HDDs? or is it more likely to now be something software related? before this all started, I did run an apt update , which included kernal updates but i never restarted to apply the kernel updates (and a few days later it crashed which then applied those updates) [11:56] i dont know of any of that has any relevance but figured its worth noting as thats the only thing that changed leading upto the crashing [11:58] littlebit: did you try booting with nomodeset in grub? [11:59] !nomodeset | littlebit [11:59] littlebit: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there. [12:00] ubottu: really? amd vega graphics is exceptional?.= [12:00] littlebit i havent tried to do that. would this still be a potential cause if the system has been running with this same configuration for years without issues? [12:01] Battle: it is a fresh install and i bought the system yesterdayt [12:02] littlebit: you might need to install the drivers or something? [12:02] littlebit: in any case, black screen -> nomodeset is an easy test [12:03] littlebit oh it looks like its already booting with nomodeset as my line shows: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset consoleblank=0 net.ifnames=0 mem=8192" [12:03] oh i thought you were asking me to test it on my system to fix my problem lol [12:12] Battle: no, i reach to the login screen and when I log in, I get a black screen [12:19] Hi folks [12:32] 'netstat -ltn' hangs, uses 100% cpu and doesn't listen to SIGKILL. Any ideas? [12:44] Using the Ubuntu WSL on Windows, is it possible to run commands as windows shell? [12:45] !wsl | ButtDog [12:45] ButtDog: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide [12:50] this channel have a bot? [12:50] nss: yes, the channel has a bot === dmt` is now known as shrooms === shrooms is now known as Reserved [13:07] Hi, anyone here who is familiar with AF_XDP? [13:09] tschutschatsche3: try ##linux [13:54] hey guys, is there a way to make the width of the gnome terminal fixed? [13:54] curious [14:01] polarrex: Are you in the GUI or console? [14:01] GUI [14:02] But it looks like there's a way to adjust the size in the preferences [14:02] correct === tehaugz is now known as augz [14:24] how do i ping a host, but not wait for the reply? [14:25] banisterfiend: not sure what you have in mind [14:25] legreffier i just want the ping command to fire and forget [14:26] not wait around for a reply :) [14:26] banisterfiend: That feature was removed from ping [14:26] pragmaticenigma looks like -f can do it though? (based on some googling) [14:27] banisterfiend: correct, but it will not work in Ubuntu [14:28] banisterfiend: you can set it with a super short timeout. [14:28] i notice that if i start running a local server other people on the network can access it. How can i get behaviour like windows where all things are closed by default and ask for permission to open port ? [14:29] ph88: turn on ufw [14:35] thank you pragmaticenigma .. do you know if it will give me popups to ask for access ? [14:35] it will not [14:40] ** (nautilus-autorun-software:9362): WARNING **: 20:22:10.143: Unable to find device for URI: Containing mount for file /home/donofrio/Downloads/installer.desktop not found [14:40] ;( [14:41] I am having terminal issues. Accessing my ubuntu box through screen. === Delvar is now known as mrinfinity [14:42] When I renamed a file, say test.fcstd to test_$(date +%F).fcstd, it became test_??2020-02-20.fcstd [14:43] But the ?? are not really question marks but representations of the characters used [14:45] I also noticed when a line extends past the 80character screen, it scrolls on the same line instead of down [14:47] raub: is the TERM setting correct? echo $TERM [14:48] Bombo: set to screen [14:48] I tried xterm before [14:48] raub: and try test_$(date +'%Y-%m-%d').fcstd maybe? or test$(date +%F).fcstd [14:49] raub: maybe type it in instead of copypasta, there might be unicode coming from somewhere [14:49] raub: and btw what locale are you using? [14:50] raub: and is it forked up after you do 'reset'? [14:50] Bombo: at first I thought on copypasta but when I am typing a long command in the shell prompt and it scrolls onto itself, I know there is more to it [14:51] If by forked up you mean a reset will not solve the issue, you are right [14:51] raub: hmm. [14:52] Accessing the host through vnc works fine: a terminal window inside the vnc session has no weird character or window issues [14:52] raub: ok one idea left: do you use colors in $PS1 (prompt) i ran into problems once [14:53] I have a centos box which I access the same way -- screen and then tmux -- and it works fine [14:53] Bombo: that is a very very good question [14:53] Hang on a sec [14:55] raub: strange if it works via vnc... then it may have to do with the keyboard driver? keyoard produces unusual sequences? [14:55] I did not setup prompt in my account; [14:56] PS1 seems to be defined as ${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ [14:58] Bombo: I am getting to the point of "this machine (vm guest) is due for an upgrade and my homedir is automounted. Might as well write down the packages I installed, wipe it, and then make ansible put it back" [15:00] raub: oh it's in a vm, then it could be their kb driver too ;) and this happens just in screen and tmux? [15:00] raub: and if you ssh to the centos or wherever does it happen too? [15:01] Nope. I am going to spool up another ubuntu vm guest and see if I can replicate [15:01] good idea === BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK [15:04] Bombo: I am on the #ubuntu channel using finch. Let me quit it, get out of tmux, and see if I have an issue. FYI, screen is in the host I am ssh'ing from. tmux is in the ubuntu box. However, I also am running tmux session in the lxterminal inside the vnc session so I am seeing my typing in both windows. In the lxterminal it looks proper, so I do not think I can blame tmux [15:04] In any case, brb [15:07] lotuspsychje, leftyfb pragmaticenigma oerheks .. Hello, guys an update. Last week i was here asking about running Terraria on 10yr old 4gb laptop on ubuntu 18.04 [15:08] I am back. So it is not tmux. i.e. screen->ssh->ubuntu->tmux->finch looks like garbage [15:09] However, screen->ssh->centos->tmux->finch looks proper [15:10] lotuspsychje, leftyfb pragmaticenigma oerheks .. Today i got it running. Someone suggested icewm and it really made the difference!!! I didn't try xfce /lxde though.. sudo apt install icewm , 10 mb and it was enough... On gnome i am 2.7gb free on boot up , on icewm it is 3gb.. but as i launch steam and terraria the gap widens even more... with steam on.. icewm is 2.8 gb idle vs 2.2 gb on gnome [15:10] I do not think it is ubuntu per se, but something boink in that install [15:11] raub, talking to me? [15:12] raub: sorry i'm out of ideas ;/ [15:13] raub: maybe compare the settings ubu vs centos, locale term etc idk [15:14] first time i launched now on terraria a large world it still crashed tho.. but i lowered all effects resolution and now it runs with about 300 mb to spare... in gnome, even launching a small world leaves only 200mb to spare... no way large world would run on gnome [15:14] nedR: Do you have a specific support question... This isn't the place to put reports of the applications you are running === V7 is now known as nopm === nopm is now known as [88] [15:20] pragmaticenigma, i was just updating you guys in case someone else had this issue in future ... === [88] is now known as |88| === |88| is now known as V7 [15:23] icewm is a very good lightweight windowmanager that can exist side by side on ubuntu install.. just a 10mb install, know need to download all other xfce, lxde, the audio service doesn't seem to startup automatically but steam seems to handle that... also i can feel the overall snapiness of the system... not just games (minor fps improvement) but browsing/scrolling firefox all very snappy.. Makes my 10 year old craptop feel like new although the window manager [15:23] looks 30 years old lol [15:23] !discuss | nedR [15:23] nedR: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [15:23] not here please [15:31] Hi, I have a problem. Omnisharp for VS Code does not seem to be working for me. I get this output: https://hastebin.com/liyevimixo.sql Does anyone know what could the problem be? [15:35] dbugger, try in ##vs-code, prop software is not my thing [15:35] !ide [15:35] Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator [15:36] thanks [15:38] is the standard advise for ubuntu not to run vanilla chrome? [15:38] because my performance is horrific [15:39] keep getting random cpu spikes. not just when using video [15:39] i recognize this is a chrome not a ubuntu issue [15:39] RougeR: the advice we usually give away, is to use software from the official ubuntu repos [15:39] iirc chrome has no hardware accelleration for linux [15:39] there is no such 'standard advise' [15:40] Bombo, yeah it seems to be the case [15:40] oerheks, okay; well widely accepted [15:40] lotuspsychje, yes i see chromium is in official ubuntu repo [15:41] i think it might be party to do with this laptop being lower powered than my last and having no dedicated gpu anyway [15:41] RougeR: chromium is the ubuntu alternate for chrome indeed [15:41] lotuspsychje, thanks [15:41] yeah ill run that [15:41] pretty shitty of google to not at least try and support HW accell [15:41] ive read the bug reports etc [15:41] mind your language please RougeR [15:41] random cpu spikes.. is this bad?? [15:41] sorry lotuspsychje [15:42] oerheks, its maxxing all cores to 95/100% [15:42] and causing the system to stutter [15:42] 'mi cpu runs 1005, help!!' [15:42] eh my cpu is fairly weedy [15:43] i7 5600u [15:43] dual core ultrabook cpu === parlos is now known as parlos_afk [15:43] anyway thanks for the advise lotuspsychje [16:13] My Ubuntu laptop is starting to get more and more frequent intermittent freezings. I'm on the latest stable Linux kernel build, and I'm not risking myself to use the latest unpublished builds right now. [16:13] 18.04.3.LTS [16:14] Right now, it's every 3 hours, I freeze up [16:14] wedr: what is "latest stable kernel build" mean? [16:14] 5.3.0-generic, preinstalled via Ubuntu installer for 18.04.3 LTS [16:14] I assumed that's what the "latest stable Linux kernel build" means [16:15] So you're using the HWE... which can introduce such behavior... have you made sure there are no pending updates [16:15] All pending updates are installed, as far as I can tell. [16:15] Hi everyone. I'm on 18.10 (cosmic) service. I'd like to upgrade to to 19.10, but 19.04 is also EOL. So I can't use `do-release-upgrade` because 19.04 is EOL. What options do I have? [16:15] s/service/server [16:16] gnulnx_, Reinstall is the easiest option [16:16] wedr: There are two kernel options available for LTS releases... For 18.04 there is the 4.15.0-88-generic which is the most current... and there is the HWE (which you have installed) [16:16] Thought that might be the case. Would give me the chance to get all my configs in to ansible, anyway [16:16] I see [16:16] How come I have to install KDE Plasma 5.17 from backports? [16:17] rapidwave: To install KDE... kubuntu-desktop package should install all that you need... I do not know why you think it has to come from backports [16:26] not enough info, rapidwave, to answer [16:28] I guess I found a bad tutorial [16:28] and i doubt he will find 5.17 in that ppa (5.18 is current) [16:28] However, will installing from backport create any big problems? [16:29] If so...will killing the apt installation and installing whole kde desktop package break the system? [16:31] backports is oke. [16:31] so, try it, if it breaks, come back? [16:33] rapidwave: Backports are created by the same crews which bring you the normal repositories, so there's not much danger involved to install applications from them. Backports are made because newer software or features become available which is then being primarily packaged for a later version of *buntu but is desirable to have on longer-use previous versions like LTS [16:33] i think he means 'kubuntu-ppa/backports' not ubuntu backports [16:34] ioria: Those *are* the official Kubuntu ones [16:34] genii, oh, didn't know that [16:39] Okay Thanks [16:42] ioria: Mostly they use their own backports system to be closer to a rolling release when new KDE features are unrollled, since the KDE release schedule rarely coincides with the Ubuntu release schedule [16:42] genii, i see, tx === adlerdias_ is now known as adlerdias [16:43] * genii wanders back to the coffeepot now [17:01] I still see the `service` command being used in some guides even though systemd is ubiquitous. Is it being aliased somehow to invoke systemctl, or do many programs still maintain SystemV/upstart scripts? [17:02] systemctrl handles .service nowadays [17:10] Hi! How canb I dump my monitors X11 configuration? [17:10] adrian_1908, 'service' runs a systemV init script OR a systemd unit ; you can check the script here : cat /usr/sbin/service (line 159) [17:12] lng, xrandr i guess [17:12] lng: You'll need to be more specific. It's hard to understand what you mean by "dump" [17:13] ioria: Great, very informative. Thanks! [17:13] adrian_1908, ok [17:13] pragmaticenigma: just get it in TTY1 [17:14] lng: That still doesn't tell me what you actually are looking for [17:14] or what you are trying to do [17:14] oerheks: understood what I meant [17:15] I wasn't being facetious, it's a great reply as the script line shows exactly what happens to a `service` call. [17:15] xrandr shows all available resolutions, and a * for the one current in use [17:15] yep [17:16] xrandr | grep -w connected | awk -F'[ \+]' '{print $1,$3,$4}' [17:16] just need this info to make xorg.conf entries on a Gentoo machine [17:17] oO [17:17] xrandr [17:17] it worked [17:17] thanks [17:17] err, why does gentoo not detect all resolutions? [17:17] burn. [17:17] because it is not Ubuntu [17:18] there mightr be a tool [17:18] let me check [17:19] haha [17:19] yea [17:19] x11-apps/xrandr [17:20] I remember I was using it like 7 years ago or more [17:21] I'm currenly on chrooted Gento so GPU is under Ubuntu [17:21] s/Gento/Gentoo/ [17:21] sorry [17:21] lng: please dont use this channel to describe every step you do [17:21] lng: ubuntu related questions only [17:21] haha [17:23] rebooting [17:23] Hi everyone! So I inherited a machine that runs Ubuntu cosmic and I'm trying to see my options for upgrading to eoan. Is the only real way to do that is by re-installing? [17:25] !eolupgrade | galaxie [17:25] galaxie: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [17:25] galaxie: but reccomended is a clean install a supported version [17:26] inherit.. i would install fresh, but if you *have* a reason to keep it like that, !eolupgrade [17:26] !eolupgrade [17:26] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [17:27] galaxie, the official answer is 'yes' ; but there are alternatives (if you 're ready to face issues) [17:27] I figured as much. I think I'll just go with fresh install. [17:30] have fun! [17:43] any reason 18.whatever LTS won't like these drives? Seagate Nytro 3331 7.68TB ETLC SED SAS or this? SUPERMICRO AS-2113S-WTRT 2U Rackmount Server with AMD EPYC 7251 CPU? [18:09] how do I scroll up in ubuntu server [18:09] shift -> pg up [18:09] shift + page up seem to don't work === tucked is now known as disi [18:10] it kinda scrolls and then goes back [18:10] it does not scroll till the start + once I don't press anymore it just goes back to input [18:30] hi [18:30] is there a list of packackages incuded with ubuntu anywhere, I want to figure out if any distro had nethack-vulture or falcons-eye so I know which distro to download [18:33] hi [18:35] zleap, distrowatch can show packages, or compare with (X) distro https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=compare-packages&firstlist=ubuntu [18:35] thanks [18:35] so I can't scroll up [18:35] which packages I installed on ubuntu server? [18:35] i am looking for when the last time it was available so I can install it [18:36] nethack or falcons-eye.. not usree there is any distro that includes these [18:37] not sure either, i have the .deb files for nethack-vulture [18:37] problem is it won't install due to dependancies, it used to, but I think the repositories are no longer available [18:37] i don't understand how to compile it [18:38] ehm, it is now commercial? https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Vulture [18:38] and on steam [18:39] ok [18:39] you can still download it [18:39] i dont have steam [18:39] I noticed that on a new 18.04 system (with netplan), I get a "bonus" /32 route for the address of the default gateway in the routing table in addition to the /24 route or whatever for the network on that interface. This /32 route trips up the routing daemon in use on this system a bit. Is this /32 route thing normal? Is it netplan that does this, if so, can that particular behavior be disabled somehow? Should [18:39] oerheks shift - pg up only scrolls up several lines [18:39] one go back to ifupdown? [18:40] what can I do [18:40] is ubuntu 18.04 still supported [18:40] ? [18:40] zleap, keep in mind, this is ubuntu support, for free software [18:41] i have it from before it got taken over as a commerical game [18:43] i think it needs some specific dependancies, so I guess to get it working it may need some sort of container or snap or chroot environment to just include what it needs [18:45] use the ubuntu wiki for building, should work fine [18:45] ok [18:47] anyone know if there is some sort of GUI for fstab? I can do the commandline edits but a GUI would be nice, too [18:48] connected via VPN to work (openvpn) and after some time (10 - 15min) I cannot reach any of the hostnames in the work LAN. After doing 'sudo service systemd-resolved restart' all hosts on the work LAN are reachable again ... for another 10-15 min. What could this be? [18:48] It doesn't happen with Windows connecting to the same VPN [18:49] so shift - pg up actually works if I put full screen on virtualbox, but the ubuntu server only remembers like 100 lines [19:02] white_magic, not sure for fstab, but parted has a gui called gparted [19:02] err nvm I read fstab and for reason I was thinking fdisk. Forget whatever I just said XD [19:03] umbSublime: I just edited the fstab file manually.. [19:03] just wanted to avoid doing that [19:03] will reboot momentarily.. fingers crosssedc [19:03] * white_magic has left the chat [19:06] how can I change IP on interface using netplan without a reboot ??????? [19:07] raden, may i ask why? and on what ubuntu version? [19:08] becuase we do a lot of things that require IP changes constantly especially on laptops configuring different equipment [19:08] 18.04 Desktop [19:08] Like netplan and all the goodness it has , everyone I work with hates having to reboot to change IP [19:09] edit the .yaml, sudo netplan try # to test, sudo netplan apply && sudo systemctl restart network-manager //sudo systemctl restart network-manager # depending what you use [19:10] for server: sudo systemctl restart system-networkd [19:11] raden: or just use ip a directly by hand? [19:12] what is the oldest domain? so far i did whois freebsd.org and whois ns.net, those are september 1994 [19:12] :) [19:13] ptah8 Symbolics.com [19:13] 1985 [19:14] followed by bbn.com [19:14] think.com [19:14] mcc.com dec.com [19:14] !ot [19:14] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [19:14] Polariz, how is that related to ubuntu support? [19:15] oerheks, it was a question that ptah8 asked [19:16] correct i should have typed ptah8 [19:18] symboolics.com? [19:19] Polariz, wow [19:19] :) [19:19] symbolics* [19:19] Polariz, what is that site about? [19:20] Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic ptah8 Polariz [19:20] JimBuntu, ok [19:20] :) [19:27] Hi. What is the best solution to own a private cloud on Ubuntu? Cozy? Owncloud? [19:28] there is no single best. [19:28] oerheks: what do you sugest? [19:28] lost DNS again of the hosts on the work LAN ... any ideas? [19:29] UndefinedIsNotAF, i don't do polls, use the one you like best? [19:31] oerheks: i like cozy because its french and i asissted to a talk of one of their dev, but thats not an objective choice :) [19:32] use something from our repos, to get support here. [19:52] custom svg images doesn't show up if I try to use them for *.desktop files on Gnome 3.34 Desktop. But if I browse to ~/Desktop in File manager icons are working fine. Is this something I should expect from Gnome 3 or? [19:56] jozefk: What version of Ubuntu are you running? [19:56] 19.10 [19:57] It's not Ubuntu actually, but it's based on it [19:57] Starting with Gnome v3.28, The desktop no longer supports icons. There are extensions that re-enable the behavior, but they're probably prone to some buggy behavior. [19:57] oh OK. That's why [19:58] The reason I asked which version you were on jozefk, was to make sure you were on a verion that might be affected. Ubuntu 18.04 the desktop icons were enabled through a compilation flag. But I think they stopped enabling the flag with the 19.MM and newer series [19:59] What would be the reason for not having desktop icons anymore? [19:59] any more* [20:00] jozefk: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/01/gnome-desktop-icons-removed-3-28 [20:07] jozefk, the problem is only with your custom .svg or with all the installed .svg (or .png) ? [20:09] ioria, why it works in File browser then? [20:09] jozefk, the problem is only with your custom .svg or with all the installed .svg (or .png) ? [20:11] I can open the svg files. I can also use them as icons for .desktop files. It all works good, except on Desktop which I see when I minimize all open windows [20:11] jozefk: The icons on the desktop are being rendered through a shell extension for Gnome ... I think the question is, have you tried using an SVG that is already present on your system, and do you have the same problem [20:12] jozefk: I think ioria is trying to establish if the SVG icon you're trying to use is one that you designed or if it is one from the collection of icons available in UBuntu [20:12] I got the SVGs from Internet [20:13] jozefk, wait... can you copy , for example, /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop on ~/Desktop ? [20:13] where are the default icon files located in Gnome? [20:13] a lot of places [20:14] jozefk, if you cannot copy that file, you need to install gnome-tweaks [20:15] I can copy .desktop files to ~/Desktop [20:15] ioria: What does gnome-tweaks and copying a file have to do with "Desktop" icons being displayed? Note jozefk is not experiencing issues with icons in nautilus file manager [20:16] pragmaticenigma, gnome-tweaks has a function (Show Desktop Icons) [20:16] ioria: The gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons will do it [20:16] jozefk, so now you have a .desktop fiule on your Desktop, right ? [20:16] which is what I assume is on jozefk machine already [20:16] pragmaticenigma, yes, but you need to enable it [20:17] yes [20:17] if it weren't... there would be no desktop icons... it sounds like they have icons... but they're not the right ones [20:17] jozefk, ok [20:17] not the right pictures [20:17] jozefk, now replace the Icon file in the firefox.desktop file with your custom .svg [20:18] in text editor? [20:18] sure, as you want [20:20] jozefk, and probably it will fail ... so try another stock .svg , like this : /usr/share/icons/Humanity/apps/24/Etermutilities-terminal.svg [20:21] none is working [20:22] jozefk, what happens if you click it ? [20:23] if I double click the .desktop file it opens in text editor [20:24] or left click, then click on the icon? [20:24] ** or left click, properties, then click on the icon? [20:24] jozefk, ok, restore the Icon line to 'firefox' and click it [20:26] What I did with Firefox icon now is that when I right click on it, I saw the option "Allow Launching". When I turned that on, default firefox icon appeared [20:26] jozefk, does it open firefox if you click it? [20:26] now yes [20:26] ok [20:27] jozefk, let's try with a .png : set Icon line with /usr/share/icons/HighContrast/24x24/apps/utilities-terminal.png (if you have it) [20:28] it works [20:29] I think the problem is the permissions [20:29] I need to see how to change those to make the other shortcuts work [20:29] jozefk, let's try with another .svg : ls /usr/share/icons/Humanity/apps/22/text-editor.svg [20:30] for Firefox it works [20:31] jozefk, have you set the .svg i posted ? [20:31] yes [20:31] maybe the size then ... try with a 24 size : /usr/share/icons/Humanity/apps/24/gconfeditor.svg [20:31] jozefk, be sure to have it : ls /usr/share/icons/Humanity/apps/24/gconfeditor.svg [20:32] for Firefox it all works [20:33] jozefk, so .svg images work [20:34] jozefk, i don't think the problem is firefox, you can remove the ff.desktop and copy the gedit.desktop if you want and try it [20:34] jozefk, i think the problem is your 'custom' .svg [20:35] OK I got one more working. I had to: chmod go-rw app.desktop [20:36] then I got the same thing when I right click on the icon on desktop, to allow launching [20:36] jozefk, what are the custom svg permissions ? [20:36] once I allowed launching the SVG showed up [20:36] sure [20:38] actually go-wx it is [20:39] jozefk, you don't need to change manually the permissions of .desktop file [20:40] I had to. Because there .desktop files are from apps I installed by myself [20:40] They don't come from repos [20:40] these* [20:41] jozefk, ah, maybe they are originally wrong then [20:41] It seems so [20:41] ok, good job [20:42] Thanks for help [20:42] no problem [20:48] How do i check which packages i am able to install without using apt assuming that apt-cache search does not return a helpful exit code [20:48] and that listing apt-cache search content takes too long [20:49] what problem are you trying to solve? [21:00] What is the app for measuring temp i my laptop [21:02] texla: for the CPUs etc ? "grep . /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp" [21:05] grep . /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp [21:10] I have a folder thats marked with a SetGID sticky bit. drwxrws--- 2 root admins 101 Feb 20 15:09 backups/, however when I touch a file in that folder its owned by kur1j:kur1j instead of admins === Archdave_ is now known as Archave [22:37] hi folks, anyone around familiar with dnsmasq? [22:37] I am struggling with a very annoying issue - I have a pretty simple configuration for dnsmasq, which serves as the DNS server for my LAN [22:38] the issue is - whichever DNS server I use as "upstream" resolver for dnsmasq (e.g., some hostnames never resolve - empirically, this seems to be confined to sites hosted by cloudflare.net (e.g. www.steward.org) [22:39] if I do a plain "nslookup www.steward.org" from any LAN computer, it fails. If I do "nslookup www.steward.org" (even if is declared as the name server for dnsmasq), it works [22:39] any idea? [22:40] in other words - DNS resolution requests going through dnsmasq for cloudflare.net sites fail, DNS resolution requests going straight to the resolver (tried also or other servers) work fine; DNS resolution requests through dnsmasq for non-cloudflare sites also work fine (e.g. www.cnn.com) === Archdave is now known as Guest14915 [23:03] How can I create a simple server to download files from my computer to another computer using command line? [23:03] something like python create simplehttpserver. [23:05] martiansoul: https://www.maketecheasier.com/transferring-files-using-python-http-server/ . [23:05] Bashing-om, I don't want to use python's version of http server. [23:06] ssh-server [23:06] martiansoul: Additional ideas: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2159449 [23:06] oerheks oh. okay. [23:06] martiansoul: ssh + using scp or sshfs to copy files [23:07] or sftp [23:09] or rsync [23:17] I've hit an odd problem. I've upgraded from 14.04 -> 16.04 -> 18.04 and now when I try to log in (terminal login) I do not get prompted for a password, just failure to login and re-prompted for username. How do I fix this? [23:19] gp: how many user accounts are on this system? how many of them have this failure? === Evie_ is now known as Evie^2 [23:20] oh simple [23:20] gp === abirkill- is now known as abirkill [23:20] 1st entry is username [23:20] then you would get the pass question [23:20] oerheks: ? any time i type in a username it rejects [23:20] sarnold: I have one local user on the system [23:21] sarnold: happens for that user and ldap users [23:21] .. maybe an .Xauthority file issue.. [23:22] gp: try a different kernel as a test, also maybe it's some pam issue or so, look into /var/log/auth.log [23:22] And another 18.04 login problem: Since the last update I can no longer sudo ... password is not accepted. My account is in group sudo. Can login with the password ok, but the sudo command now says "Sorry, try again". [23:25] I am trying to install lubuntu via USB to an Intel Atom processor and the lubuntu iso says it's for amd64... is this the right one? [23:25] FremontC: anything in the /var/log/auth.log or journalctl -xe ? [23:25] gp: dang. alright, that leaves doing something like booting into a rescue mode so you can see the log files and try to figure out what's going on [23:25] I read someplace that the amd64 also installs for intel 64 [23:25] sarnold: I've been there for a few hours =/ [23:26] gp: nothing in auth.log? [23:26] gp: hmm, nothing inthe logs stand out? [23:27] hrm ok [23:27] is your user set in "the wheel" [23:27] apparently, lubuntu is compatible with amd64 or Intel64 [23:28] JoeLlama: yes it's the same for amd and intel [23:28] amd64 just means it is 64 bit [23:28] It just says FAILED LOGIN (1) on '/dev/tty1' FOR 'installeruser', Permission denied [23:28] when I go to install the computer says "Remove all other media" and keeps saying that each time I hit return until I remove the USB and then it says No OS :( [23:28] but it never asks for password [23:28] hrm [23:28] sarnold: auth.log gets 'pam_tally(Sudo :auth): User (1000) tally 57, deny 3' [23:29] I guess I better read stuff now [23:29] appreciate the thought cycles. probably been looking at it too long. going to call it an afternoon [23:29] JoeLlama: head into the bios; probably there's something like "CSM" turned on [23:29] JoeLlama: selecting UEFI would probably be better [23:30] gp: weird :( [23:30] oh ok thanks sar but it is a pretty simple bios but I look [23:30] FremontC: that smells a bit like it's been locked out due to too many invalid attempts perhaps? [23:30] ok I look at UEFI [23:31] gp: can you upload /etc/pam.d/login ? [23:32] sarnold: Similar entry in journalctl. [23:32] gp: does ssh'ing to the machine work? [23:32] sarnold: Seems like a lockout - how to unlock it? Machine is a server gets a lot of ssh hacking [23:33] JoeLlama: maybe you need to enable booting using the usb in the bios [23:33] JoeLlama: which pc model is it? [23:34] FremontC: checkout faillog(8) -- guessing faillog -u foo -r [23:35] I'm trying to install ubuntu on this new thinkpad t580. I want to keep the windows partition, because it's occasionally handy. I booted up under an ubuntu 18.04 LTS thumbdrive, but gparted isn't letting me resize the windows partition, the resize/move option in the right-click menu is faded out. [23:35] [23:35] sarnold nope, I select USB and is says "remove disks or other media. Press any key to continue" [23:35] hrm [23:35] maybe my ISO on the flash drive is not bootable [23:36] crap :( [23:36] puff`: does it offer to install along side Windows? [23:36] jeremy31: No, it doesn't. [23:36] how do I make a USB Flash bootable? [23:36] *sigh* I google :) [23:37] puff`: You might be booting the ISO in the wrong mode, UEFI/BIOS compared to how Windows was installed [23:37] jeremy31: Can you explain that a little more? [23:38] !dualboot | puff` [23:38] puff`: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [23:38] puff`, best thing is to resize from within windows itself. [23:39] JoeLlama: the 'remove disks press any key to continue' part is completely normal [23:39] oerheks: good idea. [23:40] JoeLlama: .. wait, are you at the beginning of installation or at the end? that was quick [23:40] sarnold if I remove the flash drive then it won't install :( [23:40] I am at the beginning yes [23:40] puff`: I wonder if the windows system was just suspended; windows calls suspend "shutdown" these days, so they can boot faster [23:40] got a small computer with the iso on flash [23:40] wait I figure out if the partition is active [23:41] puff`: I understand that you can use the 'reboot' menu entry in windows to actually shut down, just yank power while it's at the bios screen [23:41] sarnold: Yeah, I had to shift-shutdown to get it to really shut down. [23:41] puff`: ah, hmm. [23:41] JoeLlama: oh :( sorry for the confusion then [23:41] sarnold: laillog shows Failures 50, Maximum 3 for my user. faillog -u -r gets 'Cannot open faillog...' [23:41] nope no confusion sarnold you're good :) thanks for the help. it makes me think. [23:42] FremontC: does it say why it cannot open the fail log? [23:43] sarnold: Permission Denied. It is 644 and root:root. I cannot sudo - which is the problem! [23:44] FremontC: ah you'll need a root account to unwedge it then [23:44] FremontC: can you ask another user on the system to do it? [23:46] sarnold: It is the only sudoer acct. Might I be able to boot into single user mode, mount the disk (the trick for resetting root password) then either run faillog command, or hack the file directly? [23:46] FremontC: yes that would probably work well [23:51] Odd. With the previous t580 I resized the windows partition to 30GB. Just booted into windows and windows says the entire partition is 237.23GB and the available space is 187.66GB, so the current windows install takes up 50.7GB already... straight out of the box. [23:51] nope the partition is active sarnold I dunno why it says to remove media I will figure it out [23:52] puff`: yikes that's a lot of bloat [23:53] sarnold: Yeah, but the previous t580's windows install seemed fine with 30GB. [23:53] puff`: my x1 had a windows install that I used only for initial firmware updates; I think after doing that I used dd | lz4 to compress it to save it aside before wiping the disk [23:54] puff`: it's now taking 32g of space on my server [23:54] JoeLlama: ugh. that sounds so frustrating. [23:54] it is sarnold [23:54] working on it [23:55] JoeLlama: is it a laptop? which brand? [23:55] JoeLlama: also you mean this message about removing media is the one you're getting initially after turning the pc on, not after ubuntu installer runs, right? === phocking_ is now known as phocking [23:57] EriC^^ if I leave the bootable lubuntu USB drive in, it says that and then I remove it and then it says no OS [23:57] JoeLlama: when you boot with the usb drive in, do you get to the lubuntu installer? [23:57] sarnold: so you're saying a compressed windows install is still taking up 32GB. [23:58] JoeLlama: you mean you're not being able to install, or after it finishes installing you're getting the message? [23:58] no can't install [23:58] puff`: yeah but since it came off a tb nvme I was pretty happy that it took "only" 30 gb to store the whole thing [23:59] sarnold: What about tb nvme makes it different? [23:59] JoeLlama: is it a laptop? which brand? [23:59] Someone on ##windows is telling me that 60G is a more reasonable partition size for windows. [23:59] sarnold: Success! Excellent! single-user mode and run faillog -u -r does the trick. I am surprised that the account could still ssh in from another machine, with that many fails. I will create a spare sudoer acct. :) [23:59] Blah. Can I make a bootable windows thumb drive? :-) [23:59] puff`: I was afraid it was going to have 100gigs of windows crapware on it :) [23:59] EriC^^ Dell Inspiron 910 (mini 9) [23:59] aha [23:59] FremontC: same