
kuroiokami1oh, thanks, i'll try :D00:12
kuroiokami1Yup, it worked.00:16
kuroiokami1thx xoxo00:16
kuroiokami1Another little question, I installed Plasma (plasma-desktop), but now the Numix theme on XFCE is kinda broken00:18
kuroiokami1Same with Greybird00:19
kuroiokami1If I remove Plasma, it will come back to normal?00:20
DarkTricksmall bug report: mount ftp in thunar. open file from ftp in vscode. save file. make "device busy". result: vscode wont react and is not killable. there is no error message, but until the ftp is unmounted nothing works. even shutting down the computer will result in a "wait-for-proc-to-terminate"-loop on cmdline level01:43
DarkTrickATM I cant look further into it to create a clean report on the tracker. I hope someone picks it up.01:44
DarkTrickoh... seems more severe: a "busy ftp" seems to make everything hang, that is related to file io01:57
DarkTrickthunar, opening a file in mousepad, ...01:57
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
* pmjdebruijn briefly previewed 20.0408:16
pmjdebruijnvery nice indeed08:16
xubuntu93wHi, I'm opening websites in thunderbird, and I have firefox already open on different workspace, but firefox moves from one of the other workspaces into the workspace I'm presently using.  Is their a way to stop firefox from changing workspaces? Thanks Ross11:56
brainwashxubuntu93w: Xfce Settings > Window Manager Tweaks > Focus12:02
brainwashthere you can disable the described behavior12:02
xubuntu93wYour Awsome brainwash, this is exactly what I was looking for.  Thankyou so very much for your help.12:09
brainwashxubuntu93w: great :)12:20
RonaldsMazitishow do I make whisker menu15:02
RonaldsMazitissearch with catfish15:02
RonaldsMazitisI added search actions catfish --hidden --start %s15:03
RonaldsMazitisbut it always shows failed to execute command15:04
RonaldsMazitispattern must be empty space15:16
sarahzrf_i'm installing xubuntu atm and it seems to be frozen---it's at the "Welcome to Xubuntu" screen after partitioning when it should be doing the actual install, and it's been stuck on the message "Detecting file systems..." for quite a while now19:29
sarahzrf_with no progress in the terminal output either19:29
sarahzrf_any way to tell if it's actually doing anything?19:29
diogenes_sarahzrf_, look at the HDD led indicator.19:30
sarahzrf_good idea19:30
sarahzrf_oh fuuuckkk19:31
sarahzrf_i highlighted some text in the terminal output and since it's a GUI i habitually pressed ctrl+c to copy and it printed a ^C19:31
sarahzrf_well, it didnt quit or anything... shrug19:31
sarahzrf_crap, im not sure whether this laptop has an hdd indicator, but actually hmm maybe i can lsof19:32
diogenes_this is a family- friendly channel, remember that children and their grandparents might be watching.19:32
sarahzrf_oops sorry19:32
sarahzrf_it bugged me earlier about /cdrom being mounted or something and asked if i wanted to try unmounting it again19:38
sarahzrf_then it continued fine afterward so i assumed it worked the second time---maybe it's hung up on that19:38
sarahzrf_this is odd, tho, i dont think this computer has a cd drive? are other devices often put at that path?19:39
sarahzrf_oh wait huh i guess it's where it put the install media... so why does it want to unmount *itself*?19:40
sarahzrf_this looks relevant :| https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/59874319:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 684280 in casper (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #598743 casper toram forgets to disconnect loop device" [Medium,Triaged]19:43
sarahzrf_augh im going to try installing after livebooting into ram19:45
* sarahzrf_ holds down the power button19:45
Yodeedhey guys20:21
Yodeedim having a pretty large problem20:21
Yodeedi just switched to xubuntu from windows server20:21
Yodeedand all of my file transfers from any drive are insanely slow20:21
Yodeedlike 3mbs20:21
Yodeedused to get 100mbs between drives20:21
Yodeedi have one large 4.5 drive, a raid with 500g (raid1), and an os ssd20:22
Yodeedwould anyone know what this is?20:22
sarahzrfconfirmed, it's working now20:28
sarahzrfbut it's much, much slower20:28
=== Guest_72 is now known as FremontC

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