-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALff0ca2458fa9: Remove uneeded whitespace] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALff0ca2458fa9 | 04:55 | |
guiverc | 20.04 qa-install; i mis-read testing checklist & had half of disk used by prior (custom) install; used 'install alongside' and expected it to use remaining space.. instead of shrank the partition by half & both old & new use half of hdd... is this an issue? (worth of bug report?) no errors & small text does say "alongside .. shrink a partition to make room" where I expected it 'skip' shrink free space... technically not a bug | 05:01 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL16976f9c73ed: Add and outputs] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL16976f9c73ed | 05:01 | |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @guiverc [<guiverc> 20.04 qa-install; i mis-read testing checklist & had half of disk used …], Yeah I'd also expect it to use the free space if it can. Instead of shrinking the earlier one. | 12:00 |
guiverc | I closed/ignored it. The text did say 'shrink partition to make room', if it did what I expected (used free space) a bug could be raised to say it didn't "shrink & use that space.." Why I always instal with something-else/manual... possibly Thanks @The_LoudSpeaker | 12:04 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Me too. I also prefer the something else option. | 12:06 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> its time? @wxl @tsimonq2 @kc2bez @RikMills @HMollerCl ? | 13:07 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> oh one hour yet. ain't it? | 13:09 |
kc2bez | I think so | 13:09 |
kc2bez | unless I calculated incorrectly | 13:09 |
kc2bez | but yeah that's what I came up with on the calendar | 13:10 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> I really don't understand Daylight savings time | 13:18 |
kc2bez | It is a horrible creation. | 13:19 |
kc2bez | No time is actually saved. | 13:19 |
kc2bez | No more daylight is created. | 13:20 |
lubot | <RikMills> @The_LoudSpeaker [its time? @wxl @tsimonq2 @kc2bez @RikMills @HMollerCl ?], for what? | 13:22 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Re: merges. | 13:22 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> We fixed a time to together deal with them. | 13:23 |
lubot | <RikMills> urgh | 13:24 |
lubot | <RikMills> - don't always assume MoM does the best thing. It is a tool to help, that is all. | 13:27 |
lubot | <RikMills> - don't always assume MoM does the best thing. It is a tool to help, that is all. … - merge changelogs should always list the kept delta to the debian revision you are merging from. I cannot, stress this enough, as it is the only way sometime in a few weeks/months/years will know what/why you kept a difference over debian. | 13:31 |
lubot | <RikMills> - unless there is a good reason not keep a delta, it should be dropped | 13:32 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALAPACKAGINGd732ec0dafc3: Bump version for new upstream release.] kc2bez (Dan Simmons) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALAPACKAGINGd732ec0dafc3 | 13:34 | |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALAPACKAGINGade23b607573: Upload to focal.] kc2bez (Dan Simmons) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALAPACKAGINGade23b607573 | 13:34 | |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T150: Erase Disk fails with existing partition scheme] kc2bez (Dan Simmons) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T150#3222 | 13:45 | |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> knock knock | 14:02 |
kc2bez | O/ | 14:03 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> o/ | 14:04 |
* kc2bez needs more coffee | 14:06 | |
lubot | <HMollerCl> I'm here too | 14:11 |
wxl | here | 14:11 |
wxl | kettle's almost ready | 14:11 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @lubuntu_bot [*kc2bez: needs more coffee*], me tooo. | 14:12 |
* kc2bez feels bad for wxl, it is super early on a Saturday for him. | 14:13 | |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @kc2bez I made changes according to your suggestions to D83, running debuild now. will update it in a bit | 14:13 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @lubuntu_bot [*kc2bez: feels bad for wxl, it is super early on a Saturday for him.*], what time is it wcl? | 14:14 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> *wxl | 14:14 |
kc2bez | 6:15 AM | 14:15 |
kc2bez | Alrighty, we just need @tsimonq2 now | 14:16 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> I am free after a few hours also. if wxl wants to wait sometime. | 14:16 |
kc2bez | Oh sorry ABI BREAK !!! | 14:16 |
kc2bez | XD | 14:16 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> I think @tsimonq2 isn't up yet. for him also 8am na? | 14:16 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> XD | 14:16 |
kc2bez | He suggested the time. XD | 14:17 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> wake up @tsimonq2 ! | 14:18 |
wxl | ok guayusa is brewing. soon i'll be among the living | 14:20 |
kc2bez | My next cup will be tea, I drink coffee for effect. | 14:21 |
wxl | guayusa/mate (i've been blending the two but ran out of the latter) are both stronger than tea but not necessarily stronger than coffee | 14:24 |
wxl | i should see if i can't get some guarana and try that out as it's supposed to be stronger than coffee | 14:24 |
wxl | but i can't do coffee; it makes me crash bad | 14:25 |
kc2bez | I usually stick to one cup; no additives (i.e. sugar, creamer). | 14:26 |
wxl | well that's the other thing.. one cup is no fun. i like to drink throughout the day | 14:27 |
wxl | also coffee kind of has an overwhelming taste | 14:27 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> guayusa? never heard of it. In brazil there is a Guarana drink that competes with coke | 14:27 |
wxl | guayusa is actually a member of the holly family which is interesting | 14:28 |
kc2bez | That is why I switch after the first cup, it kills my stomach and is indeed overpowering. | 14:28 |
wxl | it's native to the amazon in ecuador, peru, and columbia | 14:28 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> you might want to take a look at https://phab.lubuntu.me/D83 now. @kc2bez | 14:28 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Needs Review] Merge from debian unstable.: https://phab.lubuntu.me/D83 | 14:28 | |
wxl | it's also found in bolivia | 14:28 |
wxl | guarana is common in energy drinks | 14:29 |
kc2bez | lgtm @The_Loudspeaker hopefully @tsimonq2 ABI BREAK stops by to look at it too. | 14:31 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> should we start? | 14:31 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> One sec. Let me finish my laddo first. | 14:32 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> XD | 14:32 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> I haven't have much time this days. | 14:32 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @HMollerCl [I haven't have much time this days.], +1 | 14:32 |
wxl | there's another caffeine containing holly that has been used historically for drinking and supposedly has up to 6x the amount of caffeine of coffee | 14:33 |
wxl | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_drink | 14:33 |
wxl | i | 14:33 |
wxl | 'm getting ready to call him | 14:33 |
kc2bez | okie dokie | 14:33 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Talking of food and drinks, anyone here has heard of laddos? | 14:34 |
wxl | no | 14:34 |
wxl | no luck | 14:35 |
The_LoudSpeaker | you would really like them. have any indian friend nearby? we always have laddoos in the huse. | 14:35 |
wxl | he must have his phone off | 14:35 |
The_LoudSpeaker | lite. We should continue then? | 14:36 |
wxl | i guess so | 14:36 |
The_LoudSpeaker | to start with, have a look at D83 | 14:36 |
The_LoudSpeaker | if that's good then I will try to deal future merges the same way. | 14:37 |
wxl | so first off i'll say i have to agree with @RikMills | 14:37 |
wxl | when i've dealt with MoM before, i've ended up struggling. i kind of resolved to just do everything manually. at the very least you know what's going on without question | 14:38 |
The_LoudSpeaker | you mean using the .patch files from merge-tool? | 14:39 |
wxl | i mean just ignoring all that and just generating the diffs and dealing with it | 14:40 |
The_LoudSpeaker | I did generate diffs and tried to apply but previous ubuntu side tweaks like those one line tweaks in control file are very confusing. | 14:40 |
wxl | so your change log actually adds rather than subtracts history. that's always a good thing X'D | 14:40 |
wxl | what do you mean by that? | 14:41 |
wxl | white space at the end of a file? | 14:41 |
The_LoudSpeaker | no. | 14:42 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Nice, I slept through the alarm I set | 14:42 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Hello | 14:42 |
The_LoudSpeaker | see the control file at https://phab.lubuntu.me/D83 | 14:42 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Accepted] Merge from debian unstable.: https://phab.lubuntu.me/D83 | 14:42 | |
wxl | hey there | 14:42 |
The_LoudSpeaker | hii @tsimonq2! | 14:42 |
The_LoudSpeaker | good moning | 14:42 |
The_LoudSpeaker | *morning | 14:42 |
wxl | i tried to signal call you but that didn't get anywhere apparently | 14:42 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> I didn't bother answering you there | 14:42 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> :) | 14:42 |
The_LoudSpeaker | hahaha | 14:43 |
wxl | harumph | 14:43 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Anyway | 14:43 |
wxl | ok D83 @tsimonq2 | 14:45 |
The_LoudSpeaker | https://phab.lubuntu.me/D83 | 14:45 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Accepted] Merge from debian unstable.: https://phab.lubuntu.me/D83 | 14:45 | |
lubot | <tsimonq2> *cracks knuckles* | 14:45 |
The_LoudSpeaker | look at the edit history. i don't understand why all the merges have those control file-single-line changes to build recommends. | 14:46 |
wxl | i'm digging into that | 14:47 |
wxl | my guess: debian fiddling with things unnecessarily | 14:47 |
The_LoudSpeaker | and even if they are, I don't get why merge-tool didn't use the multi-line changes that came from new debian release? | 14:47 |
The_LoudSpeaker | for ref: https://phab.lubuntu.me/P72 | 14:48 |
kc2bez | The merge tool didn't try to merge d/control that is what the report indicated | 14:48 |
kc2bez | It was telling you that there were things you needed to manually merge | 14:49 |
The_LoudSpeaker | no it did. there were diff3 errors at some places. it left those and merged other sections of control file. | 14:50 |
wxl | where's that report at? we should link such things in merge differentials in the future just for help | 14:50 |
The_LoudSpeaker | see the control file obtained directly from erge-tool | 14:50 |
kc2bez | wxl: https://merges.ubuntu.com/l/lxqt-sudo/REPORT | 14:51 |
The_LoudSpeaker | https://merges.ubuntu.com/l/lxqt-sudo/REPORT | 14:51 |
wxl | kc2bez is saying the one conflict (i.e. the one area a manual merge was required) was in d/control https://merges.ubuntu.com/l/lxqt-sudo/REPORT | 14:51 |
wxl | holy hell gmta | 14:51 |
The_LoudSpeaker | yeah there was a manual tweak required in one of the build deps of lxqt-sudo in control file but rest part including those one-liners was done by merge tool | 14:52 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> do you have the diff of the 2 control files? | 14:53 |
The_LoudSpeaker | i don't rn but can make one. | 14:53 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> D83 has one, is that the latest? | 14:54 |
kc2bez | syntactically one line or multiple it should be the same I guess | 14:55 |
The_LoudSpeaker | iT IS. | 14:56 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> I think wrap-and-sort woudl solve some of them | 14:56 |
The_LoudSpeaker | @hmollercl the D83 has the patched one. prepared by me | 14:56 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> yep, but apparently you didn't runw "wrap-and-sort" | 14:57 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> Depends and Recommends conflicts I think could be solved by wrap-and-sort | 14:57 |
The_LoudSpeaker | OH BEHENCHOD! wrap and sort writes them in one line | 14:58 |
The_LoudSpeaker | I just ran wrap and sort and it did that | 14:59 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> wrap-and-sort removes uneeded spaces and sort alphabetically | 14:59 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> your Recommends should have now first lxqt-plugin and then lxqt-sudo | 15:00 |
The_LoudSpeaker | so @kc2bez the points you mentioned in your comments in D83 about things not same as in debian were actually caused by wrap and sort | 15:00 |
The_LoudSpeaker | so debian doesn't use wrap and sort? | 15:00 |
kc2bez | hmm I stand corrected there I guess. | 15:00 |
The_LoudSpeaker | if @wxl & @tsimonq2 approve, I can go forward with D83 | 15:01 |
kc2bez | Actually you should revert some of what I told you to do | 15:02 |
The_LoudSpeaker | yup! one sec | 15:02 |
The_LoudSpeaker | there you go | 15:03 |
The_LoudSpeaker | done | 15:03 |
wxl | wrap-and-sort is a debian tool; here it is mentioned in the manual https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debmake-doc/ch04.en.html | 15:04 |
wxl | i should point out that if you look at the control history in debian, you'll see the formatting was always the way it is in debian.. that was introduced in 0.14.0 | 15:04 |
wxl | however, we went straight from 0.13.0-0ubuntu2 to 0.14.0-0ubuntu1 as a new upstream release | 15:04 |
kc2bez | so calling out in the changelog is the right thing to do (you did that) it highlights why it is different. | 15:05 |
The_LoudSpeaker | the diff was between 0.14.1-2ubuntu1 and 0.14.1-2 | 15:05 |
wxl | luckily that has little effect on us but another example of us getting bit kind of badly by a merge of debian after we pulled in an upstream release before debian is bug 1864170 | 15:05 |
ubot93 | Bug 1864170 in qtermwidget (Ubuntu Focal) "dpkg ugrade error - files in qtermwidget5-data also in old qtermwidget-l10n" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1864170 | 15:05 |
wxl | so you know what the ideal solution to these kind of problems is? get our butts in debian and pull in all the upstreams there and then merges will just happen | 15:06 |
The_LoudSpeaker | hehehe | 15:06 |
wxl | i'm actually serious | 15:07 |
The_LoudSpeaker | not possible for me | 15:07 |
wxl | well, not presently | 15:07 |
wxl | wait kc2bez are you suggesting that he revert the changes to match debian? | 15:08 |
kc2bez | No | 15:08 |
wxl | ok | 15:08 |
kc2bez | Raman just fixed it. | 15:08 |
The_LoudSpeaker | btw, how do we fix the bug that you justn pointed out @wxl ? | 15:08 |
The_LoudSpeaker | *just | 15:09 |
wxl | The_LoudSpeaker: Breaks/Replaces | 15:09 |
The_LoudSpeaker | the cycle goes on! :) | 15:09 |
wxl | it will force apt to trash whatever that is before it processes the package | 15:09 |
kc2bez | Someone needs to sync the archive with phab though | 15:09 |
The_LoudSpeaker | ow you were talking about the bug and not me. :p | 15:10 |
wxl | no i was talking about both! | 15:10 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> I don't get that qtermwidget error | 15:10 |
wxl | i'll explain that later as i don't want to totally derail this conversation | 15:10 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> ok, thanks wxl | 15:10 |
The_LoudSpeaker | I can sync that @kc2bez. In a few hours. gtg now. Dinner time. | 15:10 |
wxl | so here's the thing: unless alf decides to be a good boy and run wrap-and-sort, debian's going to have depends on their own lines | 15:11 |
wxl | and if we DO run wrap-and-sort on our merges, then there's always going to be a conflict | 15:11 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Yeah. That's true. | 15:11 |
wxl | we'll just keep hitting our head on this | 15:11 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> btw, what about standards-version ib lxqt-sudo? | 15:11 |
wxl | so i would personally suggest going back to the way you had it, where it matched debian | 15:11 |
kc2bez | We should carry the change though, it is the proper way | 15:11 |
wxl | well | 15:12 |
wxl | i guess that's two schools of thought. i don't disagree with you | 15:12 |
wxl | what would you do, @tsimonq2 ? | 15:12 |
kc2bez | Our control will never match anyway | 15:12 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @wxl [<wxl> what would you do, @tsimonq2 ?], He'd probably run wrap and sort. | 15:12 |
kc2bez | Vcs-Browser: https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/lxqt-sudo/ | 15:12 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> Our control will never match anyway], Agreed. We have git changes also. | 15:13 |
wxl | well fair point because our control might refer to an ubuntu version number and in that case we absolutely don't want to prefer the debian control | 15:13 |
wxl | right that too | 15:13 |
wxl | ok, it's decided then | 15:13 |
kc2bez | We bored Simon, he went back to sleep XD | 15:14 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> shouls we raise standards-version too? | 15:14 |
wxl | apparently | 15:14 |
tsimonq2 | Alright, morning. | 15:14 |
wxl | you got your crack? :) | 15:14 |
tsimonq2 | YES | 15:14 |
* tsimonq2 shakes | 15:14 | |
wxl | alright party time | 15:14 |
tsimonq2 | Yessir. | 15:14 |
tsimonq2 | So. | 15:14 |
wxl | btw afte rthis is done i have to go do yard work so meh | 15:14 |
tsimonq2 | I'll look at Raman's merge first. | 15:15 |
tsimonq2 | Oh, nice. We have too much snow here for that. | 15:15 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> and shouldn't we tell debian packager that they shoudl run wrap-and-sort? | 15:15 |
wxl | it should be good to go except for discussion of standards version | 15:15 |
kc2bez | Yeah there is no yard here either. | 15:15 |
wxl | @HMollerCl have you ever tried to tell agaida ANYTHING? X''''''D | 15:15 |
tsimonq2 | ^^^^^^^ | 15:15 |
tsimonq2 | I have some of my own verification steps I do for merges. | 15:15 |
tsimonq2 | Give me a quick second to pull everything up. | 15:15 |
wxl | maybe if someone spoke to him in german that might help | 15:16 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> jajja, fair point | 15:16 |
wxl | i don't think it would, honestly | 15:16 |
tsimonq2 | Right after this, I will be doing some Phab upgrades. | 15:16 |
wxl | he's stubborn and grumpy and silly | 15:16 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> I'll look at Raman's merge first.], Also have a look at https://phab.lubuntu.me/P72 i also don't understand how the tool merged the rules file. | 15:16 |
wxl | what part about it? | 15:17 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Party where it left the overrides section from debian. | 15:17 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> *part | 15:18 |
kc2bez | This line? https://phab.lubuntu.me/P72$186 | 15:18 |
wxl | no | 15:18 |
wxl | https://phab.lubuntu.me/P72$181 | 15:19 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> 181 | 15:19 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Yeah | 15:19 |
wxl | so which of those changes is yours? | 15:19 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> None. | 15:19 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> All by merge tool | 15:19 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> My changes are in D83. | 15:20 |
wxl | so i mean i guess they're both in question then, ultimately | 15:20 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> The paste has changes are those done by merge tool | 15:20 |
tsimonq2 | I'm not even looking at Phab, by the way. | 15:20 |
tsimonq2 | $ debdiff lxqt-sudo_0.14.1-2.dsc lxqt-sudo_0.14.1-2ubuntu1.dsc | pastebinit | 15:20 |
tsimonq2 | dpkg-source: warning: extracting unsigned source package (/tmp/lxqt-sudo_0.14.1-2ubuntu1.dsc) | 15:20 |
tsimonq2 | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kCkZB2XvpN/ | 15:20 |
tsimonq2 | This is a merge, from Debian. | 15:20 |
tsimonq2 | So, I'm looking to see what we still change as compared to Debian. | 15:20 |
wxl | pastebinit -f diff btw | 15:21 |
tsimonq2 | Yeah yeah. | 15:21 |
tsimonq2 | :P | 15:21 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> $ debdiff lxqt-sudo_0.14.1-2.dsc lxqt-sudo_0.14.1-2ubuntu1.dsc | past …], You got this 2ubuntu1.dsc from grab-merge? | 15:22 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> how can I see debian version in sid? | 15:22 |
tsimonq2 | Nope, that's from the Phab diff. | 15:22 |
tsimonq2 | pull-debian-source lxqt-sudo | 15:22 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> not havinfg to download :P | 15:22 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Nope, that's from the Phab diff.], ? | 15:23 |
wxl | you just want to know what the version is @HMollerCl? | 15:23 |
kc2bez | @HMollerCl use a DDG bang search | 15:23 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> you just want to know what the version is @HMollerCl?], just want to see debian/rules | 15:23 |
wxl | !dpkg binary-package | 15:23 |
ubot93 | Factoid 'dpkg binary-package' not found | 15:23 |
wxl | bah | 15:23 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> :) | 15:24 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> ok, found https://salsa.debian.org/lxqt-team/lxqt-sudo | 15:24 |
kc2bez | (!deb PACKAGENAME) | 15:24 |
wxl | yeah if you get to packages.d.s, click on the milestone, then the source package, then the git link on the right | 15:25 |
wxl | it's kind of a pita. a direct bang would be nice | 15:25 |
kc2bez | true | 15:25 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> so, in https://phab.lubuntu.me/P72 red (or -) is what we don't have, green (or +) is what debian don't have | 15:25 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @HMollerCl [so, in https://phab.lubuntu.me/P72 red (or -) is what we don't have, green (or + …], Yup! | 15:26 |
tsimonq2 | Okay, so here's a few things that stand out to me. I'll reference things by line numbers in https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kCkZB2XvpN/ : | 15:26 |
wxl | the problem is it would be all but impossible because the way debian has gitlab organized th emaintaining teams are represented so it's not salsa.d.o/lxqt-sudo but /lxqt-team/lxqt-sudo | 15:26 |
kc2bez | I compiled a list of recent merges here https://notes.lubuntu.me/J9a4EEfATfuWz7tz7bbYIQ# | 15:26 |
kc2bez | It has a link to the debian git too | 15:26 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Okay, so here's a few things that stand out to me. I'll reference thi …], Goo. I am listening | 15:27 |
kc2bez | the table gets formatted a little weird but it is all there. | 15:27 |
tsimonq2 | Line 5 has urgency=low - for Ubuntu, keep all urgencies to medium. Line 81, the newline should NOT be there; that's a MoM bug, but always go back and remove that line. Line 171, that's also an unnecessary newline. Literally the only thing that should be in the changelog for REMAINING changes should be wrap-and-sort and maintainer changes. There aren't any other remaining Ubuntu-only changes as | 15:30 |
tsimonq2 | compared to Debian. | 15:30 |
tsimonq2 | I think you were looking at the Phab diff and got confused. We don't list changes from the last Ubuntu change in merges because we should already have Debian changelog entries which are verbose enough. | 15:30 |
wxl | re: urgency, mom did that | 15:31 |
tsimonq2 | I know. | 15:31 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Someplaces it has medium also. In other packages. | 15:31 |
tsimonq2 | The purpose of merges is to incorporate new Debian changes as a *given*, and then re-evaluate the Ubuntu-only changes layered on top. That's why we diff against the Debian version, because we want to know how our package is different compared to Debian's. | 15:32 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> About the newlines, yeah i noticed that. Forgot to fix. Will update D83 in a while. | 15:32 |
tsimonq2 | I know. | 15:32 |
tsimonq2 | The Phab diffs are always going to be misleading when it comes to Debian merges because they do not correctly evaluate what should be evaluated in a merge. | 15:32 |
wxl | tl;dr we want to merge with debian… unless there's something useful to keep in ubuntu | 15:33 |
tsimonq2 | Right. | 15:33 |
tsimonq2 | And if all of the Ubuntu changes are garbage when applied to the new Debian revision, then just sync. | 15:33 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> I was looking at debian one only. Check the paste. P72 it is created by debdiff debian-version.dsc ubuntu-version.dsc | 15:34 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 ^ | 15:34 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kCkZB2XvpN/], But don't understand how you got to this and I didn't | 15:35 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kCkZB2XvpN/ | 15:35 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Also , the upstream/metadata changes are missing in here ^ | 15:35 |
wxl | he used pull-debian-source | 15:36 |
wxl | it provides lxqt-sudo_0.14.1-2.dsc | 15:36 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> How he got the 0.14.1-2ubuntu1.dsc | 15:37 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> ? | 15:37 |
tsimonq2 | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Rhxm6SCznP/ | 15:37 |
tsimonq2 | I can spot several additional inaccuracies with P72, but that could be an older revision anyway. | 15:38 |
wxl | tl;dr he built the source from your patch | 15:38 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Oh. From D83 only. K. | 15:38 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> I can spot several additional inaccuracies with P72, but that could b …], Yup! Lite | 15:38 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> What do you think about the rules changes in P72 | 15:39 |
tsimonq2 | Give me a diff compared to Debian and we can talk. | 15:39 |
tsimonq2 | I think Debian did those changes. | 15:39 |
tsimonq2 | Unless you just did. :) | 15:39 |
wxl | fwiw grab-merge provides the same as pull-debian-source | 15:39 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Give me a diff compared to Debian and we can talk.], P72 is the diff compared to debian. | 15:39 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Between debian and the merge created by merge tool | 15:40 |
tsimonq2 | The merge tool can be incorrect at times. | 15:40 |
tsimonq2 | I don't trust it for some things. | 15:40 |
tsimonq2 | It can make incorrect assumptions. | 15:40 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> So go fix it. :p | 15:40 |
wxl | i hear an echo here (@RikMills, myself) | 15:40 |
tsimonq2 | Nice. | 15:40 |
tsimonq2 | Okay. | 15:40 |
tsimonq2 | So. | 15:40 |
tsimonq2 | Push your new changes to D83 and we can talk. | 15:41 |
tsimonq2 | If, of course, you made changes otherwise. | 15:41 |
tsimonq2 | If those were changes *Debian* made then I have no freaking clue how you got that. | 15:41 |
tsimonq2 | Perhaps an older Debian revision. | 15:41 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> You mean the newline fixes and wrap sort? | 15:41 |
tsimonq2 | No, I mean whatever you have in P72. The new source you have locally. | 15:42 |
tsimonq2 | From my estimation, you have a new local source that is not reflected in the diff. | 15:42 |
tsimonq2 | As in, new changes. | 15:42 |
tsimonq2 | Did you make those rules changes? | 15:42 |
tsimonq2 | Or did Debian? | 15:42 |
wxl | Debian | 15:42 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> No. All up in D83 | 15:42 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Did you make those rules changes?], Debian | 15:42 |
tsimonq2 | I have absolutely no clue at all how you got P72 then. | 15:43 |
kc2bez | You corrected D83 this morning | 15:43 |
tsimonq2 | No clue. | 15:43 |
tsimonq2 | Well, hold on. | 15:43 |
tsimonq2 | D83 also has the changelog entries which reflect *Debian*'s changes, not ours. | 15:43 |
tsimonq2 | In yours, that is. | 15:43 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> I have absolutely no clue at all how you got P72 then.], From debdiff 0.14.1-2.dsc 0.14.1-2ubuntu1.dsc … The ubuntu version here was the one created by Merge-o-Matic. | 15:44 |
tsimonq2 | So if we're *just* going off of D83 and ignoring P72 for now, fix the newlines, remove the extra changelog entries, and you're looking okay. | 15:44 |
tsimonq2 | no | 15:44 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Yeah. | 15:44 |
tsimonq2 | Don't use that. | 15:44 |
tsimonq2 | Use *your* revision that you uploaded to D83 | 15:44 |
tsimonq2 | Your changes =/ MoM. | 15:44 |
wxl | tl;dr MoM sucks | 15:45 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Don't use that.], Yup. Not using. Manually modified it and got D83. That I am using. | 15:45 |
tsimonq2 | Remove the local Ubuntu copy you have, re-clone from Git, re-apply the diff from D83. | 15:45 |
tsimonq2 | That's what I'd do. | 15:45 |
tsimonq2 | Especially because MoM's inaccuracies have very obviously manifested themselves in P72. | 15:46 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Remove the local Ubuntu copy you have, re-clone from Git, re-apply th …], Yup! Have that. | 15:46 |
tsimonq2 | Okay so, go back to the changes I recommended earlier and update the diff. :) | 15:46 |
wxl | debian pulled those rules changes in at 0.14.0-1 https://salsa.debian.org/lxqt-team/lxqt-sudo/commit/2acc7250850b4dd0b53fd32ba7a8970c64070365 | 15:46 |
tsimonq2 | Nice to know but not relevant to the current discussion anymore. | 15:47 |
tsimonq2 | We can, of course, review Debian's changes. | 15:47 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Okay so, go back to the changes I recommended earlier and update the …], New lines? | 15:47 |
tsimonq2 | If we disagreed with that, we can revert their changes. | 15:47 |
tsimonq2 | That's a separate discussion though. | 15:47 |
kc2bez | New line at the end of the changelog | 15:48 |
tsimonq2 | @The_LoudSpeaker: I'll re-forward the messages to you via Telegram. | 15:48 |
kc2bez | For example | 15:48 |
tsimonq2 | They're in here. | 15:48 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Line 5 has urgency=low - for Ubuntu, keep all urgencies to medium. Li …], Or just this. | 15:48 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [Or just this.], Yeah okay. Will do. | 15:48 |
tsimonq2 | Let me know when the diff is updated and I will re-evaluate. | 15:49 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Having munchurians now. Will get the changes once I reach room. | 15:49 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> Let me know when the diff is updated and I will re-evaluate.], Sure | 15:49 |
wxl | you're eating the people of northern china? | 15:49 |
kc2bez | @tsimonq2 what should we do with the merges already committed? | 15:49 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> @tsimonq2 what should we do with the merges already committed?], Yeah. First 4 need to be updated. Seriously. Last 4 are good. Exactly like D83 | 15:50 |
tsimonq2 | kc2bez: Are they uploaded or just committed? | 15:51 |
kc2bez | both | 15:51 |
tsimonq2 | Well, do as I just did with this one then. If it's already uploaded, then the changelog is what it is. pull-debian-source <base revision> and (assuming Git reflects what's in the archive and vice versa) pull-lp-source <uploaded revision>, then just debdiff the dsc files. | 15:52 |
tsimonq2 | Again, what you're really looking at is, what are the changes we have only in Ubuntu? | 15:53 |
tsimonq2 | 1) Can we upstream them? (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA); 2) Do they need to be updated or adjusted?; 3) Does the changelog accurately describe the *Ubuntu* changes still present in the package? | 15:54 |
wxl | to be clear here by base you mean debian-base not upstream-base? | 15:54 |
tsimonq2 | I'm not sure what you mean. | 15:54 |
tsimonq2 | Oh. | 15:55 |
tsimonq2 | Yeah, so... | 15:55 |
wxl | in MoM language (which i'm sure raman is thinking) 0.14.0 = base; 0.14.0-1 = debian (which could be considered a base to ubuntu); 0.14.0-1ubuntu1 = ubuntu | 15:55 |
tsimonq2 | pull-debian-source lxqt-sudo-or-whatever [0.14.0-1] && pull-lp-source lxqt-sudo-or-whatever [0.14.0-1ubuntu1] && debdiff 0.14.0-1.dsc 0.14.0-1ubuntu1.dsc | 15:56 |
tsimonq2 | (The version numbers are optional, but by default the latest versions are pulled.) | 15:57 |
wxl | right. now we'll have less hair pulling | 15:57 |
tsimonq2 | Did I answer some questions? :) | 15:57 |
lubot | <kc2bez> I don't have any hair to pull :( | 15:58 |
tsimonq2 | To be fair to Raman too, it took me longer than I'm willing to admit to grasp the abstract concept of merges. I was also a new packager, so there was existing overhead. :) | 15:58 |
lubot | <kc2bez> Your process is helpful, we need to get it in the wiki | 15:59 |
wxl | yes | 16:00 |
tsimonq2 | Glad I could help. | 16:00 |
wxl | honestly i have to wonder who uses MoM | 16:00 |
tsimonq2 | I'm going to do Phab upgrades real quick. @kc2bez, do you want a walkthrough of my process? | 16:01 |
wxl | for anything other than an alert system to manual merges | 16:01 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: dholbach but you know where he went. :) | 16:01 |
wxl | hehehehe | 16:01 |
tsimonq2 | Adam doesn't use it, I know that for a fact. | 16:01 |
lubot | <kc2bez> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> I'm going to do Phab upgrades real quick. @kc2bez, do you want a walk …], yes | 16:01 |
lubot | <kc2bez> give me a minute though | 16:01 |
tsimonq2 | Are you at a computer if I just wanted to show you in a tmux session? | 16:02 |
tsimonq2 | Okay, I can get set up. | 16:02 |
lubot | <kc2bez> be there momentarily. | 16:02 |
tsimonq2 | What's the port number again? | 16:03 |
wxl | regular | 16:03 |
tsimonq2 | No it isn't. | 16:03 |
tsimonq2 | teward changed it and I can't remember what he changed it to. | 16:03 |
wxl | oh right the backend is different | 16:03 |
wxl | one sec | 16:03 |
tsimonq2 | Dan, tmux session is on the *host*, not in the container. :) | 16:05 |
tsimonq2 | Otherwise I'm ready when you are. | 16:05 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> sorry yinz, I need to go...... | 16:05 |
kc2bez | cheers hans | 16:06 |
wxl | heheheh take care @HMollerCl | 16:06 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Yinz. | 16:06 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> 😂😂 | 16:06 |
wxl | next time you're on hit me up and we can talk about that qtermwidget thing | 16:06 |
wxl | unless you want to hear it now (since we're in a lull) | 16:07 |
kc2bez | I'm in tsimonq2 | 16:07 |
tsimonq2 | Phab daemons stopped. | 16:07 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> next time you're on hit me up and we can talk about that qtermwidget thing], Sure! | 16:07 |
wxl | ok so pull the bug out | 16:08 |
wxl | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtermwidget/+bug/1864170 | 16:08 |
ubot93 | Launchpad bug 1864170 in qtermwidget (Ubuntu Focal) "dpkg ugrade error - files in qtermwidget5-data also in old qtermwidget-l10n" [Critical, Confirmed] | 16:08 |
tsimonq2 | kc2bez: I'll just tweak the script real quick and then we can get into it. | 16:09 |
wxl | specifically my comment here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtermwidget/+bug/1864170/comments/2 | 16:09 |
tsimonq2 | I don't have to do this every time. | 16:09 |
kc2bez | I'm following along | 16:09 |
wxl | these are the key ones | 16:09 |
wxl | * Version 0.14.0-0ubuntu1 moved translations into a new qtermwidget-l10n package in the qtermwidget source package. (25 Jan 2019) | 16:09 |
teward | 10022 | 16:09 |
wxl | * Version 0.14.0-1 moved translations into the existing qtermwidget-data binary package (27 Jan 2019) | 16:09 |
teward | Tsimonq2 | 16:10 |
tsimonq2 | kc2bez: So, the first thing I always always always do is check the changelog. If there are changes that need manual intervention, we need to be aware. | 16:10 |
tsimonq2 | teward: teward teward teward teward teward teward teward | 16:10 |
wxl | so both of the changes did something with translations, but they did different things | 16:10 |
kc2bez | Ok | 16:10 |
* tsimonq2 dumps a truck full of cow excrement on teward (if you know, you know) | 16:11 | |
wxl | and since OUR changes happened first and no other merges happened, when we merged debian and dropped all the ubuntu changes, things got broken | 16:11 |
tsimonq2 | https://secure.phabricator.com/w/changelog/ | 16:11 |
tsimonq2 | kc2bez: The best way to see which version we're on is to cd into /srv/phabricator/phabricator/ and run git log | 16:11 |
wxl | does that make sense @HMollerCl? | 16:11 |
tsimonq2 | O___________O this was last updated in October. | 16:11 |
tsimonq2 | Oops. | 16:12 |
wxl | it's actually been a long running problem but never manifested itself because we never merged debian | 16:12 |
kc2bez | Looks that way | 16:12 |
tsimonq2 | I'm opening all the changelogs and at the very minimum skimming them. | 16:12 |
kc2bez | That's a lot of changelogs :P | 16:13 |
wxl | and of course when i mention to agaida that he's got a recommend to a non-existent package he's like "oh well it's no big deal blah blah blah not like stupid ubuntu that's so dumb and blah blah blah" | 16:13 |
tsimonq2 | I know kc2bez. | 16:14 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: Which non-existent package? | 16:14 |
wxl | tsimonq2: qtermwidget-l10n | 16:14 |
tsimonq2 | ha | 16:15 |
wxl | and another thing | 16:15 |
tsimonq2 | kc2bez: I'm not seeing anything breaking. When you're ready, run the update script under /root (so just cd ~) | 16:15 |
wxl | steve wiped ubuntu changelog history. i'm not sure why he would do that. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/465792741/qtermwidget_0.14.1-0ubuntu3_0.14.1-2.diff.gz | 16:15 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: He synced over. | 16:16 |
tsimonq2 | So EVERYTHING Ubuntu was wiped. | 16:16 |
wxl | tsimonq2: i guess what i'm saying is i don't see a reason to EVER wipe changelog history | 16:16 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: If it's a sync it makes sense. | 16:16 |
wxl | in the sense that it's automated? | 16:16 |
wxl | cuz it wasn't | 16:17 |
kc2bez | oops | 16:17 |
tsimonq2 | kc2bez: yep, all good | 16:17 |
kc2bez | I see that | 16:17 |
tsimonq2 | Phab is back up, y'all. | 16:17 |
tsimonq2 | https://phab.lubuntu.me/T100 | 16:17 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [High, Open] Lubuntu 20.04: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T100 | 16:17 | |
tsimonq2 | Nice. | 16:17 |
kc2bez | There may be some changes :P | 16:17 |
tsimonq2 | Just a couple. :P | 16:18 |
wxl | oh my god. it's full of stars. | 16:18 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: Huh? | 16:18 |
wxl | 2001: a space odyssey reference | 16:19 |
wxl | which, if you haven't seen, you suck | 16:19 |
kc2bez | He's too young | 16:19 |
wxl | sorry, no | 16:19 |
kc2bez | JK | 16:19 |
wxl | there's certain films everyone needs to see | 16:19 |
wxl | and in my estimation, all of kubrick's films count | 16:20 |
wxl | (although many will argue with me on eyes wide shut) | 16:20 |
wxl | ((i do rather loathe tom cruise)) | 16:20 |
tsimonq2 | I was born in 2002. | 16:20 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: He's a member of your FAVORITE church though. | 16:20 |
wxl | OH NOW I GET THE OKE | 16:20 |
wxl | tsimonq2: yeah. i know. | 16:20 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> ^ @tsimonq2 all of these commits need to be reviewed. | 16:20 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Fwd from Inq_bot: <The_LoudSpeaker> https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLXQTOPENSSHASKPASSPACKAGING5b12c424f345f0ada7eb5b0ac8cc07211efc4c61 | 16:20 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Fwd from Inq_bot: <The_LoudSpeaker> https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLXQTNOTIFICATIONDPACKAGING2fbf2a930d26a52692ca39abc7f0a0957ddeab3b | 16:21 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Fwd from Inq_bot: <The_LoudSpeaker> https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLXQTADMINPACKAGING0228e0c017284885cab3ad20d9b6f49ffd27f7f3 | 16:21 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Fwd from Inq_bot: <The_LoudSpeaker> https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLXQTABOUTPACKAGING145d015a5b0251d1af070a8430278f9e716a60da | 16:21 |
tsimonq2 | (My birthday is actually exactly 6 months after 9/11.) | 16:21 |
tsimonq2 | Okay. | 16:21 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Others are fine. But you can go and review them if you want. XD | 16:21 |
tsimonq2 | I have to jet for now. I'll be back later. | 16:23 |
wxl | when? | 16:23 |
tsimonq2 | Thanks y'all. | 16:23 |
tsimonq2 | Later tonight I'm thinking. | 16:23 |
tsimonq2 | Depending on a few moving parts. | 16:23 |
wxl | ok | 16:23 |
kc2bez | We should meet again, perhaps weekly. | 16:23 |
wxl | yes | 16:23 |
wxl | i can handle this time | 16:24 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Yup! | 16:24 |
tsimonq2 | Oh, I think that's called a standup? Not sure. | 16:24 |
tsimonq2 | :P | 16:24 |
kc2bez | :P | 16:24 |
kc2bez | Which day? | 16:24 |
tsimonq2 | Any day but Wednesday 4 PM Central. | 16:24 |
tsimonq2 | 3 PM ifneedbe. | 16:24 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Anything but the earlier time. | 16:25 |
kc2bez | noted | 16:25 |
tsimonq2 | ack | 16:25 |
tsimonq2 | XD | 16:25 |
wxl | yinz figure it out and when you make a decision let me know | 16:25 |
wxl | make sure hans is included | 16:25 |
wxl | and lyn | 16:25 |
wxl | unless we're drastically changing the time, i'll make it work in my schedule | 16:26 |
tsimonq2 | ^ | 16:27 |
tsimonq2 | By the way, I just booked flights for LFNW. | 16:27 |
tsimonq2 | I'm going on my own dime this time, and I'm probably going to spend a lot of the time bouncing around and minimal time at the table. | 16:28 |
tsimonq2 | I'm also getting my own hotel room because I don't want visitors to I MEAN I'll be 18 and I want my freedom. XD | 16:28 |
tsimonq2 | If I go on Ubuntu's dime next year, I'll probably share a room. I just want my own sweet, sweet freedom. :P | 16:29 |
wxl | uh huh you just can't handle the pillow fights | 16:29 |
tsimonq2 | XDDDDD | 16:29 |
wxl | there's a slim chance in hell i might make it there. maybe. sadly it looks like scale is out for me as i have a work conf to go to | 16:30 |
wxl | hm | 16:30 |
wxl | i wonder if alf isn't running wrap and sort after all, but with --wrap-always | 16:30 |
wxl | without an official recommendation in the debian policy manual it's hard to say which is "correct" | 16:31 |
kc2bez | Visually i find it better to read but that is just me. | 16:32 |
wxl | @The_LoudSpeaker on that first one did you yourself run wrap-and-sort? | 16:32 |
wxl | @kc2bez: --wrap-always you mean? i.e. the alf way? | 16:32 |
kc2bez | Yes | 16:33 |
wxl | i agree | 16:33 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @wxl [<wxl> @The_LoudSpeaker on that first one did you yourself run wrap-and-sort?], No. | 16:33 |
wxl | perhaps we should set a policy ourselves | 16:33 |
kc2bez | He didn't change it until i pointed it out. mea culpa | 16:33 |
wxl | +Depends: qttranslations5-l10n, ${misc:Depends} | 16:34 |
wxl | that's not sorted right, is it? | 16:34 |
wxl | and in this one he REMOVED the fail-missing? what the heck | 16:34 |
wxl | why did we drop the upstream metadata? | 16:35 |
wxl | so launchpad answers can't be turned off | 16:55 |
wxl | but we can change the contact | 16:55 |
wxl | it has to be a person or a team | 16:55 |
wxl | maybe i should make up a new team for support | 16:55 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @wxl [<wxl> and in this one he REMOVED the fail-missing? what the heck], Added it back bhaiya. | 17:00 |
wxl | wait what? | 17:00 |
wxl | i mean if that's the change they made that's the change they made, but i don't understand it | 17:01 |
wxl | i'm questioning alf here not you | 17:01 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Sare. | 17:02 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Also, merge tool didn't pull the upstream metadata too. | 17:02 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> As seen in P72 | 17:03 |
wxl | which merge tool is this? | 17:04 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Merge-o-Matic | 17:14 |
wxl | i see | 17:14 |
wxl | shall i say it again? :) | 17:14 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> XD | 17:15 |
wxl | so yeah i think you should just grab everything from debian | 17:21 |
wxl | here's the diff between debian and what's uploaded https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rHXFt7SSwR/ | 17:21 |
wxl | get the metadata back | 17:21 |
wxl | i guess leave rules alone. i don't udnerstand but whatever | 17:21 |
wxl | (unless it breaks and then add it back) | 17:22 |
wxl | run wrap-and-sort | 17:22 |
wxl | check standards version | 17:22 |
wxl | oh there it is yeah that needs updated | 17:22 |
wxl | oooh there's a separate admin account password on the new cala | 17:30 |
wxl | we might have to fix that | 17:30 |
lubot | <kc2bez> AFK from my computer rn | 17:31 |
wxl | np | 17:31 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL5040af783e8a: Spellcheck startup disk creator] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL5040af783e8a | 17:37 | |
RikMills | if do ever use MoM, please please grab the unchanged debian /debian dir and compare that to the merged one. (a) so your merge changelog records the actual differences, and (b) you can see what usless diff MoM left that you can drop :P | 18:10 |
wxl | translation: don't use MoM | 18:10 |
RikMills | if you do. sanity check the result ;) | 18:10 |
wxl | but just don't to begin with :) | 18:11 |
RikMills | I prefer not to, I admit | 18:11 |
wxl | can someone confirm that calamares asks to set the admin password? | 18:20 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Still afk. I can't. Probably not until tomorrow morning. Too much pain in the arms. | 19:18 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> Apparently gym shouldn't be taken lightly. | 19:19 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T128: Alt-Tab and Alt-Shift-Tab feature request (openbox conf)] EinarMostad (Einar Mostad) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T128#3223 | 19:19 | |
kc2bez | wxl: I can confirm the admin password thing. | 19:33 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T128: Alt-Tab and Alt-Shift-Tab feature request (openbox conf)] kc2bez (Dan Simmons) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T128#3224 | 20:13 |
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