CamelRiderZ | hey | 09:54 |
CamelRiderZ | i am trying to set up ikev2 via this guide | 09:56 |
tomreyn | maybe try wireguard instead, it should be easier: | 10:00 |
CamelRiderZ | i just have one issue with ikev2 | 10:05 |
CamelRiderZ | when i open sudo nano /etc/ipsec.conf the second time | 10:05 |
CamelRiderZ | i am supposed to see conn NordVPN | 10:06 |
CamelRiderZ | keyexchange=ikev2 | 10:06 |
CamelRiderZ | dpdaction=clear | 10:06 |
CamelRiderZ | dpddelay=300s | 10:06 |
CamelRiderZ | eap_identity="USERNAME" | 10:06 |
guiverc | !pastebinit | 10:06 |
ubottu | pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit | 10:06 |
CamelRiderZ | i don't see this config when i open the ipsec | 10:07 |
CamelRiderZ | tomeryn when i use the nordvpn app via terminal i always get issues | 10:18 |
tomreyn | CamelRiderZ: i suggest you seek support with this software with the organization providing it to you. | 10:23 |
CamelRiderZ | it is just a step i am stuck at | 10:27 |
CamelRiderZ | thought someone here might be using nord or ike2v | 10:27 |
sweb | on rasperypi installation after apt update ... apt install lubuntu-desktop ... // unable to locate package | 14:54 |
sweb | ubuntu 18.04.4 | 14:54 |
wxl | probably an internet issue. it's there | 14:55 |
sweb | i use arm64 | 14:55 |
sweb | seems be only availble for armhf | 14:56 |
wxl | huh i'll have to investigate that later. | 14:56 |
wxl | nope | 15:00 |
wxl | i mean they could. they should? :) | 15:00 |
wxl | t's a debian tool soooooooooo | 15:01 |
wxl | here it is mentioned in the manual | 15:01 |
wxl | i should point out that if you look at the control history in debian, you'll see the formatting was always the way it is in debian | 15:02 |
wxl | that was introduced in 0.14.0 | 15:02 |
wxl | however, we went straight from 0.13.0-0ubuntu2 to 0.14.0-0ubuntu1 as a new upstream release | 15:03 |
wxl | oops jeez wrong channel | 15:03 |
wxl | wow | 15:03 |
* wxl drinks more caffeine | 15:03 | |
katsumi_ | hi | 17:27 |
lubot | <tbs61> hi | 17:28 |
katsumi_ | i'm running lubuntu eoan ermine 19.10 and i'm missing netselect-apt. :( | 17:31 |
wxl | so is the entire ubuntu archive aparently | 17:32 |
lubot | <tbs61> it says no result | 17:34 |
wxl | looks like it's been gone a long time | 17:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 337377 in Ubuntu "please restore netselect package: it's _not_ debian-specific" [Medium,Confirmed] | 17:34 |
katsumi_ | :( | 17:37 |
lubot | <tbs61> | 17:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1858011 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu) "Discover app bug, cant find some apps" [High,Triaged] | 17:39 |
lubot | <tbs61> is this mean bug fixed? | 17:40 |
wxl | no | 17:41 |
wxl | that may not actually be "the error" | 17:42 |
wxl | that whole thing is a real sticky thing i haven't been able to figure out yet | 17:42 |
wxl | if you want to be super useful, you can test it out and try the `appstreamcli refresh` thing and see if it works | 17:43 |
wxl | from what i remember it does not | 17:43 |
lubot | <tbs61> hmm, okay | 17:44 |
wxl | could you try and report on that bug ( ? | 17:45 |
ubottu | KDE bug 406654 in discover "Pointless "Make sure that AppStream is properly set up on your system" message" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 17:45 |
lubot | <tbs61> @wxl [<wxl> could you try and report on that bug ( …], im sorry to say but i dont have lubuntu at my system, i still like it, i did recommend it at yt video too | 17:49 |
lubot | <tbs61> (Photo, 1280x719) | 17:49 |
wxl | this is why bugs don't get fixed :( | 17:50 |
lubot | <tbs61> well, it s easy to check it, i just need time to download updates after installing lubuntu vm | 17:51 |
lubot | <tbs61> btw did u notice i recommended lubuntu for both ssd and hdd and also for all ram capacities? :) | 17:53 |
wxl | nice | 17:53 |
lubot | <tbs61> there s only lubuntu like that, not anyother | 17:53 |
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK | ||
kenan | iyi akşamlar | 21:13 |
kenan | hi everyone | 21:13 |
lubot | <tbs61> iyi akşamlar | 21:15 |
lubot | <tbs61> ingilizce de cevap verebilirim | 21:16 |
lubot | <tbs61> biliyorsan ingilizce konuşalım | 21:16 |
tomreyn | !tr | 21:21 |
ubottu | Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 21:21 |
lubot | <tbs61> :D | 21:21 |
lubot | <tbs61> hmm | 21:22 |
lubot | <tbs61> #ubuntu-tr | 21:22 |
tomreyn | not on your client, just on irc | 21:23 |
lubot | <tbs61> ahh | 21:23 |
westwrlod | hello, I was wondering what the best way to rebind caps lock to control with lubuntu | 22:17 |
westwrlod | so far I have found setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps works, but websites recommend putting it in an autostart file under ~/.config that I cannot find | 22:17 |
westwrlod | also, I was wondering how to make the desktop open applications desktop specific (so I don't see the ones I opened on desktop 1 on desktop 3 for example) | 22:18 |
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