
mupPR snapd#8137 closed: tests: skipping interfaces-openvswitch on centos due to package is not available <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8137>02:46
sdhd-saschahey ;-)13:11
* sdhd-sascha i see it's diffcult these days. But i didn't see next month...13:12
* sdhd-sascha hey - i'm already on 2020 .... it works for me... only small things13:13
* sdhd-sascha i mean: i see next month coming... sorry ... for the mispelling13:14
* sdhd-sascha and sorry, if i ask something stupid things... nobody can know everything ! ... sorry ;-) i'm comfortable with no answer13:16
sdhd-saschahey, is it diffurcult to use magnetic waves ? i think it's from time to time easier...15:00
sdhd-saschazyga: i think you would say, if i'm was annoying..15:01
sdhd-saschaijohnson: how about you? didn't search what you have done. But my feeling say, that you are very productive - maybe from reading!15:04
sdhd-saschazyga: don't know. but i know (i wouldnt't like to be hurt you ;-)) (never want to hit someonwe ;-))15:10
sdhd-saschahmm - sorry - maybe i'm jusr crazy ;-)15:22
sdhd-saschazyga: my prob... have a nice sleep ;=)16:33
pcbBobAnyone knows what to do if I receive this message if I try to start Spotify via command line? `ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/test/snap/spotify/41/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini': File exists?` `Gtk-Message: 19:57:38.152: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"`19:08
mcphailpcbBob: Does spotify launch? If so, ignore them19:16
pcbBobNo, it doesn't launch19:16
mcphaillet me install and see if it does the same here...19:17
pcbBobI also get `Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)`19:17
pcbBobIt worked fine for the last months but since I installed `PlayOnLinux` today, I get this error19:17
NickZpcbBob: try `sudo snap remove --purge spotify` and reinstall, and see what happens?19:21
mcphailpcbBob: I can't reproduce that here. There's a few moving parts to this problem so it might be worthwhile posting on forum.snapcraft.io . I wonder if there's some bug in the way the snap tries to inherit the gtk theme from the system?19:25
NickZpcbBob: incidentally, I'd recommend Lutris over spotify :P19:25
NickZer, PlayOnLinux19:25
pcbBobI just reinstalled, and I get the same error message19:27
NickZyou purged, right?19:27
NickZpurging removes all the crap in your user data folder19:27
pcbBobI did execute `sudo snap remove --purge spotify` and then `sudo snap install spotify`19:28
NickZlemme look at the snapcraft.yaml...19:29
mcphailSimilar issue here: https://github.com/snapcrafters/discord/issues/3119:29
NickZpcbBob: try `snap revert core && snap refresh core`19:30
pcbBobDidn't help, same error19:30
mcphailAre you using an old version of snapd or the cores? I see some comment suggesting this behaviour should have been fixed years ago19:32
NickZyeah, can you output `snap --version`?19:33
mcphailhttps://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/64/commits/9dd544efdad8654e912284fbe41938b2374ec63d - 2017!19:36
mupPR ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers#64: Don't symbolic link gtk_configs if they already exist <Created by akgrant43> <Merged by didrocks> <https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/64>19:36
pcbBob$ snap --versionsnap     2.42.1-1snapd    2.42.1-1series   16manjaro  -kernel   5.3.11-1-MANJARO19:36
NickZI've had issues with snapd on manjaro19:37
NickZpcbBob: what does pacman say the latest version of snap is on manjaro? is it 2.42.1?19:39
NickZpcbBob: I'd suggest posting on the forums about this, like mcphail said; snapd support on Manjaro is unfortunately not great yet in my experience, and the commit logs suggest this problem should have been fixed long before 2.42.119:46
NickZbe sure to mention this issue: https://github.com/snapcrafters/discord/issues/3119:47
NickZand this commit: https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/64/commits/9dd544efdad8654e912284fbe41938b2374ec63d19:47
mupPR ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers#64: Don't symbolic link gtk_configs if they already exist <Created by akgrant43> <Merged by didrocks> <https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/64>19:47
pcbBobI didn't update my system for 3 months or so. I am just upgrading everything. Maybe it works19:47
pcbBobThanks your help!19:48
mupIssue # closed: core18#56, core18#86, core18#89, core18#117, core18#129, core18#137, core18#142, core18#14520:15
mupPR # closed: core18#43, core18#72, core18#90, core18#98, core18#126, core18#134, core18#144, core18#14620:15
mupIssue # opened: core18#56, core18#86, core18#89, core18#117, core18#129, core18#137, core18#142, core18#14520:16
mupPR # opened: core18#43, core18#72, core18#90, core18#98, core18#126, core18#134, core18#144, core18#14620:16
sdhd-saschajdstrand: why did you call this function twice ? I'm sure you know. I'm also not perferct:20:52
sdhd-saschajdstrand: don't be bad to me.20:53
sdhd-saschait's possible that the compiler could optimize the call of `slot.Snap().GetType()`...20:54
sdhd-sascha...again... i didn't look at ...20:54
sdhd-saschajdstrand: i mean: great review. thank you21:01
* sdhd-sascha trink some more beer :-(21:02
NickZsdhd-sascha: You ok man?21:03
sdhd-saschaNickZ: thank you ;-) i'm fine. I'm usally like this. I'm happy to find you all ;-)21:04
sdhd-saschaI'm regret, that i didn't chat so much before...21:05
sdhd-saschaNickZ: i'm with you. Thank you21:06
sdhd-saschaall ok21:06
sdhd-saschaNickZ: life is life. Sometimes not so easy21:20
sdhd-saschaNickZ: how are you?21:21
NickZim doing alright21:21
NickZI recommend taking it easy, relaxing and not futzing with computer shit right now21:21
* sdhd-sascha i'm typing slower since i change german to englisch21:21
NickZwork can wait :P21:21
sdhd-saschaNickZ: yeah - right :-)21:22

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