[04:13] good morning [04:24] good morning [04:46] nikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F [04:46] System: [04:46] Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 5.6.0-050600rc2-generic x86_64 bits: 64 [04:46] Desktop: Gnome 3.34.3 Distro: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) [04:47] Blade: stop that please [13:06] lotuspsychje part of ubuntu staff [13:06] or lame [13:22] ikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ uptime [13:22] 15:22:10 up 12:34, 1 user, load average: 0,00, 0,03, 0,00 [13:22] nikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ [13:23] I think his issue was that it's generally bad etiquette to paste multiple lines to a channel. [13:24] ubuntu pastebin [13:24] ok [13:25] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Dvd79s6wDY/ mason is good for you [13:30] Sure. I tend to like bpaste, but anything other than pastebin.com is good. [13:31] Blade: Why is it "UEFI [Legacy]"? Not sure what that means. [13:32] Blade: Ah, you have no ESP, so it means UEFI firmware, but running in legacy mode. [13:33] I'm a fan of UEFI lately, and of using the Linux EFI stub rather than a bootloader. [13:34] dual boot with win10 pro [13:34] And that lets you use legacy mode? Weird. Or do you have to switch it to UEFI for Windows to boot? [13:35] work no need change [13:35] Oh... It's not showing my ESP either, so I'm not sure now. [13:37] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/smwYVS3zfg/ see mason [13:37] Blade: Here's my laptop for comparison: https://bpaste.net/MBEA [13:38] original kernel [13:38] in my list [14:16] Blade mason this channel is for 20.04 support questions, not for offtopic chatting please respect the !guidelines [14:26] i test [14:27] Blade: test in silence [14:27] ok [14:27] or in #test [14:28] ubuntu is beta 20.04 lts is a test [14:29] work [14:29] no need going to test [14:34] lotuspsychje staff of ubunto or ............. [14:36] ubuntu [14:37] lotuspsychje whats is problem whith me install beta 20.04 manual install new rc2 kernel 5.6 [14:38] work [14:38] and 440mnvidia testin driver work [14:45] lotuspsychje: I don't really need the correction. I was explaining netiquette and the use of pastebins as opposed to pasting in channel. That must have been obvious to you. [14:46] mason: we have an #ubuntu-discuss channel for laptop comparisson & uefi chatting [14:46] this is 20.04 support [14:47] lotuspsychje: You'd set the tone with a random greeting last night. If you want the channel to be toxic, I'll be happy enough to go elsewhere. [14:47] lotuspsychje you support is [14:47] pastebin pic to see [14:47] hate [14:48] mason: feel free to continue this in #ubuntu-discuss [14:48] lotuspsychje: I'm uninterested. You may have your channel back in peace. [14:50] lotuspsychje see my intall help me support me hahahahahahhaahahahaha [14:50] install [14:50] lotuspsychje you ar belgian lame [14:52] Blade: only support questions in this channel [14:54] fpr [14:54] for [14:54] nothing [14:55] you system is [14:55] check terminal [14:56] !ops | Blade returning nonsense/offtopic/trolling [14:56] Blade returning nonsense/offtopic/trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax [14:57] lotuspsychje давай давай [14:58] проблеми ще имаш ламерче [15:18] Actually, lotuspsychje, here, you can provide some support. Is Netowork-Manager supposed to be able to dynamically control device management properties? I burned some time yesterday on this, as the man page and docs suggest the functionality is there, but it appeared not to work. [15:20] lotuspsychje: Also, what's changed with top(1) in 20.04? If I add a column, the traditional behaviour of truncating the command column appears to be gone, and on an 80-column terminal the command column simply goes away, which is less than useful. [15:20] mason: if you have 20.04 support questions, please ask them in the channel, not specific to 1 user [15:21] lotuspsychje: I'm here and I'm asking. Support away. [15:21] thats not how this channel works mason [15:21] lotuspsychje: You're not one of the ops, so please stay on topic. I have some support questions. [15:21] o/ lotuspsychje [15:23] Ussat: You have any ideas? I was surprised about the top thing more than Network-Manager. [15:23] With all these experts around we're sure to get to the heart of it. :) [15:24] ideas about what ? [15:24] Ussat: Two things. 1) Seems that Network-Manager offers the ability to set "device managed" for devices, but it seems to not actually do anything. [15:25] Ussat: The background is that it ends up shipping with default config that turns off management of ethernet devices and hides it in /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d [15:25] You can override that by dropping a modified file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d but the surprising bit is where NM offers the ability to manage that dynamically... but it does seem to work. [15:26] So, this support venu is for pre-release [15:26] Ussat: Yeah. I'm talking about 20.04. [15:26] you probably want #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu [15:26] If it ends up needing a bug I'll file one, but I wanted to check with the experts first. [15:26] oh...ok [15:26] Ussat: Nah, #ubuntu-server pushes prerelease to here. [15:26] right, I did not know you were talking 20.04 [15:27] So, I've worked around it, but it was surprising. [15:27] BUt, I have not encountered that, sorry [15:27] The other bit is top(1) no longer truncates the last column if you add columns. [15:27] OK, have not noticed that either, but I have been pretty busy and have not had a lot of time to play with 20.04 [15:27] top(1) elsewhere, including 18.04, will truncate the command column if you push it further right, but in 20.04, it falls right off, which violates POLA. [15:28] but filing a bug seems a good idea [15:28] Ussat: Before I do I want to know if there's something I've missed that makes it not a bug, but yeah, filing one would end up in the same place, just with a bit more overhead. [15:32] lotuspsychje: Anyway, if you have any ideas later, I'd love to hear them, and if not I'll go ahead and file some bugs. [15:34] mason, klike I said, I have had very little free time to play with 20.04, so I dont really [15:34] Ussat: It seems pleasant enough, so you'll probably like it when you get a chance. I'm moving my hypervisors over to it, since that's a relatively safe place to test it. [15:35] Lots of ZFS bugfixes over what 18.04 ships. [15:37] Ya well, I dont use zfs so... [15:38] Tisk. It's lovely stuff. [15:39] Mabey, no need to [15:40] Fair enough. It thrives in environments without a dedicated SAN.