
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (Blade returning nonsense/offtopic/trolling)14:56
ubottuducasse called the ops in #ubuntu (iiee)17:27
dax@comment 79771 adding account ban for racial slurs (previously banned by Drone by IP), 30d19:15
ubottuComment added. 79771 will be removed after 1 month.19:15
dax@comment 79773 (Dreaman/Blade) continued offtopic nonsense despite his unban being conditional on him stopping that, rebanning19:15
ubottuComment added.19:15
dax@comment 79772 repeated off-topic and often sexualized chatter despite being repeatedly redirected or told to stop by multiple people, 3d19:16
ubottuComment added. 79772 will be removed after 3 days.19:16
dax(the only reason that's 3d and not longer is that i think they haven't been actioned by an op before and maybe this will make them cut it out)19:17
dax(I also just PMed UndefinedIsNotAF with an explanation)19:19

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