
conjohey yall, need a little guidence setting up my printer its a cannon xp 220 printer scanner copier, drivers for printer have been installed and i can print a page but scanning is what i need the device for could anyone give me a push in the right direction please01:33
conjoafter the initial setup (from plug in via usb) drivers were installed but it said i needed additional drivers that it couldnt find- that led to me getting this link01:34
conjomy bad its an epson xp 220 psc01:36
conjojust instaled simple scan outcome pending might try a reboot and report back01:37
sarnoldthe reboot may be necessary, iirc the scanning software often requires special group membership01:39
conjosarnold, ;) thank you for the feedback01:41
sarnoldconjo: any luck?01:46
conjosarnold, all went to plan thank you very much hope you have a great day/night01:46
sarnoldyou too :) have fun01:46
sarnold(it's possible a full reboot wasn't strictly needed, but logging all the way out and back in is almost as annoying, and the reboot is useful anyway :)01:46
conjomade my day my dad passed and i found a photo album that i want to scan and send to my brothers interstate os this will make many people so so so so happy given the circumstances (pics of dad when he was young and groovy) :)01:48
conjothanks sarnold01:48
conjoyou take care gotta get to work01:49
sarnoldyoung and groovy dad, awesome :D sorry about your dad passing :(01:49
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Psi-JackHeh, well, my USB-C dock I use for my MBP also works for my Ubuntu taptop. :)02:04
Psi-Jacktomreyn: So you were right. It is the -4002:25
Psi-JackI just got it to boot off -28, and that is working.02:26
Psi-JackHowever, a window comes up "System program problem detected, do you want to report the problem now", and despite clicking report problem... Nothing appears to happen.02:26
sarnoldthat report might have gone to errors.ubuntu.com rather than launchpad02:27
Psi-JackSo, now, bug report...02:34
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conjosarnold, thank you for your kind words and empathy. Dad is much better off now even though we all miss him dearly hes not suffering anymore farwell kind soul and thank you again02:49
hswansonxubuntu isn't working with my brightness, can yall help?03:01
Hellphyre23as in you are not able to control your brightness?03:05
sarnoldhswanson: there's a *lot* involved there.. have you seen this page yet? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Backlight03:05
sarnold(some of that page is just general linux information, but there's a lot that's also specific to arch and may not make sense on ubuntu)03:06
hswansonsarnold: my /sys/class/backlight is empty03:07
JoeLlamaokay xubuntu is now installed.  What do I type into terminal to get the latests update please? :)03:29
Psi-Jackapt update; apt upgrade03:29
JoeLlamaoh ok just like that?03:30
JoeLlamahere I go then03:30
sarnoldyou'll need sudo, too :)03:30
sarnoldJoeLlama: installed? woot :)03:30
JoeLlamahi sarnold yes thanks for the help earlier03:30
JoeLlamayes, I had to change the USB burner03:31
JoeLlamathen it worked :)03:31
JoeLlamathe USB stick was not bootable03:31
JoeLlamaso just type in apt update; apt upgrade ?03:32
JoeLlamaone at a time? or both at once?03:32
sarnoldsudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade   -- what I usually use03:32
sarnoldif the update fails then it won't try to upgrade anything :)03:32
JoeLlamaokay sarnold so just like that what you typed on one line?03:32
JoeLlamao k ! : )03:33
JoeLlamaI have a pile of these 9 and 10 inch Dell computers03:33
JoeLlamathey are neat little machines but the 9 inch ones are intel atom n270 1.6 GHz and they are slow03:34
JoeLlamaokay so like it's doing it sarnold thanks03:36
sarnoldJoeLlama: and now... wait. it might be a bit on a slower machine, hehe03:36
JoeLlamaI will be learning everything I never wanted to know about linux soon :)03:36
JoeLlamayeah slower (:03:36
JoeLlamamost stuff less speed03:37
JoeLlamabut it's okay03:37
JoeLlamatakes like 7 seconds to open the browser03:37
sarnoldbut still, a big pile of computers might be fun still :)03:37
JoeLlamasingle core two threads03:37
JoeLlamaoh yes they are very usable!03:37
JoeLlamaand also the 10 inch boxes have that crystal video accellerator03:38
JoeLlamawhich works with gome player and linux03:38
JoeLlamaI can actually stream some things pretty nicely on a little box03:38
sarnoldoh wow03:38
sarnoldnice nice03:38
JoeLlamayup fun fun...  it's a module you install03:38
JoeLlamaotherwise the video is really bad03:39
JoeLlamaokay sarnold it's done with updating and upgrading is that all it takes?03:41
sarnoldJoeLlama: yeah when it goes well it's pretty painless03:41
sarnoldyou may need to restart firefox or libreoffice or chromium-browser03:41
sarnoldthose don't take well to being updated while running03:41
JoeLlamaonly a few minutes.'...... I seem to remember it took MUCH longer before03:41
JoeLlamaoh ok :)03:42
JoeLlamayeah only thing running is terminal03:42
sarnoldon the other hand, I've got something funny with my ZFS filesystems that means that if I tried to reboot rightnow, my computer would not reboot, and I'd be stuck at a maintenance shell..03:42
sarnoldso apt upgrade dies in a big pile of fire, because the ZFS service that mounts zfs for some reason runs after upgrades03:42
JoeLlamaoh :(03:42
sarnoldI'm glad for this, because now I know about it :) heh03:42
JoeLlamanext I install VLC :)03:43
JoeLlamaI like vlc best03:43
sarnoldI never got the hang of vlc.. I usually use mplayer even though I keep hearing mpv is neater. or something.03:44
JoeLlamaoh it says I can't install VLC not available on stable03:46
Bashing-om!info vlc bionic | JoeLlama - What release ?03:49
ubottuJoeLlama - What release ?: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.8-0ubuntu18.04.1 (bionic), package size 32 kB, installed size 220 kB03:49
leftyfbJoeLlama: what version of ubuntu?03:49
JoeLlamaoh I am using xubuntu 16.04?\03:50
JoeLlamaubuntu is too big for this box03:50
JoeLlamawait I got an install button03:50
leftyfbJoeLlama: vlc is available on ubuntu 16.0403:51
Bashing-om!info vlc xenial03:51
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2-5ubuntu0.16.04.4 (xenial), package size 1469 kB, installed size 4828 kB03:51
JoeLlamaok it says it's installing03:54
faekjarzI'd like to change the default mount options (i.e. compress-force) of ANY BTRFS, so i don't have to create fstab entries for every single device/partition - how would i do that?03:56
JoeLlamaI definitely like xubuntu over lubuntu but I think lubuntu has even lower overhead03:57
sarnoldfaekjarz: zfs inherits properties from parent to child datasets; does btrfs has something similar?03:57
JoeLlamabut I couldn't get wireless networking to work on lubuntu and on xubuntu it just worked03:58
sarnoldJoeLlama: note that the low-overhead goals of lubuntu have changed recently https://lubuntu.me/taking-a-new-direction/04:00
Bashing-omJoeLlama: I too run old hardware - when you are the more familiar with 'buntu check out a xubuntu core install - very fast on my system.04:00
JoeLlamaoh ok sarnold I look04:01
JoeLlamayes Bashing-om :)04:01
JoeLlamaI am using xubuntu Bashing-om04:02
faekjarzsarnold: i don't think so. afaik, btrfs isn't as comfy as zfs, and compression (for writes) is only enabled with certain mount options.04:02
sarnoldfaekjarz: oh :(04:02
Bladeis ubuntu channel not lubuntu xubuntu04:04
jimkloQuestion: I've got two different ubuntu servers... on one root can go into any directory and write a file, however on the other, root can only write files to folders that are owned or group root. How would this happen?04:04
jimkloalso how might I fix so root can write to a file anywhere?04:05
sarnoldjimklo: are there any messages in dmesg that look related?04:05
sarnoldapparmor denials, read-only fileysstems..04:05
JoeLlamaok I wander off before my battery dies :)04:06
sarnoldhow are you starting these root processes?04:06
sarnoldbye JoeLlama :)04:06
JoeLlamabye sarnold (:04:06
JoeLlamamoo :)04:06
jimklosarnold: i don't see anything in dmesg but I could be missing something04:09
jimkloright now I'm just trying to `touch foo.txt` but the problem more related to docker04:10
jimkloI have a docker container, that trying to write to a bind mounted folder. failing the permissions check by root.04:11
sarnoldah docker changes things. root within is not the same as root without04:12
jimklobut removing docker out of the equation and just trying it via shell on the host to touch a file using the root user04:12
jimklohas the same problem04:12
jimkloif I can fix it on the host, then docker should be fine... it's still user id 0 trying to write the file in both cases04:13
sarnoldjimklo: you can check if your uid 0 process still has capabilities via getpcaps04:14
sarnoldbut it seems like a difficult tool to use04:14
jimkloi'm not even sure how I would use that tool... touch doesn't exactly block long enough... I suppose I could find something that runs longer04:16
sarnoldyou'd run it in place of touch04:17
sarnoldlike, getpcaps $$ in an unprivileged shell prints as expected04:18
sarnoldand in a root shell, getpcaps $$  prints as expected04:18
sarnoldbut trying to just do a sudo getpcaps '$$'   prints something *stupid* that gives me the impression it's a pretty crap tool :)04:19
jimklothis is the kind of output when I use one of the docker pids https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/N32bP72TVh/04:20
jimklo'$$' has the same output04:21
jimklookay... I think I sort of figured out the problem... now not quite sure how to fix it... turns out the location I'm trying to write is on a remote NFS mount04:24
jimklohowever if I go over to the NFS host directory the file creation works fine by root04:24
jimkloI think no_root_squash is what I need04:40
jimkloI enabled... and restarted nfs, but the client doesn't seem to like to let root do that... it just halts04:41
jimklowonder if I need to actually reboot the client system04:41
Psi-JackSo, that "report problem" window comes up everytime I boot/login.04:47
jimklo@sarnold so fixing the no_root_squash and restarting the client server since it mounts that folder via fstab fixed it...04:56
lotuspsychjejimklo: sarnold is afk right now, if your issue is still there, please re-ask in the channel with all details05:09
Psi-JackDrats. Heh. My fingerprint reader is not /yet/ supported.05:11
Psi-JackHmm, that on-screen keyboard can be a bit annoying.05:13
lotuspsychjePsi-Jack: please use this channel to ask specific ubuntu questions, with all details included05:13
Psi-JackCan I disable the on-screen keyboard in Ubuntu 18.04 while it's in "tablet" mode, somehow, or under certain conditions?05:19
Citizen-Se7en  I was wondering... could anyone tell me when support for 18.04 LTS ends?05:19
lotuspsychje!18.04 | Citizen-Se7en05:19
ubottuCitizen-Se7en: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu and the current LTS release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes05:19
Citizen-Se7enlotuspsychje: Thank you.05:20
lotuspsychjeCitizen-Se7en: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL here's a handy list with the support + ESM times too05:21
* Citizen-Se7en tips hat to lotuspsychje05:21
sarnoldjimklo: sweet! :D05:23
sarnoldjimklo: thanks for reporting back05:23
Psi-JackUniversal Access shows the Screen Keyboard as off, but this comes up every time I activate a text input, while the hardware keyboard is disabled due to tablet mode.05:28
lotuspsychjePsi-Jack: do you have a real keyboard on that tablet?05:28
Psi-JackIt's a tabtop (laptop that flips into a tablet)05:29
lotuspsychjeso thats a yes? and you want to fully disable on-screen keyboard?05:30
Psi-JackI mean, ultimately I'd like to be able to disable and re-enable it, under different conditions.05:30
Psi-JackWith it plugged in and docked for example, on my desk, there's little need to have the onscreen keyboard. But when walking about or on the couch, or elsewhere, for example, that could be very different.05:31
lotuspsychjePsi-Jack: can you check the settings in dconf-editor ?05:31
Psi-JackAs it is now. in tablet mode (screen closer, but angled up, keyboard face down), a terminal window being activated, causes the onscreen keyboard to pop up, and sometimes it even moves the windows around.05:32
Psi-JackAnd yes, I could, if I knew where it was. :)05:33
lotuspsychjePsi-Jack: sudo apt install dconf-tools05:33
Psi-JackI meant in dconf-editor. :)05:34
lotuspsychjePsi-Jack: there's a handy search function in dconf now05:34
lotuspsychjetype keyboard05:34
Psi-Jackorg.gnome.shell.keyboard? Currently set to touch. default.05:35
lotuspsychje!info onboard bionic | Psi-Jack try this workaround too05:36
ubottuPsi-Jack try this workaround too: onboard (source: onboard): Simple On-screen Keyboard. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.1-2ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 342 kB, installed size 1883 kB05:37
Psi-Jackyeah, I saw onboard, wasn't installed.05:37
lotuspsychjePsi-Jack: seems there is a bug #176039905:37
ubottubug 1760399 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Cosmic) "New On-screen keyboard does not appear automatically when selecting some text fields" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176039905:37
Psi-JackHmm, well, I installed onboard..05:40
Psi-JackAnd now... There are two on screen keyboards. LOL05:40
lotuspsychjedisable the gnome stock one now Psi-Jack05:41
Psi-JackHow? I don't even know how it's enabled in the first place. LOL05:41
lotuspsychjePsi-Jack: you just said you found a dconf value set to 'touch'?05:41
lotuspsychjeset to disable?05:42
ledenPsi-Jack, Settings -- Universal Access -- Typing --onscreen keyboard off05:42
Psi-JackI rebooted. That actually shows me a different situation, in dconf, org.gnome.desktop.screensaver.embedded-keyboard-command now is set to 'onboard -xid', so now, it's now popping up the onscreen keyboard all the time. :D05:44
Psi-Jackbecause I configured onboard to not pop up when an external keyboard was connected (my wireless keyboard, currently. :)05:44
Psi-JackWell. it... Almost worked.05:45
Psi-JackHmmm... Not quite working with disable, as it just got itself back on again. :/05:49
littlekimmyhow do i know which ports are unlclosed by my firewall ufw05:50
littlekimmyand which ports does gsconnect use by default, i know they are working and as i can use gsconnect on kdeconnect phone just fine05:50
Psi-Jacklotuspsychje: Yah, that didn't disable the gnome-shell onscreen keyboard.06:01
littlekimmyi want to find out the package for `ip` cmd ? apt-file search ip shows tremendous amounts of data06:04
littlekimmyi know the answer06:06
littlekimmybut the search function is nost eleegant06:06
alazyWhat controls whether the (lightdm, I think) login screen shows an option to select a different desktop environment (xfce, i3, etc)?06:40
ajrsI'm running ubuntu 19.1006:42
ajrsand I think my Asus VP28UQG monitors are running at 30 Hz instead of 60Hz06:43
ajrsI have a 1660Ti Nvidia GPU06:43
ajrsthe monitors are 4K06:43
alazyI have i3.desktop at /usr/share/xsessions/ but I have no choice upon login. There's simply no button for it. What do?06:46
tatertotsajrs: some displays can only run at 30hz at > 1080P resolutions06:51
SwedeMikeajrs: are they connected using displayport?06:54
ajrsI created a new xorg.conf06:54
ajrsand executed cvt -r 3840 2160 6006:54
ajrsI'll stick that in the xorg06:55
ajrsit might work06:55
kenperkinsok got my new thinkpad today (yay), during pre-install, wifi works fine (19.10 usb boot iso), but once it's installed, no wifi06:58
kenperkinsi.e. if you boot but don't install from usb, i have wifi, but "no adapters" when done with install.06:58
=== anon is now known as HIVPositive
nolashI need libmysqlclient-dev (mysql_config) and npm at the same time, but they conflict in libssl1.0 / libssl1.1.x. Is there a workaround?07:09
nolashubuntu 18.0407:09
tomreynnolash: maybe you can install npm from a third party. or you can uninstall libmysqlclient-dev after building what you needed to build, then install npm.09:51
plut4rchdoes anyone here use cherrytree for notetaking?09:53
tomreynplease don't poll but post (on a pastebin) errors on ubuntu packages, and inquire about them, providing system and installation details.09:56
AlexaDear friends, how to make a keyboard shortcut follow certain keyboard instructions? Currently I'm writing a paperwork and constantly switching between tabs. And often I use certain keys (Down, Home, Ctrl + shift + right, ctrl + c) then I switch tab and look it up in dictionary. How to bind it to a keyboard shortcut?10:51
sixwheeledbeastSo a keyboard macro not a shortcut? A shortcut would be a series of keys to trigger an single action normally controlling the DE or applications, a macro would follow a pre programmed function or mouse action, keypresses etc.11:02
sixwheeledbeastSo you would have a keyboard shortcut pointing at a macro in the cause you describe.11:06
sixwheeledbeastI would imagine there are better ways to do what you need (!xy) but maybe look at autokey and xdotool11:07
RonaldsMazitisI am trying to use searchmonkey but default text editor and file manager is not set11:32
RonaldsMazitisI set them in system but searchmonkey still does not get them11:32
tomreyn!info searchmonkey11:34
ubottusearchmonkey (source: searchmonkey): search files using regular expressions aiming to replace find/grep tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-1build1 (eoan), package size 412 kB, installed size 794 kB11:34
RonaldsMazitisRun configuration to set default text editor: error11:34
tomreyni couldn't tell personally, never used it.11:35
RonaldsMazitiswell geany does not do grep11:35
RonaldsMazitiscmmon google does not give any answers11:38
lotuspsychje!patience | RonaldsMazitis11:39
ubottuRonaldsMazitis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/11:39
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: did you check the manpage yet?11:41
RonaldsMazitisIt's a gui programm11:42
RonaldsMazitisso nope11:42
RonaldsMazitisI'm just amazed grep does not have working GUI app11:42
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/searchmonkey.1.html11:42
RonaldsMazitisI don't see how can I set default text editor11:43
RonaldsMazitisfor search monkey11:43
RonaldsMazitisI already updated-alternatives and added geany11:44
RonaldsMazitisI might have found it's in seamonkeys settings11:47
BluesKajHi folks11:56
xeniaHey everyone I'm trying to download a file in my home directory via wget12:03
xeniabut i'm getting permission denied12:03
xeniajust created a new user12:03
xeniaI don't think I'm required to use sudo with wget12:03
tomreynit certainly depends on whether the user you're working as is allowed to write to this directory12:05
tomreyntouch test && echo 'test file written successfully, run "rm test" to remove it' || echo 'failed to write test file, user may lack permission to write here.'12:06
xeniayeah it wont write12:08
xeniaI just did chown usr /home12:08
tomreynthe /home directory should be owned by root12:09
xeniaYeah I should just have the x so I can access the sub directory12:09
xeniabut already tried making a dir inside the home and doing that12:09
tomreynare you manually creating a home directory for a new user account you added?12:10
xeniaone wasn't created12:10
tomreynthe "adduser" command would automatically create one12:10
tomreynhow did you create the user?12:11
xeniathat's exactly what I did12:11
AavarThis might be the wrong place to ask but. I have a server with a 2-drive raid (raid 1 i believe). I am running out of space and I am thinking about expanding the array with one or two more drives. Whar raid-level would you recommend? I am thinking 3-4 drives with one of them being a pairity-pairity-drive. Is this recommended and what raid level would this be?12:11
Bladexenia  no chance  to do12:11
lotuspsychje!crosspost | Aavar12:11
ubottuAavar: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.12:11
tomreynxenia: which ubuntu version are you running there, is it really ubuntu? have you customized how users are created?12:11
xeniayeha it's ubuntu, I think that hte company that's hosting the vps12:11
Aavarlotuspsychje: ohh... sorry. Won't happen again.12:12
xeniais using a moded image12:12
tomreynxenia: then it's not actually ubuntu12:12
xeniayeah true just so weird12:12
tomreynxenia: you can still ask questions about this ubuntu derivate in ##linux12:13
xeniaalright thank you12:18
TomaszWarriorI have problem with installing ubuntu with dual boot with windows12:59
TomaszWarriorI have ssd drive12:59
TomaszWarrior4 windows partitions12:59
TomaszWarrior30GB of unallocated space13:00
TomaszWarriorand install failed13:00
TomaszWarrior /dev/sdb: No medium found13:00
TomaszWarriorBut ssd drive is /dev/nvme0n113:01
EriC^^TomaszWarrior: can you pastebin "sudo parted -ls"13:01
TomaszWarrior1 sec13:01
EriC^^TomaszWarrior: also more details, where does the installer fail does it boot to the try ubuntu screen even?13:01
TomaszWarriorYeah it boots to try ubuntu13:02
TomaszWarriorI select the partition13:03
TomaszWarriorformat to ext413:03
TomaszWarriorInstalation goes on13:03
TomaszWarriorAnd fails13:03
TomaszWarriorIt trying to open /dev/sdb13:04
TomaszWarriorBut I dont have that13:04
TomaszWarriorstdin Invalid argument13:04
TomaszWarrior /init: line 49: cant open /dev/sdb: No medium found13:05
Psi-JackSo, yeah, this seems to not be going away. "System program problem detected", and every time, I report problem... But, every login it comes back.13:22
Psi-JackBleh, nevermind.. I deleted the stuff in /var/crash/* after having reported it several dozen times already. Apparently it doesn't clean itself up at all.13:27
hexhaxtronHow can I load the nvidia driver on boot and on Xorg?13:37
hexhaxtronI think it's not loading but it's installed.13:38
Blademy is 440 work13:43
TomaszWarriorCan I see channel hostory?13:43
Blade Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.7 driver: modesetting,nvidia13:44
Blade  unloaded: fbdev,nouveau,vesa resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz13:44
Bladewhats is roblem13:44
TomaszWarriorCan I see channel history?13:44
TomaszWarriorOlder messages?13:44
Psi-JackPerhaps in your own logs.13:45
TomaszWarriorIm on web chat13:45
Samurai_OneAre my messages getting through ?13:45
TomaszWarriorI have a probem with installing ubuntu on nvme13:45
TomaszWarriorIt tries to open /dev/sdb13:45
TomaszWarriorBut it dosent exists13:46
TomaszWarriorHow can I go around that problem?13:46
Samurai_OneHello can anyone me with an vm ubuntu server?13:46
EriC^^TomaszWarrior: can you take a screenshot of the "something else" menu in the installer (for custom partioning)13:47
TomaszWarriorEriC^^ 1 sec I need to boot again13:48
EriC^^TomaszWarrior: do you not have nvme there?13:48
TomaszWarriorI have13:48
TomaszWarriorI'll be back soon13:48
TomaszWarriorAnd show you13:48
Psi-JackOkay, well, it's time to report that Intel iwl bug in kernel 5.3.0-40 heh13:49
sixwheeledbeastsomething is trying to install to sdb which doesn't seem to exist.13:49
=== pinpox- is now known as pinpox
PaulW2USamurai_One: without knowing what your question is who can say. Please just ask and wait patiently for a reply ...13:49
Samurai_OneWhen i run      systemctl status networking.service i get   Failed to start Raise network interfaces.13:50
TomaszWarriorI'm back13:50
TomaszWarriorEriC^^ what do you need to see?13:50
EriC^^TomaszWarrior: go to "something else' menu13:51
EriC^^!pm | TomaszWarrior13:51
ubottuTomaszWarrior: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.13:51
TomaszWarriorwhere do I post screenshot?13:52
EriC^^any image site imgur.com13:52
EriC^^that looks correct13:54
EriC^^wha happens when you install13:54
TomaszWarriorIt fails13:54
TomaszWarriorWait a sec13:55
TomaszWarriorI'll give u a screenshot13:55
hareluhey peeps, I have an extremely weird issue with nodejs and npm. Using any form of 'npm install' command results in an "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" error, and the terminal session gets messed up where the cursor completely dissapears until i restart the terminal but im guessing this is some visual bug13:58
hareluive scoured 20 pages of google and no mention of this illegal instruction stuff other than some raspbery pi specific issues13:59
hareluusing the latest versions of both npm and node13:59
Samurai_Onewhen i use the command sudo apt-get update all get our fails and could not resolve i think have messed up something to do with my ip because i cant do any from of updating or upgrading14:08
Samurai_Onewould any one know why this would be happening ?14:09
lotuspsychjeSamurai_One: can you pastebin please14:17
Samurai_Onewhat do should i pastebin14:20
Samurai_Onewhat should i pastebin?14:20
lotuspsychjeSamurai_One: you said apt gets fails and does not resolve?14:21
Samurai_Onegive me a second14:23
badsekturis there a thing that will show the current spotify song playing in my screen or title bar, like all the time?14:32
lotuspsychjebadsektur: you could try asking at the spotify support community: contact:   https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux/bd-p/desktop_linux14:34
lotuspsychje!pm | Samurai_One14:35
ubottuSamurai_One: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.14:35
Samurai_Onehere is the pastebin14:36
lotuspsychjeSamurai_One: dependency errors often occur when adding external ppa's to your system14:37
lotuspsychjeSamurai_One: did you add external ppa's?14:37
ecov@badsekturlook into conky?14:38
Samurai_Onewhat our ppa's?14:38
lotuspsychjeSamurai_One: pastebin: inxi -rc0 | nc termbin.com 9999 please14:40
Samurai_Onei cant use that command14:43
Samurai_Oneand when i try and install it via  (sudo apt install inxi) i cant connect to the Ubuntu  it gives me  Could not resolve14:45
lotuspsychjeSamurai_One: ok pastebin your sources.list then14:45
ducasseSamurai_One: can you pastebin the output of 'apt policy'?14:45
Samurai_OneI am using an Ubuntu on a vm by the way14:45
Samurai_Onewhat command do i have to use14:50
lotuspsychjeSamurai_One: ducasse already asked you the command14:51
Samurai_Oneis this the command      apt policy | nc termbin.com 999914:52
BattleI'm so confused here. I have had my providers completely replace our dedicated server, HDDs, everything. i reinstalled ubuntu 18 and my system is randomly after a few hours, shutting down without writing anything to logs, it just all literally stops. Almost like the power plug being pulled kind of situation... the only thing I can think of now is that it has got to be something on the providers14:53
Battleend? power supply issues (not the PSU inside the case) but the feed to the server or something?14:53
Battlecan things like GPU drivers/network drivers cause system shutdowns like this?14:57
Samurai_Onei cant use that one either15:00
Samurai_Onenc: getaddrinfo for host "termbin.com" port 9999: Name or service not known15:00
jeremy31Samurai_One: replace termbin.com with
Samurai_Oneapt policy | nc 999915:02
Samurai_OneWARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.15:02
kenperkinsok, so this is a wierd one: when I boot to a brand new laptop with 19.10 usb stick (trial mode), my built in wifi adapter works fine. When I install, I'm prompted for wifi selection and creds during setup, but when it boots into the main os, my wifi is disabled with errors in dmesg about the iwlwifi failing15:03
kenperkinsdon't know where to start15:03
leftyfbBattle: contact your provider. They need to be the ones troubleshooting this15:04
Samurai_Onethis may be help when i use sudo apt-get install -f it gives me a winbind.service failed  see system "systemctl status winbind.service" and "journalctl -xe futher down it gives me   Errors were encountered while processing:15:05
Samurai_One winbind15:05
Samurai_One libpam-winbind:amd6415:05
Samurai_One libnss-winbind:amd6415:05
Samurai_OneE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:05
tdsBattle: check the ipmi sel, it may have details of what's causing it exactly15:05
leftyfbtds: you're assuming their server supports ipmi15:06
tdsi'd expect most servers to15:07
jeremy31kenperkins: You might want to use Ubuntu 18.04.1 and stay away from the 5.3 kernels for now15:08
leftyfbSamurai_One: please post your sources.list or the output from "apt policy" to pastebin15:08
Battleleftleg_ yeah thats what I'm thinking too @ provider should be troubleshooting this...15:09
Battletds I've installed it, I guess I have to wait for system to crash now ?15:09
leftyfbBattle: contact your provider.15:10
tdsipmi should have already been collecting logs, so if you've installed ipmitool you can get the event list from there15:10
kenperkins@jeremy31I'd love more insight? I've been using 5.3.5 on my main desktop for ~3+ months15:11
Battleleftleg_ talking of providers, they've just sent me an email saying that they believe my issue is related to r8169 network driver, and I should install r8168 instead15:12
leftyfbBattle: have they confirmed that the issue is your losing network and not actually freezing up or losing power?15:13
jeremy31kenperkins: are you having issues with 5.3.0-40?15:14
Battleleftyfb they said: "It was not showing any link on side of the network interface but generally running normally.15:15
BattleWe guess the following issue might describe the situation of your server "15:15
kenperkinswell, I don't know exactly what's going on. The wifi doesn't work on a brand new laptop, with a completely fresh install. it works when you use the ubuntu trial mode from the usb stick, and it's functional enough during the os install wizard, but then it bombs out in dmesg and doesn't work15:16
kenperkinsdoes that mean it's a kernel problem?15:16
lotuspsychjekenperkins: volunteers are trying to help you, when asked a question could you please respond?15:17
compdockenperkins, no, it might mean its using the wrong driver15:17
jeremy31kenperkins: Likely kernel/firmware issue15:17
kenperkins@lotuspsychje I'm trying to answer the questions. I honestly don't know where the problem originates, if I did, I would ask more specific questions :(15:17
compdocyou can find which driver, then find which wifi chip your modem uses, and see if its correct15:17
leftyfbBattle: they don't give you any sort of out of band access to the server?15:18
two4teaHi All15:18
lotuspsychjekenperkins: jeremy31 asked you if you encounter your issue on 5.3.0-4015:18
kenperkinsyes, i am using the 5.3.0-40 kernel15:18
kenperkinshttps://gist.github.com/kenperkins/b93a0f8b060a1ab755ffca1edb788c9f are the dmesg logs15:19
kenperkins@compdoc if I boot back into the trial mode, what command should I run at the terminal to see the firmware or drivers it's using there (where it works?)15:20
jeremy31kenperkins: post URL for>  iwconfig | nc termbin.com 999915:21
compdockenperkins, this would explain it better than me:  https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-troubleshooting-hardware-check.html15:22
kenperkinsis termbin a nice little pipeable log stash? nice15:22
jeremy31kenperkins: yes and no ads that I see15:22
kenperkinsI'm on pihole anyway so :shrug: rebooting the laptop into trial mode15:23
jeremy31kenperkins: It is possible that wifi power management could cause issues15:25
kenperkinsthat's from trial mode, working as expected, let me grep dmesg15:26
Battleleftyfb they do give me remote KVM , but what they're saying I do not believe to be honest.15:26
Battleleftyfb they're saying the system remains online but network goes down, if thats the case, surely kern.log and syslog would still show activity from other things like cronjobs and so on?15:27
leftyfbBattle: ok, then remote KVM in and watch it to see what happens when you lose ssh connectivity to it. I'd say run dmesg -Tw15:27
kenperkinsand here's dmesg in trial mode, looking to see if the versions are the same15:27
Battleleftyfb I thought of this too @ remote KVM and wait and watch, but KVM also goes down. but in the past, when network went down, KVM still worked fine...which further enhances my belief the system is not running like they claim...15:28
leftyfbBattle: ok, then tell them that kvm also goes down when you lose connectivity, pointing to not a network issue and something they need to address. Good luck15:28
kenperkinsfirmware and tlv_fq_fseq versions appear identical15:28
Battleleftyfb thank you i will15:29
jeremy31kenperkins: Could be power management being enabled in that new kernel15:29
tdsBattle: are you saying that there's nothing in logs at all from when the server (and the kvm) dropped offline?15:30
kenperkins@jeremy31 I don't see why not, but I also have no idea how to digest the dmesg logs for iwlwifi to identify if there's a smoking gun15:30
tdsif the server stopped running and you lost connectivity to the kvm as well, that sounds more like power issues than network15:31
jeremy31kenperkins: I have seen other issues with wifi power management, first step is to disable it15:31
leftyfbtds: it's what I've been saying all along15:31
leftyfbthey need to take this up with the provider15:31
Battletds that is correct. I will check again now (since ive only just formatted after having them replace the whole machine) but prior to the replacement, nothing in logs..nothing indicating the reason for the crash at all. it just literally would die anywhere from 2-10hours of being online. SSH + KVM would also go down with it15:32
Battleright now they're claiming that the driver can cause the system to crash ...so im going to follow their guide to downgrading the driver..and if that doesnt help then I go back to them and see what they say...15:33
leftyfbBattle: here's an idea. Don't bother putting anything on it. Just connect via your KVM, boot into whatever BIOS or interface you get ... let it sit there and see if it dies. If it does, that is 100% unrelated to any OS and is on them to resolve15:33
leftyfbBattle: how long does it take for it to lose connectivity?15:33
Battleleftyfb anywhere from 2-10hours so far15:34
leftyfbBattle: can you go that long without running anything on it?15:34
Battleleftyfb ideally not but I think we have to rule out software so they need to do something about it and we don't realy havfe much of a choice but to test that15:35
Battlethe earliest point in KVM I can interupt the boot process is when it shows what kernel of ubuntu to boot, would that be acceptable?15:36
compdockenperkins, this shows the driver:   lshw -C network15:36
leftyfbthey'll probably still try to toss blame, but that would be silly to blame what is basically syslinux/isolinux15:37
leftyfbBattle: can't you stop it on choosing your boot device?15:37
jeremy31compdoc: we know the driver is iwlwifi15:37
Battleleftyfb before I venture down this route of installing this 8168 network driver, how can I check what driver is currently installed?15:37
leftyfbBattle: sudo ethtool -i <interface>15:38
Battleleftyfb I will try, i've not needed to do that but I will try15:38
jeremy31Battle: check in terminal>  lsmod | grep r816915:38
tdsif you can get away without it running for a bit, might be worth asking the provider to just boot it into whatever they like for diagnosing machines, and to reproduce the crash themselves15:38
Battledriver: r816915:38
Battleyeah i guess I'm on that bad one then15:38
kenperkinsyes, it's iwlwifi driver15:38
compdocjeremy31, you guys mentioned the kernel when I came in. Is the kernel the same when it boots from usb?15:39
leftyfbjeremy31: to be fair, your command doesn't check which driver, it assumes 1 and tells you nothing about any other possibilities15:39
kenperkinslet me double check, I thought so, but let's be sure15:39
jeremy31compdoc: the 19.04 would have a much older kernel than 5.3.0-4015:40
kenperkinsAh. that's got to be it.15:40
kenperkinsthe full install is 5.3.0-40, as I said above, the trial mode is 5.3.0-1815:40
jeremy3119.10 would have older kernel15:40
kenperkinsyep, different kernels between usb trial mode and install from same stick (19.10 iso usb)15:42
kenperkinsok, so at least I've identified something different15:43
compdocis 19.10 important? I like the LTS versions15:43
kenperkinsonly inasmuch as I was hoping to run the same kernel on my desktop and laptop so that I have consistent versions across them (as much as possible). def not married to it15:44
kenperkinsmy homebuilt desktop has been bulletproof with 5.3.5-05030515:44
kenperkinstbh, I figured this would be easier with a laptop :( how naive I must be15:45
compdoc18.04 is in its 4th release, I think. very stable15:45
kenperkinsok, so for testing, I must have the 5.3.0-18 kernel on the usb stick,  is there a way I could use that to downgrade for now? (for testing)15:46
jeremy31kenperkins: I don't think that kernel is available on the repos15:47
UndefinedIsNotAFhttps://tinyurl.com/Dick-in-a-Box-SNL-Digital-Sho https://tinyurl.com/Dick-in-a-Box-SNL-Digital-Sho15:47
kenperkinsI'm going to download the lts iso for testing15:47
UndefinedIsNotAFkenperkins: yes the LTS is good15:48
lotuspsychjeUndefinedIsNotAF: not here please15:48
UndefinedIsNotAF lotuspsychje sorry wrong chan, but its a good music15:48
UndefinedIsNotAFlotuspsychje: you don't like Justin Timberlake?15:48
kenperkinsi wouldn't click on that for $1000dollars15:48
lotuspsychjeUndefinedIsNotAF: only support questions related to ubuntu here please15:49
UndefinedIsNotAFok i though i Waggie as on #ubuntu-offtopic15:49
kenperkinssigh and my 100mbit internet is running at 5mbits atm15:49
lotuspsychjekenperkins: you too, keep ontopic15:50
UndefinedIsNotAFkenperkins: do you still see cat pron videos in 4k with 5mbits?15:50
jeremy31kenperkins: 5mb over wifi?15:51
kenperkinsjeremy31: no from my 1G wired desktop to 100Mbit WAN link15:53
kenperkinsI'm speculating that ubuntu iso servers are slow15:53
Psi-JackWow. Well, that was... Wierd.. For some reason, specifically on Ubuntu, Enpass was showing up freaking massively. It took setting QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=1.0 and QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0, in ~/.xprofile to stop this from being so massively oversized, and be sized like everything else. I'd like to know why that is..15:54
kenperkinscool, found a bug report on kernel, sounds similar: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20609715:55
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 206097 in network-wireless "Failed firmware loading or bugged firmware in iwlmvm/iwlwifi" [Normal,New]15:55
UndefinedIsNotAFI would like to know if this bluetooth device works on Ubuntu:15:55
UndefinedIsNotAFmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl Any idea?15:55
compdockenperkins, fresh install of 18.04.4:   driver=iwlwifi driver version=5.3.0-28-generic firmware=46.6bf1df06.015:56
kenperkins@compdoc will be doing as soon as the iso is done (For testing)15:56
Psi-JackOh? -40? No updates applied?15:56
kenperkinsmaybe longer if it works ;)15:56
Psi-JackErr, 28, not 40?15:56
compdocPsi-Jack, it needs an update15:57
compdoclet me do that15:57
Psi-JackWell, for me, -28 worked, -40 broke.15:57
compdocwhew, still connects16:00
compdoc driver=iwlwifi driver version=5.3.0-40-generic firmware=46.6bf1df06.016:01
kenperkinsthanks gents, no more time for now, will communicate back later16:01
compdocgood luck16:01
kenperkinskiddo soccer game16:01
Psi-Jackcompdoc: Lucky you. Mine stops working from 40. :/16:01
compdocguess its the modem16:01
compdocintel  Wireless-AC 926016:02
kenperkinsso lots of us are having similar issues? is that what we're saying?16:02
compdoctwo out of three16:02
kenperkinsI added my details to the kernel bug I found, but will continue to research16:03
Psi-JackAhh, mine's the Intel 956016:03
kenperkins@Psi-Jack same here16:03
kenperkins-40 no work, -18 work, about to install 18.04 lts for comparison16:03
Psi-Jackkenperkins: Yep. There's an open bug report kinda related to the 9560.16:03
compdocI dodged a bullet :)16:03
kenperkinsthinkpad x1 g716:03
kenperkinslink me @Psi-Jack?16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1833065 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu Disco) "Intel WiFi (CNVi) module has no function on Comet Lake [8086:02f0]" [Undecided,New]16:04
Psi-JackI posted earlier, too. Trying to flag it as "This bug effects me", but it keeps giving me an error.16:05
kenperkins > Psi-Jack (erenfro) wrote 2 hours ago: lol16:05
Psi-JackYep. :)16:05
kenperkinsI should piggy back16:05
Psi-JackYour CPU also Comet Lake? :)16:06
Psi-JackStill annoyed by the QT-specific scaling issue only seen, for me, on Ubuntu. Fedora did not have that issue.16:07
kenperkinsyes, 10170u16:08
Psi-Jacki5-10210U, myself.16:08
kenperkinsi figured 6 is better than 4, who knows, clockrate is lower16:09
kenperkinsi bought for longevity hopefully16:09
Psi-JackThankfully my USB-C Dock I use for my MBP also worked for Ubuntu flawlessly, so I was easily able to get it online and able to report that bug appropriately. :)16:09
kenperkinsi ordered a usb-c adapter amazon prime next day last night16:09
lotuspsychje!ot | kenperkins Psi-Jack16:10
ubottukenperkins Psi-Jack: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:10
kenperkinstrying to install 18.04lts when booting to usb, I get grub? is there something i need to do to kick into install?16:11
compdocno, should just work16:13
compdocsounds like 18.04 has the same kernel, so might be a waste of time?16:14
Psi-JackTo further detail, I'm running 14" with 1080P, /not/ 4K, and for some reason, like I said, Qt apps, at least Enpass specifically, and only on Ubuntu, it seemed to be 2~3 times larger than it should be, and I really would like to understand why that is.16:15
ioriaPsi-Jack, a scale factor, probably16:20
CarloWoodHi - asking here because of https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/binutils/+gethelp ...  I linked a program with: /usr/bin/clang++ ... object files ... -o socket_task_test  -Wl,-rpath,/opt/gitache/libcwd_r/888f62c44fd64f1486176bf9e35b36f79612790017c31f95e117fc59743a54ca/lib ... other libs ... /opt/gitache/libcwd_r/888f62c44fd64f1486176bf9e35b36f79612790017c31f95e117fc59743a54ca/lib/libcwd_r.so.5.3.116:30
dakari'm looking for a way to unlock an encrypted root disk through the presence of a nearby bluetooth device or something similar. the idea is to render the disk useless if connected to a device that's not in the same physical location (or near it). a key on a usbdisk doesn't solve this.16:30
dakarthat is, assuming the device AND the disk are stolen and taken elsewhere, the disk can't be unlocked.16:31
dakari'm not looking for some top notch security but i'd like to have some level of security this way16:31
dakarany idea how to go down that route?16:31
CarloWoodIt didn't work when running socket_task_test because I had LD_LIBRARY_PATH set pointing to a different install.  Since when is LD_LIBRARY_PATH preceding -Wl,-rpath and how can I work around this?16:31
dakartang requires an additional server and that's not feasible.16:32
CarloWooddakar: you can add an extra key to LUKS - ie some file of 4096 bytes with random data.  And you can specify a file of that size to read in /etc/crypttab.  So, I support what is needed to have the latter file only available when the bluetooth device is available...16:40
CarloWoodI did this where I put all such files of all my encrypted partitions on another encrypted partition, so I don't have to type the pass phrase more than once: I first mount the first encrypted partition and then can automatically mount all the others.16:41
Psi-Jackioria: Yeah, but, where, in Ubuntu specifically? This does not happen on Fedora 30 or 31, or any other distros I'd tested before settling with Ubuntu.16:41
Psi-JackThough, I probably should check out other Qt apps and see if it's limited to enpass, or everything qt.16:41
CarloWoodIf you can find a "disk over bluetooth" that you can mount at boot time automatically before mounting any other disks (which should technically be possible) then that should work no?16:42
=== Etua_ is now known as Etua
ioriaPsi-Jack, search the startup script (probably something like runenpass.sh) and set export QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1 above the exaec line16:44
Psi-JackI mean, I ultimately "fixed" it with an ~/.xprofile bandaid.16:44
CarloWooddakar: How about using a cable to an usb stick that you glue inside a heavy table?  A thief, at least, is likely to just unplug the cable and not take the heavy table with them.16:46
dakarCarloWood i was thinking more about using the output of `hcitool name AB:CD:EF:00:11:22` as the password or something?16:46
Psi-JackUgh... Now that other onscreen keyboard (gnome's own?) keeps popping up again, and I thought I finally disabled that annoying thing.16:47
CarloWooddakar: that shouldn't be a problem - just write that output to an encrypted /tmp fs.  The only problem left is to get that script to run before you try to mount all other partitions.16:47
dakarCarloWood there are no other partitions. i have /boot on an unencrypted device (sdcard in this case), and i have / on an encrypted device that i wish to protect16:48
CarloWoodSurely you have a tmpfs?16:49
CarloWoodtmpfs                                                               11G  4,5M   11G   1% /tmp16:49
CarloWood/dev/mapper/ata-WDC_WD5003ABYZ-011FA0_WD-WMAYP0MAMT68-part2_crypt  334G   31G  287G  10% /encrypted16:49
UndefinedIsNotAFhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NPcFzYfRo4 [yt] Alaska Thunderfuck - Anus [Official] [3 minutes 24 secondes]16:49
CarloWoodtmpfs uses the swap - which is encrypted with a random key every boot.16:50
dakari have no swap.16:50
CarloWoodMake one :p16:50
dakarokay, but then what?16:50
CarloWoodOr a loopback device16:50
dakarthis is a raspberry pi with only 4 gb ram, so i'd hate to load too much on it16:51
CarloWoodThe point is that you need to put something that looks like a file in your /etc/cryptab to read the key from.16:51
CarloWoodMaybe you can create a block device thingy.. that is actually a process (like /dev/null)? Not sure, it would be cool if you could create a /dev/random like thing on your /boot that when read would start a script that read the info from your bluetooth device and pass that on to whoever was trying to read from its pseudo device.16:53
RonaldsMazitisI'm trying to compile thunar from source16:53
ducasseUndefinedIsNotAF: don't spam here, please16:58
Psi-JackHow do I completely disable the on screen keyboard that comes with Gnome & Ubuntu 18.04?16:59
ducassePsi-Jack: purge the package?16:59
Psi-JackWhich package would that even be?16:59
ducasseonboard, iirc16:59
Psi-JackNo, that's not it.17:00
Psi-Jackonboard is what I /want/ to run, but gnome's got its own. or something Ubuntu specific that's not onboard, either way. Not sure, but that one is broken and a nuisance to me.17:00
Psi-Jackonboard, actually works reasonably better. LOL17:00
ioriaPsi-Jack, try : system settings -> universal Access -> Screen Keyboard17:04
Psi-JackIt's not enabled there.17:04
ioriaPsi-Jack, ps -A | grep -i orca17:04
Psi-JackNo orca.17:05
ioriaPsi-Jack, gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys on-screen-keyboard17:05
Psi-JackThis is a computer with touchscreen, so I know it's "enabled" via other methods. But, that's what I'm trying to stop.17:05
Psi-Jack'' returned17:06
ioriaPsi-Jack, ps -A | nc termbin.com 999917:07
Psi-Jackps -A | nc termbin.com 999917:07
ioriaPsi-Jack, in your trminal17:08
Psi-JackKeep in mind, I added onboard and run onboard, specifically, but when the gnome keyboard suddenly came back on, it showed both.17:08
Psi-JackOh, oops. My copy didn't work for the URL. lOL17:09
ioriaPsi-Jack, well, onboard is running ....17:10
Psi-JackRight. As I said. I /added/ that, that wasn't part of the original installation.17:11
Psi-JackThat's not the one I want to stop using. LOl17:11
Psi-JackSo, in dconf, there's a org.gnome.shell.keyboard keyboard-type, which defaulted to the value 'touch'. Changing that to 'disable' kinda stopped it, but then it came back suddenly and layered on top of onboard when it did so.17:12
ioriaPsi-Jack, gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-keyboard-enabled17:12
ioriaPsi-Jack, is caribou installed ?17:14
Psi-JackIt is not.17:14
Psi-JackUrg.. I cant get it to bring up the keyboards again. onboard is coming up fine, since I logged out and back in, the gnome one stopped. Should've screenshotted it, it was.. quite obvious. :)17:15
CarloWooddakar: Maybe use a named pipe (https://www.linuxjournal.com/article/2156).17:17
CarloWoodBefore mounting root, run some script that contacts the bluetooth device and constructs a key, then writes the key to the named pipe.  Then read the named pipe from /etc/cryptab.17:18
dakarim not entirely sure how to even do all of this before mounting root17:19
dakarthis all should be fairly easy if it's not root17:20
iieei am greater because i am buddhist17:22
ducasseiiee: please stay on topic17:26
iieeducasse: ur not an op so fuck off nigger17:27
ducasse!ops | iiee17:27
ubottuiiee: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax17:27
iieeducasse: please fuck off nigger17:29
iieego fuck yourself17:29
iieeseriously you know nothing of buddhism ducasse so fuck you niggers black faggot17:29
UndefinedIsNotAFhttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTDfD1aiw1viTBcgm53kB8QoBEzfiT-mXH0kAbPUm3P3WI93OY0 LOOOL17:37
UndefinedIsNotAFYou like this pic, guys?17:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:40
the1bananaHello! I came back from a while ago after trying to get some help, but they couldn't solve my issue. So that I don't spam this chat too badly, I've summarize the issue here: https://pastebin.com/gmS7DkNc17:48
the1bananaPlease let me know if I've omitted anything that might be useful in diagnosing the problem.17:49
ducassethe1banana: if your gpu is supported by radeon, it should have worked by default. you can try #radeon, see if they are aware of any fixes/workarounds18:02
the1bananaGot it.18:02
the1bananaThat being said, if there's anything anyone knows about the topic here; I'd love to hear some ideas.18:07
oerheksi guess there is not much we can do, you have the openradeon driver, there is no amdgpu available, we found out18:09
NitrigaurSince a few days my ubuntu 19.10 installation does not start a graphical boot properly. journalctl -xe shows me that dunst and mpd failed to start. Could this be related to the issue?18:11
NitrigaurMy machine does start in recovery mode into a complete graphical shell, but only in a low 1024x768 resolution18:15
=== elios_ is now known as elios
the1bananaSo, what else is there left to try? Should I replace my graphics card/motherboard? I think I can do that reasonably easily.18:16
the1bananaWell, not the motherboard.18:16
the1bananaBut I do acknowledge that while it was semi-high end back then, it is a 2012 graphics card.18:16
akhiapakah saya sudah terdaftar?18:31
akhiadakah yang bisa berbahasa indonesia?18:32
raflyHello?? I use andoidIRC18:35
raflyCan anyone speak Indonesian?18:35
oerhekshi rafly no, english only please18:36
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia18:36
raflyOkay. It is okay18:36
raflyubottu: oke18:37
pikapikaDoes Thunar keep logs of files you've opened somewhere?18:41
raflypikapika: Thunar?? What is Thunar?18:42
mousesrafly: A file manager.18:42
raflymouses: I do not know about that..18:43
mousespikapika: as far as I know, no - but you might want to check our your home directory and see what it stores/where it stores it18:44
pikapikaI chekced it's config dir18:45
pikapikaNo such log it seems18:45
ioriapikapika, the general recently opened log file is in ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel ; don't know about thunar tho18:51
pikapikaioria, thanks18:53
pikapikaLooks like it doesn't go far enough back for my present need18:53
pikapikawonder if there's a way to change the log size18:53
pikapikathanks for the help18:53
ioriapikapika, well, on gnome there is a setting (Usage & History) and clearing it can be calibrated (Retain : forever, 30 days, 1 day, etc.etc) ; i suggest to find the equivalent on xfce (probably in Privacy)19:01
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ioriapikapika, if you cannot find it, you can try  'gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.privacy recent-files-max-age'  (should work also on xfce)19:20
pikapikaOk, thanks19:21
WoCany suggestion on how to dual boot, ubuntu vs freebsd - using grub ?19:26
WoCseems like both the chainloader and kfreebsd is unknown in the mainline grub, even checked out grub from github, to ensure i had the current version19:27
WoCWhich is the highest version of ubuntu that i can use for the catalyst drivers ?19:48
WoC14.x ?19:48
daxWoC: catalyst/fglrx was removed in 16.04, so versions before that. I note that 16.04 is the oldest version supported in #ubuntu, so this channel doesn't support fglrx at all these days.19:50
WoCOk, thanks, so 14.04 or something19:50
WoCNeeded for OpenCL19:50
WoCMaybe i can do-release-upgrade once installed19:51
daxthey're removed on upgrade, because they're not compatible with newer Xorg19:52
daxshort of whatever commercial support Canonical's still doing for 14.04 (which I have no idea about, not being a Canonical employee), there's no supported way to get fglrx on a supported Ubuntu version19:52
WoCok, ty19:53
WoCaint easy to get OpenCL on amd...19:53
raflyCan anyone speak Indonesian?19:54
daxWoC: which AMD card do you have?19:55
WoCequiv to AMD ATI Radeon HD 7560D19:56
daxyeah, too old for amdgpu-pro then. i think you're out of luck for opencl on that card on supported Ubuntu versions19:56
Guest_73I have a new laptop and i'm having nvidia driver issues. I can boot up 19.10 live from a usb stick by editing grub 'nomodeset' and not have the system crash. Should i install 19.10 and add the nvidia drivers during install or else do the install, boot up again using edited grub and try to install nvidia drivers on the new system ?19:58
Guest_73it's a wireless issue i think. noveau is crashing19:59
Guest_73where is everyone ?20:01
WoCcrashing is the one thing noveau is good at20:02
Guest_73WoC noveau is the wireless driver right ?20:02
WoCno, itÅ› the graphics20:02
Guest_73WoC oh right20:02
WoCopen-source drivers for nvidia graphics w/o the fucntionality20:03
Guest_73WoC should i go ahead with the install ? do you reckon20:03
WoCreplace it with the nvidia drivers20:03
Guest_73WoC what are the linux nvidia graphics drivers like ?20:03
WoCthose from nvidia work really good and fast20:04
WoCunlike nouv*20:04
Guest_73can i enable 3rd party drivers during install ? or do i have to install and add the drivers on the fresh system ?20:04
Guest_73WoC ^^20:05
WoCI would do that after20:05
Guest_73WoC: so don't enable 3rd party drivers on install ?20:05
WoCno, i install the nvidia drivers after20:05
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Guest_73i think i'll dual boot just in case20:06
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raflyHow do you use SASL for IRC?20:07
daxrafly: http://wiki.androirc.com/nickserv_sasl20:08
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raflydax: Nothing happened20:20
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oerheksrafly, you really need to logout to edit your connection, etc20:21
daxrafly: what were you expecting to happen? SASL authentication happens on connect, and you haven't reconnected since i said that. and, additionally, you're already logged in to nickserv.20:21
daxoh, i thought of another thing i should mention: freenode (and other sane networks) doesn't support blowfish, so make sure you use plain20:21
oerheksand not possible on webchat20:22
raflyIRC I am not supported20:23
raflyI want to use SASL to login20:23
raflyForget it. I will not be able to20:24
daxfollow the instructions in the wikilink, using the plain method instead of blowfish, then disconnect and reconnect20:24
daxif you need further help, ask #freenode20:24
raflydax. Thanks bro for the answer. Very helpful20:26
NitrigaurSince a few days my ubuntu 19.10 installation does not start a graphical boot properly. journalctl -xe shows me that dunst and mpd failed to start. Could this be related to the issue?20:41
NitrigaurMy machine does start in recovery mode into a complete graphical shell, but only in a low 1024x768 resolution20:41
untakenstupidnici have installed ubuntu 16.04 on a 2010 macbook pro and now that grub has been installed, the mac OS X options don't boot properly.20:43
untakenstupidnicthey just pop up stuff about darwin and failing.20:44
untakenstupidnicwhat should i do?20:44
tomreynseek OS X support20:44
untakenstupidnictomreyn: for some reason i can't join #osx and international boycotts don't let us get real support20:47
tomreynthere's #ubuntu-powerpc for ubuntu on powerpc questions20:47
Nitrigauruntakenstupidnic, you could try REFIt, it's specifically designed to troubleshoot multiboot environments20:47
untakenstupidnicNitrigaur: we had installed it, but it doesn't show up since grub has been installed20:48
untakenstupidnicalso all binary packages are for OSX, not linux :(20:48
untakenstupidnictomreyn: its intel20:48
tomreynoh ok20:49
dax(sidenote: it's #macosx, not #osx)20:50
Nitrigauruntakenstupidnic, the last time I ran into that issue on my venerable 2007 MacBook, I restored my OSX bootloader from the install DVD, if your MacBook does not have an optical drive and allows for booting from a USB stick, you could go that route. If I'm not mistaken you can freely download the OSX image20:50
GH0S1I'm having trouble with the following ufw rules. I'm allowing ssh but disabling incoming and outgoing connections. This works until reboot when ssh no longer gets allowed20:53
untakenstupidnicNitrigaur: like with booting a live USB and doing some GUI stuff?20:54
GH0S1I'll have to mount the boot disk on reboot to disable ufw and then reconfigure. Is there a way to run the firewall rules I'm talking about that won't break?20:54
GH0S118.04 if that helps20:54
Nitrigauruntakenstupidnic, that's right20:55
untakenstupidnicNitrigaur: should it be the same version? (it's apple, one can expect anything :)20:56
Nitrigauruntakenstupidnic, there is a handy page to see which version of MacOSX is compatible with your machine. I think it was on macrumours or so. It's been a long time ago since I had to fiddle with rEFIt20:58
Nitrigaurstartx can't open my drm pci device . I'm using a nvidia-435 driver21:39
NitrigaurWhen choosing nouveau or an older kernel, I get the same issue.21:40
alazyMy package manager is missing a pkg. I found it in the debian pkg repo but the version string is <slightly> different. Is there a way to tell apt to accept a package as equivalent to another?22:10
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EriC^alazy: missing a package?22:19
EriC^you mean like some external deb needs it as a dependency?22:20
kenperkinsso I was having a conversation earlier re: intel ac 9560, everyone said use 1804lts, only to reailze the kernel in 1804lts is the same as 19.10. if that's the problem, I need a way to downgrade kernel offline22:31
kenperkinsre: a non-functional wifi card that is22:31
oerheksthat card is supported from kernel 4.14 and up, see https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005511/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking.html  and for firmware22:33
kenperkinsoerheks: does that mean regardless of my kernel version, I use the tarball listed for 4.14+ ?22:34
kenperkins(as long as my kernel is 4.14+)22:34
oerheksi think it is already part of linux-firmware22:35
oerheks!info linux-firmware22:35
ubottulinux-firmware (source: linux-firmware): Firmware for Linux kernel drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 1.183.4 (eoan), package size 81180 kB, installed size 473804 kB22:35
jeremy31kenperkins: I think I told you to use 18.04.2 that shouldn't use the 5.3 kernel22:36
kenperkins@jeremy31 thanks for remembering that. I'll try that shortly. What does 19.04 use?22:36
pragmaticenigmajeremy31: 18.04.2 comes with HWE enabled... which means the kernel will upgrade to the latest22:36
oerheksone could build the latest. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2400595&p=13799142#post1379914222:36
pragmaticenigmadoesn't it?22:37
jeremy31pragmaticenigma: I thought 18.04.3 was the one that used HWE22:37
oerheksupgrade to 18.04.422:38
jeremy31oerheks: Might be a good idea22:38
jeremy31oerheks: the ubuntuforums link22:38
oerheksmaybe, upgrade properly to see first.22:38
kenperkinsoerheks: tried the firmware from the intel page, slightly older than comes with 19.10, didn't see the 18.04 version before I installed it. no difference. doesn't work with either.22:40
jeremy31kenperkins: what do you see inside [ ] in terminal for> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net22:42
jeremy31kenperkins: you should see [8086:????] in main and subsystem22:43
kenperkinstwo entres, one for iwlwifi kernel driver, and one for a lenovo device, the 8086 is the iwlwifi one as you expected22:43
jeremy31kenperkins: post the numbers/letters after the 808622:44
oerheksand: rfkill list22:44
kenperkinssorry, difficult to exflitrate logs with no network :)22:44
jeremy31oerheks: from when ken was on earlier it appeared to be a firmware crash in iwlwifi using the 5.3.0-40 kernel22:46
alazyEric: Yes, I don't have the exact name right now but it's something like libqt5webengine5_5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3_armhf.deb. I can find a version in the debian repo that's almost identical except it's -1+rp1+b3 at the end. I'd like to try to force apt to use it to see if it works anyway. Otherwise I have to remove too many packages from my default apt repo and replace them with versions downloaded from22:46
alazythe debian repo.22:46
kenperkinsoerheks: sorry; did you want me to run `rfkill list` ?22:46
jeremy31kenperkins: that device is supported in newer 4.15 kernels used in Ubuntu 18.0422:47
kenperkinsyes, my understanding is it _should_ be working, but it's not, and I'm not appearing to be unique based on Psi-Jack and others on the internet, the question is what do I do? :D22:48
jeremy31kenperkins: Can you USB tether to a smartphone?22:48
oerheksAre there any wmi modules that can be blacklisted?22:49
oerheks# lsmod|grep wmi22:49
jeremy31kenperkins: in terminal run>  sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf22:49
kenperkinsgood idea, tethering worked, I also have a usb-c adapter coming today22:51
kenperkinsso just 3->222:52
jeremy31kenperkins: the command I posted above should keep Network Manager from enabling wifi power management, run the entire command from sudo - .conf then reboot22:52
kenperkinsappears to have no idfference22:55
jeremy31kenperkins: check iwconfig results in terminal and see if power management is still on22:56
kenperkinsiwconfig shows no interfaces with wireless extensions22:56
kenperkinsbrb testing one thing22:59
jeremy31kenperkins: I would install 18.04.1 or 18.04 and use USB tethering to install updates.  Try to stay with the 4.15 kernel as my current 4.15.0-88 shows it should support the wifi you are trying to use.  The only other option I can think of is to use this PPA to install backport-iwlwifi-dkms  https://launchpad.net/~canonical-hwe-team/+archive/ubuntu/backport-iwlwifi22:59
pragmaticenigmaI agree with jeremy31 ... what I was able to search out... there has been a lot of suggesting the backport-iwlwifi ... I was hoping to find a definitive "this works" without extra "I tried all things before hand"23:02
kenperkinshm. Now that tethering works, I can do a few more easy explorations from the host; don't know why that doesn't work. Interestingly, the 19.04 trial mode (run from usb) neither has working wifi nor working trackpad23:05
kenperkinsassuming indeed there is a problem here i can't imagine it would be taken lightly, this is a very common wifi chip (at least that's my understanding)23:08
kenperkinshere's my current state of tracking: https://gist.github.com/kenperkins/1a7ad8f99ceb47e767f026e5eaecf30d23:24
pragmaticenigmakenperkins: does that mean you have resolved the issue?23:26
kenperkinsno, just looking for information23:26
kenperkinsand trying to keep track of my testing23:26
kenperkinsinteresting that 5.0.0 doesn't work, 5.3.0-18 does work, and 5.3.0-40 doesn't work23:27
pragmaticenigmaregressions are fun, aren't they? I have the same issue with a printer... depending on the release, my hp printer is sometimes included and sometimes not included with hplip install helper23:28
kenperkinsI wish that's what I had; much easier to live with a priner problem :D23:28
pragmaticenigmano doubt, however, it does appear that the Live session for 19.10 was working? correct?23:29
kenperkinsyes, speculatively because the live kernel is older23:29
kenperkinswondering if i should downgrade the installed kernel to test23:30
pragmaticenigmathere is no path to downgrade really though23:30
pragmaticenigmawhen installing, do you allow the installer to install updates at the same time?23:30
kenperkinsnow that I'm tethered, I'm being prompted for new firmware at the os time. Let's see what this does23:30
kenperkins@pragmaticenigma: yes23:31
pragmaticenigmakenperkins: ah... I bet there's the trick. If you didn't enable that, let it install and then pin'd the kernel version... you probably would be off and running23:31
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kenperkins@pragmaticenigma that will be my next test after this firmware update; what's the process for pinning23:35
kenperkinsfirmware made no difference23:38
kenperkinsis this the correct way, version notwithstanding? sudo apt-mark hold linux-image-4.13.0-26-generic linux-headers-4.13.0-26-generic23:42
kenperkins@pragmaticenigma so running install again, this time without checking the download updates, and it's still going to 5.3.0-40 :(23:46
Bashing-omkenperkins: FYI: "sysop@x1804mini:~$ uname -r23:50
kenperkinswonder if I don't connect to wifi during install I'll get a different experience23:50
kenperkinsyea 530-4023:50
pragmaticenigmakenperkins: yeah... it can't down if it doesn't have a connection :-P23:51
causativeall my processors are suddenly locked to 800 mhz, when two days ago they were fine.  I tried following the instructions at https://askubuntu.com/questions/523640/how-i-can-disable-cpu-frequency-scaling-and-set-the-system-to-performance but nothing has changed23:51
Bashing-omkenperkins: 18.04.0/1 has the 4.15 series kernel.23:52
causativethey all have a hardware speed of 3500 mHz, and I'm noticing a severe reduction in performance23:53
pragmaticenigmacausative: Need more information. Right now it sounds like you followed those instructions, and now the system is locked in low clock23:53
wildtrees800mhz peformance is gonna be kinda slow/degraded these days23:54
pragmaticenigmawildtrees: Is there a support question we can help you with?23:54
causativeI'm getting 1/10 the steps per second I was getting two days ago on https://distill.pub/2020/growing-ca/23:54
wildtreespragmaticenigma, not at this time, was commenting about causatives problem23:55
pragmaticenigmacausative: you need to explain what all transpired, in detail, as best you can for the last few days23:55
pragmaticenigmawildtrees: please don't add commentary, it makes it harder to follow the conversation. If you have suggestions or ideas on how to help, please join in23:56
Battleshould I be worried about this line: Feb 22 19:56:12 team-neo kernel: [ 8076.050352] perf: interrupt took too long (3220 > 3127), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 6200023:56
pragmaticenigmaBattle: it is purely informational, there is nothing to be concerned about23:58
Battleokay, so thats not the reason then hmm23:59
pragmaticenigmaBattle: reason for what exactly?23:59

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