
nikolamI have a problem that transmission-gtk does not honor maximum number of IP connections. It quickly eats all 2000 connections that the wireless router giver for NAT and then all internet traffic halts, icluding torrents10:21
tomreynaccording to https://github.com/transmission/transmission/wiki/Editing-Configuration-Files the default "peer-limit-global" is 240.10:27
tomreyn(and 60 per torrent)10:27
nikolamyes, but it does not honors it.10:27
nikolamI have a dd-wrt router serving local network and I can show on it's information how number of connections grows forever10:28
tomreynhmm, maybe check with folks in #transmission. and look for a bug, or file one, against ubuntu10:28
nikolamsomeone responded having same version on Debian and not doing same thing.10:28
tomreynwhere did you set peer-limit-global? is this editable on the GUI?10:30
nikolamyes, it's available in transmission-gtk GUI10:30
tomreyni see. maybe you can check whether it's actusally written to the configuration files. there should be $HOME/.config/transmission-daemon and $HOME/.config/transmission and i assume this setting needs to be configured in the daemon configuration file.10:31
tomreyn(but i'm not certain on that)10:32
tomreyn(so check both)10:32
tomreynyou'd also need to restart the component (client or daemon) which you reconfigured.10:32
tomreynsee also https://github.com/transmission/transmission/wiki/Configuration-Files and https://github.com/transmission/transmission/wiki/Editing-Configuration-Files10:34
nikolamthere's /home/username/.config/transmission and there is "peer-limit-global": 500 in it, I have previously set it to like 350 or so10:35
nikolamit is gui app I don't think it uses daemon10:35
tomreynyou seem to be right there - apparently you either use the gtk application or the daemon, not both.10:37
tomreyni'm not too much into transmission10:37
tomreynso /home/username/.config/transmission should be the configuration file for the gtk / gui application. which is read and applied (only) when the application starts.10:39
tomreyni.e. be sure to restart it after making changes10:40
nikolamit restarts but making many connections, more then limit.10:41
tomreyni'm afraid i told you all that i know / could quickly grasp10:42
nikolamyes, got to digg deeper, maybe recompile it or reset settings or see what it depends on10:43
nikolam_same happens with defautl settings for transmission-gtk. will keep looking11:22
RonaldsMazitisso I downloaded thunar source code in order to look how could I add some icon besides "go to home folder" icon13:27
RonaldsMazitisit turns out, text "go to home folder" does not exist in source code13:27
RonaldsMazitiswell, if You remove one of array elements that said "delete" You can remove "delete" item from right click on file13:29
RonaldsMazitisit turns out, in open source code, You can't really even understand or edit the code, cause there are almost zero documentation on how to edit the code to add some feature13:30
brainwashyou probably have to invest more time13:31
RonaldsMazitisI grep the whole source code13:32
brainwashlet me try to find it13:32
RonaldsMazitisand there is no references on actual menu items13:33
RonaldsMazitisfor example, "find in this folder" is not mentioned nowhere in code, but it appears when You compile13:34
brainwash"find in this folder" is a custom action13:34
RonaldsMazitisand it's not in thunar-window.c13:35
RonaldsMazitisit's nowhere13:35
brainwashthis https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/custom-actions13:36
brainwashcustom actions are added by distributions13:37
brainwashor the user13:37
brainwashonly the "Open Terminal Here" one provided by thunar13:39
brainwashis provided13:39
RonaldsMazitisbut what about "go to home folder13:42
RonaldsMazitisit does not exist13:42
brainwashI already linked it13:42
RonaldsMazitiswhere do You see open home folder there13:43
RonaldsMazitisthe label is not there13:43
brainwashline 37713:43
RonaldsMazitisbut that's not what written on label13:44
brainwashthe label?13:45
RonaldsMazitisit appears when You put your mouse on home icon13:45
brainwash"Go to the home folder"13:45
brainwashthen I don't understand13:46
brainwashline 377 contains that exact string13:46
brainwash{ "open-home", "go-home-symbolic", N_ ("_Home"), "<alt>Home", N_ ("Go to the home folder"), G_CALLBACK (thunar_window_action_open_home), },13:46
RonaldsMazitisgrep does not show it13:46
RonaldsMazitisforget the13:48
xubuntu34iHello! )14:18
xubuntu34iI love linux! And you?14:19
RonaldsMazitisstatic GtkActionEntry action_entries[] =14:55
RonaldsMazitisit's impossble to say what this method does14:55
RonaldsMazitisor where it is used14:56
RonaldsMazitisI mean array14:56
RonaldsMazitisC code does not make sense14:56
RonaldsMazitisaction_entries is not used in any other code14:57
RonaldsMazitisthere should be loop that draws buttons and takes array values, but there is not anything14:58
RonaldsMazitisall hail linux and open source, so open14:58
brainwashI think the problem is you15:00
brainwashmaybe a lack of skill, maybe a lack of patience15:01
lighterowlRonaldsMazitis: there is no thing as "method" defined in C, or even C++ for that matter.15:01
RonaldsMazitisoh ok15:01
lighterowland GtkActionEntry sounds like a struct/functor/function pointer to something that should be executed when an action is made by the user.15:01
lighterowlif open source code bothers you, I'll gladly refer you to my own company, where we maintain 30-year old C code.15:02
lighterowls/my own company/company where I happen to work/15:02
brainwashthe thunar code is probably only half that old :D15:02
brainwashRonaldsMazitis: there are other file managers too. find the one which is easier to modify.15:03
RonaldsMazitisGtkActionEntry is nowhere mentioned15:03
RonaldsMazitisin the whole code base15:03
brainwashis your grep binary broken?15:04
RonaldsMazitisit's in several files15:04
RonaldsMazitisbut it's always just for an array15:05
lighterowlRonaldsMazitis: https://api.gtkd.org/gtk.c.types.GtkActionEntry.html15:05
lighterowloh look, I wasn't that wrong in my conjecture after all.15:05
brainwashand the array is not used anywhere?15:05
RonaldsMazitisI search for array and it's only in same line with gtkactionentry15:06
RonaldsMazitisthat's not really helpfull15:06
lighterowlI don't even15:06
RonaldsMazitisstatic const GtkActionEntry action_entries[] =15:07
lighterowlyeah. so action_entries should be used somewhere in the same file, otherwise this is just an unused variable.15:07
brainwashit is used somewhere15:07
brainwashhow else would thunar work?15:08
lighterowldid you just confuse the type and the name of a variable? because I really feel like I'm missing something.15:08
RonaldsMazitis  gtk_action_group_add_actions (window->action_group, action_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (action_entries), GTK_WIDGET (window));15:08
RonaldsMazitisoh yeah this explains everything15:08
brainwashthere you go15:08
brainwashthis is getting pretty silly though15:09
brainwashis this the first time you try to edit source code?15:09
lighterowlsounds like it.15:10
lighterowlI'm really enjoying this.15:12
RonaldsMazitisI'm going down the rabbit hole with this15:13
RonaldsMazitishow many functions later there is function that draws things or do something other than sending more parameters in15:13
brainwashI warned you about thunar15:14
brainwashit is quite complex15:14
lighterowlRonaldsMazitis: are you really just doing all that to add a custom action to the folder's context menu? because that is ... you know, already working and customisable?15:15
RonaldsMazitisnot the context menu15:16
RonaldsMazitisI want to icon besides home button15:16
RonaldsMazitisand next and back button15:16
brainwashbut what exactly is the problem now?15:16
brainwashyou have the xml file, you have the actions array15:17
brainwasha callback function for your command is missing, right?15:18
brainwashsomething like this https://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/tree/thunar/thunar-window.c#n295315:19
RonaldsMazitismight be help full to know which variable hold the location15:34
RonaldsMazitisthe file manager is into15:34
lighterowlRonaldsMazitis: here's something to get you started - http://paste.debian.net/1131539/15:36
lighterowlnow it's all up to you to implement execute_ronalds_custom_action() to actually do what you want.15:37
RonaldsMazitislighterowl I did this15:37
lighterowloh, ok.15:37
RonaldsMazitisbut I might like to add parameter of currect location15:40
lighterowloh my15:40
lighterowllet's sprintf into a buffer that's then passed to system() and ignore stupid stuff like spaces in paths.15:41
RonaldsMazitisdon't judge me, I did really basic C stuff 5 years ago15:41
lighterowloh, ok.15:41
RonaldsMazitispardon me, buffer?15:41
RonaldsMazitis  current_directory = thunar_navigator_get_current_directory (THUNAR_NAVIGATOR (page));15:46
lighterowlRonaldsMazitis: do I understand correctly that you just want to run Catfish in the current directory?15:46
lighterowlshame he left15:49
lighterowlI'll code it up just for fun, then.15:49
lighterowlbrainwash: I really admire your patience.15:50
brainwashyou should be able to figure out this last missing part15:50
RonaldsMazitisbut where does xml will get the icon?15:56
brainwashisn't the icon defined in the array?15:59
brainwashhome button has the icon name "go-home-symbolic"16:00
RonaldsMazitisthere is no such file16:02
RonaldsMazitisin source files16:02
brainwashbecause it's a general icon name16:02
brainwashicon themes provide the icon files16:02
brainwashtry the name "filefind"16:04
RonaldsMazitisso I now need to make deb package16:11
RonaldsMazitishow to compile from source?16:48
RonaldsMazitismake install does not work16:48
lighterowlRonaldsMazitis: ./autogen.sh; make;16:56
lighterowlyou generally shouldn't do make install, as this will probably overwrite your distribution's packages (though the default prefix should be /usr/local, so probably not).16:56
RonaldsMazitisdt-autogen: You must have "glib2" installed. You can get if from16:59
lighterowlyou'll probably get a lot of similar messages. you need to have development packages installed.17:00
RonaldsMazitissynaptic shows that I have libglib217:00
lighterowlyes, but not libglib2.0-dev17:00
RonaldsMazitisnow I have17:02
RonaldsMazitisstill same message17:02
RonaldsMazitiscli as well?17:02
lighterowlcli? just sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev.17:03
brainwashsudo apt build-dep thunar17:06
lighterowloh right, you need to build a deb as well.17:06
RonaldsMazitisconfigure: error: X Window system libraries and header files are required17:07
lighterowlRonaldsMazitis: please read this - https://wiki.debian.org/BuildingTutorial - you'll be doing us all a favour.17:07
RonaldsMazitisbut it should run without deb package?17:07
lighterowlRonaldsMazitis: running apt build-dep thunar will have apt download all build dependencies of thunar, thus letting you compile and run the program locally. if you want to make a custom deb package later on, refer to the article I linked.17:08
RonaldsMazitissudo apt build-dep thunarReading package lists... DoneE: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list17:09
lighterowlmy oh my17:09
lighterowlI'm done.17:09
RonaldsMazitisI'm really sorry17:09
RonaldsMazitisI have sources in sources.list17:10
RonaldsMazitisdoes not ubuntu come with sources already?17:10
brainwashdeb-src sources are not enabled by default17:11
RonaldsMazitisI guess so17:11
brainwashthey are commented out in your sources.list17:11
brainwashthe Software & Updates GUI allows you to enable them17:12
RonaldsMazitisThe required package exo-2 was not found on your system.17:15
brainwashmessage from apt?17:18
RonaldsMazitisThe required package libxfce4ui-2 was not found on your system.17:20
brainwashdid you run the build-dep command?17:22
RonaldsMazitisyeah trying17:23
RonaldsMazitisThe required package libxfce4ui-2 was found on your system,17:24
RonaldsMazitisstill missing17:24
brainwasheven after installing libxfce4ui-2-dev?17:24
RonaldsMazitislibxfce4ui-2-0 is already the newest version (4.13.4-1ubuntu1).17:27
RonaldsMazitis*** The required package libxfce4ui-2 was found on your system,*** but the installed version (4.14.1) is too old.17:27
brainwashDepends: libxfce4ui-2-0 (>= 4.13.0)17:27
brainwashyou are using a PPA for Xfce?17:28
brainwashlike, did you install Xfce 4.14 via PPA?17:29
RonaldsMazitisI installed xfce with xubuntu17:30
brainwashyou manually downloaded a deb package and installed it?17:30
RonaldsMazitisinstalled via command line17:31
brainwashthis is getting confusing again17:31
brainwash>but the installed version (4.14.1) is too old.17:31
brainwashI guess you shouldn't try to compile latest thunar on xubuntu 18.0417:33
brainwashdownload the source for thunar 1.8.12 or 1.6.x17:34
brainwasha recent change in the master branch now requires you to have libxfce4ui-2-0 version 4.1517:36
brainwashbecause development is heading towards Xfce 4.15/4.1617:37
RonaldsMazitisI downloaded17:39
RonaldsMazitisthe one from ubuntu source17:39
brainwashapt source thunar?17:41
RonaldsMazitisI configured17:41
brainwashhow did you obtain the thunar source code?17:41
RonaldsMazitisfrom the link17:41
RonaldsMazitiswhat do I do after configuring?17:42
brainwashdid it work now?17:42
LittleSenecaWhat kind of hardware are people running?17:48
RonaldsMazitisthis is not right17:55
lighterowlI'm running Xubuntu 19.10 on a Lenovo P53 with Intel i7-9850H and 64GB RAM.17:55
RonaldsMazitisomg You have 64 gigs17:56
RonaldsMazitisI have 417:56
lighterowlwell, it's work hardware, so it's not really mine.17:56
RonaldsMazitislighterowl I got error with that system part18:02
brainwashit surely would help if knew how to program18:02
RonaldsMazitisstring = sprintf(String, "/usr/bin/catfish --path= %s", current_directory);18:03
RonaldsMazitissomething like that?18:03
brainwashcheck the source code for examples :)18:04
RonaldsMazitisthis should be correct18:08
RonaldsMazitiswith lower system18:11
RonaldsMazitissystem is unused18:13
RonaldsMazitis: stray ‘\302’ in program char String[255];18:17
lighterowlRonaldsMazitis: this isn't perfect, but will work better - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tmS6T5Cr2v/18:24
RonaldsMazitislighterowl thanks18:26
brainwashlighterowl: not freeing err?18:26
lighterowlbrainwash: crap, I knew I must've forgotten something.18:26
RonaldsMazitissomething is different?18:27
lighterowlit won't be noticeable to you as the end user, but use this version instead : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/c3DbWrZYc7/18:28
RonaldsMazitisafter make it's launchable18:28
lighterowlwell, it works for me.18:29
RonaldsMazitisit makes18:29
brainwashlighterowl: also strange that you involve thunarx_18:30
RonaldsMazitisafter sudo make install18:33
RonaldsMazitisit should be installed?18:33
lighterowlbrainwash: I must've seen this thunarx stuff in some other function. I'll try with thunar_file_get_file instead.18:33
brainwashRonaldsMazitis: it will be installed in /usr/local18:34
RonaldsMazitisit's there but it's not executable18:34
brainwashand therefore should have higher priority than the system installed version18:34
brainwashnot executable?18:35
brainwashyou have to kill the currently running thunar daemon18:35
brainwashthunar --quit18:35
brainwashor relog18:36
lighterowlbrainwash: yeah, works file with thunar_file_get_file. thanks. :)18:36
lighterowlI meant works fine.18:36
RonaldsMazitisno new icons added18:38
lighterowldid you edit the xml too?18:38
brainwashyou killed the thunar daemon process?18:39
RonaldsMazitisthunar --quit18:39
brainwashand the command "which thunar" gives what?18:40
RonaldsMazitis /usr  /local /bin/  thunar18:40
RonaldsMazitisexactly that location shows18:41
RonaldsMazitisin which thunar18:41
brainwashthen your code edits are incomplete18:41
RonaldsMazitisit would help if I added some numbers18:42
RonaldsMazitisin xml18:42
brainwashyou could switch existing entries around and see if that has an effect18:43
pikapikaDoes Thunar keep logs of files you've opened somewhere?18:43
lighterowlRonaldsMazitis: for reference, here's a full diff of my changes. http://paste.debian.net/1131565/18:43
lighterowlthis tells us only half of the story. "open-search" must also be present in the action_entries array.18:43
pikapikaInteresting coincidence I asked this right when you were talking about thunar RonaldsMazitis18:43
brainwashpikapika: I don't think thunar does, but application which you use to open files can18:43
pikapikabut where does it save the logs?18:43
brainwashcheck .local/share/recently-used.xbel18:44
brainwashbut again, thunar does not access that file18:44
pikapikaI really should make some tagging system, too many files scattered everywhere18:45
pikapikabrainwash, does it have some hooks built-in where I can add such logging facility myself or would that entail actually changing the source and maintaining my own version?18:46
brainwashpikapika: sounds like something that would need to be implemented in the code18:47
pikapikaThanks for the help18:47
brainwashyou could check if Nautilus does that18:47
lighterowlchanging thunar source seems to be a very common theme today!18:47
brainwashRonaldsMazitis: it should work, it seems to work for lighterowl18:51
brainwashI did not test it18:51
lighterowlwhy would you? it sucks.18:52
RonaldsMazitisI posted the whole file18:52
brainwashdoes it work if you run it from the source directory?18:53
brainwashor, does running thunar from terminal give any error/warning message?18:54
lighterowldoes the process immediately end (i.e. do you see a new line with the prompt in your console), or is the console frozen until you close the window?18:55
brainwashthe first case would indicate that the daemon process is still active18:56
lighterowlyes. I stumbled upon this myself and was surprised.18:56
RonaldsMazitisit opens and closes normally18:56
brainwashI think everyone is surprised by it18:56
RonaldsMazitiswhat if I remove thunar18:57
RonaldsMazitiswith apt18:57
RonaldsMazitiswhat then?18:57
brainwashsounds like a bad idea18:57
RonaldsMazitisit has dependencies right?18:57
brainwashother components depend on thunar18:57
RonaldsMazitisso Yours have the icons?18:58
brainwashI did not test18:58
brainwashI'm on Windows right now :>18:58
brainwashcan you test if adding another action to the bar works?19:00
brainwashone of the preexisting ones19:00
brainwashor did you test that already?19:00
RonaldsMazitisI already have   <toolitem action="open-tab" />19:00
lighterowl#worksforme https://imgur.com/wG5fdbh.png19:00
brainwashthere you have it19:01
RonaldsMazitisI want to add that open-tab aswell19:01
RonaldsMazitisit's easier because callbacks are same19:02
brainwashI can't think of anything that would make it not work for you RonaldsMazitis19:02
lighterowland here's the final diff just for reference : http://paste.debian.net/1131568/19:02
RonaldsMazitiscool wait I'm making it without open-tab action19:03
lighterowlbrainwash: out of curiosity, are you one of the Thunar maintainers? or XFCE in general?19:04
brainwashonly a contributor19:04
brainwashI'm somewhat familiar with thunar, xfdesktop and few other components19:05
lighterowlmaybe you'd have an idea about what may cause this bug? ;) https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1439419:05
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14394 in Window Buttons "some Windows do not appear in the panel" [Normal,Reopened]19:05
lighterowlargh. this is xfce4-panel.19:05
brainwashsadly, not worked with the panel much19:06
lighterowlthat's cool. thanks for taking a look.19:07
brainwashand I've never encountered that bug19:08
brainwashI think19:08
lighterowlyeah, it's a real heisenbug.19:08
brainwashprobably another reason why I don't bother looking into it :D19:08
RonaldsMazitishere is all I19:08
RonaldsMazitisI'm just thinking that search in directory and new tab on location bar would good for the thunar19:10
RonaldsMazitisit certainly would be better with those buttons19:10
brainwashI think there was a bug report for adding New Tab button19:10
brainwashmaybe I can find it19:11
brainwashseems to be gone or it never existed19:15
RonaldsMazitisbut my code seems fine19:16
brainwashI have no idea why it's not working for you19:18
brainwashbut if we think about.. almost everything did not work for you today19:19
brainwashit was a long way19:19
brainwashmaybe try from scratch and carefully apply your changes19:20
RonaldsMazitislighterowl can You please send me source code or something like that19:20
brainwashlighterowl was using the thunar 1.8 source I assume19:21
brainwashkeep that in mind19:21
RonaldsMazitisthis happens in 1.8.1219:33
RonaldsMazitis} missin19:36
RonaldsMazitis error while loading shared libraries: libthunarx-3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:37
brainwashxubuntu 18.04 does not have libthunarx-319:41
brainwashalso, lighterowl changed the code and replaced the thunarx_ call19:42
RonaldsMazitisbut I have 18.0419:44
brainwashthen stick with thunar 1.619:44
brainwashso, any reason why did not use lighterowl's code changes?19:47
brainwashI'm linking them again http://paste.debian.net/1131568/19:49
brainwashdownload thunar 1.6.x source code, apply those changes, compile, install, kill thunar daemon, start thunar19:50
RonaldsMazitiswhat's different?19:51
RonaldsMazitisI used them19:51
brainwashif you used those exact lines, then nothing is different19:51
RonaldsMazitisjust installed 1.619:52
RonaldsMazitisatleast now it opens19:52
RonaldsMazitisbut them icons don't show19:52
RonaldsMazitisI changed standart view aswell19:56
brainwashguess I'll set up a VM and see if it works20:00
RonaldsMazitisI have 4 gb or RAM and VM's suck20:01
RonaldsMazitisbut please use xubuntu 18.0420:02
brainwashyes, I downloaded 18.0420:03
=== Israphel is now known as Guest98480
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RonaldsMazitiswill numbers I add in xml will apper in UI?20:11
brainwashprobably not20:11
RonaldsMazitisso I will delete20:17
brainwashare all icons missing?20:18
RonaldsMazitisit's making20:18
brainwashfrom where did you get "open-tab"?20:18
RonaldsMazitisI made it20:18
RonaldsMazitisit has same callback20:19
RonaldsMazitisas the file menu tab thing20:19
brainwashbut the action name is "new-tab"20:19
RonaldsMazitisnothing changed20:19
RonaldsMazitisafter deleting20:20
brainwashscreenshot https://i.imgur.com/RfOESrV.png20:22
RonaldsMazitiscan You please send me source code20:22
brainwashI used the 1.6.18 source, applied these changes http://paste.debian.net/1131568/, also added "new-tab" to the xml file and compile it20:23
RonaldsMazitis  <toolitem action="open-tab" />20:23
RonaldsMazitischanges don't work20:23
brainwash"open-tab" is not correct20:23
brainwashit is "new-tab"20:23
RonaldsMazitisplease repost20:24
RonaldsMazitisoh wait it works20:24
RonaldsMazitismaybe can't use same callback20:26
RonaldsMazitisI am making now20:26
RonaldsMazitisdoes not work20:27
brainwashworks for me20:27
RonaldsMazitisFILES.FM me source code20:27
RonaldsMazitisI have no idea why not work20:28
brainwashhow hard can it be to apply the changes?20:28
RonaldsMazitisI am applied everything20:28
RonaldsMazitismight be something I can't see20:28
brainwashstart from zero20:28
RonaldsMazitisI will try your version20:28
RonaldsMazitisI did like 6 versions20:29
RonaldsMazitisand same stuff happens20:29
brainwashmy version is: https://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/snapshot/thunar-1.6.18.tar.gz  +  http://paste.debian.net/1131568/20:29
brainwashthat is the code20:29
brainwashthunar --quit20:31
lighterowlthat is actually exactly what I did.20:31
brainwashsee my screenshot https://i.imgur.com/RfOESrV.png20:31
brainwashI just did that in a new VM20:31
brainwashxubuntu 18.0420:31
RonaldsMazitiswait your 64 gb ram thing probably is faster in vm20:32
RonaldsMazitisthan my actual pc20:32
RonaldsMazitismaking now20:32
brainwashmy VM has 2gb only20:32
lighterowlwell, I'm not on that machine right now, but I don't see how that's relevant.20:32
RonaldsMazitisstill same20:32
brainwashand it loads everything into RAM because it's a live session20:32
lighterowlI'm on even on xubuntu right now, lol.20:32
lighterowl*not even20:33
RonaldsMazitisI installed your version and it's tha same20:33
RonaldsMazitisthere is no buttons added20:33
RonaldsMazitisso You want me to copy paste20:34
RonaldsMazitis7 times20:34
RonaldsMazitisI thought You will send me source20:34
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.20:35
RonaldsMazitisnow it works for me20:40
RonaldsMazitismagic happened20:41
RonaldsMazitisone button is missing20:42
RonaldsMazitisnext button20:42
RonaldsMazitisand it's back to not working20:48
RonaldsMazitisand after reinstall back to working again, but still only 4 icons20:52
RonaldsMazitisso 4 icons20:59
RonaldsMazitisno forward because limitations?21:00
RonaldsMazitisI can make two open parent buttons21:05
RonaldsMazitisso space is not limited21:06
RonaldsMazitis        <placeholder name="placeholder-history-actions" /> JUST DOES NOT WORK21:06
RonaldsMazitisIf I extract original  files on desktop in folder, it's back to begging21:11
brainwashRonaldsMazitis: isn't forward button only visible if you can go forward?21:18
brainwashI already closed the VM21:18
RonaldsMazitisit's not there21:18
brainwashwhat does "reinstall" mean?21:20
brainwashsudo make install?21:21
RonaldsMazitismake, then make install21:21
RonaldsMazitisno forward button21:23
lighterowlthank god that php folder is in the trash.21:24
RonaldsMazitisI love php21:24
lighterowlthat's nice.21:25
brainwashwhere did the buttons go?! :)21:26
brainwashare the buttons gone when you run thunar from the source directory?21:27
RonaldsMazitiswhat buttons? it's just forward missing21:29
RonaldsMazitishere is everything21:29
brainwashwhere is the back button?21:30
brainwashin your screenshot21:30
RonaldsMazitisopen parent is back21:30
RonaldsMazitisback button is missing aswell21:30
RonaldsMazitissend me whole xml21:40
RonaldsMazitisit's just not working21:40
RonaldsMazitisI'm getting mad at this21:40
brainwashit never worked?21:40
brainwashI thought that you got it working21:40
RonaldsMazitisit works but placeholder-history-actions21:41
RonaldsMazitiswell I use original and just add new tab-and open-search and that makes forward and back to dissapear21:41
brainwashthey weren't missing in my case21:44
brainwashand I have been using the same code changes as you did21:45
RonaldsMazitisI added forward and back21:47

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