[04:22] good morning [15:14] has anyone heard anything about Ubuntu 20 killing battery or charging circuits? [15:14] I installed 20 and my battery stopped charging [15:14] just wondering if ther eis a bug or my battery just went bad [15:32] resoluti0n: 20.04 is still in development right now [15:32] I tried to update one of my PC to ubuntu 20.04. Unfortunately, I cannot logon into a X or a Wayland session after the upgrade has completed and the PC has been rebooted. Is this a know issue and is there a known solution or workaround for it? [15:32] resoluti0n: we reccomend to help test on a clean install with the daily iso's [15:35] resoluti0n: upgrading to a development version, can give you breakage in this stage [15:36] ok I will check out to find those daily iso's. From your experience, is 20.04 reliable enough at this point to be use as a daily driver? [15:36] resoluti0n: the daily iso's are linked in this channels topic [15:37] resoluti0n: at this stage, there are still alot of bugs going on 20.04 not reccomended as daily driver, but for testing purposes and help debug [15:37] ok [15:38] resoluti0n: you will be able to run it though [15:39] and btw would you happen to know if there is a upgrade to linux 5.5 scheduled for 20.04 and the release would probably stay on 5.4? [15:40] currently we are on 5.4.0-14-generic [15:41] so probably no 5.5 for the official release date? [15:42] we will have to await final [15:43] ok thanks for the info [15:47] resoluti0n: It's not my main system but I'm using a 20.04 laptop regularly at the moment and it's pleasant. [15:48] resoluti0n: Haven't found anything I couldn't resolve so far - just bugs where a saner default might be expected. [15:49] lotuspsychje: If EggSpurt comes back and I'm not here, tell him I see unproblematic charging on my T420. [15:52] mason: thx for the feedback [15:56] resoluti0n: Sure. And what lotuspsychje said is equally true, mind you. It might break on you, and you've been warned. [15:56] Back-ups are as valuable as ever here. [17:42] mason: you can talk to users yourself, you dont need to highlight me you know.. [18:05] lotuspsychje: I was highlighting what you said. [18:05] lotuspsychje: It's all community-building, you know? [18:06] mason: lets discuss a bit at #ubuntu-discuss instead [18:06] Ah, I've got too many channels to watch as it is, but I'll look at reshuffling sometime.