[00:15] i would standard say intel, https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005511/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking.html/clear [00:15] oops [01:17] Fair warning, I banned ptah from #ubuntu and #linuxhelp on EFnet from constantly spamming garbage. [01:18] ptah has been doing this all week [01:18] has had some valid support issues... but rambles into the ot realm [01:18] yup, which I found interesting. He filters himself quite a bit here. Pretty outright trolling/spamming on EFnet [01:22] agreed, very good at dancing on the line between what is and isn't acceptable [01:22] they have been told about -discuss and -offtopic and usually find their way over there after being reminded [01:22] unlike this alazy character [01:22] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/fH3THkyQmr/ [01:23] there was nobody else talking during any of his rambling [01:24] I think they're doing it because it all gets logged... so they can tell all their friends... hey look, I did something [01:24] guessing it's either some 15 year old who hasn't quite met the world yet, or some 40 year old living in their mom's basement [02:00] !gpt [02:00] GPT is a partition table format. It is required to boot EFI. See also !efi [03:42] or they should just get a real laptop? [03:43] leftyfb: aren't some chromebooks capable of having ChromeOS completely removed and replaced by another OS now? [03:44] I think so [03:44] but this isn't that [03:45] hence why I didn't mention it in main as an option ;-) [03:45] I bet they could potentially get it going properly with namespacing, but that goes way beyond the scope of #u and that individuals capabilities [03:45] agreed [03:46] those ones i got free, you had to crack the case and remove a write protect screw... flash an alternate firmware... then you only got some super limited options due to the tiny eMMC [03:47] I still have my CR48. It won't power on/charge though due to the defective barrel connector or something that they all had. [03:47] I think the newer ones are less physical to switch over [03:48] for a while, I could plug/unplug the power cord 10-100 times in a row(according to googles official documentation) to get it to charge and power on [03:49] oh geeze [03:49] that sounds like a guide to... here... let [03:49] it limp along until the warrenty expires [03:49] I should bring it down to the makerspace and see if I can get it going one of these days [03:49] there was no warranty, google just sent it to me one day [03:50] sounds like a fun afternoon project for the maker space [03:50] I think I signed up to test google products or something a long time ago, then one day this thing just showed up out of the blue. [03:51] yeah, though I question how well it'll work. I can guarantee it's not going to run any modern chromeOS. It's got to be about 10 years old now [03:52] oh look, it's just about exactly 10 years old [03:52] it has free built in 3G too. I wonder if that's still active [03:57] It would be impressive if it was... worth pulling it apart to get at the SIM card? [03:58] i feel like i read a piece on something like that getting retired [04:00] not to mention it's 3g which is starting to get phased out everywhere [04:01] phased out? hadn't heard that yet [04:01] most I heared recently was the 2nd gen and older being shut off [04:02] https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-218813/ [04:03] found an article for AT&T planning on shutting it down in 2022 [04:03] https://www.att.com/support/article/wireless/KM1324171/ [04:03] so yeah, basically gone in the next 2 years [04:03] damn... guess another set of phones to get rid of [04:03] hm, wonder if my old kindle paperwhite supports LTE ... that'll be a pitty if it doesn't [04:04] shocker, it needs to be charged [04:04] haha [04:04] i'm seeing a theme developing :) [04:04] ooo, new one is waterproof [04:05] finally a feature dead-tree lacks [04:05] I thought the waterproof one was released back in 2015? [04:06] pragmaticenigma: now you know how long I've had my OS paperwhite :) [04:07] 2014 is when I bought mine [04:08] it's all good... I have one in the cupboard from about the same time... though it wasn't mine originally... and I'm sure it's battery is dead [04:08] I wanted to see if I could make it into a weather display [04:11] hm, interesting. The latest paperwhite is still 3G. Wonder how they expect to not tick off their customers in the next couple years [04:13] nm, I guess it's LTE [04:17] wonder how many are still on the old whispernet system [04:18] good morning [04:19] guess who's back [04:19] back again... ptah8's back... [04:19] when you see me, you need to goto bed :p [04:20] watching some shows on the telie [04:20] I am going to go to bed :P \o [04:21] g'night! [04:21] I'm not too far behind in that plan... the tom foolery in main and #kodi... has me brain dead [04:26] same here, fried and 4:30am [07:30] good morning [10:10] I have a number of older, slower machines that I want to run linux on. Which will run faster and use few resources: lubuntu or xubuntu? [10:10] JoeLlama: depends on the hardware really, i had machines that worked smoother with xubuntu [10:10] ok [10:10] JoeLlama: but in most cases, lubuntu should still be the lightest [10:11] lubuntu is generally faster? [10:11] I have a number of intel atom n250 computers [10:11] wait lemme make sure [10:12] JoeLlama: think we cant generalize the fastest flavor by default [10:12] its all about how the user tweaks his own system [10:12] well I mean a straight install and updates [10:12] and that is about it [10:13] Intel Atom n270 [10:13] single core two threads 32 bit [10:13] JoeLlama: best way to findout is compare yourself on your hardware [10:13] it gets a bit bogged down at atimes for sure [10:14] yeah I am just installing xubuntu at this point... it just works... lubuntu I couldn't get wireless working but then again I'm not real sharp when it comes to that [10:14] mainly I just want the one that runs faster [10:15] takes 7 to 10 seconds to open firefox [10:15] but at least xubuntu works very well [10:16] JoeLlama: firefox is a heavy browser for older hardware [10:16] best case is you tweak everything possible, to have a smooth system [10:16] oh ok :) what would be a good browser in your opinion [10:17] I would need a link/referenve on tweaks [10:18] JoeLlama: there are few lighter browsers like chromium or text based browsers links2 [10:18] ah [10:18] JoeLlama: tweaking: install preload, haveged, stacer, bleachbit, trim down unwanted startup items, disabled unwanted systemd services, use lightweight software [10:18] not sure I would want chromium because it's google... google has enough data gathing going on but I dunno [10:19] oh ok [10:19] I saved that information and I'll google that up later [10:20] mostly one box I am working on is just for very simple things like running VLC, email, and browser [10:20] I can see how firefox is rather loadedd down [10:20] you can also install lubuntu/xubuntu with minimal option during setup [10:20] how so? [10:21] I did not see much in the way of choices [10:21] JoeLlama: did you never install ubuntu before? [10:21] I think my preference is xubuntu at this point [10:21] I have installed many times yes but far from an expert [10:21] it pretty much installs itself [10:22] JoeLlama: during setup depending on your ubuntu version, you can enable/disable minimal option [10:22] hrm... [10:22] that will save you alot of space on harddisk [10:22] I am not sure if I saw that anyplace during installation [10:22] JoeLlama: https://i.stack.imgur.com/pMgbB.png [10:23] thanks :) [10:23] hrm I do not remmeber seeing that [10:23] JoeLlama: depends wich version you tryed to install [10:23] I am sure there is a way to pick and choose right> [10:24] well this was 16.04 I think [10:24] 32 bit [10:24] 16.04 didnt have that option yet [10:25] I'm not really worried about how much storage I use (hard drive) just mainly speed... so dump firefox and install chrome right? [10:25] how can I pick and choose each utility item during installation I assume there is a way [10:25] JoeLlama: more space on hd will also help overall system smoothness [10:26] oh ok well is SSD [10:26] small SSD [10:26] so there is no way to choose individual options with 16.04 during install?? [10:27] I will try chrome [10:27] thanks lotuspsychje [10:28] chromium is the ubuntu alternate for chrome [10:28] oh! ok I was wondering [10:28] so wich ubuntu version are you on now? [10:29] for the box I set up xubuntu 16.04 I think... that is the last version that is 32 bit right? [10:29] lemme look [10:30] oops: [10:30] xubuntu-18.04.4-desktop-i386 [10:30] that's it lotuspsychje [10:30] I need cheese products brb [10:38] bak [10:38] so I should uninstall firefox and install chromium right lotuspsychje? [10:39] you can try what you want JoeLlama [10:39] live dangerous, try out some things on ubuntu [10:39] let me rephrase [10:40] for a speed increase in browsing I might have better luck with chromium right? also, removing firefox can help wtih speed issues? [10:40] looking for an opinion here [10:41] my opinion is to try and compare things for yourself [10:41] yes let me rephrase again... [10:41] cause on different hardware, software willr eact differently [10:42] in your experience... do you find chromium to be faster and also in your experience do you find that removing firefox helps with speed issues [10:42] I notice it's very hard to get straight answers from linux people and I don't know why [10:42] in my experience i use firefox only on my i5 and i7 machine [10:42] it's a single core CPU so... [10:43] oh ok [10:43] that's the answer I think I was looking for [10:43] I will uninstall firefox and install chromium [10:43] lol [10:43] also I will look up the tweaks you mentioned [10:43] like I said takes 7 to 10 seconds for firefox to open on that box [10:44] Intel Atom n270 1.6 GHz [10:44] I run Dells almost exclusively here [10:44] I have piles of dells (literally) [10:44] before uninstalling firefox, TRY chromium first and compare, then let me know wich1 goes faster [10:45] I went nuts, bought used older Dells sometimes 5 at a time on ebay [10:45] oh ok [10:45] I think I will just uninstall firefox I'm not that big of a fan to be honest [10:46] I will try chromium [10:46] JoeLlama: open software center, there's like several browsers you can test alternate [10:46] hrm ok [10:47] I will trust that chromium is a good alternative from what you have told me [10:47] you are using xubuntu already, you never looked in the software? [10:47] I also use opera [10:47] I like opera [10:47] no not much haven't looked [10:47] so, you already know all this [10:47] hrm? [10:47] all what? [10:48] wich browser goes faster, opera or firefox? [10:48] i need your opinion [10:48] well I assume opera [10:48] yes I Think opera goes faster on a windows box [10:48] you use it right? [10:48] but it doesn't work with every site [10:48] I use opera and firefox on windows boxes [10:49] opera seems faster and lower overhead [10:49] well lets not discuss windows here [10:49] did you test them on xubuntu? [10:49] and to be honest I like opera a little better than firefox [10:49] so then I will try both opera and chromium on xubuntu [10:50] perhaps leave both installed and uninstall firefox [10:50] the fastest browser is tested was brave snap [10:50] brave snap? [10:50] but i think they removed the snap [10:50] oh [10:50] brave browser [10:50] brave browser? [10:50] do you like it? does it work well? [10:50] I will try those three then [10:51] I have not tried windows 10 yet but from what steve gibson says it makes me itch :( [10:52] I will have a number of ubuntu boxes up and running soon I hope [10:52] microsoft offered me the job but I find that I am unable to write slow and bloated code [10:53] ok thanks lotuspsychje :) I appreciate the input [10:54] steve gibson is writing a new version of spinrite btw for newer drives [10:55] * JoeLlama wanders off munching cheese and crackers with a wee bit of scotch [10:56] oh yes I know brave browser! saw it on security now. [10:57] seems like a good thing but at the time was still not available when I saw it... I look again now [10:57] just keep in mind some software are snaps or will add external ppa's to your system [10:58] installing brave now [10:59] dunno what an external ppa is [10:59] !ppa [10:59] A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [10:59] oh ok looking [11:01] yes brave advertised on security now for a short time a while back: https://twit.tv/shows/security-now [11:03] ok thanks lotuspsychje [11:06] I find that drinking never solves any problems but it does make them go away [12:12] leftyfb: ping for your wakeup: leftyfb if you're here, when i returned home I found this message on the KVM when the system crashed again https://prnt.sc/r6gdrc ive asked them to reconnect the KVM so i may be able to get more info but uncertain atm === jelly-home is now known as jelly === kenperkins_ is now known as kenperkins [21:34] Microsoft Defender ATP for Linux ... [21:37] i hope it has Clippy [21:37] i am trying t find a download, but no [21:38] https://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-defender-atp-now-public-preview-linux [21:38] maybe just part of WSL? [21:40] I think it's only part of the Windows preview or whatever they call it [21:40] basically beta testers [21:40] ah for "Windows Insiders" [21:41] peew, i had a deja vu [21:41] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/windows/microsoft-defender-atp?ocid=docs-wdatp-main-abovefoldlink&rtc=1 [21:42] it's only for business