
kenperkinspsuedosucces. install 19.10 without connecting wifi indeed gets me 5.3.0-18 :D so was that pin command above correct? apt-mark hold?00:00
BattleI was speaking with a few guys earlier about my system crashing without reason, nothing in syslog or kern.log. I contacted providers who have replaced the entire machine, however..after following their latest advice which was to downgrade network driver to r8168 from the r8169. system was online for maybe 5hoours before it then froze completely00:00
pragmaticenigmaI believe so... I usually do it through synaptic (though that might not have been installed by default)00:00
Battleif I KVM into it, the system screen is there but unresponsive, providers confirmed the system was powered and on but frozen00:01
Battleso it's one step up from before, which was completely shut off00:01
causativepragmaticenigma, here is a complete rundown:  https://pastebin.com/teivCPnq00:02
leftyfbBattle: get it going again, open kvm and run "dmesg -Tw"   watch it for the next time it freezes00:02
leftyfbBattle: also, what version of ubuntu and what kernel?00:02
leftyfbBattle: did you ever end up trying to leave it running without an OS?00:02
pragmaticenigmacausative: that would appear that your computer BIOS/Firmware may have locked the computer in safe mode with the power loss00:03
causativethink a reboot would fix it?00:03
pragmaticenigmacausative: It very well could, I'd also take a look through your BIOS/Firmware setup screens and make sure the settings are correct00:04
pragmaticenigmacausative: And if you were running tests that were benchmarking or running the system at full throttle, it might be a sign that something overheated00:05
Battleleftyfb: I havent tried the bios only path just yet as I wanted to test what the providers suggested first when they advised of the network driver being the cause. so I'm going to bring the system online and try what you've said dmesg -Tw00:05
leftyfbBattle: also confirm the version of ubuntu and which kernel00:06
Battlealso just want to say thank you for all the assistance you've provided00:06
Battleleftyfb, i'm running: Ubuntu Linux 18.04.4 and kernel: 4.15.0-88-generic00:07
leftyfbBattle: you could try the hwe kernel00:07
leftyfb!hwe | Battle00:07
ubottuBattle: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:07
Battleare there issues with the kernel im running now? I also tried downgrading to previous kernel (I think it ended in 77 instead of 88)00:08
leftyfbBattle: that's what we want to find out00:09
Battleinstalling that HWE one now00:09
Battleleftyfb okay, rebooting now, I will leave it on KVM with that command you mentioned00:11
Battleleftyfb there is one red line that shows about unable to bind the codec hdaudiocd0300:14
BattleI assume this is safe to ignore as its just audio ?00:14
kenperkinspragmaticenigma: apt-get update/upgrade successful on 19.10 with kernel pinned00:15
causativepragmaticenigma, I rebooted, no change.  Also I didn't see anything in "settings" that controls the processor - mostly just boot options.  Perhaps there's a different screen I can get to somehow?00:20
causativeall my processors are still at 800 MHz with a hardware limit of 3.5 GHz00:21
causativeperhaps the processor hardware is somehow damaged?  how could I check that?00:22
pragmaticenigmakenperkins: awesome... that should buy you some time to figure out a kernel configuration with that driver :-)00:24
pragmaticenigmakenperkins: here's hoping that 20.04 might have the regression fixed00:24
pragmaticenigmacausative: I'm not aware of any tools that would detect that... but given that you mentioned you've had a loose power cable, it is very possible a voltage spike could have damaged the CPU00:25
Battleleftyfb the network connectivity appears to be down after switching to that HWE kernel00:28
leftyfbBattle: can you confirm after logging in via the kvm?00:29
Battleleftyfb I thought it went down again but KVM and system are fine, theres just no network. iftconfig shows only the interface00:29
leftyfbBattle: look through dmesg for issues with your network interface/driver00:30
leftyfbBattle: run "lspci" , what network device is it?00:32
Battleleftyfb very hard to see the text on this KVM https://prnt.sc/r6bfdo00:36
Battleleftyfb does that show what you were asking for?00:39
leftyfbBattle: try going back to your previous kernel and installing r8168-dkms00:39
leftyfbBattle: also, make sure you have the universe repo enabled00:40
kenperkinsThanks again pragmaticenigma, jeremy3100:42
kenperkinssuccessfully on wifi with "full" install of 19.10, however I notice that I have no bluetooth :(00:42
senorsmileAnyone having issues with apt against archive.ubuntu.com?  I'm getting 503's from both a 16.04 box and 2 18.04 boxes.00:43
|izziehi, lenovo t420 no sound, dummy output only00:44
pragmaticenigmasenorsmile: possible that the mirror is sync'ing and might be a moment to finish?00:45
senorsmilehas been 30+ minutes for me now.   possibly... I don't have another internet connection to try atm, and 503's are almost always serverside issues00:46
pragmaticenigmasenorsmile: not having any issues with us.archive.ubuntu.com00:46
leftyfb|izzie: lspci -v | grep -i audio  # which audio card? (hi btw )00:47
senorsmilepragmaticenigma yeah I noticed that too00:47
|izzieHOLY CANNOLI00:47
leftyfbsenorsmile: also not having issues here. Maybe try changing to us.archive.ubuntu.com ?00:47
leftyfb|izzie: it's been a while :)00:48
|izzieleftyfb: you still in all th esame places?00:49
leftyfb|izzie: check your PM00:49
|izzieleftyfb: no output to that command00:49
senorsmileseeing errors there now too00:49
senorsmileboth to us.archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com00:49
senorsmileCan anyone else with default sources.list run apt update successfully atm?00:50
leftyfb|izzie: try just lspci, see if you can see anything about sound/audio00:50
leftyfbsenorsmile: yes, again, no issues00:50
leftyfbsenorsmile: maybe a problem with your provider00:51
senorsmileinteresting ok00:51
leftyfbsenorsmile: oh, Comcast in the U.S. they really shouldn't have a problem00:51
leftyfbsenorsmile: 503 isn't typically DNS related, but maybe just try changing your public DNS to or in /etc/resolv.conf just to see if it makes a difference00:52
senorsmilealways use
senorsmilewill try cloudflare00:52
Battleleftyfb sadly I must go somethigns come up. ive got it on orignal kernel ill run dmesg -Tw in KVM and see whats going on when i return. ill switch to that other network driver too when i return00:53
|izzieleftyfb: nothing about audio00:53
leftyfbBattle: fyi, it's not another network driver. Its to rebuild the kernel module upon installing new kernels, like the hwe I had you install00:53
leftyfb|izzie: did this ever work? what version of ubuntu are you running now?00:54
senorsmiletried on all 3 boxes with exactly the same results.  Going to see if I can get my mobile phone hot spot working.00:54
leftyfbBattle: the idea is, after you install that dkms package, you --reinstall the hwe kernel and boot back into that and see if it loads up00:54
|izzieleftyfb: off and on.. and it works with headphones00:55
leftyfbsenorsmile: got a router/firewall that might be blocking it?00:55
|izzieleftyfb: off and on.. and it works with headphones only00:55
senorsmileleftyfb haven't made any changes in my network since december00:55
leftyfb|izzie: sounds like maybe it's a bad/dead chipset?00:55
|izzieleftyfb: thanks much00:56
leftyfb|izzie: try a live cd/usb00:56
senorsmilebeen doing automated testing all week between boxes at home and various aws nodes00:56
leftyfb|izzie: and different versions of ubuntu or other distro's. See if there's any change00:56
kenperkinsok, so my bluetooth is also not present, as far as I can tell. Intel AC9560 is combo wifi and bluetooth correct? what dmesg logs should Iook for to investigate00:56
causativewell, on the advice here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1021748/set-cpu-governor-to-performance-in-18-04 I did "sudo systemctl disable ondemand" and rebooted and now /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor all say "performance"01:00
|izzieleftyfb: ok01:00
causativehowever, all cpus are still locked to the minimum 800 mhz :( and I'm still getting low performance01:00
kenperkinsinterestingly, my processors are also at 800mhz :S01:01
causativemaybe I could try a different OS to see if the problem is ubuntu or the bios/hardware01:02
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kenperkinscausative: what processor01:02
causativeIntel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz01:03
causativemaybe something other than the CPU is being throttled to a low speed, so the CPU is at 800 mhz because that's all it needs to keep up with slow memory or bus or whatever? can that happen?01:05
alazyIs it possible to tell apt to pretend a manually downloaded .deb package is the same as a very slightly different package in the repos? Ok, it's not likely to work, but how could I try?01:07
pragmaticenigmaalazy: apt isn't designed for that purpose... dpkg is used to manually install .deb packages01:08
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leftyfbalazy: what is your end goal?01:09
alazypragmaticenigma: It's a dependency of a package I want to install via apt. apt complains about the missing dependancy. I can't get it from the repos. I found what might be a nearly identical one in debian's pkg repos.01:10
leftyfbalazy: why can't you get the correct dependency package from the ubuntu repo?01:10
senorsmileleftyfb just tried from a t-mobile hotspot and all is well.  Something messed up with routes via my comcast connection.  That'll not be fun trying to report to comcast.01:11
alazyleftyfb: Install the qutebrowser-qtwebengine package on a raspberry pi / raspbian.01:11
leftyfbalazy: we cannot support raspbian or debian or it's packages here. Try #raspberrypi01:12
ptah8i got something interesting to share. when you save a screenshot of stellarium, the image file is *.bmp, and file says windows 3.x format? why does unix/linux take something from windows?01:13
oerheksit is just not available for bionic,... https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qutebrowser-qtwebengine01:13
ptah8gui :)01:13
leftyfb!ot | ptah801:14
ubottuptah8: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:14
ptah8leftyfb, im using ubuntu01:15
alazyleftfy: I've asked on #raspbian for a while... My original question is about apt. Given an analogous problem in ubuntu, how could I force apt to accept a given .deb as a valid substitute for a package it could download from the repos?01:15
ptah8stellarium is a astronomy program in ubuntu linux01:15
pragmaticenigmaptah8: You're topic is not a support question or related to a support issue. Unless you're experiencing an issue that requires help, it's considered off topic01:15
ptah8i just thought its interesting to share that01:16
leftyfbptah8: your question is not a support question for ubuntu. There is no problem you need help with. For opinions or inquiries, try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss01:16
oerheksno, reask in #stellarium01:17
leftyfbalazy: let us know when you need help with Ubuntu. Otherwise, continue to seek help from #raspberrypi01:18
alazyleftyfb: I have a question about apt, ubuntu's package manager. If I want to force apt to accept a given .deb as a valid substitute for a package it could download for a repos (just because I want to experiment), how would I tell apt to do that, in ubuntu?01:19
pragmaticenigmaalazy: just because two distributions use the same application, does not mean they have the same configuration. apt is an integral part of each distribution, however, it's mechanisms for resolving dependencies rely on the developers of the distribution to configure, which will not carry across all distros that use apt.01:20
leftyfbalazy: No. Go ask in #raspberrypi01:20
oerheksjust upgrade that pi to 19.10, easy peasy01:22
_Myst_need help please, I have lenova 2-1 yoga touch screen, with dual boot ubuntu/win 10. the lappy has been playing up & came good yesterday after 10 using for nearly 6 months. issues where  to do with display. so I went ahead & did the windows updates & lenova , ran a bios update.. Now when after  grub, lenova hangs with "preparing automatic repair" screen & does not going any further. I've adjusted uefi to  " no secure boot"& disabled quick01:32
_Myst_suggestions please. thanks in advance01:32
Sven_vBhi! :-) I'm trying to install bionic onto an old thinkpad which has the GPT boot bug, i.e. won't boot disks that have a default protective MBR. I found the tutorial [1] on how to create a fake boot-flagged partition entry in the MBR, but the fdisk in my bionic live session doesn't support the "-p" option. when I run it normally, it displays my GPT partitions instead of the MBR entries. are there other good ways to tweak the protective01:58
Sven_vBMBR? [1] https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-i386/2013-March/010437.html01:58
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Sven_vBI've reproduced the problem with a spare USB thumb driver where I put just GRUB, so I'm open for adventurous hex editor action ideas as well.02:10
johnfghi folks02:22
johnfgapt returned a msg when I tried to install libmyodbc, that it's contained in another package.  How do I find out what pkg contains it?02:23
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: perhaps start with making sure the Firmware/Bios is up-to-date on that computer... the "bug" might have been fixed02:24
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: what do you need it for?02:26
Sven_vBjohnfg, really "contained" or just "mentioned"?02:27
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: ODBC is typically a windows requirement... hence why I'm asking johnfg what they need it for02:28
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, that was my first thought as well, however I can't seem to find the appropriate download, and the forum thread that lead me to the tutorial sounded a lot like lenovo just doesn't care.02:28
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, (that thought = update the BIOS)02:29
johnfgI'm installing openldap, and it's an add-on recommended.  It's actually in libreoffice-base-drivers.02:29
johnfgThat's where I used to use it, back in the day.02:29
johnfgSo, if I want to take advantage of it, I'll need to install the libreoffice-base-drivers, I guess.02:30
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, so are you saying bionic doesn't have tools to easily manipulate MBR entries? then maybe I should just boot an older version?02:30
johnfgIt's at least a partial ?interface? with mysql.02:31
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: no... you should see if there are instruction specific to ubuntu for OpenLDAP + MySQL backend02:31
oerheksthat odbc it has serious issues, removed after xenial?? you could use this dirty unsupported trick https://askubuntu.com/questions/1162340/package-libmyodbc-has-no-installation-candidate02:31
johnfgOk, for now I'll just proceed without it.02:31
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: I didn't say anything of the sort... why would you assume something I haven't said02:32
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, sorry I didn't mean to assume you meant something, just to ask whether you meant it.02:33
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, also I probably misunderstood the "start with" suggestion02:33
oerheksSven_vB, so you have a locked uefi bios?02:35
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: the bug would be an issue with the firmware of the laptop... that's why I suggested to start there... easier to fix the bug, then try a bunch of work arounds02:35
Sven_vBoerheks, not sure whether that bug counts as "locked". it boots from MBR fine, just not from GPT. some forum thread says there's a bug where the BIOS doesn't even scan a disk if it has no boot-flagged partition in its MBR. which seems to be the case with default protective MBRs.02:37
oerhekserr, one formats the disk from 0 for gpt.02:39
jfariasfis anyone in here using ubuntu 19.10 with kernel 5.5?02:40
pragmaticenigma!ask | jfariasf02:40
ubottujfariasf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:40
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jfariasfmy nvidia card is failing so I have to boot with nomodeset02:41
Sven_vBoerheks, the creation method shouldn't matter I guess. however, on the USB thunbdrive I reproduced it and there I created a fresh GPT.02:41
jfariasfwhich is annoying because the laptop light gives me headaches02:41
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: It sounds like to me that the machine doesn't support GPT well, and therefore you should just use it MBR02:42
jfariasfi tried with Kubuntu 19.10 and kernel 5.5 stable and 5.6-rc1. GPU is nvidia gtx 960m. it fails when booting and nomodeset is the only thing that works02:42
pragmaticenigma!patience | jfariasf02:43
ubottujfariasf: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/02:43
Sven_vBoerheks, on the internal disk I created a GPT that had the appropriate sectors for existing partitions, and it works fine except I need an MBR-only SuperGrub Disk to help the BIOS load the internal disk's GRUB. once it's loaded, I can withdraw the "boot floppy" and boot normally.02:43
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, that would be easiest. however I'm trying to find a setup that makes my disk bootable independent of which of my notebooks I plug it in.02:44
oerheksheh, good luck02:45
Sven_vBif all else fails, I'll probably obtain a very small thumbdrive and install a GRUB there that just redirects02:45
Sven_vBblocks one USB port though02:46
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: So you want to force a device, that doesn't support a feature very well... entrust your data to it... all so you can do a fancy boot from any computer trick and risk the loss of all your data... let alone a workaround that will probably get the drive to work on that laptop, but will not work on any other machine02:46
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, how would the data loss occurr? is this about more than just getting GRUB into RAM and handing over to it?02:48
jfariasfguys what's the Ubuntu equivalent of Debian unstable02:50
Sven_vBI thought once GRUB is loaded, the firmware doesn't care anymore02:50
Sven_vBjfariasf, probably #ubuntu+102:50
pragmaticenigmajfariasf: there isn't one02:51
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: #ubuntu+1 is for Ubuntu 20.04 only... they are running 19.10... don't misdirect other users seeking help02:51
jfariasfi saw that a new driver for kernel 5.5 was posted on Debian's unstable repo but can't find them for ubuntu. maybe i'll just try the official nvidia binaries02:53
Sven_vBsorry then, seems I misunderstood what Debian's "unstable" means then. I'll go read about it.02:53
pragmaticenigmajfariasf: There is the graphics drivers team repo, which may resolve the issue. though I suspect your card is old enough that really, I'm not sure if the nvidia drivers are really providing you any particular benefit02:57
Sven_vBoh I see the difference is that Debian unstable is rolling02:57
jfariasfyeah the card is old but if you want to run some games like cities skyline the drivers are a must03:00
jfariasfit's sad that nvidia won't open source the drivers03:01
pragmaticenigmaI would look into the graphics drivers team PPA... most of it's contributors are the same people that push the drivers for mainstream Ubuntu. And nvidia has opensourced parts of their driver. Most of what remains closed has to do with CUDA and some specific rendering cores03:02
jfariasfi didn't know that. I'll check and see what happens03:05
SirNapkin1334hi, when trying to SSH / ping a hostname I have put in hosts, it says "unknown host" even though it's in /etc/hosts03:13
SirNapkin1334`$ ping pc-napkin_l`03:14
SirNapkin1334`ping: unknown host pc-napkin_l`03:14
SirNapkin1334and in the hosts file, there is `pc-napkin_l`03:14
SirNapkin1334this is the local IP adress03:14
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: hostnames can't have underscores03:14
pragmaticenigmaSirNapkin1334: underscores are not valid for hostnames03:14
pragmaticenigma!paste | SirNapkin1334 , in the future also please03:15
ubottuSirNapkin1334 , in the future also please: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:15
SirNapkin1334how do I cause the changes I make to /etc/hosts to be used?03:15
SirNapkin1334any way other than restarting?03:15
SirNapkin1334and thanks, I'll do that03:15
pragmaticenigmaSirNapkin1334: changes to host file does not usually require a reboot... changes should take effect immediately03:16
SirNapkin1334because it says unknown host pc-napkin-l03:16
pragmaticenigmawhat is the last character SirNapkin1334 ?03:16
SirNapkin1334of the host name?03:16
SirNapkin1334or the line?03:16
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: ip goes first03:16
SirNapkin1334wait really03:16
pragmaticenigmaSirNapkin1334: There should have already been entries in your host file to use as an example03:17
SirNapkin1334that's weird, because it used to work, even with the stuff backwards03:17
SirNapkin1334but suddenly it doesnt03:17
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: no, it will never work if it is backwards03:17
pragmaticenigmaSirNapkin1334: It has never worked in reverse... not in the 30 years that I have been working with networks and servers03:18
SirNapkin1334maybe i'm remembering wrong03:18
leftyfbyou are03:18
pragmaticenigmaSirNapkin1334: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_(file)#File_content03:19
SirNapkin1334hmm, but now I can't ping my computer from my laptop03:19
SirNapkin1334they're on the same network and I'm pinging the local ip03:19
SirNapkin1334hmm, I can ping my laptop from my computer, but not the other way around03:21
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: do you still have an invalid entry in your hosts file?03:21
SirNapkin1334i dont think so03:21
SirNapkin1334oh, no, this isn't a hosts problem03:21
SirNapkin1334even when using the IP directly it doesn't work03:22
SirNapkin1334copying directly from my computer's output of hostname -I, I use the first IP address displayed, but nothing, can't ping03:22
leftyfbit will be if you specified an ip address as the hostname for another hostname (backwards)03:22
SirNapkin1334no, I fixed it03:22
SirNapkin1334IP addresses always in first position03:22
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: please pastebin your hosts file (btw, messing with the hosts file is the wrong way to do things)03:23
SirNapkin1334i just want to make shortcuts so that I don't have to type IP addresses every time I SSH03:23
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: I get the point, it's usually the wrong way to go about it.03:24
SirNapkin1334I use that site because I can upload files from terminal03:24
SirNapkin1334what is the best way then?03:24
SirNapkin1334didn't know there was a different way to do that03:24
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: you can do the same with pastebinit and nc with termbin03:24
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: your link fails03:25
SirNapkin1334typed it wrong sorry03:25
pragmaticenigmaSirNapkin1334: Personally I have a DNS server setup on my home network, but that's a bit beyond the scope of this channel03:25
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: install pastebiniti then: cat /etc/hosts | pastebinit03:25
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: I'm not downloading a file. Please use a proper pastebin site and not a site to download files03:26
leftyfbsorry, the package name is pastebinit03:26
leftyfbor nc termbin.com 9999 < <(cat /etc/hosts;)03:27
SirNapkin1334I use that site because the random id for the files is short, good for typing on other computers03:27
SirNapkin1334normally it displays text files but I guess it needs to have a .txt extension for it to automatically do that03:27
SirNapkin1334this is from the laptop03:27
SirNapkin1334which fails to ping pc-napkin (the computer)03:28
pragmaticenigmaSirNapkin1334: It's asked that you use termbin or paste.ubuntu.com because they are neutral and are safe from malware or trakcing03:28
SirNapkin1334yeah, I understand03:28
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: what sort of network is this? Do you own the router? Typically you should have the ability to ping other hosts on the same network by hostname.local03:28
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: but not being able to ping by ip address.... can you ping your router's ip?03:28
SirNapkin1334home network. it's my router03:29
SirNapkin1334what is the router IP again?
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: don't know, it's your router. You can typically find it by looking at your route: sudo route -n03:29
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: it'll be your default gateway with the destination03:30
SirNapkin1334yeah I can ping
SirNapkin1334oh, I can also ping the destination03:31
leftyfbthat is not the ip address of your router. That is a catchall destination for your default route03:31
SirNapkin1334which is
* leftyfb sigh03:31
SirNapkin1334but when I ping it it tells me to include the -b tag, but when I do it works03:31
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: you have yet to ping your gateway03:31
SirNapkin1334oh, gateway03:31
leftyfb1 step at a time03:32
SirNapkin1334it says my gateway is
SirNapkin1334which I can ping03:32
leftyfbit does not. That is either a destination or a genmask03:32
leftyfblook at the destination of , what is the gateway for that?03:32
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: sudo route -n|awk '/^ {print $2}'03:33
SirNapkin1334I am a bit confused. There is only one entry in the table. Destination:; Gateway:; Genmask:
SirNapkin1334that command outputs nothing03:34
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: then your computer is not on the network/internet03:35
SirNapkin1334i can ping google.com just fine03:35
SirNapkin1334is it because it's on a chromebook03:35
leftyfbwhy are we talking about a chromebook?03:35
SirNapkin1334i remember having network difficulties but seemingly solving them03:35
SirNapkin1334because I'm running ubuntu on my chromebook03:36
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: how was it installed?03:36
SirNapkin1334via crouton03:36
leftyfbok, that is not full ubuntu and cannot be supported here03:37
leftyfbit's a chroot environment on top of chromeOS03:38
leftyfbit's basically just the filesystem of ubuntu but not the proper kernel or anything else03:38
SirNapkin1334oh, I didn't know that03:39
leftyfbthat explains the broken-looking network03:40
leftyfbthat's probably NAT'd03:40
leftyfband abstracted from any hard network stack03:40
pragmaticenigmaI also believe Chrome OS by default blocks all non-originating network packets at it's own firewall03:41
SirNapkin1334I let the chroot through the firewall03:41
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: sorry, but it's not a version of ubuntu we can support here03:42
SirNapkin1334okay. thanks, anywhere else I could go?03:42
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: maybe try ##linux03:42
leftyfbSirNapkin1334: though, that setup is going to get real ugly with networking03:43
SirNapkin1334okay, thanks03:43
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causativewhat the hell, now I'm only getting 5 steps per second on https://distill.pub/2020/growing-ca/ !  At first (2 days ago) I was getting 200 steps/second, then it dropped to 25, now it's only 506:10
causativesome part of my system seems to be rapidly degrading in performance and idk what part06:10
causativeah wait a second i have an idea of at least what might have caused the 25->5 drop, bbl06:11
causativeok yeah I'm back to 20-25 steps/s after rebooting.  Think it dropped to 5 because I had initially booted to safe mode before resuming normal boot06:14
causativeand there was a message that this could have interfered with certain graphics drivers06:14
causativestill it's not what I want.  idk where all the performance suddenly went06:16
warshrikeHey guys08:02
warshrikedoes anyone know how to set different scaling for different monitors?08:02
warshrikeI have one 4k and one 1080p08:02
warshrikeI want 100% on one and 200% on the other08:03
warshrikethere is no option to do it as changing it for one in the settings changes it for all of them08:03
warshrikeplaying with xrandr was inconclusive08:03
doug16kwarshrike, when I tried that it screwed up fullscreen behaviour08:07
doug16kended up with two of same resolution to sidestep it08:07
warshrikedoug16k lol. I hope I don't have to do that >.<08:08
warshrikeat that point one would arguably be better off just doing windoz...08:08
_Myst_need help my 2 in 1 laptop dual boot windows touch screen crashed, Had to use recover windows, now unable to boot into ubunti. I have uncecked secure boot & fast boot in efi settings. Even when i use super grub disk , ubuntu is listed & when I try all both ubuntu & advanced settings, the pcdrops to "initramfs"08:10
_Myst_suggestions please thanks in advance08:11
doug16k_Myst_, have you tried nomodeset08:12
_Myst_will  try thanks08:12
_Myst_doug16k: nomodeset already listed in recovery, & tried it after splash in "ubuntu" just hanging08:16
doug16kremove quiet and splash. you might see what it is doing right then08:17
doug16kthe last thing might be telling08:19
doug16k_Myst_, boot to runlevel 3 ( https://www.if-not-true-then-false.com/2012/howto-change-runlevel-on-grub2/ ), it will stop short of starting the desktop08:24
doug16kthen apt update and apt full-upgrade and reboot normally08:24
doug16kmight want to try installing the hwe kernel from runlevel 308:25
doug16kit might initialize stuff better08:26
_Myst_thanks doug16k08:26
_Myst_thanks doug16k:08:26
wawrekDoes ubuntu use packages installed by snap? I would like to get rid of all packages installed by snap and ditch snap, at the end08:28
doug16kwawrek, why you so mad? :)08:29
doug16kwhy ditch snap?08:30
wawrekI find it awkward that you have 2 systems; apt and snap08:46
warshrikedoes anyone know why my monitor connected to xps 15 9400h is stuck on 4k30fps?08:46
warshrikeI can't seem to make it go 60fps08:46
wawreksnap creates a lot of disk partitions08:46
warshrikeevery answer on ask ubuntu says to use xrandr08:47
warshrikebut it fails in my case08:47
warshrikewindows works without issue08:47
wawrekpartitions named:  /dev/loop1808:47
warshrikemouse is noticeably jerky on 30 fps :/08:48
warshrikeJournal Log: It is day 43 of using my monitor on 30 fps. I think I'm slowly losing my sanity as the cursor moves slowly in front of my eyes every time.08:51
warshrikeWho knows? Maybe Ubuntu had this limitation built into it as a curse and punishment for the collective sins of man kind?08:52
warshrikeMaybe it is destiny to suffer like this for my race?08:52
XardI'd suspect the monitor edid might be broken08:54
warshrikeXard I tried to fix it like this:08:55
warshrikexrandr --newmode "3840x2160_60.00"  712.75  3840 4160 4576 5312  2160 2163 2168 2237 -hsync +vsyncxrandr --addmode DP-1 3840x2160_60.0008:55
warshrikexrandr --output DP-1 --mode 3840x2160_60.00^C08:55
Xardmy 43" tv seems to guide all open source drivers to use 4096x2160@30 while closed nvidia drivers force proper 3840x2160p @60 with 4:4:408:55
Xardand this is via HDMI08:56
warshrikexrandr: Configure crtc 2 failed08:56
warshrikeI just get this error. I'm using displayport over usb c/tb308:56
Xarddoes displayport use chroma compression?08:57
warshrikeI don't think so08:57
warshrikeIt is well known that 4k60 works over dp on this laptop (xps 15 9570)08:58
Xardusing dp over usb c is also a potential red flag08:58
warshrikethese modern laptops pretty much only have usb c ports.08:58
warshrikeusually dp over it works flawlessly08:58
Xardhmm... I know that 4k@60 requires at least some dp level09:00
XardI wonder if I can check my settings even though this might not be comparable at all09:01
warshrikeXard it does work on windows 10 so I think that's not the issue...09:01
Xardit if requires additional support from drivers this can be an issue09:02
_Myst_doug16k: no luck.09:02
_Myst_nothing stored on the os of importance, so I might as well install 19:10, for a couple of months09:03
_Myst_till 20:04 is released.09:03
_Myst_hopefully this might be better than 18:04 with touch screen09:03
warshrikeXard yeah that might be helpful if you can check it09:05
warshrikejust intel integrated gpu btw09:05
Xardmy rpi can't get 4k@60 work with this "monitor" neither can nouveau so it might have something to do with the edid09:06
XardI cannot trust edid but I'd need to get current modeline09:06
Xard"3840x2160"   594.00   3840 4016 4104 4400   2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync09:10
Xardthank you "xvidtune -show"09:11
Xardit's 60.00 hz09:11
warshrikeshould I try to change refresh rate with xvidtune?09:13
warshrikeit says 'may damage monitor forever' lol09:13
Xardit's from CRT era09:13
Xardwhen the monitors accepted anything and the electro beam could really do that with invalid values09:14
warshrikeah makes sense I vaguely remember monitors accepting obtuse resolutions in my childhood09:14
Xardbut you could try those timeings since I think mine are using less bandwidth09:14
Xardalso those +hsync and +vsync can be either - or + depending from the monitor09:15
warshrike3840x2160 59.98 Hz (CVT 8.29M9) hsync: 134.18 kHz; pclk: 712.75 MHzModeline "3840x2160_60.00"  712.75  3840 4160 4576 5312  2160 2163 2168 2237 -hsync +vsync09:16
warshrikeI tried these vals I got from cvt 3840 2160 6009:16
warshrikeno go but I'll try what you mentioned09:17
Xardthose utilities are probably designed for CRT which means larger blanking areas = more bandwidth required09:17
Xardbecaues you needed to give time for the beam to turn off while focusing on new row :)09:18
Xardalso also you could use some windows utility to get those values which are proven to work with your monitor since I'm suspecting that the windows drivers just look the EDID and go "naah..."09:19
Xardwhich has been historical reason for the monitor vendors not bother testing the edid properly "if just works out of the box"09:20
Xardbut then again at work we have some large 4k monitors and televisions and NONE of them work @60hz on DP or hdmi with windows 7 or 10 so go figure...09:22
Xardtelevisions can be tricky for various reasons (forcing bandwidth saving and all kinds of trickery to get slower hdmi to technically display something @4k)09:24
warshrikeahh makes sense09:26
Xardbut monitors shouldn't be excused in this regard09:27
warshrikeI tried to get values online for the monitor model: samsung u28e510d09:27
warshrikebut nothing showed up...I guess I will check windows09:27
warshrikesomebody should patch things on the ubuntu side though...if the windows drivers just ignore the edid and work it would make sense to have ubuntu do that as well09:28
warshrikebecause well monitors are designed for windows first09:28
warshrikeof course that is a whole other discussion...09:28
Xardalso if you get the timing values from windows you can compare them to the ones read form EDID09:29
Xardto see if the problem is there or in somewhere else in the stack09:29
Xardat least this should eliminate the timings as a source of problem09:30
sparrHow might I find packages of, or build, libssl1.0.0:i386 for Ubuntu 19.10 on a 64bit system?09:59
lotuspsychjesparr: what are you trying to make work exactly?10:02
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JoeLlamaI have a number of older, slower machines that I want to run linux on.  Which will run faster and use few resources: lubuntu or xubuntu?10:09
lotuspsychjeJoeLlama: join at #ubuntu-discuss for discussions please10:09
sparrlotuspsychje: few years old video game, when launching it complains: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:09
sparralso libssl.so.1.0.010:10
sparrapparently in Ubuntu 19.10 I can get libssl1.1:i386 but the older libssl1.0.0 is only built for 64bit arch10:10
vladoskiHi guys, everytime I start my laptop, after the login, it popups a dialog with "System problem detected". Now in /var/crash there's a 21MB log file that says that GNOME is the problem. How do I know what's causing the crash?10:40
=== aktiv is now known as Guest76496
ncuxoHey guys I have trouble with my vm. I can't ssh into it. The vm can ping out to the internet and my local lan but I can't ping it from my host pc or any other pc on my local network. What have I done wrong?\11:16
roryncuxo: is it in virtualbox? If it's behind NAT I think need to explicitly forward the port. There's a section in Virtualbox network settings for the VM for this.11:19
ncuxorory: I'm usint virt-manager and on the networking options I'm on host device 'device' macvtap and source is a bridge11:33
_Myst_ubuntu dual boot laptop uefi, freh install now unable to boot from grub, windows listed. lenova, shows "prepairing automatic repair"11:35
_Myst_ubuntu boots as per normal11:36
niko1990Hello everyone12:03
niko1990I have a quick question: is it possible to set a init.d service script to be run after x is already started?12:05
=== pinpox- is now known as pinpox
Battleleftyfb if you're here, when i returned home I found this message on the KVM when the system crashed again https://prnt.sc/r6gdrc ive asked them to reconnect the KVM so i may be able to get more info but uncertain atm12:10
lotuspsychjetnx for the feedback Battle we will pass him the message12:11
fritzroy15hello, how to make it so that when running apt upgrade when provisioning a machine, it doesn't get stuck at the package configuration question regarding /boot/grub/menu.lst?12:14
fritzroy15tried this but didn't work: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt upgrade -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef --allow-downgrades --allow-remove-essential --allow-change-held-packages12:14
fritzroy15it still stops and asks me to select between the locally installed version and the maintainer's version12:15
alfatauhi everybody. trying to get here an answare I'm not able to get on the web: having set up a software raid-1 (mdraid) with 2 disks. Should read speed be comparable to a 2-disks striped array or not? Actually I get similar performances for both reads and writes, and it appears behaving like a "master-slave" array: only the first disk appear to be12:47
alfatauused while reading. thank you in advance.12:47
alfatau*typo* - answer12:49
leftyfbBattle: gotta need to see the top of that. I would run: dmesg -Tw >> ~/dmesg.log and see if it happens again.13:20
Battleleftyfb okay13:21
leftyfbBattle: also, what kernel? Did you install the dkms package, --reinstall the hwe kernel and then see if you can boot into the new kernel with networking?13:23
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
BluesKajHi folks13:43
triadso did someone found out why ubuntu with unity crahses in about 2 weeks of uptime ?13:48
nbusroneAnyone did a p2v (convert physical OS ubuntu to virtual ) before ?13:54
nbusronemay I know what are the step using clonezilla ?13:54
ubudeskjemand erfahrung mit rsync+hetzner+ovm ?14:19
lotuspsychje!de | ubudesk14:19
ubottuubudesk: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:19
triadno one ?14:35
lotuspsychjetriad: we cant generalize unity crashes for everyone, please ask your specific question to the channel with all your details14:36
Psi-JackOne cannot simply upgrade from 18.04 directly to 19.10, can they? Have to go 18.10, 19.04, 19.10, correct?14:56
Psi-Jackor, just install 19.10 directly from a new install, of course.14:56
BluesKajPsi-Jack, yup14:57
Psi-JackHmmm, considering if that is worth it. Two things on this tabtop currently do not work. The fingerprint reader, and the microphone. Everything else seems working great.14:58
BluesKajPsi-Jack, fwiw my laptop fingerprint reader doesn't work either15:05
Psi-JackYeah, I realize that's still hit/miss.15:05
Psi-JackI do gotta say, to some extent, I really do like what Ubuntu has done with their remodelling of Gnome.15:06
Psi-JackFor touch-screen easier use, however... I'm thinking I might need to change the titlebar sizes of windows, because on a 14" screen, they're kinda hard to specifically touch. :)15:07
funabash1Helllo all, can anyone please help me to get my USB drive work?15:07
EriC^^funabash1: what's the problem?15:08
kenperkins_@Psi-Jack I meant to ask yesterday what laptop you were on? I've finally gotten the OS installed, considering looking at other kernels today as I have no bluetooth still15:10
=== ubudesk is now known as ubu
Psi-JackI have a Lenovo Yoga C740-14IML15:11
kenperkins_so continuing from yesterday; how do I troubleshoot the lack of a bluetooth adapter? my chipset has it built in (AC 9560)15:11
spread12im following this tutorial to setup a new unbuntu server https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/initial-server-setup-with-ubuntu-18-0415:19
spread12my root is setup to login with a ssh key15:19
kenperkins_does the ac 9560 use the same driver for wifi and bluetooth?15:20
funabash1EriC^^: i cant see it in fdisk -l15:20
spread12im not on digital ocean for this server. The tut says they put the ssh key in root's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys but i only have ~/.ssh/authorized_keys215:20
spread12when i copy ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 to the new users directory, logging in with the roots ket tot hat user does not work15:21
spread12when i try (open up putty, type the 2nd users name when prompted), it says key not accepted and asks for a pw, even though none is setup15:21
spread12i can only login as root15:22
kenperkins_you need the public key you want to login with in the authorized_keys of the user you want to login with. if you're logging in to root, it would be root@<ip> with /root/.ssh/authorized_keys where the key is. If you're using a different user, it needs to be in %HOME%/.ssh/authorized_keys for that user15:22
kenperkins_i.e. /home/ubuntu/.ssh as an example15:23
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Psi-Jackkenperkins_: Hmmm...15:25
spread12kenperkins_: my hosting provider put the roots key in authorized_keys2 - and it works for root15:25
spread12logging in with the key via ssh that is15:26
Psi-JackAha! HERE WE GO. That problem with the multiple onscreen keyboards is BACK.15:26
kenperkins_tbh, I didn't even know that authorized_keys2 was a thing; apparently before OpenSSH v3, that was for DSA/RSA keys for SSH protocol 215:27
kenperkins_https://marc.info/?l=openssh-unix-dev&m=100508718416162&w=2 deprecated in 2001? :D15:27
jeremy31kenperkins_: the wifi and bluetooth use different drivers15:27
kenperkins_@jeremy31 awesome. Ok that's at least good information; I tried dmesg bluetooth, and saw nothing, perhaps just not installed?15:28
jeremy31kenperkins_: post URL from terminal for>  lsusb | nc termbin.com 999915:28
spread12kenperkins_: lol, well my 16GB Intel W3520 dedicated server is only 20 euros a month15:29
spread12but its ubuntu 1815:29
resoluti0nI tried to update one of my PC to ubuntu 20.04. Unfortunately, I cannot logon into a X or a Wayland session after the upgrade has completed and the PC has been rebooted. Is this a know issue and is there a known solution or workaround for it?15:29
lotuspsychjeresoluti0n: #ubuntu+1 for 20.04 support15:30
resoluti0nlotuspsychje: ok thx, I will ask there instead..15:31
jeremy31kenperkins_: Are you sure it has the bluetooth?15:31
Psi-JackSee that is what I'm dealing with randomly, lately. TWO onscreen keyboards popping up. And I only want one, onboard.15:31
kenperkinspower just flapped :( jeremy31 it should per here https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/wireless/wireless-products/dual-band-wireless-ac-9560.html15:34
EriC^^funabash1: try typing "dmesg -w" in a terminal then plug it in15:34
kenperkinsit says integrated bluetooth15:34
EriC^^look for messages, also you could try "udevadm monitor" and plug it15:34
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=== kenperkins_ is now known as kenperkins
jeremy31kenperkins: It should have showed in lsusb results with an 8087 ID15:36
kenperkinsyes, I see now that the bluetooth is via usb, even though wireless is via pci, interesting15:37
jeremy31kenperkins: Intel usually makes a few models with the same model number, some with BT and some without15:39
kenperkinsper mfgr specs it 100% has it, but I'm going to reboot into bios15:39
kenperkinsand look for something15:39
Psi-JackSo, how in the world do I get Gnome's own onscreen keyboard to stop coming up, and keep onboard? The gnome one is too minimal, it does funky things with windows like completely moves them around, and I can't stand it. It's not a good keyboard.15:39
jeremy31kenperkins: it could be disabled in BIOS15:39
Psi-JackThat would be odd... But I doubt it, too. lsusb, likely shows the Bluetooth adapter on the Intel combo card.15:41
kenperkinsthat was it @jeremy31, disabled in bios :(15:44
Psi-JackReally? Bluetooth was disabled in BIOS?15:46
kenperkinsyes, there was a security tab that allowed access to bluetooth, and it was set to disabled :(15:46
kenperkinsI need a mouse asap, this touchpad is not my favorite15:46
=== [R]isspy is now known as ptah
* Psi-Jack blinks.15:46
Psi-JackI'm... Blown away with how annoying that is.15:46
Psi-JackAnyway. Anyone know anything about the Gnome keyboard, and how to fully disable it?15:51
scientessarnold, will Ubuntu officially support libpam-u2f?15:53
scientesbecause when i configured it myself, I could still log in on VT2 with a password15:53
scientesso i really need someone else to audit a configuration that works15:53
scienteslike fprintf is supported15:53
spread12how can i check if ssh allows password auth (im already logged in to ssh via key)?15:54
scientesspread12, /etc/openssh/sshd_config15:54
scientesspread12, /etc/ssh/sshd_config15:54
WoCis it still possible to find the 18.04 for amd64, not the 18.04.416:03
kenperkinshttp://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04.0/ ?16:05
WoCty, need it for rocm16:05
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=== [R]spy is now known as ptah
WoCdo i need to do anything special to disable any and all updates/upgrades ?16:13
pragmaticenigmaI don't believe upgrade install automatically unless you configure them to16:13
=== fc5dc9d4_ is now known as fc5dc9d4
WoCseem like any kind of changes/updates will cause rocm to fail ;P16:14
WoChopefully the weather doesn't change...16:16
CompleteNoobHello everyone. My first time here. I'm a complete Linux newbie, trying to do some work on a Ubuntu VM I've set up, and am struggling with some of the commands I've been asked to follow on a website. Wondering if anyone has a little time to help me? Thanks in advance.16:16
fructoseCompleteNoob: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html16:17
WoCCompleteNoob, I'm sure someone will help ;)16:17
pragmaticenigmaSince this channel works to help users keep their Ubuntu systems running, I think you can understand why helping you disable the things that protect a system and keep it running would be something volunteers here aren't too keen on assisting with. Plenty of websites on the web can help with that16:17
pragmaticenigmaCompleteNoob, This is a support channel for troubleshooting and supporting issues that occur within Ubuntu. If you're not experiencing a technical problem, it would be better to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic16:18
CompleteNoobThank you.16:18
pragmaticenigmafructose, there is a macro from the bot you can trigger with "!ask"16:21
fructosepragmaticenigma: Is the bot documented somewhere?16:22
pragmaticenigma!msgthebot | fructose16:22
ubottufructose: Please investigate me only with "/msg ubottu bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu search <pattern>"16:22
pragmaticenigmafructose, there is also this webpage, but it is not always the most up-to-date: https://ubottu.com/16:23
fructosepragmaticenigma: Thanks16:23
=== elate is now known as hackerman5000
=== ptah is now known as [R]spy
Psi-JackHmmm.. Lovely. I installed xubuntu-desktop on my tabtop, and now I cannot login to lightdm, with either onscreen keyboard (doesn't show up), nor actual tabtop keyboard.16:27
=== [R]spy is now known as ptah
Psi-Jackptah: That's rather noisy.16:28
nbusroneAnyone did a p2v (convert physical OS ubuntu to virtual ) before ?16:28
ptahno noise here16:29
kenperkinsARGH my apt-mark hold failed to pin my kernel, and now I'm back at 5.3.0-40 and have lost network16:30
kenperkinsis there a better way to force kernel version to stick?16:30
Psi-JackI do that from grub itself.16:31
leftyfbkenperkins: the apt-mark should work. What did you mark exactly? What version are you trying to stick with?16:31
kenperkinsleftyfb: I ran `sudo apt-mark hold linux-5.3.0-18-generic and linux-headers` (same version)16:31
leftyfbPsi-Jack: grub is a poor way of doing it. Eventually, kernels will be upgraded and removed and grub will boot one that is left16:31
kenperkinscan't remember the exact package names  offhand16:31
leftyfbkenperkins: that package name is pretty important16:32
kenperkinslet me look at history16:32
Psi-JackFor me, grub was a quick way to verify through last-used stickiness, that the kernel was the issue with my WiFi not working. :)16:32
kenperkins`apt-mark hold linux-image-5.3.0-18-generic linux-headers-5.3.0-18-generic`16:32
leftyfbkenperkins: do you have linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 installed?16:33
Psi-JackBut, now my tabtop is broken and can't login because I tried to install xubuntu and now can not login. LOL. (well, maybe an external keyboard will work...)16:33
emi71Hi, I've a trouble with Brother MFC-j491dw. Printer is ok, but scanner don't work (with simplescan). I have used driver brsaneconfig4 following brother procedure16:34
Psi-JackWow.. No, not even an external keyboard works.. what in the..16:34
leftyfbkenperkins: also linux-image-generic16:34
leftyfbkenperkins: btw, ubuntu 18.04 is up to 5.3.0-41... have you tried that?16:35
kenperkinswas that yesterday? I tried install yesterday and was on 0-4016:36
Psi-JackOhh? -41 is out?16:36
kenperkins(both 180404 and 1910)16:36
* pragmaticenigma goes to update systems and fingers crossed not crash them16:36
leftyfbit's from proposed which I have enabled16:36
leftyfbsorry :)16:36
leftyfbkenperkins: but maybe worth a try?16:37
funabash1Hi I have installed lubuntu yesterday. and now when i turn it on my password doesnt work.. really strange16:37
leftyfbkenperkins: also, what network chipset do you have that's failing? Are you sure it's because you don't have the linux-modules package installed?16:37
leftyfbfunabash1: re-install, type your password correctly, or boot with a live cd, chroot and change the password16:38
kenperkins@leftyfb Intel AC956016:38
funabash1leftyfb do you know any guide for chroot it?16:39
leftyfbfunabash1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Lost_Password16:40
emi71Hi, I've a trouble with Brother MFC-j491dw. Printer is ok, but scanner don't work (with simplescan). I have used driver brsaneconfig4 following brother procedure16:40
kenperkinsah, so automatic updates clearly ignored apt-mark hold16:40
leftyfbkenperkins: do you have linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 installed?16:41
leftyfbkenperkins: apt-mark did not fail. Your linux-image-5.3.0-18-generic package did not update.16:42
kenperkinshm. fail might be the wrong way of saying; I understood that if I set apt-mark hold that it wouldn't install a newer kernel; perhaps I misunderstood what I was actually doing?16:42
leftyfbkenperkins: do you have linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 installed?16:42
kenperkinsre: installed images, I now have 5.3-0-18-generic and 5.3.0-40-generic installed, as well as linux-image-generic16:43
leftyfbkenperkins: do you have linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 installed?16:43
kenperkinsI do not16:43
kenperkinssorry, was searching16:43
leftyfbkenperkins: what version of ubuntu?16:43
leftyfboh, that's why16:43
funabash1leftyfb: when i type wrong pssword it says incorrect password. when i type real one it get black and comes back to login page16:44
leftyfbkenperkins: you need to hold linux-image-generic16:44
leftyfbfunabash1: ok, then that's not a password problem. Try re-installing ubuntu16:44
kenperkinswhat does the hwe package do?16:44
leftyfbkenperkins: nothing for non-LTS versions of ubuntu like 19.1016:45
funabash1leftyfb: very stable .16:45
leftyfbkenperkins: I assumed you were on 18.0416:45
kenperkinsI had tried 18.04 yesterday and had the same 5.3.0-40 problem with regards to my wifi chipset not loading firmware16:45
leftyfbkenperkins: in the case of 18.04, then you would mark linux-image-generic-hwe-18.0416:46
Psi-Jackleftyfb: But, same question, on the hwe.. Since I was(am?) running 18.0416:46
leftyfbkenperkins: you need to hold linux-image-generic16:46
leftyfb!hwe | Psi-Jack16:46
ubottuPsi-Jack: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:46
funabash1leftyfb: what about rescue mode?16:47
leftyfbfunabash1: do you know how to fix the issue16:48
emi71someone can help me?16:48
leftyfb!patience | emi7116:48
ubottuemi71: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:48
emi71leftyfb: ok16:49
leftyfbfunabash1: if you don't know how to fix what the issue is, rescue mode isn't going to help you. We could spend hours going back and trying to sort out what you might have changed or what went wrong since you installed ubuntu yesterday or you could spend 5 minutes to reinstall ubuntu and go from there16:51
emi71Brother MFC-J491dw : printer work but scanner don't work (with simplescan). I have used the official procedure from Brother to install driver. someone can help me?17:02
makarahi. Sometimes my wifi turns off complete. I see in dmesg "wlp2s0: failed to remove key". Firstly, how do I get it back online without restarting my machine?17:04
jeremy31makara: in terminal try>  systemctl restart network-manager.service17:06
oerheksemi71,  is your user member of lpadmin ?  'groups' would show it17:09
oerheksif not, add yourself: sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin <username>17:09
oerhekslogout, login agian17:09
leftyfboerheks: I don't think lpadmin is going to affect scanning abilities17:10
oerheksoops, scanner group?17:11
emi71oerheks: what command I must try?17:12
oerheksemi71, typ 'groups' in terminal, and post that one line here?17:12
emi71emiliano adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin scanner sambashare(emiliano is my user)17:13
oerheksoke, you are member of the scanner group17:14
oerheksodd ..17:14
emi71the strange thing is that brsaneconfig4 (Brother utility) it seems recognize the scanner17:15
emi71but simplescan don't work17:15
kenperkinsok, so I've installed an ubuntu build mainline kernel, what's the best way to identify if there are any systemic problems with a machine?17:16
emi71https://pastebin.com/wnvmktQ7, result about brsaneconfig4 -q17:18
tomreynkenperkins: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_stress_test17:19
emi71result of brsaneconfig4 -q17:20
emi713 entry for 1 devices? it's strange17:21
pragmaticenigmaemi71, Some scanners do not work over a network connection in linux, you might have to plug it directly into the computer17:24
oerhekspragmaticenigma, good spot ..17:26
tomreynMFC-J491DW is listed as a compatible model for brscan4-0.4.8-117:29
tomreyndon't miss these preparatory procedures / checks: https://support.brother.com/g/b/faqend.aspx?c=us_ot&lang=en&prod=mfcj491dw_us_eu_as&faqid=faq00100548_00117:30
emi71tomreyn: ok, and where I can download it? I can't find this version17:31
tomreynemi71: https://support.brother.com17:31
tomreynyou wrote "I have used the official procedure from Brother to install driver.", if this didn't provide you with a .deb of brscan4 0.4.8-1 then i would not agree with this statement.17:33
funabash1I have instlled vitualbox with apt-get install. But i cant find in the start menu ?17:35
imbrokenprobably can just type "virtualbox" into terminal17:36
oerheksfunabash1, after install, you might need to reboot?17:36
imbrokenthat too17:36
oerheksdkms must be loaded17:36
funabash1oerheks: i need a reboot when i install a program? really!?17:36
oerheksit is not just 'a programm'..17:37
tomreynyour system user needs to be a member of the vboxusers group. if you can make "group" report that's the case without rebooting and you have virtualization support enabled then that's probably sufficient.17:39
=== chmykh_ is now known as chmykh
oerheksthe virtualbox starter should be in your menu too17:39
emi71tomreyn: thanks. it was incorrect version of driver I think. for strange reason inserting the correct model of my scanner the brother site, redirecting to work version.....I've solved thanks!17:42
emi71not work version, wrong version17:43
tomreynglad you worked it out.17:44
lotuspsychjewelcome Kharec17:49
katadelosI've got a usb displaylink touchscreen where I'm able to get video output but no touch events, any ideas? I'm getting a load of kernel errors when I plug it in17:57
nbusroneAnyone did a p2v (convert physical OS ubuntu to virtual ) before ?18:22
makarajeremy31: sheesh, sorry got distracted. Thanks I'll try that18:28
kenperkins_ok, so continuing to work on my laptop; the ubuntu built mainline kernel (5.5.5.) worked great with my wifi and track pad, but no sound, trying to understand what version of alsa 1.0.25+dfsg really is, considering that alsa is currently on 1.2.218:35
ducassenbusrone: first hit on google - https://askubuntu.com/questions/308897/convert-ubuntu-physical-machine-to-virtual-machine18:40
dbuggerHi everyone18:43
dbuggerI am looking into buying a blueetooth adaptar for my PC, and I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for a good one, that is Ubuntu-compatible18:43
ramsub07hello. i'm using a screen and to scroll up in the current screen, I tried to use ctrl+a and then escape button. however, a different session was launched. I still can see the process alive inside the screen but I am unable to see the process running when i get inside the screen again using screen -d -r 'screenname'18:44
ramsub07(i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask for help, if not please let me know where i can ask)18:45
pragmaticenigmadbugger, for recommendations and suggestions, please use #ubuntu-offtopic18:45
dbuggerRight, thanks18:45
pragmaticenigmaramsub07, you might have started a new screen window18:46
ramsub07pragmaticenigma i checked using screen -ls but couldn't find18:47
pragmaticenigmaramsub07, Not a new screen instance... but rather "new window" inside the same screen session18:47
pragmaticenigmaramsub07, launch the screen session, then press "Ctrl + a, n" for next window18:47
ramsub07i suspect so, how to see that?18:47
ramsub07ah yes18:48
ramsub07apparently it's inside ctrl + a, 1 and the one i was in was ctrl + a 318:48
ramsub07it switched between 2,3 when i used ctrl + a to switch. I hence thought it was killed. thanks!18:48
pragmaticenigmayou're welcome18:48
nbusroneducasse :  VMware vCenter Converter does not support for old installation.18:50
ducassenbusrone: then you need to get support from vmware18:51
nbusroneducasse :  vmware does not support.The only way is through .img the physical drive using img software.18:52
blebi just installed zfsutils-linux and ran modprobe zfs18:55
blebwhen i connect my zfs external hd, the volume shows up on the desktop, and when i click it it says unknown filesystem type 'zfs_member'18:56
blebrunning zpool import shows no zpools available to import18:56
blebanything i should try?18:56
kenperkins_trying to understand why my screen scaling resets every reboot, any ideas?19:00
alnrafter ubgrading xenial to bionic, i'm met with this error doing things like apt:   Unsafe symlinks encountered in /var/log/journal/xxxx.  I tried removing everything under /var/log/journal but the offending folder gets recreated. any ideas what is going on here?19:33
ioriaalnr, no idea, never seen; might be a permission issue19:39
alnrweird, /root and /var were both owned by postfix. at some point i had done systemctl disable postfix and enable (as root)19:42
ioriaalnr,  not good;    stat -c "%U %G" /19:43
alnraaand, chgown on those two made everything work !?19:44
ioriaalnr,  chown you mean19:44
alnralmost pure guesswork, there were hits about /root getting the owner changed19:45
tatertotsbleb: has it EVER worked on that computer in the past?19:46
kenperkinscan you install 20.04 pre-release?19:53
oerhekssure you can find the 20.04 lts beta iso19:57
pmitrosI have Ubuntu 18.04LTS. At some point when 4k monitors first came out, I bought one. I mounted by four 1080p monitors around it. Graphics performance was abysmal. If I scroll in my web browser, you can see the screen refreshing. Videos don't play. Now that 4k is pretty mainstream, and 16MP isn't obscene resolution, it seems like I ought to be able to make it work well. I'm looking for some advice.20:00
pmitrosI have a pair of GT630 graphics cards, which were among the first/cheapest cards to support 4k. I'm running nouveau, not just because I like open source, but because the proprietary driver is buggier.20:01
pmitrosI'm wondering if (a) there is some way to debug nouveau performance (b) if I need to / should upgrade my graphics cards20:02
pmitrosSomeone recommended the AMD 5700 XT, a bleeding edge card which can drive 8 monitors. I've seen mixed reports online about Ubuntu compatibility.20:03
pmitrosI also know 20.04 is just around the corner. I'm not sure if that will improve anything with the half-decade-old GT630, or with 5700 XT compatibility.20:04
oerheksthat gt630 may be a minimum, sure you can run 5 monitors on that?20:04
pmitrosoerheks: I have two of them, and yes I can.20:04
pmitrosoerheks: One is driving the 4k and a 1080p, and another is driving 3 more 1080p20:05
pmitrosoerheks: It's been working that way for five years, just with very poor performance.20:05
pmitrosoerheks: It doesn't bug me for most of what I do -- it's fine for xterms and emacs -- but I figured in 2020 I ought to be able to fix it.20:06
pmitrosoerheks: The only thing which really does bug me is web page scrolling is visibly slow.20:06
oerheksi think the speed of that 630 will no be fixed, go shopping for a better gpu20:06
pmitrosoerheks: Shopping for a better GPU is kind of why I came here. I'm not sure which one to buy. If I spend money, I'd want to know it will definitely work without problems.20:08
oerheksmake sure your system mobo can handle it, pciX version is important hre.20:08
pmitrosoerheks: One thing I like about the 630GT is it's fanless, so silent. The 5700XT turns its fans off when not too loaded, so it's the same thing.20:08
=== hackerman5000 is now known as walkingdeadgirl
pmitrosMotherboard is an Asus Z87-A, it looks.20:11
pmitrosSo it's PCIe 3.020:12
pmitrosI have no idea what that means for graphic card.20:12
pmitrosIntel i7 4770s CPU, and 32GB RAM20:12
pmitrosDoes that have any compatibility issues?20:13
oerheksi see at this page, xt 5700 +1962% to the gt630 https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-gt-630.c81620:13
oerheksmake sure the gpu is pciexpress 3 too20:14
pmitrosWell, I'm looking at 2d performance, not 3d. So I'm not quite sure it translates like that. I think the problem was 4k was bleeding edge when the GT630 came out.20:14
pmitrosBut it might also be a config issue20:15
pmitros5700 XT is PCIe 4.0. But I thought they were backwards-compatible.20:16
oerheksoh good spot .. i think it drops performance20:16
oerheksnot enough lanes..20:17
pmitrosSo will the 5700 XT work with (a) the motherboard (b) Ubuntu?20:18
oerheksb, ubuntu20:18
oerheksthe bottleneck is your mobo20:19
raubjoin #freecad20:20
pmitrosI mean, I'm not trying to play Call of Duty, just run Firefox smoothly and watch videos on Youtube.20:20
oerheksi think a nvidia 1050 is pcie 3.020:22
pmitroshttps://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/c0v8hv/could_you_use_the_upcoming_rx_5700_gpus_with_pcie/ claims it'll work fine20:24
oerheks'GPU will work without any issue or performance drop on 3.0' == false claim20:25
oerheksreddit is not a true source for me20:26
SwedeMikewhen I read about this 5700 was 16x and 5500 was 8x, so 5500x has performance drop with pci-e 3.0 but not 5700x ?20:26
pmitrosBe back in a little bit.... Getting called away from computer.20:30
johnfghi folks!20:58
johnfgWhere would be the best place to address an issue that pam is causing?  Not a critical, but an annoying issue.20:59
johnfgQuite sure it's narrowed down to either the krb5 pam module, or the afs pam module.21:00
johnfgThis is what's written to standard error after I run `sudo -i` and enter my password: groups: cannot find name for group ID 109592832621:01
Psi-JackWell, here we go, with the same problems. Gnomes virtual keyboard being a nuisance all over.. :/21:03
hans_wtf, installer's dd doesn't understand iflag=fullblock ? isn't that 1 of the most important flags for dd?21:10
hans_well, 18.04's installer anyway21:10
jayjowhat's the best way to encrypt something using AES 256 and then distributing the password out of band to unencrypt the file? Is there a way to do this for not to technical users, like to distribute a vpn client certificate?21:15
Psi-JackOkay.. Wow... The only way to block gnome'21:17
Psi-Jack... block gnome's OSK (on-screen keyboard), is a js extension, which blockcaribou exists, but only exists for 3.24.1, so you have to modify the extension, pack it and install it to make it see the current version. wow.21:18
oerheksPsi-Jack,  iirc, there is a gnome extention plugin for that21:19
Psi-JackYes. blockcaribou, which only has a version for
oerheksi see 3.26.121:20
Psi-JackYOu have to manually download it, adjust the metadata.json, gnome-extensions pack, and gnome-extensions install, before it'll actually work.21:20
oerheksyeah, it is a burden, else uninstall karibou?21:20
Psi-JackIt's not installed. That's the thing.21:20
ducassejayjo: not really an ubuntu issue, try #security or check !alis21:24
eelstreborsince thunderbird is no longer supported by  mozilla, what's a suitable substitute?22:31
daxthunderbird's still supported by mozilla.22:46
daxit's currently operated by a subsidiary of Mozilla Foundation, so it has more independence than it used to, but it still uses all the same infrastructure etc.22:48
s3nd1v0g1ushow can i reset my login screen background if ubuntu.css is missing? or is it located somewhere else in 19.04?22:48
RonaldsMazitishow to disable suspend on close in xfce?22:50
RonaldsMazitissettings does not work22:51
xskyzi heard thunderbird will get updates more frequently in future22:51
xskyzand more ppl should work on it also22:51
=== walkingdeadgirl is now known as mrinfinity
Psi-JackHmmm, isn't there a way, with xorg (not wayland), to get 3 and 4 finger gestures to work on the touchpad?23:00
jeremy31Psi-Jack: You might be using libinput23:00
krytariks3nd1v0g1us: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/3.29.90-2ubuntu1 - the specific 'ubuntu.css' got removed here.  But also, 19.04 is end-of-life for about a month now, and you should switch to a supported release.23:00
Psi-Jack4-finger gestures works on the screen itself. :)23:02
jeremy31Psi-Jack: what result from terminal for> grep -i "Using input driver" /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:02
s3nd1v0g1ussorry 19.1023:03
Psi-JackHmmm.. There is no Xorg.0.log./23:03
s3nd1v0g1usbut which file do i edit for the login screen background image? gdm3.css? krytarik23:03
jeremy31Psi-Jack: try in terminal and log out and back in after>  sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics23:04
jeremy31Psi-Jack: if it doesn't help do>  sudo apt remove xserver-xorg-input-synaptics23:05
Psi-JackHmmm. That... didn't change anything on the touchpad side of things.23:07
Psi-JackI do know it's capable of it, and worked in some of my tests before. Because I was surprised, 4-finger swipe switched gnome desktops, and I was like, niiiice.23:08
Psi-JackThis, BTW, is Ubuntu 19.10 currently.23:11
GoodTimesImmorthello room23:13
jeremy31Psi-Jack: you had the Intel 9560 wifi, correct?  Did the backports get it working with 5.3.0-40?23:15
Psi-JackWith build 40? No that doesn’t work.23:15
Psi-JackOn 18.04.4, 28 build is the last functional build, while on 19.10 the 18 build works, 40 does not.23:17
jeremy31Psi-Jack: so you have Intel wifi?23:17
Psi-JackI do23:18
Psi-Jack9560 I believe is correct. I can double check when I go back inside. Dogs23:18
Psi-JackYes, 9560.23:21
oerheksPsi-Jack, iirc did you try backport-iwlwifi? post from jeremy31 https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=243290123:22
Psi-JackAn no, I hadn't tried that.23:23
Psi-Jackjeremy31: Is that for 18.04 or 19.10, or both?23:24
jeremy31Psi-Jack: it should cover most if not all versions23:24
oerheksall, up to focal23:24
Psi-JackWell, I'll try it, if it helps. ;)23:25
jeremy31The only downside to it is that you can't use a USB wifi device as the backports don't support anything other than Intel23:26
Psi-JackOh, hmmm..23:27
Psi-JackThat's a huge downside, but, not one that I'd likely have an issue with, personally, if it's just USB Wifi.23:28
jeremy31Psi-Jack: but if you need to use a USB wifi, just have to uninstall the backports-iwlwifi23:28
Psi-JackAny other ideas on the 4-finger touchpad thing?23:31
jeremy31Psi-Jack: not from me, I am more of a wifi/bluetooth specialist23:32
Psi-JackWill me testing out the backports help Ubuntu development of the current issue? ;)23:32
oerheksthe suggestion earlier libinput sounds familiar23:32
Psi-JackYeah, I'm pretty sure it's likely using libinput. But, there's no Xorg.log to verify with that I can currently see. heh23:33
jeremy31Psi-Jack: If the backports work, it can help quite a few while an Ubuntu kernel fix os worked on23:33
Psi-JackHmmm, backports-iwlwifi-dkms, or just backports-iwlwifi?23:35
oerheks"Extended Gestures extension currently works only with Wayland"  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1034624/touchpad-gestures-in-ubuntu-18-04-lts23:35
Psi-Jackoerheks: Ahhhh.23:35
Psi-JackThat explains why I think I saw it working. Fedora uses Wayland by default.23:35
jeremy31Psi-Jack: backports-iwlwifi-dkms, the PPA might be the better choice23:35
oerheksthere is an other answer there..23:36
Psi-JackYeah, I added the PPA.23:36
s3nd1v0g1ussorry i was disconnected.23:37
s3nd1v0g1usso which file on 19.10 do i edit to alter the login background image? gdm3.css, gnome-shell.css? both say DO NOT EDIT.23:37
Psi-Jackoerheks: Interesting.23:37
Psi-Jackxdotool tricks. :)23:37
oerhekss3nd1v0g1us, yes it says do not edit, but that is the only way to reach out there, edit /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/ubuntu.css23:39
Psi-Jack5.3.0-40-generic and WiFi is working.23:39
oerheksno tweak tool that does the trick23:39
Psi-Jackjeremy31: :thumbsup"23:39
Psi-Jackjeremy31: 👍23:39
jeremy31Psi-Jack: good23:39
s3nd1v0g1usthere is no ubuntu.css23:39
Psi-JackUsed that PPA and the backports-iwlwifi-dkms. :)23:39
Psi-Jackkenperkins: ^^ https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=243290123:40
jeremy31Psi-Jack: Good that Intel doesn't let us down23:40
Psi-JackIntel does make good WiFi. :)23:40
Psi-JackNot great CPUs.... But really good NPUs! :)23:41
oerhekss3nd1v0g1us, `then tell us more, waht linux version?23:41
Psi-JackWell, that's Ubuntu version, Not Linux version.23:42
s3nd1v0g1usthere is only gdm3.css  gnome-shell.css  Yaru in /themes/23:42
oerheksstandard ubuntu 19.10 with gnome3 certainly has ubuntu.css23:46
s3nd1v0g1usi dont know what to tell you. its not there.23:46
s3nd1v0g1usi was presuming that i should alter gdm3.css23:47
s3nd1v0g1usbut there is also gnome-shell.css23:47
Psi-Jackoerheks: 19.10 does not have an ubuntu.css23:47
Psi-JackIn that path.23:47
s3nd1v0g1usor should i make an ubuntu.css file?23:47
oerhekswe seem to give good answers that does not work for you, check out #debian?23:48
s3nd1v0g1usyou referred to a file that does not exist on my system...23:48
s3nd1v0g1usim asking which other file would i therefore edit?23:49
Psi-Jackbesides, editing /usr/share/gnome-shell/themes/*.css, or anything there, would be bad, instead one would copy/edit into their own home directory properly, no?23:49
oerheksthen the theme is for that user only, ~/.themes23:53
oerheksno, i don't understand there is no ubuntu.css, must be a derivate or something23:53
Psi-JackNo... It's not.23:53
coffeeGhostI keep getting the same Thinkpad firmware update in Ubuntu Software and I keep updating it and then it reboots and it seems like it's applying but then in Ubuntu Software the same update says it's available/not installed.23:54
Psi-Jackoerheks: I'm on Ubuntu 19.10. In the path mentioned, /usr/share/gnome-shell/themes/ there is no ubuntu.css.23:54
s3nd1v0g1usis there a solution to replacing my black login screen?23:54
Psi-JackThere is, however,  /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com/ubuntu.css23:55
s3nd1v0g1usah ha...23:55
Psi-JackI just did a find / -name ubuntu.css 2>/dev/null ;)23:55
oerheksohh? okje, on yaru, i find: /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/Yaru/gnome-shell.css23:55
Psi-JackYes, there's a gnome-shell.css for sure. :)23:56
s3nd1v0g1usso edit the ubuntu.css file then Psi-Jack?23:56
oerhekss3nd1v0g1us, sorry i was wrong23:56
Psi-JackI'm not really the one to be asking about Gnome css files, overall. :)23:57
sarajevo1Hey there. I'm trying to chmod 0755 a directory and it's not working23:57
sarajevo1I'm logged in as root and using sudo23:57
Psi-JackI was just trying to make it understood and confirmed that ubuntu.css didn't exist. ;)23:57
s3nd1v0g1uswho might know which is the correct file to edit to replace my login screen?23:57
oerhekslearned something today, also one can  modify the file /etc/alternatives/gdm3.css also.23:57
Psi-Jacks3nd1v0g1us: gdm3.css I believe would be the one for /login/ screen.23:58
s3nd1v0g1uswill that replace my login screen oerheks?>23:58
s3nd1v0g1usoh ok23:58
s3nd1v0g1usill edit that23:58
Psi-JackGood luck. :)23:58
oerheksmake a copy first..23:58
oerheksand have fun!23:58

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