
timClicksis it possible to delete a charm from the charm store? https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/-/268200:00
rick_htimClicks:  have to go through an RT to IS00:48
timClicksthat's what I thought00:48
timClicksthanks for confirming00:48
rick_htimClicks:  replied00:50
evhanDoes juju have any concept of operation timeouts? e.g. when I deploy a change and it takes longer than ${SOME_CONFIGURABLE_DURATION}, the app/unit/whatever is put into error status automatically?01:02
evhanApart from bootstrap and actions, I mean. More a general one for charm operations.01:02
timClickshpidcock: hey btw is the aborting an action's work finished01:21
hpidcocktimClicks: no, the bulk of it has, just the last pieces will be finished this week01:22
timClicksall good (just writing that doc)01:22
thumperevhan: no02:43
thumperevhan: when the charm can do entirely arbitrary things in hooks, it is virtually impossible to come up with any sane default02:44
thumperA few PRs if people are bored...04:04
tlmlgtm thumper added one comment to second PR04:21
thumpertlm: thanks04:22
anastasiamacwow tlm is bored already?04:22
tlmit was a trap04:23
tlmI never get bored. Just break something04:23
thumpertlm: the constant is Superuser, but yes, I agree and will update04:24
thumperwow... make format is a mistake04:30
thumperspending all its time going through the vendor directory04:30
achilleasastickupkid: is it possible to specify an lxd profile when bootstrapping? I am trying to limit the disk assigned to the containers10:59
achilleasa(and having "disk" in a charm lxd profile fails validation)10:59
stickupkidachilleasa, modify your default or juju-default10:59
stickupkidachilleasa, that's the profile names11:00
stickupkidachilleasa, but the answer to your original question, nope11:00
achilleasathat won't work on CI where the profiles are shared... hmmm I need to find another way...11:01
stickupkidachilleasa, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1124511:29
achilleasastickupkid: '-t' is for tee?11:36
stickupkid-t for test11:36
stickupkidachilleasa, we can't use tee, as we're shell and not bash and we can do piping11:37
stickupkidwith failures11:37
achilleasastickupkid: note that you have a static analysis failure for copyright ;-)11:38
stickupkidachilleasa, argh, no tput in github11:39
stickupkidachilleasa, me https://live.staticflickr.com/3438/4593531893_f67a757fa1_n.jpg11:40
stickupkidachilleasa, fixed, turns out TERM isn't set in github, and I can't find what to use instead12:39
stickupkidachilleasa, I'd rather use tput etc rathern than some weird echo setup... ah well, i'll fix that another day12:39
achilleasastickupkid: what if you export TERM=xterm?12:40
stickupkidit hates me12:40
stickupkidI'm sure I tried that, but I'll give it another go12:41
rick_hstickupkid:  ahhhh, don't feel so unloved :P12:41
rick_hand morning party folks12:41
stickupkidforcing tty might be an option12:42
achilleasastickupkid: so my workaround for limiting disk space for logs is, stop jujud-*, mount tmpfs as /var/log/juju and restart jujud... let's see if I can get the acceptance test to run faster :D12:42
rick_hachilleasa:  cheater lol12:45
stickupkidachilleasa, i feel sick and amazed at the same time13:18
skayhelp. I wrote a charm for an app, and up until now I've only deployed the app with one unit. I tried deploying it with two units and it can't handle the db connection properly.13:47
skayone of the two units will have the expected state for a bit, then they both eventually settle into a state where they report the db not being connected13:48
skayHere's the code that checks for connections and sets a connected state, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PvGsNVPN7K/13:48
skaycould someone help by reviewing that?13:49
skaynote, I wrote that code 2 years ago13:49
skayI went ahead and made a post for it https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/my-charm-cannot-handle-a-db-relation-when-it-is-deployed-to-multiple-units/268514:10
stickupkidskay, best way to get eyes on it +114:11
=== narindergupta is now known as narinderguptamac
rick_hskay:  yea, best thing would be to look at something like it14:49
skayrick_h: any recommendations?14:49
rick_hskay:  sec thinking...first thought was keystone but that might be a big beast to jump into14:49
skay(I'm looking through noisy logs right now)14:49
skayhow often do unit logs get rotated?14:51
rick_hX days or Xmb but can't recall the numbers off the top of my head14:52
skayI wonder if that workaround I have in there to use db.master.available instead of db.available is the problem14:55
skayI haven't worked on the code in 2 odd years and I have a link to a thread on the forums from back then14:55
skay(thank goodness I left comments and have a readme file with stuff in it.)14:56
rick_hcomments ftw14:56
rick_hskay:  what db are you talking to?14:56
skayrick_h: my memory of the postgresql charm is very foggy, but when it first joins, it creates a database according to the config settings for hte database name and role?14:58
skayrick_h: so, that one. and then my charm figures out it is connected and sets up django and runs migrations.14:58
rick_hskay:  no, I thought it created a new db, user, and password and sends it back on the relation data14:58
skayby any chance do you know a good django charm I could look at?14:58
rick_hskay:  so it can be used more than once (one db serves many applications)14:58
skayrick_h: ah, so, it uses the new db, user, and password for the app I've related it to14:59
skaythat's what I meant14:59
rick_hskay:  right, and then I think (and here's where it's just what I think) you'd use your charm to pass that info into any units that needed it as peer relation data14:59
rick_hskay:  but maybe not, you'd just get the same relation data on each unit15:00
skayrick_h: brb, short standup15:00
rick_hskay:  https://jaas.ai/search?requires=pgsql (I'd look at landscape, mailman, maybe vault)15:01
skayrick_h: I'll take a look15:22
skayrick_h: I was assuming that each unit for the same app would just be able to get the same relation data15:23
=== Sean is now known as Guest61795
skayrick_h: the mailman3-web-charm is pretty readable. It checks for leadership in a few instances - e.g. before running django migrations. in other cases it does not. One big difference is that it does not use hooks except in one case, upgrade-charm.17:03
skayrick_h: I'm assuming that with multiple units, the only unit specific code that would run would be when checking for leadership17:03
skayI'm thinking that my unit may not be reporting state accurately, and that I should rethink how I'm setting/unsetting flags and reporting status17:04
skaywhat's the recommended practice right now. use reactive states rather than hooks?17:11
dvntstphhowdy do... feel like such a noob, been years since I've used irc17:25
rick_hdvntstph:  howdy17:27
skayI have a question about the postgresql charm. I deployed it to an environment without altering hte default backup_dir.20:48
skayand then, when I realized that storage didn't point to the parent directory of that, I changed the config to point to a location in storage20:48
skaymy question is, should I have to do anything other than change the config? if not, I have to report that it didn't work. backups are still going to the old directory20:49
rick_hskay:  hmm, can look at the "submit a bug" in https://jaas.ai/postgresql and see if there's something to it20:51
skayrick_h: https://bugs.launchpad.net/postgresql-charm/+bug/186454920:55
mupBug #1864549: changing backup_dir config did not result in backups going to the new value <PostgreSQL Charm:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1864549>20:55
babbageclunkquick review for that juju/utils/tar missing dir bug? https://github.com/juju/utils/pull/30921:50
anastasiamacbabbageclunk: already done?21:58
babbageclunkanastasiamac: thanks!21:58
anastasiamacno worries i did it when u proposed ;D21:58
babbageclunkhmm, looks like no mergebot watching juju/utils... adding21:59
hmlbabbageclunk: there shoudl be jobs for that… i remember the pain of adding them.  :-)22:01
babbageclunkhml: hmm, you're right! Why aren't they working then? <digs>22:04
hmlbabbageclunk: that, i’m not sure of.22:04
babbageclunkmaybe cred rolling? seems unlikely though - would have been noticed yesterday22:12
babbageclunksetup looks the same as on juju-restore ones that I know were working last week22:13
hmlbabbageclunk: looks liek https://jenkins.juju.canonical.com/view/github/job/github-check-merge-juju-utils/ is running, did you nudge something?22:17
babbageclunkhml: yeah, I fired that off - not sure what it's going to try to build, I expected it to ask for some parameters22:18
hmlbabbageclunk: 13 is me, i aborted it.  expected parameters not to start.  :-D22:19
babbageclunkhah sounds like we're both trying that22:20
hmlbabbageclunk: i need to run away, so i’ll let you have all the fun22:20
babbageclunkhml: thanks! ;) catch you tomorrow22:21
tlmdo we have an example of util function for tests that can check the type of error before I make something ?22:40
anastasiamactlm: m not sure wot u mean... we have smth like c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, os.IsNotExit)22:42
anastasiamactlm: is it wot u r after?22:42
tlmit is, cheers anastasiamac22:43
kelvinliuwallyworld: got this PR to upgrade podspec v3, could u take a look? thanks https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1124023:29
wallyworldkelvinliu: +1. i think we should rename the envConfig etc in this branch as well23:56

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