
JohnGalt2600I'm not seeing my phone listed in the officially supported devices list. How hard would it be to get ubuntu touch to run on the moto g6 ali?  Or would it be easier to use a samsung note3 or samsung A50s or myphone x12?07:42
poVoqJohnGalt2600: use one of the already ported devices. It's not easy to port.09:20
poVoqBut generally speaking, look for a device that is supported by LinageOS and runs with Android 709:21
poVoqBut even with those porting isn't easy09:21
JohnGalt2600Those are the only devices I have right now.  Just got done  with "repo sync -c -j 16"09:21
poVoqWell, if you want to try porting, great!09:23
JohnGalt2600Starting with the ancient note 3 since it's the only one supported by LinageOS.  The G6 isn't listed yet I know phhusson treble works on it.  Anyway, "./halium/devices/setup hltetmo" worked without a glitch.10:11
poVoqThe note3 should be a good porting target since snapdragon SOC are generally well understood11:47
poVoqTry joining also the Halium channels and maybe the ubports telegram group as the bridge to here is down *again*11:48

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