
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers!06:40
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:40
ricotzhey oSoMoN duflu06:42
dufluHi ricotz06:58
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didrocksgood morning07:08
dufluMorning didrocks07:20
didrockshey duflu07:22
WimpressMorning o/08:12
didrocksgood morning Wimpress08:14
WimpressHi didrocks08:16
dufluMorning Wimpress and seb12808:18
seb128goood morning desktopers08:19
seb128hey duflu, how are you? had a good w.e?08:19
didrockssalut seb128, bon week-end ?08:19
Wimpressseb128: Morning08:20
seb128lut didrocks, hey Wimpress, how are you? good w.e?08:20
WimpressYep, good weekend here.08:21
didrocksseb128: good good, thanks!08:21
WimpressSide project for the weekend was getting Steam fixed in Focal.08:21
WimpressAll uploaded.08:21
seb128Wimpress, I didn't even know it was not working ... was it our fault or just world moving around it which we didn't catch up with?08:22
Wimpressdidrocks jibel I see no MIR update for zsys in Trello or LP so I've pinged Steve and Joe.08:24
didrocksWimpress: thanks! I did the same check08:24
mwhudsonoSoMoN: 1.41? debian doesn't have that yet, boo08:25
jibelyeah, I re-pinged on the card08:25
Wimpressseb128: For reasons that a not documented steam in Ubuntu added an epoch sometime ago, so has not been syncing from Debian.08:25
WimpressMany fixes in Debian recently, particularly for controllers and VR.08:25
seb128I see08:26
WimpressAll merged  and tested.08:26
WimpressGot the community involved over the weekend.08:26
seb128mwhudson, hey, we will get a new gnome-system-monitor before focal, we are targetting 3.36 and 3.35.9x are rc versions for it08:27
seb128Wimpress, well done :)08:27
mwhudsonseb128: cool :)08:27
oSoMoNgood morning duflu, ricotz, didrocks, Wimpress, seb128, jibel08:46
oSoMoNhey mwhudson, I guess the rustc driver in debian is firefox, as it is in Ubuntu…08:47
seb128lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ? bon w.e?08:48
didrockshey oSoMoN08:49
oSoMoNtrès bon! we had Trevinho and Trevinha over for dinner on Friday, that was really nice08:49
seb128I saw the picture, nice one :)08:51
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers08:51
oSoMoNgood morning marcustomlinson08:51
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how are you today?08:51
marcustomlinsonhey seb128 yeah doing ok, yourself?08:52
seb128marcustomlinson, I'm good, thanks!08:52
marcustomlinsonhi oSoMoN08:52
mwhudsonoSoMoN: yeah well need to upload 1.40 first anyway i guess08:53
mwhudsonjust uploading a 1.40 merge for focal to my ppa, that's step one anyway08:54
oSoMoNmwhudson, ack, thanks08:55
didrockshey marcustomlinson !08:57
marcustomlinsonmorning didrocks08:57
dufluHi marcustomlinson09:01
marcustomlinsonhey duflu and Laney09:02
dufluHi Laney09:02
seb128hey Laney, how are you? had a good w.e?09:09
seb128duflu, thx for dropping that pulseaudio patch from the vcs, I know it was good to remove but forgot once I was done rebasing other changes09:11
seb128duflu, also thx for giving it a round of testing!09:11
dufluseb128, no problem. That's the only thing I did remember/know about v1409:11
seb128Laney didrocks, do you remember if there is a place where we have the packages-to-team mapping lists published?09:15
Laneyhi marcustomlinson duflu seb12809:16
Laneyweekend was nice, went to a beer festival and the cinema09:17
Laneyand not offhand09:17
seb128the w.e in France was really nice for us :-)09:18
seb128weather was nice and we had some relaxing time, good food and fun09:18
Laneyah good!09:21
didrockshey Laney09:25
oSoMoNmorning Laney09:25
didrocksseb128: hum, I don’t know either, I’m more checking package by package with our tools09:26
seb128didrocks, Laney, no worry, maybe there isn't one :)09:26
LaneyI thought there was a CSV or a JSON file09:26
Laneybut don't know where it lives, guess one for Brian09:27
seb128Brian might know, I will ask him09:27
seb128thx :)09:27
seb128Laney, libsoup from experimental, was it any reason to not sync it? I'm about to do that now, stop me if there is a reason :)09:31
Laneyseb128: the reason you found!09:32
seb128Laney, well, the issue is in g-n not libsoup09:33
Laneyyou can handle it09:33
Laneythat is the any reason though09:33
seb128k, thanks09:33
seb128I will nag mcatanzaro about the g-n issue first though09:34
seb128(first relocating, brb)09:34
Laneyseb128: the new gedit deps need promoting now btw for the migration10:02
Laneyalso should it be dropped on i386 or what?10:02
seb128ack, didrocks kept the MIR bugs assigned to him so I though he was going to do it10:03
seb128didrocks, or do you want me to do it?10:03
seb128no idea about i386, I will ask Steve about why it's still trying to build there10:04
Laneysome chain that comes from gtk+3.010:05
Laneygiven that, I would say that the new deps need to be added into lp:ubuntu-archive-tools update-i386-whitelist and the script re-run to get those in the whitelist10:08
didrocksseb128: I can do them in a moment10:08
seb128didrocks, thx10:08
seb128Laney, ack, I will have a look to that in a bit10:09
didrocksseb128: btw, do you run change-override and other ubuntu-archive-tools on focal? With the removal of python-launchpadlib and those scripts still being python2…10:12
seb128didrocks, I still have python2 installed and I hack around for the interpreter when needed, but yeah those need work :/10:13
didrocksseb128: ah, you didn’t apt autoremove and so, still have a python2-launchpadlib around10:13
seb128yes :)10:13
didrockshumf, really, I wonder how even the archive tools could be broken on our distro and people still doing the transition…10:14
didrocksimpossible to reinstall easily, the dep list is infinite10:16
didrocksI’ll do as the previous days, starts my bionic vm :/10:16
Laneyfossfreedom: hey, going to upload mutter-6 shortly, any chance you could prep a budgie-desktop for that please? looks like it should be ready upstream12:56
* ricotz thinks about stopping libreoffice in favor of picking op new poppler13:18
seb128tkamppeter, there are a bunch of printing items with failing autopkgtest on the current focal report, is that something you are looking at?14:25
tkamppeterseb128, where, which packages?14:26
seb128tkamppeter, https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages see the cups section14:27
tkamppeterseb128, seems that the last two Debian updates broke it all down.14:31
seb128tkamppeter, right, so at least you are aware now :)14:34
seb128there is a -10, let's see if it fixes it once it's synced14:34
tkamppeterseb128, -8 and -9 have lots of changes on the autopkg tests to make them much more sensitive, this probably revealed a lot of problems with the more exotic drivers and processor architectures.14:36
seb128tkamppeter, can you make sure the debian maintainer knows?14:37
tkamppeterseb128, I will do.14:38
tkamppeterseb128, -8 contains only a fix done by me, but it was skipped by the autosync because -9 came too close after.14:38
tkamppeterseb128, -10 contains 2 real (not autopkg stuff) bug fixes from other contributors.14:39
tkamppeterseb128, if it gets too much to get Debian's CUPS sorted for 20.04, I suggest to take the 3 bug fixes of -8  and -10 and put them up -in a -7ubuntu1 for 20.04 and from 20.10 on we go snap-only.14:40
tkamppeterseb128, -10 has also autopkgtest additions, and none of them list autopkgtest fixes in their debian/changelog entries.14:42
seb128tkamppeter, k, your call, still would be useful to upstream to debian14:48
tkamppeterseb128, Debian maintainers are informed now.15:08
seb128tkamppeter, thanks!15:08
tkamppeterseb128, now I would like to have -8 as the Debian base for our Focal cups package and make -8ubuntu1 to take the 2 bug fixes of -10.15:09
seb128tkamppeter, sounds good to me yes15:09
tkamppeterseb128, can I upload -8ubuntu1 despite -9 and -10 were already pulled by the sync but not passed into -release?15:11
tkamppeterseb128, or do we need someone to remove the failed -9 and -10 from -proposed?15:11
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:12
seb128Hey Heather, how are you?15:12
kenvandinegood morning15:12
marcustomlinsonmorning hellsworth15:12
seb128tkamppeter, either we remove from proposed or you ubuntu a 10ubuntu1 which is -8 where you write in the changelog 'revert changes from -9 and -10'15:12
tkamppeterseb128, probably the -8ubuntu1 would be better as it allows to get to -10 should there not be -11 soon.15:14
tkamppeterseb128, for 20.10 we will then remove all printer-driver-* packages so CUPS stops to trigger their autopkgtests (cups will stay as Debian package only for libcups, the printing stack will come from the CUPS snap).15:15
seb128tkamppeter, -10 didn't sync yet, so you can upload -9ubuntu1 with the problematic changes reverted and then we are still able to sync -10 later if we want15:15
tkamppeterseb128, could you block the sync of -10 somehow then?15:15
Laneyseb128: just uploaded mozjs68 to focal/new btw, would be good if you could take a look, didn't want to wait for new in debian for that15:16
Laneyit's going to need to go into that bootstrap list too btw15:16
seb128tkamppeter, if you upload -9ubuntu1 today that should be good enough to block it :)15:16
seb128Laney, I can have a look, I've no idea about the boostrap list thing though15:16
Laneysame script I mentioned earlier15:17
Laneyit generates the i386 whitelist15:17
seb128the i386 one?15:17
seb128ah, right15:17
Laneygoing to be needed for gjs15:17
Laneywe should move libproxy over too, then mozjs60 can go away15:27
seb128Laney, step1, source NEWed15:29
Laneywoot, thanks!15:30
hellsworthit looks like icu is holding up a bunch of things in proposed : https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages15:30
hellsworthwho should i contact about this?15:30
hellsworththe maintainer of icu?15:30
hellsworthoh no i'm wrong15:31
hellsworthLO is holding up icu which is holding up things. soryr from the update_excuses_by_team view it looked the other way around :)15:31
seb128it's actively being work on, just a non trivial transition15:32
seb128no need to contact anyone, it's well known15:32
Laneythat's probably why dok_o pinged about libreoffice/arm64 this morning15:32
Laneythe rebuilds are done: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/icu.html15:32
Laneybut it's not a candidate because of that test failure15:32
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: 1. drink coffee, 2. re-read DMs ;)15:34
hellsworthok so should i just relaunch the failed autopkgtests on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/libr/libreoffice/focal/arm6415:34
* hellsworth scrolls up for the first time this morning :)15:35
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: I had tried a re-run already15:35
tkamppeterseb128, there is one problem wedging a -9ubuntu1 upload between current -9 and upcoming -10 to stop -10.15:35
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: icu is not the only package where libreoffice/arm64 is failing15:36
hellsworthmarcustomlinson: i don't see any pings in this room from today besides from you15:36
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: I was pinged in ubuntu-devel15:37
hellsworththere's a common issue which looks like maybe a nova one: ERROR: testbed failure: sent `auxverb_debug_fail', got `timeout', expected `ok...'15:37
tkamppeterseb128, sorry, I think I have found a way to do it.15:37
* hellsworth joins ubuntu-devel15:37
seb128tkamppeter, good :)15:37
hellsworthwho maintains the nova infra for autopkgtest?15:41
Laneyme and some others in #ubuntu-release15:42
hellsworthah ok thanks then i'll go ask in that room :)15:44
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tkamppeterseb128, uploaded cups 2.3.1-9ubuntu1, to kill auto-sync, if something is wrong with it, I will upload -9ubuntu2 soon.15:47
seb128tkamppeter, thx15:48
tkamppeterseb128, it got accepted into -proposed, so I was quick enough.15:49
seb128tkamppeter, \o/15:51
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kenvandineLaney: this should work right?  OnlyShowIn=ubuntu;18:26
kenvandineLaney: it's not :(18:31
kenvandinethose are the full desktop files18:32
kenvandineSnap Store is shown and Ubuntu Software isn't... when XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP == ubuntu:GNOME18:32
Laneymmm, it does look right...18:39
Laneypresumably other ones are working for you18:41
Laneygrep for ShowIn in /usr/share/applications and check18:41
tkamppeterseb128, the many failures of CUPS autopkg tests are very probably caused by a bug in cups-filters, which I got the fix for today but it was not yest uploaded when several CUPS releases got fed in by Debian. Now the Debian maintainer has uploaded also cups-filters with the fix and this will hopefully clean everything up.18:44
tkamppeterseb128, he will also fix something on the autopkg tests so that with cups -11 we can probably get back into sync again.18:45
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: should it be ubuntu:GNOME perhaps?18:47
marcustomlinsonyeah I think it should18:48
marcustomlinsonecho $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP18:48
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Laneythose are colon separated lists of elements and the *ShowIn are supposed to match on any of them18:51
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: i've tried that18:55
kenvandinedoesn't honor that either18:55
kenvandineI've also tried just GNOME for testing, same thing18:55
* kenvandine wonders if there's a gnome bug here18:56
marcustomlinsonah I see19:01
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: libreoffice-math uses 'NotShowIn=GNOME;' and doesn't show in the dash as expected for me19:04
marcustomlinson'NotShowIn=ubuntu;' does not work however19:05
marcustomlinsonevery time you change that value remember to alt+f2 then 'r'19:05
kenvandineyou don't need to reload19:07
marcustomlinsonin fact, 'NotShowIn=ubuntu:GNOME;' doesn't work either19:07
kenvandineactually OnlyShowIn=GNOME; does work19:07
kenvandinei thought i had tried that19:07
marcustomlinsonoh sorry, so you don't19:07
kenvandineproblem is that isn't good enough for my use case19:07
kenvandineI need it to be just for ubuntu19:08
kenvandineubuntu:GNOME rather19:08
kenvandinethat should work...19:08
kenvandinebut this can always be resolved after feature freeze :)19:08
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: certainly feels like a bug19:17
seb128tkamppeter, great, thanks for chassing that and for the status update!19:56
seb128 OnlyShowIn=ubuntu;19:58
seb128kenvandine, how are you .desktop named?19:58
marcustomlinsonseb128: weirdly for the libreoffice-math example, 'OnlyShowIn=GNOME;' works but 'OnlyShowIn=ubuntu;' does not20:02
marcustomlinsonneither 'OnlyShowIn=ubuntu;' nor 'NotShowIn=ubuntu;' work as expected20:02
seb128marcustomlinson, what's the issue? i t shows in a GNOME session?20:02
marcustomlinsonwith 'OnlyShowIn=GNOME;' if I search "math" in the dock I see it20:03
marcustomlinsonwith 'OnlyShowIn=ubuntu;' if I search "math" in the dock I don't see it20:03
marcustomlinsonthen with 'NotShowIn=GNOME;' if I search "math" in the dock I don't see it20:05
marcustomlinsonand with 'NotShowIn=ubuntu;' if I search "math" in the dock I do see it20:05
seb128weird indeed20:05
marcustomlinsonthis issue is present in Bionic, Disco and Eoan too20:11
marcustomlinsonin fact even on Xenial - 'OnlyShowIn=Unity;' works but 'OnlyShowIn=ubuntu;' does not20:14
marcustomlinsonso did this ever work really20:15
seb128xenial didn't use ubuntu as session value iirc20:17
seb128also it didn't have the xdg_current_desktop support for lists20:18
seb128it was one value only at the time20:18
seb128or was it?20:18
ubot5Gnome bug 729813 in gio "AppInfo: use XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP for OnlyShowIn" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]20:19
seb128it's older that I remembered20:19
seb128weird that it regressed, that has tests :/20:19
seb128or maybe it's buggy in gnome-shell and not glib?20:19
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kenvandineseb128: our gnome-shell package has a distro patch related to this21:28
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kenvandine    + ubuntu/desktop_detect.patch:21:33
kenvandine      - add caching for desktop detection to avoid querying the current desktop env variable as iterate through the list each time. For the time of the Shell process, we can expect this env variable to stay stable.21:33
marcustomlinsoninteresting to know what value is being cached21:37
kenvandinewe should be able to do that with lg21:38

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