
mwhudsonis ssh-import-id just broken on focal?00:36
mwhudsonmwhudson@anduril:~$ ssh-import-id lp:mwhudson00:36
mwhudson2020-02-24 13:36:25,093 ERROR module 'platform' has no attribute 'dist'00:36
mwhudsonlooks like a python 3.8 thing00:36
cjwatsonEasy fix is to port it to the distro module00:37
cjwatson(Not in the standard library, but it's more or less a drop-in replacement)00:37
mwhudsonah https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ssh-import-id/+bug/186410700:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1864107 in ssh-import-id (Ubuntu) "ssh-import-id broken on Focal" [High,In progress]00:39
mwhudsonand https://code.launchpad.net/~waveform/ssh-import-id/+git/ssh-import-id/+merge/37935100:40
mwhudsonnow where was i in this mountain of yaks00:40
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cpaelzervorlon: doko: I see you have restarted tests related to the new procps upload that is breaking postgresl-common autopkgtests - is there an analysis/bug for that already?07:02
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cpaelzervorlon: was bug 1864424 intentional to bring in mouse=a for 20.04?07:57
ubottubug 1864424 in vim (Ubuntu) "new vim version in 20.04 sets mouse=a by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186442407:57
ackkhi, is it expected for focal not to have the nice boot screen & password prompt for encrypted volumes yet?08:33
mwhudsonackk: works for me08:44
mwhudsonackk: or to more directly ask, no i don't think that is expected08:44
ackkmwhudson, did you upgade or run a fresh install?08:44
mwhudsonackk: upgrade08:45
ackkok, mine was a fresh install. it also seems it takes a looong time until the password prompt, and then until gdm login08:45
ackkalso, after install, I didn't have any snap installed nor I could install them08:45
ackksnap reports that the system is not yet seeded08:46
mwhudsonah now that sounds like a reported bug08:47
ackkmwhudson, FWIW even during the boot of the installer I didn't get the nice spash screen08:47
ackkI only had a purple text screen with an off-centered "Ubuntu 20.04" text08:47
ackkmwhudson, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1864230 maybe?08:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1864230 in snapd (Ubuntu) "error: too early for operation, device not yet seeded or device model not acknowledged" [Undecided,New]08:49
mwhudsonackk: yeah08:50
mwhudsonackk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/livecd-rootfs/+bug/1864252 might be the fix?08:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1864252 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "preseeded snap installs fail in images" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:50
ackkmwhudson, ah, nice08:51
mwhudsonackk: cat /var/log/installer/media-info?08:51
ackkmwhudson, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS "Focal Fossa" - Alpha amd64 (20200220)08:52
mwhudsonackk: so before that livecd-rootfs fix landed08:53
ackkmwhudson, do I need to reinstall?08:55
mwhudsonackk: hm, don't know08:57
mwhudsonackk: you can probably fix it by messing around in /var/lib/snapd and rebooting08:57
mwhudsonackk: but reinstalling is probably easier...08:57
mwhudsonackk: you could ask #snappy about the seeding issues08:58
ackkmwhudson, thanks09:32
mwhudsonackk: seems Laney has found some problems with the fix, but things are in progress at least09:33
dokocpaelzer: no analysis done yet09:43
dokooSoMoN: marcustomlinson: could you have a look at the lo arm64 autopkg test failure?09:44
marcustomlinsondoko: If I don’t get to it I’ll let hellsworth know09:51
cpaelzerdoko: vorlon: ok I have started in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/procps/+bug/186442309:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1864423 in procps (Ubuntu) "Failed test 'default log is not used' with new procps 3.3.16-1" [Undecided,New]09:52
dokocjwatson: openssh gained some new dependencies on universe packages. do we need to promote those, or should we build without those?09:55
cjwatsondoko: we should really MIR and promote libfido2 - the new version of openssh uses it for U2F (universal second-factor token) support, which is the headline feature in openssh 8.2 and I want it in focal10:12
cjwatsondoko: (ref. https://www.openssh.com/txt/release-8.2 under "Changes since OpenSSH 8.1")10:14
cjwatsonI think we'll also need to add libfido2 to the i386 whitelist10:14
dokocjwatson: that includes libcbor and mathjax10:22
dokofiling a MIR10:23
cjwatsondoko: Wait, why mathjax?10:25
dokocjwatson: libcbor-doc depends on it. so we should blacklist that one10:28
cjwatsondoko: Might be simplest10:35
ahasenackSkuggen: hi, mysql8 question13:17
ahasenackSkuggen: password() was removed/deprecated, right13:18
ahasenackSkuggen: I'm looking at a patch where someone changed password("%s") to13:18
ahasenackis that the right thing to do?13:19
ahasenackrbasak: if you have seen that before^13:19
rbasakI've not seen that before13:20
rbasakLooks like someone is constructing their own KDF13:21
ahasenackwe might be better off going with a new upstream release for this one13:26
ahasenackahead of debian13:26
ahasenackthe new release works with mysql8 (allegedly)13:26
ahasenackand doesn't do this with the password13:26
ahasenackhm, the new version pulled in a lot of crypto/hash functions13:32
ahasenackis doing the hash client side and then comparing13:32
SkuggenYeah, that looks kind of horrible :)13:45
ahasenackSkuggen: suggestions? :)13:48
SkuggenWhich package is this?13:49
ahasenackthat change came from an attached patch, to the bug13:49
ahasenackSkuggen: this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zoneminder/+bug/1859295working13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1859295 in zoneminder (Ubuntu) "zoneminder 1.32.3-2build1 does not work with MySQL 8" [Undecided,New]13:49
ahasenackthe other changes are basically quoting new reserved keywords in mysql813:50
ahasenacklike Groups, Function13:50
ahasenackand match what upstream did13:50
SkuggenI don't really understand what it's doing, but is that meant to work with mysql_native_password, or caching_sha2_password?13:53
ahasenackI'm not sure either, it looks like it has its own user db, and is doing a simple string comparison to authenticate someone13:54
ahasenackor find someone in the db13:54
ahasenackthe new upstream code does just this query in the beginning:13:54
ahasenack      "SELECT `Id`, `Username`, `Password`, `Enabled`, `Stream`+0, `Events`+0, `Control`+0, `Monitors`+0, `System`+0, `MonitorIds`"13:55
ahasenack      " FROM `Users` WHERE `Username` = '%s' AND `Enabled` = 1", safer_username);13:55
ahasenack(it dropped Password = )13:55
SkuggenThere's some functionality for setting password there, which should probably just be replaced with the standard user management13:55
ahasenackbut does this new thing later:13:55
ahasenack  if ( verifyPassword(username, password, user->getPassword()) ) {13:55
ahasenackand that verifyPassword() function does the hashing now13:55
ahasenackmanipulating SHA_CTX and whatnot via openssl13:55
ahasenackwith checks like13:56
ahasenack  if ( db_password_hash[0] == '*' ) {13:56
ahasenack    // MYSQL PASSWORD13:56
ahasenackfunny that they *moved* to SHA113:57
SkuggenWhere is the code for creating users?13:57
SkuggenMaybe they set them to use mysql_native_password13:58
ahasenackdon't know yet, https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/tree/master/src is what I'm looking at, but that's the new upstream version13:59
SkuggenYeah, I'm looking there too13:59
ahasenackcurrent code in focal (well, my branch on top of focal) is https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/zoneminder/+git/zoneminder/+ref/focal-zoneminder-mysql813:59
SkuggenBut it doesn't really seem like upstream's code is less hacky about this than that patch :)14:00
SkuggenIt's just that it doesn't seem to me it should work if the users are set to caching_sha214:00
ahasenackhttps://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/tree/1.32.3/src is what is in focal14:00
ahasenackbased on tag and version number, that is14:01
SkuggenOh, wait!14:03
SkuggenI've misunderstood completely. These aren't mysql users :P14:03
ahasenackits their own, and they just happened to use mysql's password() function for convenience is my guess14:04
SkuggenIt's just that the password() function was a sha1 function14:04
SkuggenSo it's "fine".14:05
ahasenackso they do a query for where user=foo, pass=bar, and if that query fails, say that authentication failed14:05
rbasakIf it was, then perhaps it's no loss to reimplement as the replacement that ahasenack originally suggested?14:05
rbasakEven if that is bad, that is what they were doing before14:05
rbasakMeanwhile, clickhouse is taking forever to build :-(14:06
ahasenackrbasak: yeah, last good build was recorded at 1h in LP14:07
ahasenackrbasak: did you look at that removal bug? Just in case this is a waste of time (trying to get it to build)14:07
SkuggenOne possible concern for ZM is the way the hashing is done, though; Is it correct, i.e. as secure as it was before?14:08
rbasakahasenack: it looks like https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=950983 is the same issue and proposes a trivial patch, so I'm trying that14:10
ubottuDebian bug 950983 in src:clickhouse "clickhouse FTBFS in bullseye/sid" [Serious,Open]14:10
rbasakReproducing the failure first though14:10
rbasakSkuggen: if it's wrong, hashes will mismatch and nobody will be able to log in14:11
rbasak(until individual passwords are reset)14:11
rbasakWho wrote that replacement?14:11
ahasenackrbasak: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zoneminder/+bug/1859295/comments/1 the person who opened the bug14:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1859295 in zoneminder (Ubuntu) "zoneminder 1.32.3-2build1 does not work with MySQL 8" [Undecided,New]14:12
SkuggenMaybe ask if he's tested with an upgrade scenario?14:13
ahasenackI think I'll upload the ftbfs fix first14:15
ahasenackI thought tackling this runtime bug would be quicker (as I was just seeing those quoting changes), but then I stumbled on this14:16
vorloncpaelzer: mouse=a> no; there was a change upstream of us that I thought I saw had made the mouse=a behavior conditional on OS, but apparently I misread. I'll restore the patch15:05
cpaelzerthanks vorlon15:05
cpaelzerin that case I'm glad I filed the bug and asked about it15:06
vorlonah maybe I was led astray by "can be reverse-applied" :P15:06
vorlonbut reverse-applying a deletion, well..15:06
vorloncpaelzer: ah new procps is breaking it because the new Debian version is setting fs.protected_regular=2 (debian/protect-links.conf)15:10
vorloncpaelzer: so this is related to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2020-February/040904.html etc15:11
cpaelzervorlon: is that what you get out of the debug into I put into the postgresql-common bug?15:11
cpaelzeroh I have read that thread, but not mapped the two into one15:12
vorlonsystemd was setting fs.protected_regular=1, and that caused some problems15:12
vorlonprocps is setting f.sprotected_regular=2, which causes more problems15:12
vorlonkees: ^^ hey there's your =215:12
vorlonso, changing postgresql-common is for the good to make it more portable; but we may want to revert this procps change15:13
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rbasakxnox: o/ are you working on the new clickhouse FTBFS?16:20
rcjCould I get a sponsor to upload livecd-rootfs for the MPs in bug #1864252 ?16:50
ubottubug 1864252 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "preseeded snap installs fail in images" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186425216:50
rcjEoan builds are blocked on this bug16:50
rbasakPSA: the DMB election has closed and the results are available directly from CIVS. I am clearing up a minor administrative matter before I send the announcement, so it may not be today.16:53
rbasakteward: FYI ^16:53
tewardthanks rbasak16:53
rbasakWe do have a DMB meeting scheduled today16:53
rbasakI'm not sure who is in the DMB currently!16:53
Laneyonly 31% turnout? :(16:55
Laneybut well done to the (eventual) new members :>16:55
tewardyeah i noticed that too :P16:56
tewardrbasak: i just took a look at the agenda it doesn't look like there's any pressing matters that need attention today from the DMB just the regular holdovers.17:02
tewardso given that it might just be prudent to skip the meeting today17:02
ahasenackxnox: hi, your clickhouse upload is failing to build on arm64 and s390x, and I see you included a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clickhouse/+bug/186302617:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1863026 in zoneminder (Ubuntu) "Remove my_bool typedef workaround" [Undecided,In progress]17:02
rbasakteward: that might be a good idea.17:03
tewardrbasak: there is something that needs attention on the 9th but that's not today's meeting so :P17:03
ahasenackxnox: I marked the clickhouse task in that bug I linked as "fix committed"17:08
ricotzahasenack, hi, I assume this needs a i386 exception https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9-libs/1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~build118:12
ahasenackricotz: indeed, since bind9 had it18:14
xnoxrbasak:  ahasenack: in theory, yes, in practice i'm not sure what the test regressions on arm64/s390x are yet. I did fix the failure to build, it *just* now fails to pass compile time test18:50
ahasenackrbasak: Skuggen: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/b2yw9hv28p/19:04
ahasenackrbasak: Skuggen: output is always the same (this is mysql 5.7)19:04
ahasenackI checked 5.7's source, and that's exactly what PASSWORD() did back then19:04
ahasenackdouble sha1(), display as hex19:04
ahasenackno salt, nothing else19:05
rbasakLooks good!19:08
brycexnox, although php7.4 is still in proposed due to icu, I'd like to go ahead and kick off the php 7.4 transition today by uploading the new php-defaults, if that won't cause any troubles for you with the icu transition?19:25
xnoxbryce:  well arm64 instances fail to boot at the moment, thus icu is stuck behind libreoffice19:28
brycexnox, yeah it sounds like you may need some time for getting icu sorted.  I want to get php at least started before FF, but only if it won't impact your work negatively.  I don't think it will but wanted to doublecheck with you first.19:33
xnoxbryce:  ah.... you are not on #ubuntu-release19:37
xnoxbryce:  vorlon might try to make icu transition regardless libreoffice.19:37
brycexnox, ok so you'd advise to hold off for now?19:38
xnoxbryce:  "<vorlon>and no we shouldn't be uploading any packages currently tangled in icu for the php transition until icu is done"19:39
xnoxbryce:  please don't upload php-defaults just yet19:39
brycexnox, alright, thanks19:39
xnoxbryce:  also join #ubuntu-release for transitions coordination19:41
xnoxwith the release team19:42
vorlonphp-defaults is not dependent on icu19:43
vorlonand he can upload that just fine19:43
vorlon(as I said on Friday)19:43
vorlonbut things currently in -proposed which depend on icu should not be reuploaded for new php until after icu migrates19:44
bryceI think only php7.4 itself is dependent on icu (it's the only package I've noticed this so far, anyway).  I wasn't needing to alter php7.4 though, and it's fine if the remaining php bits stay in proposed as a result, until icu is migrated.19:46
vorlonbryce: ^^19:46
vorlonso, since bryce has already coordinated with the release team on this... :)19:46
brycevorlon, xnox, thanks.19:48
xnoxah, ok, now i understand what you mean19:49
mwhudsongood morning20:32
sarnoldwelcome back mwhudson :)20:35
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bdmurrayDoes anybody know if there is a bug report about my T450s keyboard light keeps turning on?21:51
CarlFKFeb 24 23:05:25 main-menu[367]: (process:3286): dpkg-divert: warning: diverting file '/sbin/start-stop-daemon' from an Essential package with rename is dangerous, use --no-rename  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GYF4sbXDkJ/23:33
CarlFKpxe + preseed.cfg di/key/value file from bionic.23:35

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