
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
DarkTrick@Launcher in xfce4-panel: is it possible to have a launcher like in Unity, where 1) if program is not started, it opens program 2) if program is already started it acts as window button to reopen the app?11:55
astraljavaI'm going AFK in a bit, but I'll be back in two hours or so. But does anyone know or have a similar experience, where suddenly a new window creation does not give focus to said window? E.g. open a new terminal window with keyboard shortcut, focus stays on previous window.13:38
xubuntu72wHey guys14:54
gnrpxubuntu72w: hey14:54
xubuntu72wJust installed Xubuntu, love it so far14:54
xubuntu72wonly one little small "issue"14:55
xubuntu72weverytime i start up the device i get an error when i login to my user14:55
xubuntu72w"system program problem detected, do you want to report the problem now"14:55
xubuntu72wits no info14:55
xubuntu72wjust that14:55
xubuntu72wand its everytime i log in14:56
xubuntu72wany suggestion to get rid of it or even find out what it is ? :P14:56
gnrpxubuntu72w: When you press on "Report", you should be able to see the report that is supposed to be transmitted?14:57
xubuntu72wnope, it just dissapear :P14:57
xubuntu72wreally weird14:57
gnrpthat then *is* weird.14:58
gnrpanyway, you can have a look in /var/crash14:58
xubuntu72wwell, how do i actually find that \O/14:59
gnrpyou open the file browser, then go to "filesystem", then into "var", then into "crash"15:00
xubuntu72wfound it !15:00
gnrpor you open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and type in `ls -l /var/crash`15:00
xubuntu72wjust one file there: _usr_lib_xorg.0.crash15:01
gnrpfrom what date? Is it as recent as you logging in?15:01
gnrpanyway, I cannot help with that, I am sorry. But at least with that file others might be able to help you. If you stay in this channel for a while, more help might show up15:02
xubuntu72wits just from today, thats it15:02
xubuntu72wanyway i just see a little issue more15:02
xubuntu72wits two icons for wifi at the panel15:02
xubuntu72wthink this is a common issue tho, but is it any fix ? :P15:02
brainwashthat one was fixed in Xfce 4.14 (xubuntu 19.10 and newer)15:03
brainwashand regarding error reporting, I think you can disable it via /etc/default/apport15:03
brainwashif you wish you report it though, try to run "ubuntu-bug /var/crash/_usr_lib_xorg.0.crash15:04
brainwashyou'll need a launchpad account15:04
brainwashforgot the closing "15:05
xubuntu72wlaunchpad account?15:08
brainwashlaunchpad is ubuntu's bug tracker15:09
brainwashyou need an account to report bugs15:09
xubuntu72wcould not run it anyway tho :(15:10
brainwashnot sure how it works for stable releases15:10
xubuntu72wis it easy to upgrade to 19.10 ?15:11
brainwashI should be I'd think15:11
brainwashas workaround for the double icon bug you could restart the panel with the command "xfce4-panel -r"15:12
xubuntu72wit worked :P15:13
brainwashxubuntu 20.04 LTS will be released in april, so it may be better to upgrade later15:13
xubuntu72wyeah true :P15:13
xubuntu72wthanks for the good help, appriciete it =)15:13
brainwashyou're welcome15:13
=== hggdh-msft is now known as hggdh
* Mead will be right back as messes with adding the undernet to his bouncer19:30
gabrielmartinshi good night. Hello .. Good night. I installed the meteo app for weather forecasting because I work with sound events. the right sequence of commands in the terminal would be - sudo apt update - sudo apt install snapd - sudo snap install meteo.however I chose the following sequence - sudo snap install meteo - sudo apt update - sudo apt install snapd. this caused great confusion. I need basic notions of linux. a good soul could spend his23:34
gabrielmartinstime! the terminal says - Unable to find the meteo package. I can't uninstall it. and do everything from the beginning. help me please. I know that  are very busy.23:34

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