
=== ordinarydude1 is now known as ordinarydude
tecuaneman akonadi is still surprisingly bad00:46
tecuaneadd a remote ics and it just loses its mind, events flashing in korganiser as it claims "the hash has changed" twice a second00:46
tecuaneoutstanding move00:46
IrcsomeBot<darltrash> i dont know wth is akonadi01:03
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lordievaderGood morning07:07
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muhahaguys, I can not connect with network manager to the openvpn server,  its working if I use sudo openvpn foo.config, problem is that it does not work without sudo so I am wondering whats missing ... Of course that I have network-manager-openvpn installed08:44
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest72787
lordievadermuhaha: Sounds like a rights issue. What do the logs say?09:11
muhahalordievader nothing interesting, just connection reset , even wih network manager in debug mode...    openvpn client without sudo will not work ..  ERROR: Cannot ioctl TUNSETIFF tun: Operation not permitted (errno=1)09:14
muhahaIts basic use case with openvpn and network manager so I am wondering why should I change something09:14
muhahaI am not familiar how network manager can use openvpn without sudo ..09:17
lordievadermuhaha: This might help you: http://www.infradead.org/openconnect/nonroot.html09:21
lordievaderFrom https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/525409-Networkmanager-and-openvpn-crash09:21
lordievaderhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy-hwe-snaps/+bug/1731056 seems to be a related bug.09:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1731056 in snappy-hwe-snaps "easy-openvpn ERROR: Cannot ioctl TUNSETIFF tun: Operation not permitted (errno=1)" [Undecided,New]09:22
muhahaoh, nice, another major bug in 19.10 ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/185307509:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1853075 in linux (Ubuntu) "19.10 Boots into a black screen" [Undecided,Invalid]09:24
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IrcsomeBotStuart Christian was added by: Stuart Christian12:52
BluesKajHi folks13:19
konradoshi BluesKaj13:20
konradosI have a question - this is yet another time I can see some website suggests using gdebi to install stuff from .deb files, but... why? The 'discover' I use works fine, doesn't it? E.g. this site here: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-google-earth-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux13:20
konrados"We will be using gdebi to install the Google Earth package on our system. gdebi ensures that there are no hassles during the installation as it will also automatically fetch all package prerequisites."13:20
konradoswhat, 'discover' doesn't do that?13:21
BluesKajhi konrados, I don't use discover due to it's missing options, if you insist on using a gui package manager use muon, it's very good13:24
konradoswell, no, I don't insist, I was just curious. When I use e.g. wget and I'm in the cli, then I use apt install, but when I'm downloading using gui, then I usually want to stay in gui and click click click :)13:26
konradosI'l see this muon, thanks BluesKaj !13:26
BluesKajyw :-)13:26
BluesKajgdebs usually just download the package and have their own installer built in13:28
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IrcsomeBotAlang59 was added by: Alang5915:54
IrcsomeBot<Alang59> Hi15:55
IrcsomeBot<Alang59> Is there a way to compile Kamoso in Solus Plasma ?15:55
geniiSolus is an independent distribution based on Budgie, you might want to ask instead in #solus-chat or #solus-dev16:03
geniiThere is also #ubuntu-budgie but the Solus-specific channels are more likely to be able to answer your questions16:04
Guest5628anyone alive in here?16:24
IrcsomeBotMario156090 was added by: Mario15609016:32
IrcsomeBot<Mario156090> Hi everybody16:32
IrcsomeBot<Mario156090> Anyone can say me how I can create virtual interfaces from plasma-nm?16:32
IrcsomeBot<Mario156090> (Photo, 629x654) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/0xj4q9Rh/file_24445.jpg Only show me interface hardware based but not virtual.16:33
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IrcsomeBotDominusArius was added by: DominusArius20:34
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IrcsomeBot<zparihar> @RikMills You da man~!  Thx for 5.18.2 PPA!23:10
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> you're welcome :)23:11
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Hey guys! I cannot tell you enough, how excited I am for Kubuntu 20.04!!23:45
bpromptI'll be getting it, thoiugh I know the release date is May 2020 =), though always adverstised to April23:53
daxis this some sort of misinterpretation of the release upgrade timelines23:54
bpromptahh no, just a "constructive criticism", the date is April, but usually 25th or thereabouts, pretty much just the end of the month, as opposed to the beginning of the month23:55
daxApril 23rd isn't in May, though?23:56
bpromptso, I always see it as May, because May is more reliable :)23:56
bpromptnow, if the release were April 1st or 3rd or even the 5th, that'd be very different23:56
daxwell if you think about it, April 3rd is really March23:56
bpromptjust about, yes, same with April 23rd, however on May, I know is there already, there's no 30-day range to guess23:57
bpromptsorta like going to the market and buying something for $4.99, I always think is $5, because that's reliable :), and yes, $4.99 is just a gimmick23:59

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