
=== popey8 is now known as popey
tomwardillhttps://pastebin.canonical.com/p/3pH2jJRN7h/ it dispatched a thing!08:36
ilascyay! nice!!08:38
tomwardillbuild didn't work due to archive domain things, but closer!08:39
ilasc:) +108:41
wgrantOoh, fancy.08:47
tomwardilllooks like my build is being dispatched with 'archive.launchpad.test', which obviously isn't a thing. The build gets a 403 forbidden. Is there anyway I can override/make that work?09:06
tomwardillI tried hacking /etc/hosts on the buildd machine, but that didn't appear to work09:07
wgranttomwardill: That is a thing, but the default apache config restricts the IP addresses that can access it09:14
tomwardillthat would explain the 40309:16
tomwardillwgrant: don't suppose you have an example of an apache config that works tehre? I am failing to create one. I always get 40309:45
wgranttomwardill: "Require ip" (for my LAN subnet), or "Require all granted"09:47
tomwardillaha, now I've upgraded to a 40409:49
tomwardilldo I need to create a mirror or something in there?09:54
cjwatsontomwardill: You can also override the publisher config if you like.  /ubuntu/+pubconf IIRC09:56
cjwatsonOr you can hack override-sources-list on the builder to search/replace stuff, which I sometimes do when I can't be bothered to do anything neater :)09:57
tomwardillpubconf did it, thanks10:00
tomwardilloooh, it got to the point of trying a git checkout10:01
tomwardillI'll call that progress10:01
wgrantYeah, I usually use +pubconf, or if I need to test primary archive publication then I include the real primary archive in Archive:+admin's manual sources.list entries10:28
wgrantI don't think I've hacked override-sources-list in a long time10:28
tomwardillnow to make turnip be on port 44310:34
* tomwardill stacks the yaks high this morning10:34
tomwardillI've changed http://git.launchpad.test:9419/ in launchpad-lazr.conf (in configs/development), but still appear to be getting the old setting. Have I missed another config file?10:53
tomwardillhmm, it's changed it in the LP UI, but build is still getting dispatched with the old one10:54
cjwatsontomwardill: Did you restart buildd-manager after changing launchpad-lazr.conf?10:58
tomwardillah, maybe not10:59
cjwatsontomwardill: But also, what's wrong with 9419?11:02
cjwatsonOh, never mind, ignore that11:02
cjwatsonConfused 9419 with 19417 (the API port) somehow11:02
tomwardill2020-02-25 11:08:55+0000 [-] Iterating with success flag 0 against stage BUILD_OCI11:09
tomwardill2020-02-25 11:08:55+0000 [-] Returning build status: OK11:09
ilascwhere do we normally download wheels from ?12:35
ilascI went with piwheels.org but is that recommended practice ?12:36
wgrantI'd tend to build them myselr12:39
wgrantNo particular need to trust random binaries from the Internet12:39
wgrantBut I don't know what others do.12:39
tomwardillpiwheels is specifically for the raspberry pi, so probably not a huge help for anything that needs compilation13:03
cjwatsonIt's extremely rare to need to download Python stuff from anything other than pypi.org13:05
cjwatsonlp-signing uses wheel dependencies at the moment because I was following the snap store approach, but now that I've worked out the mechanisms for building wheels as part of the deployment artifact in LP I'm quite tempted to go back to sdists for that13:06
cjwatsonI would definitely not touch piwheels.org13:07
cjwatsontomwardill: Is there any useful QA you can do on your recipe branches?  https://deployable.ols.canonical.com/project/launchpad13:20
tomwardillI don't think easily, without having the UI/API for project13:21
cjwatsonWell, either do whatever you can or mark it green :)13:22
tomwardillfair :)13:23
tomwardillhmm, builddmanager is giving me: exceptions.IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/var/tmp/builddmaster/grabbing/20200225-141618-OCIRECIPEBUILD-12/1/ubuntu/manifest.json', but the file does exist on disk. Is there any likely cause, before I start debugging my way through it?14:29
cjwatsontomwardill: I can't think of a likely cause.  I'd probably capture an strace14:32
cjwatsonright, time for a deployment I think14:45
tomwardillhmmm, I think I have a callback race type thing15:40
cjwatsonAh, that was something that did come to mind in passing, but I figured you'd get it from an strace15:44
tomwardilljust trying to work out the appropriate defer incantations for it15:44
tomwardillcjwatson: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/yCYv9T8xZh/ that's my strace result, which to me looks like it's attempting to read the file before it's finished downloading it (the rename line is after the read line), does that seem reasonable?16:54
tomwardillIf so, it's a twisted defer thing16:54
cjwatsontomwardill: Indeed, probably just a missing yield16:58
* tomwardill yields all the things16:58
cjwatson+        self._slave.getFile(file_hash, file_path)16:59
cjwatsonBut getFile returns a Deferred16:59
cjwatsonSo _fetchIntermediaryFile has to be @defer.inlineCallbacks and has to yield that, and _downloadFiles has to yield calls to it17:00
cjwatsonOtherwise what happens is that it runs up to the point of creating the Deferred but nothing ever arranges to do the rest of the work only once the Deferred has called back17:01
cjwatsonIn some brave new world we might eventually be able to detect this with type-checking17:01
cjwatson(i.e. ignoring the result of something known to return a Deferred should normally be a type error)17:02
tomwardillaha, nice17:02
cjwatsonCould I have reviews of https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/379648 and https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/379650, please?  Both broadly the same kind of py3-related change17:29
tomwardillcjwatson: +1 to both17:37
* tomwardill -> EOD -> gym17:37
cjwatsonwgrant: Hmm.  On staging, 22 POTemplate rows with source_file_format = 3 (XPI), most recent change in 2011; 1 TranslationImportQueueEntry row with either format = XPI or path like '%.xpi', imported in 2011.  Nothing relevant visible in loganberry's rosetta logs (zgrep -i xpi *).  Anywhere else you can think of where I should be looking for evidence of the XPI import code being used?22:51
wgrantThat's about what I expected.22:52
wgrantI forget exactly how TIQEs are pruned22:52
wgrantBut the POTemplate situation is pretty damning.22:52
cjwatsonI'll hunt a bit more, but at the moment it does look quite dead22:53
cjwatsonAh yes, TranslationImportQueue.cleanUpQueue exists, so lack of TIQEs indeed doesn't necessarily say much22:54
cjwatsonThere are some much more recent POFiles attached to those POTemplates though.23:03
cjwatsonlaunchpad_staging=> select pofile.id, pofile.path, pofile.datecreated, pofile.date_changed from pofile left join potemplate on pofile.potemplate = potemplate.id where potemplate.source_file_format = 3 order by date_changed desc limit 3;23:03
cjwatson   id    |       path        |        datecreated         |        date_changed23:03
cjwatson 3181454 | midbrowser-id.po  | 2020-01-03 03:03:18.547327 | 2020-01-03 08:47:12.81207823:03
cjwatson 1296031 | midbrowser-hu.po  | 2010-01-28 03:13:06.945838 | 2017-12-18 12:28:58.18397523:04
cjwatson 1670525 | firefox-3.6-ak.po | 2011-01-11 01:03:09.596781 | 2017-05-04 18:50:15.35962923:04
cjwatson(3 rows)23:04
cjwatson3066 rows overall23:04
wgrantThat just means someone's submitted a new translation to them23:04
cjwatsonSome that actually end in .xpi too23:04
wgrantNote what the po names are...23:04
wgrantNeither of those packages have existed in a Long Time.23:04
cjwatsonlaunchpad_staging=> select pofile.id, pofile.path, pofile.datecreated, pofile.date_changed from pofile left join potemplate on pofile.potemplate = potemplate.id where potemplate.source_file_format = 3 and pofile.path like '%.xpi' order by date_changed desc limit 3;23:05
cjwatson   id    |  path  |        datecreated         |        date_changed23:05
cjwatson 1296371 | ia.xpi | 2010-01-28 20:35:57.113959 | 2017-03-03 17:30:22.90255523:05
cjwatson  597359 | oc.xpi | 2008-04-15 19:33:07.436437 | 2016-10-10 07:48:45.30284123:05
cjwatson 1295804 | oc.xpi | 2010-01-27 08:31:49.812962 | 2016-10-10 07:48:03.92833123:05
cjwatson(3 rows)23:05
cjwatsonNot obviously all that active, though surprisingly recent23:05
cjwatson/ubuntu/+source/firefox last seems to have had translations in natty23:09
cjwatsonSo I'm tempted to add a feature flag to make that importer raise some clearly-named exception, deploy, wait a month or so, and if we don't see that exception anywhere in OOPS reports or poimport logs, nuke it from orbit23:28
wgrantWouldn't anything in the last month either have its TIQE still exist or have updated date_changed one one of those two tables?23:29
cjwatsonRight, but just in case I missed something23:29
wgrantLet's delete it now, and add it back when the ghost of asac gets its revenge.23:30
wgrantI really don't see any reason to be cautious here23:31
cjwatson*shrug* OK, fair enough23:31
cjwatsonI guess it's easy enough to revert if needed23:31
wgrantI also said last night it had probably been a decade since it was used23:31
wgrantAnd your data says nine years23:31
cjwatsonDid you have a specific memory of something being deleted there or was it a good educated guess?23:32
wgrantNo specific memory, but that was around the time Chromium came into the picture and so Firefox switched to its rapid release schedule.23:33

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