
arooniis there a way when i plug in headphones audio can be set to 40% or something?  it hurts my ears when i forget to test volume before switching output from speakers => headphones (18.04)00:26
MarkB3I have a medium-length program, 500-600 lines, that I can compile via make and it links up and runs.  I compile the same program via Eclipse and the program crashes because of an exception thrown by a very low-level routine that isn't part of the program itself... it's supposed to be in a library somewhere.. and must be in a library somewhere because the program links and runs with a fairly simple Makefile.00:41
bpromptarooni:  I assume it may just be a DM volume control applet, I use something called "pavucontrol", is a GTK app IIRC, and you can set both volumes separately for each audio output device00:41
stefandxmMarkB3: output would help. of the crash.00:42
sarnoldMarkB3: can you pastebin the error message ? It'd probably be helpful to see the makefile and program, too, but lets start with the error :)00:42
stefandxmMarkB3: but yes., you probably lineked something that its not in your "global" runtime path00:43
MarkB3Let me get the good stuff organized.  Gentlemen, your time *IS* appreciated.  I've been running around in circles for far too long...00:43
MarkB3I can't do a cut-and-paste from Eclipse.. can I post screen snaps to a pastebin?00:45
sarnoldif you select the text aznd hit ^C will that do it? quite often applications that don't support select often support ^C00:48
sarnoldI know there's pastebins that accept images, https://imgur.com/ hosts loads but I don't know how much work it is to upload one00:49
MarkB3Okay... got the screen snap.  The makefile is easy (only text).00:49
stefandxmyou can just run the program outside of eclipse00:49
MarkB3stefandxm: As dumb as it sounds, I haven't tried that.  just for the grins... one moment, I'll give it a shot.00:49
stefandxmrun it from a terminal00:50
stefandxmso you can get the std/out/err00:50
MarkB3SONAVB**CH.  IT RUNS in a terminal00:50
MarkB3Pardon my French... WTF??00:50
stefandxmi guess eclipse sets your running path wrong or the ld_library path00:51
stefandxmdo you depend on libraries (usually .so) from the same path?00:51
stefandxmor data files?00:51
sarnoldMarkB3: some of the routines may depend upon a working terminal?00:51
stefandxmsame/relative path00:51
MarkB3I *set* LD_LIBRARY_PATH in eclipse.  Let me go check.. This is NUTS.  Absolutely NUTS.. and I know it's ME on the nutty side.00:51
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stefandxmhow do you set it?00:54
stefandxmmaybe you set it hard?00:54
stefandxmi dont know eclipse00:54
stefandxmbut if you set it absolutely and dont include the global ld_ ibrary path you might miss out on the system libraries00:55
stefandxmi would assume you need somethinlike GLOBALLIBRARYPATH;your stuff00:55
MarkB3I owe you guys a beer.00:55
MarkB3There is a setting, deep in the bowels of eclipse and part of the launch configuration.00:57
MarkB3It's a radio button.  One setting says, "Append environment to native environment".  The other setting is "Replace native environment with specified environment".00:57
MarkB3It was set to "Replace..."00:58
NyleIs there any program that can summarize a pdf file?00:58
Nylea document00:58
MarkB3I set it to "Append" and it runs.. at least it runs past the point of massive disgusting awful crash.00:58
MarkB3stefandxm, I've been trying to get this running for, and I kid you not, MONTHS.00:59
Nylehttps://smmry.com/ this site has it, you upload PDF and it can do that. But what are they using?00:59
NyleIt's got to be some automated tool, using some lib or program00:59
stefandxmMarkB3: no worries :)00:59
NyleI can even use a python lib, I can code. Just need to figure out what00:59
MarkB3sarnold: It does allocate a terminal for input/output. .. but that was already set.01:00
stefandxmMarkB3: its the small stuff :)01:00
stefandxmMarkB3: but trying to run from a bare shell is a good exercise everytime01:00
sarnoldMarkB3: oof, pty stuff?01:00
stefandxmMarkB3: big stuff like eclipse tend to hide a lot stuff01:00
MarkB3sarnold: Not in my code.  Eclipse "connects" a terminal to it's console window, making it easy for things like scanf() and printf() to work properly.01:01
MarkB3And, yes, this can run from a normal console.01:01
sarnoldMarkB3: ahhhhh, I see. I hadn't realized; my recollection of those kinds of tools is that they just hooked up stdio descriptors and didn't bother with the full terminal01:02
sarnoldthat's cool, embedding a real terminal is way more useful01:02
stefandxmsarnold: every process get its environment01:02
stefandxmsarnold: doesnt matter how its launched01:02
MarkB3sarnold: Honestly, I don't know how Eclipse does 90% of the stuff it does... and of that, it's kind of by osmosis.01:02
stefandxmsarnold: but the environment is not dynamically updated so it it could be old01:03
MarkB3Eclipse falls into the category of "non-trivial programs".01:03
stefandxmsarnold: but if it just spawned the stdio it would still inherit the parameters it had when it launched01:03
stefandxmeclipse fall into junk sw ;p01:03
sarnoldstefandxm: and eclipse may not have a controlling terminal01:03
stefandxmi f**n hate it :D01:03
stefandxmsarnold: but it has a parent process which holds the environment01:03
stefandxmsarnold: its basic *nix01:04
MarkB3Eclipse has it's positive points.  For Native Java debugging it's hard to beat.01:04
MarkB3Not so good at Python, though.01:05
stefandxmintellij is a bit less horrible than eclipse imo01:05
stefandxmbut i tend to use netbeans instead01:05
stefandxmi try not to touch python01:05
stefandxmbut its all personal :)01:06
Mystifiedhi all, have a 2-1 laptop, are youys able to share how increase the size of the touch screen keys while in tablet mode. Thanks in advance01:10
MarkB3This program of mine attempts to bind to port 57344 to answer remote requests.  But bind() is returning -1 with errno set to "Address already in use".  netstat(1) does not show anything listening on port 57344.  Nice.  How do I find out what program has that port open?01:21
stefandxmi dont know01:22
stefandxmbut did it run before?01:22
stefandxmif so probably an old process of "yourself"01:22
stefandxmie ps aux|grep <your process name>01:22
stefandxmand kill it01:22
MarkB3Y'know, my stupidity is really showing this evening.  Remember that I saw this running on a bare console?  Oops.. forgot to terminate that instance...01:22
stefandxmnot sure about netstat though01:22
MarkB3About now is when I should turn everything off and go to bed... but, nope.. I'm a glutton for punishment, especially when it's self-inflicted.  :-)01:23
stefandxmpython does that01:24
sarnoldMarkB3: ss -t -n state time-wait01:25
sarnoldMarkB3: probably the socket is in TIME_WAIT01:25
MarkB3More like it was in OPERATOR_STUPID .  Can't believe I did that.01:26
sarnoldaha :)01:26
stefandxmMarkB3: its a good learning though01:26
stefandxmalways (re)trace your own steps01:26
stefandxmif it worked "before" its often self made01:27
sarnoldand also, don't check in anything after $late at night :)01:27
MarkB3A long time ago I was asked if I could teach some bit of the calculus in Second Life.01:27
stefandxmsarnold: that doesnt work when you have (small) kids ;-)01:27
sarnoldstefandxm: lol01:27
MarkB3But I didn't have a way to draw a curve in real-time.01:27
MarkB3So I wrote this hairy-butt program pair... one piece lives in a virtual environment, the other on the home 'puter...01:28
MarkB3.. and it ran find for years.01:28
MarkB3ran *fine* for years.01:28
MarkB3Then I decided to try upgrading to Scilab 6.0.2 and <groan> Not nice.01:28
MarkB3All because of that little switch.01:28
sarnoldI'd pay extra to disable OPERATOR_STUPID01:29
stefandxmi just want freebsd :D01:31
stefandxmbut corporate BS is ruining that for me :)01:31
MarkB3I'm pleased to announce success.01:31
sarnoldMarkB3: woot!01:31
stefandxmwhat are you making mark?01:32
MarkB3I'm logged into Second Life, and just did a y = cos(x) curve.  it's gonna take me DAYS to calm down after these months of lusing my  mind.01:32
MarkB3The program is a "shim" between Second Life and Scilab (http://www.scilab.org).01:33
MarkB3it lets me draw curves in a virtual environment in real-time.01:33
MarkB3It also lets me insult others by remote control.  :-)01:33
stefandxmhehe ok01:33
stefandxmiam an old graphics programmer01:34
stefandxmbut i would just do it myself for that reason :)01:34
stefandxmor use wolfram alpha or matlab or whatever01:34
sarnoldthose cost money though, don't they?01:34
stefandxmnot wolfram alpha01:34
MarkB3You can purchase a Raspberry Pi and get Mathematica on a Pi for free.  Think it's Student Mathematica, though.  Still ... nice software.01:35
sarnoldbut if you wanted programmatic acceess to WA probably they'd charge :) -- and man it's slow :/01:35
stefandxmi once wrote a tool for osx to use mathmetica as a calculator :D01:35
sarnoldMarkB3: no kidding? the last student mathematica I had cost a fair chunk of change :)01:36
MarkB3With my little tinkertoy program, I can type an expression in-world.  The expression is picked up and transmitted to the home 'puter and sent into Scilab.01:36
MarkB3Scilab does the heavy lifting and creates line segment information which is then transmitted back in-world.01:36
MarkB3The in-world end manipulates graphics primitives... and a graph pops out.01:36
MarkB3sarnold: Mathematica "for real" isn't cheap.  But run a google search for Raspberry Pi and Mathematica and see what you get.01:37
sarnoldyeah, this looks kinda spendy :) https://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/pricing/home-hobby/01:37
stefandxmwe had free full mathematica at our uni01:38
stefandxmbut the uni still promoted matlab which sucked01:38
stefandxmmathematica is 10x better. or was01:38
stefandxmi mean mathematica is somewhat type safe01:38
MarkB3Scilab is a free open-source Matlab look-alike.  IMHO, a lot easier to use.01:38
sarnoldI never got the hang of using it For Real though -- all the amazing stuff in The Book and on the internet looked so cool, but I couldn't get beyond the basics with it01:38
stefandxmforget a ' in M and youll still have an answer. in the wrong dimesion :D01:38
MarkB3I did my MS paper using Mathematica.01:38
stefandxmand when you comibe some algs in matlab.. its horribly dangerous01:39
stefandxmlike writing C89 in 202001:39
stefandxmwho would do that :o01:39
MarkB3Me.  :-)01:39
stefandxmstop it01:39
MarkB3All my C coding practices are from K&R The C Programming Language, 1st edition.01:40
stefandxmthen step it up01:40
stefandxmlearn c++, rust or c9901:40
MarkB3I'm slowly picking my way through C++ and Java along with some C#.01:40
stefandxmi heard good of rust. but iam a c++ junkie myself01:40
stefandxmnot touching java01:40
stefandxmc# is ok01:41
stefandxmi mean, if you take out the gimmickery01:41
MarkB3<heh>  Have you ever heard of "Duff's Device" ?01:41
stefandxmbeer can?01:41
stefandxmwhats the name btw01:42
MarkB3It's a programming construct in C that had a lot of people irritated.01:42
stefandxmof the switch/select hack01:42
stefandxmits duff device01:42
stefandxmi knew it :)01:42
stefandxmhand me another beer lol01:43
MarkB3I read somewhere that C# doesn't permit Duff's Device.. and trying it gets the compiler to spit up a specialized error message: "Not HERE!"01:44
MarkB3Or something like that.01:45
stefandxmnot that i know off01:45
stefandxmits just a matter of alignment01:45
stefandxmloops unrolling was a big thing before01:46
stefandxmbut i mean01:46
stefandxmi used to rewrite entire loops with assembler01:46
stefandxmits not really a programming hack01:46
stefandxmits more of a conformation thing01:47
stefandxmto the cpu/platform you are targetting01:47
MarkB3I still do assembly language.  About the best way to get the most bang for the buck.01:47
stefandxmi dont01:47
stefandxmunless i am coding emulators01:48
stefandxmwhich i am not01:48
MarkB3I did some DSP programming a while back and it has a MAC (multiple-accumulate) instruction.01:48
stefandxmsometimes you have to dig in01:48
stefandxmbut its rare01:48
MarkB3Set up three registers, do a MAC, and it would do IIR and FIR filters at machine-clock rate.01:48
stefandxmnowadays i dont do any coding01:49
stefandxmi mean, not really01:49
stefandxmit happens but not really01:49
MarkB3All I do nowadays, for work, is LabVIEW programming.01:49
stefandxmwhats labview?01:50
padarchey guys, beginner here. If i set my monitor anything above 60hz in the settings and logout, my monitor says "input not supported" on the login screen and all i see is a black screen, it works fine once i logged in though with 144hz ... really weird. Any suggestions where to look why this happens?01:50
MarkB3It's a dataflow instruments language.  http://www.ni.com .01:50
stefandxmi googled it briefly01:50
stefandxmbut how does it differ to matlab/simulink/mathemtica?01:50
Psi-JackMarkB3 But you will need a shrubbery, first.01:51
Psi-JackSounds like off-topic though, for this channel, guys. :)01:51
MarkB3psi-Jack: Okay.. I'll bite... "shrubbery" ?01:51
MarkB3stefandxm, sarnold: thank you.  It's running.  I am greatly relieved.01:54
MarkB3And now I'm off to bed.  Tomorrow is another day.01:54
stefandxmnighty :)01:54
stefandxmnow go learn some serious language01:55
sarnoldpadarc: maybe check xrandr output to see what the monitor claims it can support?01:56
padarcsarnold, 1920x1080 143.88*+ ... but now it gets really weird ... when i set the monitor to 99hz, the login screen shows, anything above it, it does not ... but it can run once i logged in at 144hz without problems ... the monitor menu also tells me it runs at 144hz.02:05
s3nd1v0g1uswhy cant i replce my login background image by editing gdm3.css? (19.10)02:05
padarcsarnold, but somehow the login screen thing only "supports" 99hz on my machine. Im confused02:06
sarnoldpadarc: heh, I didn't realize that you could easily change what happened at the login prompt02:06
padarcsarnold, i login, change the hertz and logout. thats how i do it02:07
s3nd1v0g1usAm i expressing it incorrectly: url(resource:///root/home/me/image.jpg);02:07
padarci can login blind, just hitting enter and typing the password :P02:07
sarnolds3nd1v0g1us: I've got several wild guesses: (a) try file:///  instead of resources:/// (b) what the heck is that /root/ doing in there?02:08
s3nd1v0g1usi tried file as well02:08
s3nd1v0g1usdoes root need not be there?02:08
s3nd1v0g1usill try that02:09
s3nd1v0g1usbut that is the correct file to edit yes?02:09
sarnoldwell, if you've stored your file in /root but you're not running as root you'll have trouble getting to the file02:10
s3nd1v0g1usso then just file:///home/me/file.jpg?02:11
sarnoldyeah, try that02:14
Mystifiedhi all, have a 2-1 laptop, are you guys able to share how increase the size of the touch screen keys while in tablet mode. Thanks in advance02:31
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TheRedRipperi ran the command sudo apt install teletalk, and a bunch of my stuff got deleted, including file manager, and it wont open02:53
sarnold!info teletalk02:55
ubottuPackage teletalk does not exist in eoan02:55
sarnold!info teletalk bionic02:55
ubottuPackage teletalk does not exist in bionic02:55
sarnoldI can'02:57
sarnoldt find any information about this teletalk package; where'd you find it?02:57
sarnoldyou use apt install whatevver to bring back the other packages you want02:57
sarnoldand /var/log/dpkg.log should have a list of what was done, though it's not the most legible file..02:57
leftyfbthere is no debian/ubuntu package anywhere. There are old shell scripts to install modem drivers, but none of those are supported here and I wouldn't go running them03:00
leftyfbTheRedRipper: what got deleted exactly and why do you say it got deleted?03:00
leftyfbTheRedRipper: also, what version of ubuntu are you running?03:01
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Mystifiedufw only has one app in the app list03:23
Mystifiedhow to update the list03:23
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sarnoldMystified: those apps are supplied by the installed packages03:26
sarnoldMystified: you can see what's installed in /etc/ufw/applcations.d -- and find the ones that are packaged via apt-file search /etc/ufw/applications.d/03:28
robertparkerxI've got a user I created for vsftpd. I gave it access to a path on a mounted drive only. It seems like it is working but I have noticed today I can use the details to connect via SCP/SFTP too. How can I stop that and ONLY allow ftp.03:28
leftyfbrobertparkerx: add the user to a DenyUsers list in sshd_config and/or disable the shell for the user (/bin/false)03:35
robertparkerxleftyfb do I need to restart my server after doing the DenyUsers in sshd_config03:38
robertparkerxisn't it shutdown -r now03:38
robertparkerxI forgot03:38
sarnoldsudo systemctl restart ssh  -- should do the job03:39
robertparkerxYep I think that did it03:41
robertparkerxI couldn't connect via SCP anymore03:41
robertparkerxThanks alot sarnold leftyfb03:43
sarnoldcan they still connect with vsftp?03:43
sarnoldnice nice03:44
robertparkerxI made users for rtorrent irssi znc mysql and redis. Some were installed on their own from packages but some were with no passwords. Should I check those to see if they can connect via ssh ?03:46
robertparkerxOr can they?03:46
sarnoldthat's a good idea03:47
sarnoldI also recommend disabling password authentication in ssh altogether03:47
sarnoldcheck vsftp too03:47
robertparkerxWell my root user is by key03:47
robertparkerxIs that better sarnold03:49
Mystifiedsarnold: I'm not nuch of a techie, the folder only has cups.03:49
Mystifiedhow do I add others03:49
Mystifiedsarnold:  btw thanks03:50
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sarnoldrobertparkerx: so long as those user accounts *can* authentication with passwords, then attackers on the internet can brute-force try passwords03:53
sarnoldMystified: you could write your own files for your services and contribute them back to the packagers if you wished03:53
Mystifiedi come from a time when the home pc had not arrived in schools system in the 80's. I have no no knowledge of coding or scripting. I use terminals via guides.03:57
MystifiedI wish I could do more but have zero understanding of building pkgs or making changes03:58
Mystifiedin other linux ufw has a list of packages un their folders03:59
stefandxmwhat is your question mystified?04:00
Mystifiedi wish to add qbittorrent to my applist, in 19.10 the app is not listed as an option.04:03
Mystifiedas stated the only app listed is cups in the app list04:04
sarnoldinteresting, there's a handful of bittorrent clients listed in https://git.launchpad.net/ufw/tree/profiles/ufw-bittorent04:06
stefandxmMystified: why not add a port range?04:07
stefandxmMystified: and configure the same range in the app you use?04:08
stefandxmfrom first example sudo ufw allow 6000:6007/tcp and sudo ufw allow 6000:6007/udp04:09
stefandxmjust add your port range04:09
stefandxmand add the same in your bittorent client04:09
stefandxmtbh thats how you usually add firewall rules04:12
stefandxmadding a program is very much a hack and intrusive04:12
stefandxmbut you might want to add more than 7 ports :)04:13
stefandxmmaybe a 2-3000 would be ok04:13
robertparkerxThis might be OT but could you make ubuntu server a NAS for windows machine(s)?04:16
stefandxmrobertparkerx: yes04:16
stefandxmrobertparkerx: just run samba04:16
stefandxmrobertparkerx: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-and-configure-samba#1-overview04:17
stefandxmsamba is "windows file sharing"04:17
robertparkerxI bookmarked this04:20
Mystifiedanother questions guys, I have a 2 in 1, the touch screen keys are to small how to make them larger.04:21
sarnoldsorry, no idea on that one04:22
sarnoldbut, you've been asking that at a fair rate, not too often, thanks for the patience :D04:22
Psi-JackSo, hmm. How does one actually change what GDM theme is used in Ubuntu 19.10 (or 18.04 for that matter?)04:39
Psi-JackIt looks, kind of to be and update-alternatives command, to change it, but, I installed tropic-gdm-theme, and see no gdm3.css file in the package at all.04:49
krytarikPsi-Jack: Given that one was last updated about 14 years ago, I'd be kind of surprised if it'd even work with the current version of GDM though. :305:02
Psi-Jackyeah.. Probably... Cruft.05:03
littlekimmyhow does my ISP block sites, I don't prefer to use VPN as it's slow05:16
lotuspsychjelittlekimmy: how does this relate to ubuntu?05:16
littlekimmyI intend to use dns that is unblocked, I use google's but still it's blocked05:16
Psi-Jacklittlekimmy: Contact ISP, Ask them.05:16
littlekimmyno ISPs don't help this is a linux issue05:17
Psi-JackNo, it's not.05:17
littlekimmywhat's the method they use to block ? so that i can unblock ? tell me05:17
lotuspsychjelittlekimmy: /join ##networking05:17
Mystifiedsarnold: I appreciate your assistance !05:26
littlekimmyhey i got kicked on ##networking05:28
littlekimmyso i ask here, how do i unblock using dns request hiding05:28
littlekimmyI'd like ubuntu to hide those dns requests os it's an ubuntu question05:29
Psi-JackIt's not an Ubuntu question.05:29
ducasselittlekimmy: helping you bypass isp blocking is against channel policy, so you won't get help with it here05:38
krytarikPsi-Jack: https://git.launchpad.net/~laney/yaru/+git/trunk/tree/debian/yaru-theme-gnome-shell.postinst - wrt your actual question though, this is how it's done on the Yaru theme, for example.05:40
Psi-JackHmmmmm.... Well that is something.05:40
Citizen-Se7enWhen updating my system via the terminal, should I use "apt" or "apt-get?"  Is there any real difference between the two?05:45
lotuspsychjeCitizen-Se7en: depends on your ubuntu version05:46
Citizen-Se7enlotuspsychje: I running 18.04 LTS05:46
lotuspsychjeCitizen-Se7en: then apt should do the trick for you05:46
Citizen-Se7enlotuspsychje: Awesome, thank you for your help.05:47
Citizen-Se7enlotuspsychje: Just out of curiosity, what's the actual difference between the two?05:55
Citizen-Se7enlotuspsychje: disregard, I did some poking around online and found my answer.  Thanks again for helping me earlier.06:04
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Tuorhow can I find out how often and when unattended-upgrades is being run?07:40
TuorHi (first...)07:40
ducasseTuor: it should be recorded in /var/log/apt/history.log i think07:50
konradosHello. I'm not a gamer, this is the first time I install a game in a long time, hence a pretty silly question. This game isn't managed by a package manager, it's just a zip file with a compiled app. Where am I supposed to unpack it? /usr/games/  or /usr/share/games/ or /usr/local/games/ ?08:07
lotuspsychjekonrados: you could try the #gamingonlinux community if you like08:21
konradoslotuspsychje, but I have this question also in case of everything else, not only games. I have a program, not managed by package manager, should it go to /usr/local/bin or /usr/share? I do already get that it should not go to /usr/bin because this dir is managed by package manager, but what about share vs local?08:24
konradosthanks for the gaming channel name though, I think I'll spend there some time :)08:24
rajwhich version of python does ubuntu 18.04 install?08:26
rajIf I install python308:26
geirhait depends on the game/app. Some gather all files in a single directory (the windows and mac way), while others like to spread them out into $prefix/lib $prefix/bin etc (the unix and linux way)08:26
lotuspsychje!18.04 | raj08:26
ubotturaj: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu and the current LTS release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes08:26
geirhafor the latter, /usr/local is a good place. For the former, I'd likely go with /opt/nameofapp/08:27
konradosraj my fresh 118.04 says Python 2.7.1708:27
rajthank you08:27
geirhapython 3.6.9 on 18.04.408:28
rajdoes installing `python` now refer to python 3?08:28
geirhano, python is still python208:28
konradosgeirha, ok, so ... never should I use  '/usr/share/xyz'? or '/usr/local/share'? I mean, when adding stuff manually?08:31
rajthank you geirha08:31
raj…oh he left?08:31
geirhakonrados: A good rule of thumb is to never touch /usr manually, only /usr/local08:31
lotuspsychje!dirs | konrados see also08:31
ubottukonrados see also: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier08:31
rajso weird, I can't highlight your geirha08:32
rajquirks of quassel I guess08:32
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lotuspsychje!tab | raj08:33
ubotturaj: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:33
konradosgeirha, got it, thank you!08:33
rajlol, yes I'm aware lotuspsychje08:33
bulgiewulgieIs there a way to get rid of snapd without breaking stuff or is it pretty much deeply infected into everything now?08:51
=== The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman
sixwheeledbeastbulgiewulgie: just purge the package, the only thing that will likely complain is apparmor and any snap packages you may have.08:58
bulgiewulgiecool, thank you08:58
Microwavmorning, quick question i have an issue with rsyslog after executing logrotate log files are not written anymore they stay at 0 bytes until i manually restart rsyslog08:59
Microwavrunning on 18.04.3 LTS08:59
Microwavmy log rotate was 3.11 but i manually build the 3.15 from source packages and that did not help either, should i see if there's a newer package for rsyslog that i should manually build?09:01
vltHello. I'm using olive-editor from ppa:olive-editor/olive-editor on Ubuntu 18.04.  Does anyone have an idea why the same project file with the same video source files on one of my machines renders with a silent audio track (even though the waveform is drawn in the preview clips)?09:02
vlt(And is there a more appropriate channel?)09:03
CarlFKvlt: what audio format are you encoding to, and do you have that installed?  (guessing no.  this is about all I can offer, other than have a look at shotcut (what I use09:18
zetheroowhen I am connected to my work VPN (openvpn) and I want to use Nautilus to browse the work network shares I get this error popup: 'failed to retrieve share list from server: connection timed out'10:06
zetheroothis is when I enter something like smb://servername/ in the Location or Connect to Server address bar10:06
zetheroobut I have no problem doing this for my home NAS10:07
Tuorducasse: I can see when It did run. I found out how I can see when it will: systemctl list-timers10:16
vltCarlFK: Thank you. I tried exporting (from olive) to the default audio codecs (pcm, aac) of several container formats. Judging by its command line output olive seems to use ffmpeg under the hood for the encoding. Using just ffmpeg to transcode single files works perfectly fine.10:19
vltCarlFK: The strange thing is that the expected audio track is present in the exported mp4 or mov file, but completely silent.10:20
vltzetheroo: Is it a tun or tap VPN?10:21
zetheroovlt: tun10:22
vltzetheroo: I'm no samba expert but *maybe* some broadcast messages don't make it to your side with a tun connection.10:27
ForzaHi. Does netplan support fixed+dhcp on a bond?10:38
=== satanist_ is now known as satanist
Microwavtcpdump for the win10:46
zetheroovlt: I was just informed by one of my colleagues in the office that they have the same problem10:47
ForzaOr is it supported in Ubuntu by any means?10:50
lotuspsychje!netplan | Forza10:54
ubottuForza: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/10:54
ForzaIm using systems-networks. I did try to look up the examples and doc but could not get it to work with both dhcp4 and fixed ip. Either on their own works. Netplan - - debug did not complain10:58
ForzaPerhaps it's networkd that doesn't like the combo11:00
lotuspsychjeForza: are you on ubuntu server?11:00
lotuspsychjeForza: come join at #ubuntu-server they might help you a better way over there11:01
ForzaThat's a thought. Thanks11:02
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
roryOn Ubuntu MATE you can hold alt then click and drag anywhere on a window to move it. Can such a feature be enabled on vanilla Ubuntu?12:14
lotuspsychjerory: you could check the hotkeys section in systemsettings, and maybe look at some tweaks in dconf-editor12:19
muhahaguys, is it normal that openvpn will not work with network manager out of the box?  seems there is missing permissions for creating tuntap device...12:20
Psi-Jackmuhaha: Huh? No.12:21
Psi-JackAnd, to create a tuntap device, that requires root. root has all permissions.12:22
muhahaSo how can network manager create tuntap device onbehalf then ?12:22
Psi-Jackbecause NetworkManager runs as root.12:22
muhahahm, seems there is another problem then :X12:23
muhahaMaybe wrong import of opn config file ?12:23
muhahasudo openvpn config.conf is working, but network manager can not connect12:23
melatoninaDoes anybody know the syntax to play an audio file via pulseaudio with ffplay?12:28
melatoninaThe online documentation is wrong12:28
NorthwestVeganmel, you should be able to just to ffplay -i song.mp312:31
melatoninathat won't use pulseaudio12:31
melatoninaand will fail is there is any other application playing back at the same time. Even if Spotify is paused12:31
NorthwestVegani mean, it plays for me, and im running pulse?12:32
melatoninaThe fact that you are running pulseaudio does not imply that ffplay is using pulseaudio to play your file12:32
=== stdedos43 is now known as stdedos
NorthwestVegani guess i dont understand the distinction12:34
melatoninaMy system is running pulseaudio, too. This is what happens if I play a file with ffplay: "No more combinations to try, audio open failed"12:34
melatoninaNorthwestVegan: pulseaudio uses some device driver. Audio device drivers comes in different kinds and can be accessed in different ways. On my system ffplay attempts to use ALSA drivers by default: "ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1108:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave12:36
melatoninaSDL_OpenAudio (1 channels, 44100 Hz): ALSA: Couldn't open audio device: Device or resource busy"12:36
NorthwestVeganmel, try this: ffmpeg -i ./Documents/numbers_station.mp3 -f pulse default12:44
frendaHi. My system cannot boot and remains on the following page: https://u.teknik.io/f0o1y.png12:46
frendaؤدغ هیثش؟12:48
frendaAny idea?12:49
Psi-JackEnglish please.12:49
frendaI can not boot my system. I even didn't any update on the previous session when I was logged in.12:49
melatoninaNorthwestVegan: that's what the docs suggest. Result:" Argument 'default' provided as input filename, but '/home/maurizio/Music/Selena Gomez - Back To You.wav' was already specified."12:51
NorthwestVegandid you use ffmpeg no?12:51
NorthwestVegandont do ffplay12:51
NorthwestVeganffplay gave me the same error12:52
NorthwestVeganbut ffmpeg worked12:52
NorthwestVeganand i was able to select alsa or pulse12:52
pragmaticenigmafrenda: Did you force power off your machine previously?12:53
frendano, i didn't12:54
pragmaticenigma!recovery | frenda , this is all I could suggest you try for now ... look through logs and look for errors in them :12:55
ubottufrenda , this is all I could suggest you try for now ... look through logs and look for errors in them :: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode12:55
frendaubottu "look through logs", in recovery mode?12:56
ubottufrenda: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:56
frendapragmaticenigma  ^12:57
pragmaticenigmafrenda: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles12:58
melatoninaNorthwestVegan: good point. In this case, I get: "[PulseAudio muxer @ 0x555cee47a080] Cannot connect context: Access denied." I'm trying to google about this message but I have no luck so far12:59
NorthwestVeganare you running the desktop and your terminal is logged in as the user running the desktop?12:59
frendapragmaticenigma ok thnx13:01
NorthwestVeganif i do the same command as a different user in my terminal i get "[PulseAudio muxer @ 0x564114344ac0] Cannot connect context: Access denied.13:01
NorthwestVeganso that would be my guess melatonin13:02
melatoninaNorthwestVegan: I was running the command from a console inside IntelliJ IDEA. I run the same command in a Terminal and it works. I don't know what is the difference13:02
NorthwestVeganyeah thats gotta be the problem13:03
melatoninaI'll need to run that command as subprocess of an application I routinely run in an IDEA terminal tab... What's the difference?13:05
NorthwestVeganidk mel, but i would google stuff about allowing pulse access to all users, or disable the checking of the pulse authorization13:08
NorthwestVegancause that seems the issue13:08
melatoninaNorthwestVegan: thanks. You helped me much.13:11
NorthwestVeganno problem :) hope you figure it out completely13:11
BluesKajHi folks13:20
tomreynfrenda: any luck? do you need more suggestions?13:26
ioriamelatonina, i haven't follow the entire discussion, but this might help : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58890173/intellij-terminal-behaving-differently-than-ubuntu-terminal-for-pulseaudio-pacmd13:27
x0n-what's the recommended method of installing ubuntu to USB with encrypted persistence?13:27
frendatomreyn: the root partition was full: 100%; I removed some bif files in /home/frenda and now It's working13:38
tomreynah very well. i noted i can't access https://u.teknik.io/f0o1y.png but apparently that's an issue with the resolver i'm using13:39
elohi have this code to save gps coords in txt file but it doesnt write in file13:51
tomreyneloh: looks like a php question?13:58
tomreynah this will be why you cross posted this to ##php13:59
code1o6Hi all, I wanted to make a custom ubuntu live cd. I'd like to include some files(python programs I wrote) and some .deb packages. Are there any tools to do this? is this the right channel to ask?14:29
furyso i have xset dpms 900 900 900 in my ~/.xinitrc, i occasionally manually type it in just for good measure, but still, some days, i come back and my monitors are still on. how do i get it to turn off my monitors for realsies, without it full-on going to sleep?14:31
pragmaticenigmacode1o6: Support here is for the officially offered Ubuntu flavors and packages offered in the official ubuntu repositories. You can try asking in #ubuntu-app-devel, but you're probably going to have more success researching. Here is a starting point: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization14:32
pragmaticenigmafury: Try setting each of those off by one... so 899 900 90114:32
furysounds good. will give that a shot. thanks! :)14:33
code1o6@pragmaticenigma, this is great link/resource although it is a bit outdated I think it should do the the trick with what I'm looking to do14:35
code1o6*sorry about the @ haha habit14:36
pragmaticenigmacode1o6: I'm not sure to what you are referring to. I have not spoken to you before14:37
code1o6pragmaticenigma, you just did a couple of minutes ago...14:42
pragmaticenigmasorry... had two people going at the same time14:43
pragmaticenigmacode1o6: that is all I can provide for assistance. You're welcome to build your own disk, but in most cases, it's easier to run the stock and then modify. Or leverage Preseed to preset what packages you want installed by default, but that does not provide a mechanism for installing your own custom applications (as far as I know)14:45
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code1o6pragmaticenigma, when you mean stock and then modify it. You mean make a clean install on a virtual machine, make my modification, and then repackage it to a livecd?14:47
Confuzzled2050Can someone please help explain (in simple terms) what the following error is, and how I might go about resolving it? "missing_dot_in_first_path_element/"14:56
tomreynwhere do you see it? context needed.14:57
Confuzzled2050Using Ubuntu server. Trying to "go build" a project.14:58
tomreynsounds like a "go" question then.14:59
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"14:59
Confuzzled2050Thank you, I'll ask in there.14:59
tomreynalso a web search for the error message should help14:59
tomreyn(it often does)14:59
Confuzzled2050I did. It confused me futher. I always check Google, before asking others for help.14:59
tomreynok, good :)15:00
pragmaticenigmaConfuzzled2050: since there are a lot of channels... Go offical channel is #go-lang15:02
Confuzzled2050Thank you. I'll join there now.15:02
Confuzzled2050There's no-one in #Go-land15:03
pragmaticenigmaConfuzzled2050: https://golang.org/help/15:04
pragmaticenigmaConfuzzled2050: Sorry... it was #go-nuts15:04
Confuzzled2050Yah, I'm in there now. Thanks.15:05
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p0athe latest ubuntu is kinda buggy for me,15:22
p0aI was writing stuff on emacs and somehow the control went over to firefox in the URL bar; the text I was writing was underlined, and there was an `e' that I couldn't erase15:23
p0athere was no way to regain control of where I was writing unless I pressed ente15:23
p0aI really can't reproduce this right now but I was wondering if this is something that you are aware of15:23
pragmaticenigmap0a: That sounds more like a user problem... possibly pressed Ctrl or Alt key by accident when reaching for the shift key?15:23
p0apragmaticenigma: not really -- it was buggy.15:24
p0apragmaticenigma: for example, the text in the URL bar was underlined. Also, it was impossible to delete the first `e' letter; opening a new tab would show a weird string15:24
p0apragmaticenigma: and switching to emacs would not allow me to write anything, all my keys were being sent to firefox15:24
p0aI mean, it's possible, but I really doubt15:26
pragmaticenigmap0a: That doesn't sound like a bug... I have never had firefox take over focus on its own. Something in the way you have configured your machine sounds to be the culprit. Look at disabling extensions and plugins... and also try to recreate the issue. If you can't recreate it, it's not something that can be fixed15:26
freakynlp0a: updated stuff whilst the apps were open? And no clue who you mean by 'you', this is mostly a community channel. Official way is the bugtracker, but kinda hard if you can't reproduce15:26
p0aupdated yeah, also firefox is vanilla15:26
p0aUnfortunately I can't reproduce :P I have no idea what happened15:26
ceed^What's the latest kernel package for Ubtunu 19.10? Is it: linux-image-5.3.0-40-generic ?15:32
leftyfbceed^: linux-image-generic15:32
theborgerwhat is the name of the package manager in 18.03? part of gnome i cant remember the name15:32
leftyfbtheborger: there is no ubuntu version 18.0315:33
leftyfbtheborger: Ubuntu uses apt, apt-get, dpkg15:33
leftyfbtheborger: if you're talking about GUI, then you might be referring to "Ubuntu Software"15:33
ceed^leftyfb: But what does it say when doing uname -a with the latest kernel installed?15:34
theborgerleftyfb: that is it yes GUI15:34
leftyfbceed^: depends on what kernel people have installed. What does it say when you type it? What is your issue exactly?15:34
leftyfb!info linux-image-generic15:36
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (eoan), package size 2 kB, installed size 16 kB15:36
ceed^leftyfb: Okay, so what does it say if you do a vanlilla ubuntu install and let the installer choose the kernel and you've done all the updates? That's all I need to know. Someone messed with my laptop and removed some kernels so now it says 5.3.0-29-generic.15:36
p0aceed^: wow15:37
p0asomeone walked up, grabbed your laptop and removed some kernel stuff?15:37
leftyfbceed^: apt-cache policy linux-image-generic  # this will show you the latest available kernel version. If it's not up to date, just run: sudo apt install linux-image-generic15:37
ceed^p0a: Yes, he was helping me to "fix" a wifi probllem. And it was fixed. Now I need to know what the latest pacakge is. Is it 5.3.0-29-generic ?15:38
leftyfbceed^: apt-cache policy linux-image-generic  # this will show you the latest available kernel version. If it's not up to date, just run: sudo apt install linux-image-generic15:38
theborgerleftyfb: thanks for the help15:38
ceed^leftyfb: Thanks! So it's That's all I needed to know :)15:39
leftyfbceed^: is that what apt told you?15:39
ceed^leftyfb: It's what ceed^: "apt-cache policy linux-image-generic" told me15:41
chullmy husband is using Ubuntu 18.04. It keeps freezing and he has to reboot. He can't speak and hear. He reads. He's got a problem with LibreOffice only loading part of his files. it opened pages for the files, but each one shows "page 1 of 1 | 0 words, 0 characters"15:45
chullI'm not sure how to help him. I think each page is in a different directory, so it's not a simple thing.15:46
fructosechull: What format are the files in?15:48
chullfructose, lovely to see you. He saves as .odt15:49
fructosechull: AbiWord and Apache OpenOffice should also be capable of opening ODT files15:51
chullfructose, this is true. I'm not sure he can tell which files they were, or where in his computer.15:52
fructosechull: find ~/ -type f -iname "*.odt" 2> /dev/null15:56
tomreynchull: greetings to you ans your husband. about the freezes, can you post     journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999      and      journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999     - this would share what was logged during the previous and current kernel runtime15:56
tomreyn* anD15:56
fructosechull: Running that command should show every ODT file stored in the home directory15:56
chullok.. tomreyn fantastic to see you!15:57
chullI'm not sure how to help him. I think each page is in a different directory, so it's not a simple thing.15:57
chulloops. there are 12 or so documents that opened properly and six that did not. The ones that did not say (Remote)15:57
tomreynso those must have been opened from a network share or other remote location which is not available now.15:58
tomreynit could also be a storage that is not currently connected / not found by Libreoffice.16:00
ceed^leftyfb: I now know what the guy did to help me get wifi working again: Removed latest kernel: linux-image-5.3.0-40-generic since it breaks my Intel wifi connection. I'm now back on linux-image-5.3.0-29-generic and wifi works.16:00
chulltomreyn, hmm he's only got the one hard drive that i know of.16:01
chulltomreyn, do you have a cat command that can pastebin the results of the command you gave?16:02
p0achull: take a look at termbin16:03
tomreynchull: those commands should post something online and just return a URL16:03
chulloh great sorry16:03
p0achull: https://termbin.com/16:03
chull journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 999916:04
chulljournalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999916:05
nasvksHello all, I tried download the following Vagrant box - https://app.vagrantup.com/ubuntu/boxes/disco64. Not sure whether that's supported by Ubuntu or not, so please ignore if not. When I run 'vagrant up' it looks for the box at https://vagrantcloud.com/ubuntu/boxes/disco64/versions/20200122.0.0/providers/virtualbox.box and redirects to https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/disco/current/disco-server-cloudimg-amd64-vagrant.box which presents me16:06
nasvkswith a 404 Not Found. I've looked at the file list at cloud-images.ubuntu.com but can't seem to find the box. I'm going to try a different box but thought that this might be worth reporting.16:06
leftyfbnasvks: Ubuntu 19.04 is EOL16:07
p0aI thought 19.04 is TLS16:07
p0aI mean, LTS *16:07
leftyfbp0a: negative16:07
leftyfbp0a: 18.04 is LTS16:07
leftyfbp0a: 20.04 will be LTS16:08
p0aleftyfb: that explains why my OS upgraded to 19.1016:08
leftyfbp0a: Ubuntu will never upgrade to the next release on it's own16:08
p0aleftyfb: Well -- yeah. You know what I mean16:08
Guest5628damn nickserv16:09
nasvksAhhh, I see. Well perhaps that version should be deleted from the Vagrant Cloud then.16:10
chalcedonychull i'm here16:10
Guest5628could i pick some brains, doing fresh install from liveusb, asking for partitions for ntfs m.2 hdd, dont know what to select or how much space16:11
pragmaticenigmanasvks: Perhaps, but we are volunteers here, and Vagrant is not a part of Canonical or Ubuntu. So even if it was a supported version, you would need to reach out to them16:11
leftyfbnasvks: feel free to contact Vagrant16:11
nasvksGot it. Thanks for info.16:12
Oolyou can use vagrant with your own image16:12
leftyfbor just pick an image that's current and supported16:13
Guest5628dev.sda1 as ntfs is the drive i want to use, needs formating but not sure what to format it into.16:13
nasvksYeah, I was looking to quickly spin up a version that shipped with Kea 1.4 to test something specific. Can't find a Bionic backport for it. Anyway, not to worry! Thank you all :)16:16
tomreynchull: this system is running a 4.15 linux kernel on a somewhat recent Ryzen 5 2600X CPU. it may be wise to use a more recent kernel there, namely:16:16
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:16
chalcedonywow that might explain what's wrong16:16
tomreynchull: what also puzzles me is that these logs cut off very early. this could be caused by disks running full. does    df -h | grep -v ^/dev/loop   or     df -hi | grep -v ^/dev/loop    report "100%" on the "Use" or "IUse" columns?16:20
tomreyn* "Use%" or "IUse%" columns16:20
Guest5628how do i use my nick insted of guest? im so old now16:20
tomreyn!register | Guest562816:21
ubottuGuest5628: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.16:21
chalcedonyhmm looking tomreyn16:23
Guest5628can someone please help, im stuck at formating hdd for install.16:26
leftyfb!register | Guest562816:26
ubottuGuest5628: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.16:26
leftyfbGuest5628: are you looking to keep anything on your drive or just use the entire thing for ubuntu?16:26
Guest5628!register  khanm78 Leona200216:26
ubottuGuest5628: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:26
p0aGuest5628: I think you just gave away your username and passwored16:26
Guest5628how to change guest to my nick?16:26
leftyfbGuest5628: please go to the link for instructions. And use a different and better password16:26
leftyfbGuest5628: click on the link16:27
Guest5628its a throw away one.16:27
leftyfbGuest5628: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration16:27
p0aGuest5628: good. Hope you don't use that password for other services.16:27
p0a(if you do, time to change it)16:27
chalcedonytomreyn, df -hi | grep -v ^/dev/loop  everything shows IUse% 1% dev/sda1 Inodes 117M IUsed 677K 116M = 1% /  is the most16:28
Guest5628no lol, this is first time using xchat so always use a throw away account till i learn then remake with better details.16:28
chalcedonychull ^16:28
Guest5628i have registered the nick it identifys me but wont change from guest to nick.16:29
chalcedonyGuest5628, hexchat is the newer XChat16:29
Guest5628!regain khanm7816:29
leftyfbGuest5628: please type /join #freenode       and ask for help there16:29
Guest5628ok joined but name still guest, also says im already logged in as my nick, khanm7816:31
chalcedonytomreyn, i pastebinned his results https://pastebin.com/sjUAyMEK16:32
leftyfbGuest5628: ask for help with your nick in that channel. Stop asking for help with your nick here16:32
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
Psi-JackSimonNL_Afk: Away nick changes? Bad idea.16:33
Guest5628kk ty16:33
Psi-JackSimonNL_Afk: Also, against channel policy.16:33
Guest5628just an update, didnt mean to segway to nickserv, actualy wanted help with install, install is asking for hdd configuration, would like to know what format I should use for the ntfs drive i want to use16:35
leftyfbGuest5628: are you looking to keep anything on your drive or just use the entire thing for ubuntu?16:35
leftyfbGuest5628: also, you don't use ntfs for ubuntu16:35
Guest5628no i already formated it, just want to install destro16:35
compdoclet ubuntu format your drive16:36
leftyfbGuest5628: you don't need to format to install ubuntu. It will take care of it. Please answer my question above16:36
Guest5628all drive for instal keep nothing16:37
Guest5628window is showing devices and type, not just selct and next16:37
leftyfbGuest5628: what version of ubuntu are you installing?16:38
Guest5628when i try and use the auto drive select it only shows my 1tb, but i want to use the 250gb drive, also its kubuntu 18.04 lts16:39
leftyfbGuest5628: start the install over, pick "Guided - use entire disk" from this window https://userbase.kde.org/images.userbase/thumb/c/c6/Disksetup-15_10.png/800px-Disksetup-15_10.png16:40
Guest5628yes i have that option but it selects the wrong drive.  guided instal only has sdb1 ntfs 1tb as an option, i am trying to use  sda1 250gb option.16:43
leftyfbpower off your computer and unplug all other drives. Then start the install over16:43
Guest5628kk ill give taht a go. know its anoying but thanks for sticking with this old guy.16:44
tomreynchalcedony: sorry, i got distracted. so the disk did not run full. there must be some other reason why the logs did not transfer fully. but i suggest you do the kernel upgrade first of all.16:51
chalcedonytomaw, we started it, i assume it downloaded. He went to sleep.16:53
tomreyni see, ok16:53
chalcedonytomaw, what needs to be done next? can i do it with putty?16:53
tomreynif you downloaded and installed the newer kernel and X as doscussed on the wiki, you'd need to reboot.16:54
chalcedonyhe can do that.16:54
chalcedonythank you much :)16:54
tomreynyou're welcome.16:55
linextis it possible to reach the GRUB boot prompt by tapping ESC during boot?17:20
SimonNL_Afkwhere does this all of a sudden come from doing it for more then 3 years already17:21
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
Psi-JackSimonNL: Please disable that.17:21
Psi-JackSimonNL: It's actually in /topic, channel policies.17:21
SimonNLI have no intention17:21
Psi-JackDon't use public away messages17:22
ElliriaHey there, how do I reach a package maintainer if they're listed on Launchpad, but no public email is provided?17:48
sarnoldubuntu doesn't really have 'package maintainers'; it's probably best to file a bug report17:49
sarnoldthat way, anyone who has subscribed to bug mails for that package can see it17:49
ElliriaOkay, thank you.17:50
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=== lepusfelix is now known as luckybunny
kenperkinsIs there an easy way to switch between stereo and mono+mic for bluetooth on ubuntu?18:32
kenperkinsI discovered that spotify doesn't respect the window scaling factor, but you can override it with a command line flag. I found 2 spotify.desktop files, both in /snap/spotify, which one should I edit? they are both marked as read-only18:46
sarnoldbecause they are stored in a squashfs you can't modify them directly; you'll get new ones as the snap is updated, too18:47
sarnoldyou *might* be able to use a bindmount on top of the thing to make the file editable, but that's a wild guess18:47
kenperkinssarnold: great tip; so what should I do?18:47
sarnoldkenperkins: I'd file a bug report with the snap authors, they might as well know that people want to scale their app :)18:47
ActionParsnipMax0815: if its your system partition and you aren't using LVM then you will need to boot to Ubuntu live CD and resize there. You can use Gparted there. Be sure to run a full backup incase of catastrophe18:48
sarnoldkenperkins: I'm not sure off-hand how to do the bindmount to replace the file..18:48
pragmaticenigmaActionParsnip: Whom are you talking to... there is no Max0815 in the channel?18:49
kenperkinshmm, I found another one in /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications18:49
ActionParsnippragmaticenigma: my bad18:49
ActionParsnippragmaticenigma: long day18:49
pragmaticenigmathat's okay ActionParsnip ... i'm off to a meeting myself18:50
ActionParsnippragmaticenigma: eugh. Enjoy18:50
ActionParsnipkenperkins: if you install using the PPA rather than the snap is it any different?18:52
kenperkinsI can't say, but editing it in var/lib/snapd worked18:53
kenperkinsthe joys of high dpi :D18:54
pragmaticenigmaI don't think the PPA is as up-to-date as the snap18:54
ActionParsnipkenperkins: so? What's in the newer version that you need so badly?18:54
pragmaticenigmafor spotify? they had a recent revamp of features18:55
kenperkinsI don't need a new version; i don't really care which version it is, I just need to edit the .desktop file to add --force-device-scale-factor18:56
ActionParsnippragmaticenigma: between the version in the snap and the PPA?18:56
kenperkinsI just used "ubuntu software" to install it, which gave me the snap version18:56
pragmaticenigmaActionParsnip: The last update to the PPA was July 201918:57
ActionParsnipAhh insee18:57
ActionParsnipI see *18:58
ActionParsnipPPA is 1.1.10 snap is 1.1.2619:01
ActionParsnipSounds like a minor change to me with the version numbers but if it's what's in the app then it's what's in the app19:01
de-facto,v linux-modules-extra19:02
kenperkinsok, on the subject of power consumption, I can't help but feel like I'm getting horrible results (brand new laptop) how can i tell what my power usage looks like?19:02
kenperkinsand do I need power management packages?19:02
de-facto!version linux-modules-extra19:03
de-factohow does that bot work again?19:03
de-facto!info linux-modules-extra19:04
ubottuPackage linux-modules-extra does not exist in eoan19:04
de-facto!search  gspca_touptek.ko19:08
de-factohow can i find the source code package for  gspca_touptek.ko in 5.0.0-38-generic ?19:10
de-facto!find gspca_touptek.ko19:11
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 17113 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gspca_touptek.ko&searchon=names&suite=eoan&section=all19:11
sarnoldde-facto: apt-file search gspca_touptek.ko  -- then take one of the results, "apt-cache show <packagename>" and look for the Source: header19:12
de-factoi am not on that machine trying to help someone19:12
jaxxstarguys can someone help with installing and configuring a vpn in ubuntu i3wm19:12
de-factohe got an ubuntu with  5.0.0-38-generic19:12
ActionParsnipInstall openvpn and use that jaxxstar19:12
sarnoldde-facto: none of those commands need to be run "on the machine", just from a matching distribution19:15
de-factoyeah even dont have that, im still on 18.0419:15
jaxxstar@ActionParsnip, yeah i installed openvpn19:16
jaxxstarbut how do i configure it without gnome?19:16
sarnoldthe easy way is to install network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome  and then launch them from within nm-applet19:17
kenperkinsis there any way to configure systemd-resolve to use specific dns servers on a per network (or wifi ssid) basis?19:24
kenperkins I keep getting SERVFAIL from the wifi I'm on and I want to force it to quad9 or what not19:25
wrkrcoopanyone know how to install nvidia drivers?19:28
kenperkinsI've done it before; google worked exceptionally well for me, `apt search nvidia-driver`19:31
Menzador|WorkThe Discord snap won't open without forcing me to download the .deb or .tar.gz image to update it. Do I need to contact the developer for this one?19:33
Menzador|Work(one moment)19:34
ducasseMenzador|Work: snaps are not supported here, you need to talk to the developer19:43
Menzador|Workducasse: thanks, I'll scream at -- I mean, talk to the developers19:47
logikoshi, I installed xubuntu-dekstop on a ubuntu installation with unity cause I prefer xfce, however some applications seem to have some globalmenu integration thing where the menu appears in the indicator plugin on one of the pannels19:50
logikoshow do i disable that please?19:50
DeeJayTwoIs there any process accounting tool that takes values each minute for all processes and let me graph how a process behave minute per minute?19:50
sarnoldDeeJayTwo: https://pcp.io/ is *really* comprehensive19:53
kenperkinssimilarly, is a tool that shows me power usage on a per minute basis?19:53
DeeJayTwosarnold: Thank you!19:54
logikosI have unity and xubuntu both and i want to disable the global menu in xubuntu, how do i do that please so that it displays in the application instead of in the indicator plugin?20:05
klaasvakieguys, trying to report a bug against systemd (237) on 19.10. launchpad says to use freedesktop.org bugzilla, freedesktop.org bugzilla says to use freedesktop.org gitlab and freedesktop.org gitlab doesn't have a systemd project. Please tell me where to go. I take it upstream won't be interested since 237 is too old20:22
klaasvakieapologies, thats systemd 237 on 18.0420:23
sarnoldubuntu-bug systemd   ought to do the trick20:24
klaasvakiesarnold, thanks.20:29
ufohi all.  i'm having an issue where i get dropped into an initramfs prompt on boot, it's trying to find /dev/sda2 but that device does not exist when i ls /dev/sd*20:55
ufois there any way i can check the partitions to find out what device the root is on?  i'm assuming they got enumerated differently20:56
ufothe person who set this up did not use UUID. :(20:56
geniiBest way is boot a liveusb/livecd, mount the partitions from there and figure out which is the root and so on. Then change the old fstab file to mount y the UUID20:58
ufoah ok.  should i just do "halt"20:59
ufoto get out of initramfs prompt20:59
geniiSince no files are opened on any physical devices at this point, you can just safely use the power switch to power off21:01
rangergordDoes Qt5 have a "meta" package to download all the core components? Or am I supposed to be installing libqt5gui5, libqt5qml5, etc, individually by myself?21:20
oerheksrangergord, i think you want qt5-default21:22
oerheks!info qt5-default21:23
ubottuqt5-default (source: qtbase-opensource-src): Qt 5 development defaults package. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.12.4+dfsg-4ubuntu1.1 (eoan), package size 23 kB, installed size 165 kB21:23
rangergordthanks oerheks . I wasted my time going through the libqt5* list. And it didn't show up in "apt-cache rdepends libqt5gui5"21:25
mspois anyone else getting this? https://github.com/tianon/docker-brew-ubuntu-core/issues/17321:26
ferrusHas anyone installed Ubuntu on a multipath volume (eg. SAN Boot)?  I've installed RHEL/Centos servers like this, but this is my first time installing Ubuntu onto a diskless blade.  Multipath just doesn't seem to work with the installer.21:32
leftyfbferrus: try #ubuntu-server21:37
ferrusokay, thanks21:38
TJ-ferrus: have you read "Installing with Multipath Support" at https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/device-mapper-multipathing-setup  ?21:42
ferrusYeah, I added 'install disk-detect/multipath/enable=true' to the boot options, but the installer still show the paths as four distinct devices (no /dev/.../mpath).  Don't know if I'm getting the syntax wrong on the boot screen, tried it before and after the ---, and before AND after21:47
TJ-ferrus: hmmmm!21:48
ufogenii: thanks. it changed to /dev/sdi2 v_v22:06
geniiufo: Glad to assist22:21
ufoso since grub autogenerated this config file and it was looking for root=/dev/sda2, what can i change to have it set root=UUID=blah22:40
ufoi'm assuming that's a file in /etc/default/grub22:40
bray90820_Do you think a 2008 Mac Mini would be a good machine to run ubuntu on for 24/7 audio podcasting?22:41
ufogenii: if you're still here :D22:42
tomreynufo: /etc/default/grub IS a file. and you wouldn't usually set root= there, but have grub determine it automatically.22:46
ufoah yeah, i think i meant /etc/grub.d22:46
ufosome kind of custom rule file?22:46
tomreyni'm not sure what exactly you're trying to do, and on which ubuntu version22:47
ufoit's 18.04.4 LTS (Bionic Beaver)22:47
ufogrub is setting root=/dev/sda2 instead of using the UUID22:47
ufoand my drive devices got reordered so i would like to make it use UUID so that doesn't happen again22:48
tomreyncan you post /boot/grub/grub.cfg to a pastebin, or at least the "menuentry 'Ubuntu'"'s "search", "linux" and "initrd" lines?22:49
tomreynufo: ^22:49
tomreyni think having root=/dev/sda2 on the "linux" line is actually entirely normal, you just need to make sure that the "search" line points to the right --fs-uuid22:53
ufoisn't grub.cfg static until the next time it regenerates on a kernel update or something?22:55
ufoit regenerated just now and now points to the correct /dev/sdi2...  for now22:55
ufountil it changes again?22:55
x0n-what's the recommended method of installing ubuntu to USB with encrypted persistence?22:56
ufohmm wait a sec...  that one looks right!22:56
oerheksmkusb gives the option for persistence, not encrypted. https://www.linuxuprising.com/2019/03/create-persistent-storage-live-usb-with.html22:57
oerheksso, encrypt the files manually?22:57
oerheksor better: select the usb as target and do a lvm/encryption install22:59
x0n-oerheks: thanks, I saw mkusb, also saw it doesn't support encryption by itself. so you say use mkusb, then cryptsetup reencrypt? for trialrun1 I've used the live installer on a manually created luks partition and adapted the necessary files (lvm/encryption install does not work afaict as it wants to nuke the internal disk). took some tinkering but it boots now23:04
x0n-with this solution, it seems accessing everything is just hella slow. I figure it should be faster when loading the root fs from an isofile?23:04
funabash1Hi regarding ubuntu and certifications, what the most well known certification you can take ?23:18
ufoand apparently grub fixed itself and now all the root='s are UUIDs23:18
DarKByD3signHi all, is anyone aware of any working Ubuntu 16.04 images floating about for the Odroid N2? I ask as I'm trying to run Quickbox and that's the only version it supports unless you pay in which case it supports 18.04?23:21
oerheksseems to be 18.04 only ? https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-n2/os_images/ubuntu23:24
oerheks"We have no plan to support Ubuntu 16.04."23:24
DarKByD3signYeah I noticed that, just wondered whether anyone had done a port.23:25
DarKByD3signThanks @oerheks23:25
=== DarKByD3sign is now known as DarkByD3sign
_Myst_hi all, does anyone know how to tweak ubuntu the onboard keyboard, to make the keys larger for a 2 in touchscreen laptop, thanks in advance23:30
x0n-oerheks: could you kindly review my reply and let me know how you meant "encrypting manually" when using mkusb?23:31
bencc1_is this linux code? "OPENSSL_ia32cap=:~0x20000000"23:43
bencc1_I'm not familiar with "=:~"23:44
oerheksx0n-, choose a encryption to lock a folder? mind that it is a install ubuntu, not updated, so not safe.23:47
oerhekschoose option 2, install to that usb with encryption in the installer23:47
oerheksand that is ugly slow.23:48
x0n-oerheks: ugly slow doesn't begin to describe it...23:55
x0n-doesn't mkusb use partitions for persistence? if so, should be possible to encrypt that with luks, no?23:56
oerheksno, not from mkusb23:56
x0n-how does it work then? file-based storage for persistence?23:58

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